Ming politicians

Chapter 471 Unreconciled Zhu Yousong

() (Thanks to the big confusion, yzh187 for voting for the valuable monthly ticket, and thanks to jesonshers and john01b for the reward, thank you.)

When Wang Dazhi reported Zhu Yousong's visit, Su Tiancheng was very surprised.

Zhu Yousong is the son of King Fu, with a noble status and many taboos. Under normal circumstances, he would not go out easily, let alone visit court officials. This is asking for trouble. After such a long time, Su Tiancheng is right. Zhu Yousong also has a little understanding. Speaking of which, Zhu Yousong is a good person. He knows how to handle all aspects of the relationship, and he is not very ostentatious. He always pays attention to his words and deeds. Emperor of Nanming.

How could such a formidable Prince Fu easily visit court officials? Isn't he afraid of impeachment by the officials?

After thinking for a while, Su Tiancheng came to the wing room. He met Zhu Yousong here, so he could explain in the future that the wing room is a place for office and meeting guests, and it is also a place for government officials to handle private affairs. The three halls are purely for official government affairs.

Zhu Yousong is already waiting in the wing room.

"The lower official has seen the young prince."

"Master Su, you are being polite. Today, I came here to visit Master Su. I have something to say. These words may not be appropriate. I don't know if Master Su is willing to give me a chance."

Su Tiancheng was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Zhu Yousong to say such words. Last time because of Zhu Yousong's matter, he reported to the emperor by himself and was severely reprimanded. After that, he paid attention to it. After all, royal affairs are not that simple. If you come by yourself, you are regarded as a relative of the emperor. His wife, Zhu Shenxin, is the younger sister of Jin Wang Zhu Shenxuan, and also the county head of Ming Dynasty.With such a layer of relationship, you need to pay special attention when dealing with the relationship with the vassal king.

Seeing that Su Tiancheng didn't speak immediately, Zhu Yousong smiled and spoke.

"Master Su led the Jiangning Battalion and dominated the battlefield. I admire it very much. During this time, I have always wanted to visit, but there are many restrictions, so I always hesitated. Today I figured it out and mustered up the courage to meet Su. My lord, if Lord Su finds it inconvenient, I will take my leave now."

There was also a smile on Su Tiancheng's face. Zhu Yousong's provocative method didn't have much effect on him. If Zhu Yousong turned around and left, Su Tiancheng wouldn't have any psychological burden. He could pretend that this didn't happen, but he didn't able to do so.The development of Henan Mansion is inseparable from Zhu Yousong's support. For more than a year, King Fu did take the lead and supported any decision made by the government. This aspect is different from the historical description.

But Fu Wang made these contributions, there must be conditions.If you can't get anything, maybe you will change your mind in a very short period of time, and the Henan government will face many difficulties, and there are ways to solve it, but there is no need to do that, everyone is kind.It's the best.

Besides, Su Tiancheng has always believed that it is indeed inappropriate for the Ming Dynasty to imprison the vassal kings and such policies.There is a close relationship between people. It has been a habit since ancient times to use people around you and people who have a certain blood relationship with you. This can also ensure the implementation of policies. As long as the emperor has enough The ability to control the vassal king and dispel the vassal king's ambition of rebellion.

"What does the little prince say, the lower official is only afraid of affecting the little prince. If the little prince doesn't have any fear, what else is there to be afraid of, the little prince has something to say, just say it."

After saying this, Su Tiancheng stood up, took Zhu Yousong, and went straight to the secret room.

Just after entering the secret room, Zhu Yousong's expression became much more serious, and he bowed deeply to Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng was a little strange, he clasped his fists and spoke to Zhu Yousong.

"Why does the little prince give such a big gift, I dare not be an official."

"Master Su's heart, I appreciate it. The last time Master Su was reprimanded by the emperor because of my affairs, it was all my fault. Please don't take it to heart, Lord Su."

"The little prince is very well informed. The officials have long forgotten about this matter."

"Master Su is worthy of being a man. I was unwilling to speak out when I was reprimanded like this. For a while, I still complained about Master Su. After learning the truth, I was very ashamed. My father urged me to pay a special visit to Lord Su to apologize. Apologize."

"The little prince is serious. This is not a big deal. If the subordinate officials are not able to complete the task, there is nothing to say."

"Throw out a peach and return a favor. I came to visit Mr. Su today because I have something in my heart that I want to say. No matter whether these words are right or wrong, they are all from my heart."

"Please tell me, my little prince, I will listen with all my ears."

