() In late August, the court's will finally came out.

The Jiangning battalion wiped out [-] Tartars. As the commander of the Jiangning battalion, Su Tiancheng's change should have been expected. Who knows, this time's decree did not involve Su Tiancheng.

Lu Xiangsheng was appointed as the Liaodong economic strategy, Zhang Fengyi was appointed as the governor of Datong, and Liang Tingdong was left in the capital and entered the Ministry of Industry, becoming the right servant of the Ministry of Industry.

This adjustment was beyond everyone's expectations. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the position of the Liaodong Economic Strategy is stronger than that of the Governor of Datong. After all, the Liaodong Economic Strategy is fully responsible for the defense of the Tartars. You know, Zhang Fengyi used to be Minister of the Ministry of War and Lu Xiangsheng's direct superior.

Even Su Tiancheng didn't expect that Zhu Youjian would make such an arrangement.

This kind of arrangement, likes and dislikes is too clear, you must know, the emperor should pay attention to things, some things need to be coordinated, no one can be perfect, this time Zhang Fengyi led the sergeant, able to protect the city of Changping, already It is very good, there is no adjustment. After such a big battle, Zhang Fengyi must have seemed confident. When he arrived in Liaodong, he could also command the soldiers of Ming Dynasty very well to resist the invasion of the Tartars.

The merits and demerits are clear, it is a good thing to come, but it also depends on the time.

As for Su Tiancheng's own changes, he has already received news from different channels. After the beginning of the new year, he will leave Henan Mansion and rush to Shaanxi. Over the years, he has always been jumping into the fire pit. Fortunately, he is used to it. With such strength in the Jiangning battalion, it is no big deal to go to Shaanxi to wipe out the bandits.

There is a lot of preparatory work that needs to be done, at least enough food must be hoarded and brought to Shaanxi.

The situation in Shaanxi is very chaotic. It is not the best choice to completely rely on force to wipe out the bandits, but the primary problem.It is still necessary to appease the hearts of the people, cut off the retreat of the rogues, and make the rogues lose their support, so that they can be completely wiped out.

Sun Chengzong is getting old, and he is a little powerless to do things. For an old man in his 70s, his energy is indeed limited.Fortunately, his prestige is different from ordinary people, and the generals under him are still obedient. In addition, Sun Chengzong is mature and prudent in doing things, and can grasp the most critical points, so it has been more than half a year.The rogues could only move around in Shaanxi, and it was impossible to plunder everywhere. Even if the Tatars invaded the northern Zhili area, Sun Chengzong could make proper arrangements to stabilize the situation in Shaanxi.

But because Sun Chengzong is old, he still has some shortcomings in doing things, such as in terms of creation.It seems that there are some flaws. It is said that several large-scale attacks should be launched against the rogues, but they have never happened. This is because Sun Chengzong has always believed that the troops at hand are not enough to completely wipe out the rogues.

In fact, the most important aspect of fighting is not the number of troops, but the morale and combat effectiveness of the army.

The morale of the rogues was hit hard.Especially after the [-] bandits led by Zhang Xianzhong were wiped out, and Zhang Xianzhong was captured alive and then beheaded by the court, some of the bandits began to waver, thinking that there was no future for them.Thinking of being able to surrender to the imperial court, at worst, he would not lose his head.

As for the prestige of Jiangning Camp, it has long been spread among the rogues, and everyone is afraid of Jiangning Camp.Some insightful people among the rogues believed that sooner or later the Jiangning battalion would enter Shaanxi, and at that time, it might be the time of bad luck.

With such thoughts in mind, the morale was low, which was a good opportunity to attack, but it was a pity that Sun Chengzong could not make a decision.

After all, the rogues claim to have 30 people, and Sun Chengzong can mobilize no more than 5 troops. It’s not that there are only these sergeants. With 30 sergeants, less than [-] sergeants are used to deal with rogue bandits who claim to be [-]. This is not Sun Chengzong's style of doing things.

Su Tiancheng also had another idea.

A few years have passed, and the Jiangning camp has made great achievements. It is impossible to keep a low profile. Under such circumstances, some adults in the court will inevitably become suspicious, and it is very likely that they will say something in front of the emperor. This is not a rare thing, it is a very normal situation. Under such circumstances, who knows what Zhu Youjian will think, if he is not afraid of [-], he is afraid of it.

Under such circumstances, Sun Chengzong adopted a defensive posture and delayed launching a large-scale attack on the rogues. In fact, he left the Jiangning camp and himself with a chance. If he denies himself, even Shoufu Wen Tiren doesn't have that ability anymore.

