Ming politicians

Chapter 472 Important Suggestion

() Su Tiancheng had indeed listened to Zhu Yousong's words. No matter what, if he didn't have strong support from his side, it would be difficult for him to have sufficient strength to deal with something that happened in the future.

Speaking of Su Tiancheng's side, there are many talented people.

The famous Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou both work in the Zhongxing Academy. The influence of these two people is extraordinary. The most important thing is that although these two people are old, they have already fully accepted Su Tiancheng's point of view They can be regarded as Su Tiancheng's best friends. The relationship between Su Tiancheng and them is that they are both teachers and friends. They are like-minded, and they all want to revitalize the Ming Dynasty. This kind of friendship is far stronger than ordinary people's understanding.

Qu Qingze, Zhang Pu, Hong Chengchou, He Renlong, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Yan Zizhang and others were all in the imperial court, and influential people came to my side and worked with me. Qing Ze and Zhang Pu are not far behind their own understanding, and they can be trusted completely. Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting, He Renlong and others, the focus is on the military. Well-known, Bi Maokang's focus is on the research and development of firearms, and over time, it will play a pivotal role.As for Yan Zizhang, in Jiangning County, he has always implemented his predetermined policy and managed Jiangning County in an orderly manner.These people constitute the structure of their own power center, and it is also the most stable structure.

Su Pingyang, Su Ertong, Su Jun, Wang Dazhi, Ma Huabiao, Liu Zhongji and others belong to Su Tiancheng's family members. Needless to say, these people's thoughts are to protect their own interests with all their strength, and they are even willing to sacrifice their lives.

There are also a large number of talents in the Jiangning camp, including Xiong Zijian, Sun Yuankun, Liu Shiliang, Luo Chang, Liu Tiehan, Qin Rui, Di Huaixiang and others. These people follow him through life and death, and have an unusual relationship of trust with each other. chapter.

Another group is still in the process of running in. These people include Deng Hui, Liu Yunqing, Sun Siming, Sun Sizong, Lu Taibo, Lu Taibing and others, all of whom serve as county magistrates in counties under the jurisdiction of Henan Prefecture.Or doing things in the government office, the understanding of government affairs, gradually getting familiar with it, gradually accepting it, and finally recognizing it.

Liu Jingting, Yue Gaofeng and others who can go up and down are also the people Su Tiancheng needs to rely on, including Lu Tianming who is transferred to the capital.When Su Tiancheng has something to do, he can reach out to help.

The above-mentioned people basically formed the structure of Su Tiancheng's support.

But there is a relatively fatal flaw in it, that is, in the court, Su Tiancheng does not have much to rely on.

Su Tiancheng's support in the imperial court also has a seemingly good group.

The eunuch Wang Chengen was the first to bear the brunt.The second is Dong Chang, the governor of Jinyiwei. Su Tiancheng's mentor Xu Eryi is already the right servant of the Ministry of War, and can play an unusual role at critical moments. As for Weng Tongzhang, Fu Youliang and others, it is unlikely to rely on them.

But these people may not be clear about Su Tiancheng's political views.It may not be fully supported, so this reliance has many uncertain factors. Except for Xu Eryi, Wang Chengen and Dong Chang, the focus in my heart is still the emperor. Many rules have caused conflicts, and they must not be supported.

Sun Chengzong is Su Tiancheng's strongest support.It's a pity that Sun Chengzong is too old.

What cannot be ignored is Lu Xiangsheng, whom Su Tiancheng met this time. Lu Xiangsheng is very upright in his work. Although he is much older, he has no airs in front of Su Tiancheng. In many battles against the Tartars, he always obeyed the arrangements .Although the rank is higher than Su Tiancheng's, such an official is worth making friends with.

Su Tiancheng was not very familiar with Yang Sichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, so he couldn't tell whether it was good or bad.

As for the many adults in the cabinet.Su Tianchengji didn't have much contact. This was also to avoid suspicion. He and Jiang Ningying were already very famous. Under such circumstances, what would Zhu Youjian think if he went to make friends with cabinet ministers? They are all in the palace, but Jin Yiwei is very powerful, and Zhu Youjian knows many things.

From a comprehensive point of view, Su Tiancheng really needs to work hard on assisting.

After becoming an official of the imperial court, everything Su Tiancheng did was within a very small range, including the former Jiangning County and the current Henan Prefecture. These two places are insignificant compared to the vastness of the Ming Dynasty. Although the Zhongxing Institute continues to spread many ideas, but without the support of the higher-level government, some policies are implemented according to the law. For example, what Su Tiancheng did in Jiangning County was approved by the Six Departments of Nanjing and already responded to Tianfu. Full support, after arriving in Henan Mansion, I got the direct concern of the emperor, but the next step, if I go to Shaanxi Province, the territory is bigger, and the implementation of some policies will inevitably touch the interests of the powerful. At this time, the support is particularly important. important.