"The first thing is the relationship between Mr. Su and the royal family. Mrs. Su's wife is the county head of my Daming. In fact, she is also the county head. Her status is unusual. Back then, Zhu Shenxin was downgraded to be the county head. , I used to feel strange. It was not until Master Su married Zhu Shenxin that I understood the truth. If the emperor hadn't thought about it, it would be impossible for Zhu Shenxin to come to Master Su's side. The ancestral system cannot be violated easily. Even if it is the emperor, on the surface, Zhu Shenxin has been wronged, but it is not."

"Master Su married the county lord, so his status will naturally be different."

"The second matter involves the matters of the Jiangning Camp. Needless to say, the bravery of the Jiangning Camp, such a brave and skilled army has always been under the direct control of Mr. Su, and has made many great achievements. It has already been explained that the Jiangning Battalion is inseparable from Master Su, and only under the leadership of Master Su can the Jiangning Battalion play a huge role."

"The third thing involves Mr. Su himself. Since he has built so many achievements, it is natural to be promoted, but Mr. Su is very young. He is in a high position at a young age. The so-called high position is too cold. , Mr. Su is the second place in the palace examination. He took the initiative to choose to go outside. He has many purposes. I am afraid that revitalizing the local area and building a strong army is one of the main purposes. I don’t need to talk too much about it.”

The smile on Su Tiancheng's face slowly disappeared.

Zhu Yousong is very good at talking. It seems that he didn't say anything, but in fact he said everything, and he also pointed out the troubles and dangers that may arise in the future. Why did Zhu Yousong say these words, what is his purpose? Is it just to care about himself?

"The little prince's words are like thunder. I have learned the lesson. I don't know what kind of specific suggestions the prince and the young prince have. If I can say it, I will be grateful."

Zhu Yousong stood up.

"Master Su, you're being polite. I'm just playing tricks on others. In fact, Mr. Su has already thought of many things."

"Little prince doesn't need to say that, the three of us must have my teacher. If the prince and the young prince have any good plans, I hope you can tell the officials bluntly."

Zhu Yousong nodded slightly.

"Speaking of a thousand words and ten thousand, the most important thing is to be strong yourself, just like the Jiangning camp, whether it is to wipe out the rogues or fight against the Tartars, the Jiangning camp can achieve great victories. Under such circumstances, whether it is Whoever, no matter what he thinks in his heart, has to look at the performance of the Jiangning camp and weigh the strength of the Jiangning camp. Under normal circumstances, he does not say that he dares to publicly do things that are not good for the Jiangning camp."

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly, this is the truth, beyond doubt.

"Your Excellency Su is young. In less than five years since the palace examination, he has been the magistrate of the fourth rank and the commander of the Jiangning camp. This is rare in the history of my Ming Dynasty. The wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind It must be destroyed, nature is like this, let alone in the court, Mr. Su's performance like this will naturally threaten the status of some people, who knows what they think, who knows if they will do it behind their backs Come out with some dirty moves."

"I don't know what kind of support Master Su has in the court. It is impossible to have no support, but I think that it is all the effect of external forces. If Master Su can strengthen himself, it is the best choice."

Su Tiancheng's expression changed slightly. If these words came from Zhu Shenxuan, Dong Chang or Qu Qingze's mouth, there would be nothing unusual, but from Zhu Yousong's mouth, it would sound awkward. In any case, Su Tiancheng still needs to be on guard at least. After all, Zhu Yousong is the son of Prince Fu, if he is stabbed in the back, who knows.

Zhu Yousong didn't care about Su Tiancheng's face and continued talking.

"Master Su, don't misunderstand me. What I said just now, in the eyes of Mr. Su, is quite rebellious. In fact, my intention is to ask Mr. Su to recommend talents. After so many years, the party disputes within the court Why is it getting stronger and stronger, and why can't it be banned? It's all for the stability of one's own position. Once you form a group and form strength, others dare not underestimate them. Even if you want to do something behind your back, you must also consider Huge force."

Su Tiancheng already understood what Zhu Yousong meant.

"Thank you for the little prince's reminder. The emperor hates this faction, and the subordinates don't like it. As for the matter of recommending talents, the subordinates have a humble status and don't have that much ability yet."

Zhu Yousong laughed out loud.

"Master Su doesn't trust me. This is normal, and I expected it, but what I said today is the truth, not perfunctory Mr. Su. Please weigh the importance of this, Mr. Su, I always It’s because I feel that when many things cannot be changed for the time being, it’s okay to use them, it’s not a big deal.”

Zhu Yousong said that this step is not easy.

Su Tiancheng also stood up.

"The words of the little prince, I will remember, no matter what happens in the future, I will be very grateful to the prince and the little prince. As for the issue of my own strength, I still need to think about it in the long run." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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