Sun Chengzong has extraordinary qualifications. The ministers in the court, even if they want to attack, have to weigh their weight to see if it can play a role. Besides, Sun Chengzong is already an old man in his 70s. Everyone knows that It is impossible for Sun Chengzong to occupy a high position for a long time. The older he is, the more peaceful and low-key he is. He sees through everything and rarely has any exciting things.

When Zhang Pu entered the third hall, Su Tiancheng was meditating.

The relationship between him and Zhang Pu is already very good. Although Zhang Pu is a bit arrogant, he has taken some detours because of his arrogance, but Zhang Pu's personality is very good. Thoroughly polluted by party disputes in the imperial court, after realizing his own problems, he made corrections very quickly. In less than a year, the Henan government was managed in an orderly manner.

"Master Zhang, what's the matter?"

"The autumn harvest is over. This year's harvest is very good. There will be no more famine in Henan Province. It's just that there are still some troubles in resettling immigrants. Since this year, more refugees have entered Henan Province. All states and counties are Sorry to complain, according to the statistics last month, the total population of thirteen counties in one prefecture of Henan Province has exceeded 200 million, fortunately, the merchants digested some refugees and helped the government a lot."

"During this time, thank you for your hard work. I have almost never asked about the affairs of the government office. I have always been in the Jiangning camp."

"My lord, don't say that. I have always learned from my lord. I look forward to making great achievements. I have learned a lot by my lord's side. Now that I think about it, what I did before is really unbearable. It's not that I met an adult, I don't know what's going on."

"Master Zhang, don't talk about these things. You and I don't need to talk about these things. Are there any difficulties now? I know that the resettlement of refugees is very hard work, but we have to do this kind of thing, God Great difficulties are also to be endured. Think about it, because Henan Province has resettled many refugees, Shaanxi, Shanxi and even the area around Henan are very peaceful. Although Shanxi has suffered a great famine, there has not been a huge It is the responsibility of the imperial court, and it is the responsibility of officials like you and me, to provide food for the common people."

"My lord, I'm still a little worried. The Henan government's ability to bear is limited. Most of the refugees from neighboring prefectures and counties have poured in. If they can't bear it, the consequences are unimaginable. The household registration system implemented by the government government , is somewhat inconsistent with the imperial court’s regulations, if impeachment is encountered, I’m afraid things will backfire.”

"Don't worry about this matter. I know that some adults feel a little uncomfortable seeing the development of Henan Province and accepting many refugees. Doesn't this show that they are incompetent? Even the people below can't do it. To support them, I have long realized that being an official is not a decision for the people, it is better to go home and grow sweet potatoes, and if I don’t impeach them, it is considered good.”

When speaking, Su Tiancheng's face was a little serious.

Zhang Pu looked at Su Tiancheng and sighed slightly.

"My lord, I heard some rumors that my lord and Jiang Ningying have made great achievements and should be promoted, but the imperial court's report came, and my lord did not adjust. I am afraid that my lord offended some high-ranking officials in the court. .”

"I've also heard these rumors, and the same sentence, don't worry about him, we still have a lot of things to do. The harvest in Henan Province this year is very good, especially the sweet potato harvest. So, the prefectures and counties We must try our best to purchase grain, the common people cannot eat so much grain, it is also a good thing to be able to sell it and get silver taels.”

After Zhang Pu left, Song Sijun came to the government office. This time, Su Tiancheng didn't hesitate and arranged the task directly.

"Boss Song, the autumn harvest is over. Your current task is to purchase grain. Your grain line has begun to take shape and has a large throughput. My task for you is to purchase more than 300 million shi of grain. The Henan prefecture doesn’t have enough land, so try to find a way to buy it in Jiangning County, don’t be reluctant to give up money, money is not as important as food.”

"My lord, I will definitely complete the task of purchasing grain. I have received a request from my lord a few days ago, and I have tried every means to purchase a lot of grain. There are currently 170 million shi of grain in storage, but it is impossible to buy that much in Henan Province. It is estimated that they will go to Jiangning County to buy food."

"Well, I know about this situation. The prefectural and county government offices are already purchasing a large amount of grain. At that time, I will ask the government offices at all levels to allocate part of the grain. You have to prepare money to buy these grains. It’s no problem to buy hundreds of thousands of shi, remember, the more food the better, sweet potatoes, corn, wheat, rice, all are fine, in short, it can’t be less than 300 million shi, these grains are useful to me.”

After Song Sijun left, Su Tiancheng breathed a sigh of relief. What he needs most now is food. As for the gold and silver treasures, he took a step back. This time he wiped out [-] Tartars and got a lot of gold and silver treasures, but the food was not enough. Many, the imperial court also has some rewards. The next step, after going to Shaanxi, the most important thing is food. Suppressing the rogues is not only about military operations, but more importantly, doing a good job in people's livelihood. Only then can the rogues be truly and completely wiped out .To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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