All things need to be done by people. As long as the main officials at all levels can be firmly controlled, many policies can be implemented. This is especially important in the north.

Su Tiancheng has the power to perform in secret, and Zhu Youjian adopted many of his suggestions, especially after the extermination of [-] Tartars this time, Zhu Youjian regarded him as the most important reliance, so He said that Zhu Youjian would not refuse the suggestion he put forward, but Su Tiancheng himself had to think about it carefully, to cherish this trust, and not to ask for money and power entirely for his own benefit, after all, Zhu Youjian is not a fool , and Zhu Youjian has suffered too much from the minister, so he is very sensitive.

Su Tiancheng wanted to start recommending talents. He had to vigorously recommend talents. There was no point in keeping so many people by his side. The talent team had to grow slowly, and the blood had to circulate continuously.

Before that, Su Tiancheng had the most important thing to do, which was to recommend the prince or the younger brother of the prince.

This is the result of Su Tiancheng's careful consideration.

The Ming Dynasty’s feeling that the vassal kings were not allowed to intervene in politics was mainly due to the rebellion of the vassal kings several times in history. Once bitten by a snake for ten years, they were afraid of well ropes. Thinking of once and for all, in fact, such a decision did not have a good effect, on the contrary it caused a lot of trouble.

The status of the vassal kings is different. Since they cannot participate in politics, they can only indulge in pleasure. Pleasure requires money. Therefore, in their respective fiefs, these vassal kings wantonly amass money and infringe on the interests of the common people. The dynasty has lasted for hundreds of years, and there are more and more vassal kings. Because they cannot participate in politics, most of them choose to enjoy themselves, which makes the image of the emperor's relatives and relatives very bad. Indifferent, even worse than ordinary people.

As a time traveler, Su Tiancheng deeply understands that the role of education is extraordinary. The vassal king has money, and he is willing to spend money on the education of his offspring. Generally speaking, the quality of the royal family is good. Wouldn't it be a pity to not use talents.

Moreover, members of the royal family's participation in politics can, to a certain extent, curb the spread of party disputes and consolidate imperial power.

In any case, in this era, consolidating imperial power is conducive to social development.

Su Tiancheng himself is also a relative of the emperor. Zhu Shenxuan and Zhu Yousong made a deep impression on him. If these two were the governors of one side, they would definitely be able to do things. Within, will not fall into the situation of corruption.

Let the vassal king or his children come out to do things, and the sky will not fall.

As for the matter of the vassal king's rebellion, as long as there are institutional constraints, it can be restrained to the greatest extent.

Rebellion requires an army. If the Ming Dynasty can slowly change the setting and organizational system of the army, the general power will be firmly controlled by the court, the number of troops will be reduced on a large scale, and local officials will not be able to interfere in military affairs, just like hundreds of years later. Set up military districts in different regions, and the local public security is mainly directly responsible for the inspection department. By separating the military from the civil affairs, the ruling position can be firmly maintained.

Of course, there are a lot of things to do here. If we can't develop the economy and build up the prestige of the country, everything is useless.

Su Tiancheng even thought about establishing a bank, but he didn't dare to do it lightly. If the country's financial resources are not enough to maintain the operation of the foundation, the bank will be the most powerful weapon to destroy the country.

Things need to be done one by one. The current priority is to wipe out the bandits, and then wipe out the Tartars. If necessary, expand outward and plunder wealth.

Su Tiancheng has many ideas, but he can't be in a hurry.

Recommending the vassal king or his sons to participate in politics is the first step for him. As long as he can unite most of the vassal kings, his position will be consolidated unprecedentedly.

To do this, it is necessary to clearly explain the powerful relationship in it, and it must be carefully considered. This is a major decision, and Zhu Youjian cannot easily make a decision. This is tantamount to revising the ancestral system.

Su Tiancheng locked himself in the room for three full days without being disturbed by anyone.

He finally wrote the memorial.

Qu Qingze and Zhang Pu, after reading this memorial, Qu Qingze's performance was very peaceful and he didn't make a fuss, but Zhang Pu's reaction was different, his face turned pale, and he advised Su Tiancheng not to go to this memorial. Su Tiancheng and Zhang Pu debated for more than an hour, and finally convinced Zhang Pu. Zhang Pu was convinced that Su Tiancheng's suggestion was correct.

In the next few days, Su Tiancheng carefully considered the dispute between himself and Zhang Pu, as well as the sensitive issues involved, and wrote it into the memorial.

After the memorial was completely finalized, Su Tiancheng submitted it without hesitation.

This is a memorial to change the direction of the Ming Dynasty. Since then, a series of vigorous reforms have been launched. Of course, there are also many disputes and struggles in this process.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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