() It took only a week for Su Tiancheng to go out to the capital immediately when he received the imperial decree.

This was within his expectation. It would be strange if Zhu Youjian didn't react at all to such an important matter. What's more, he put a lot of thought into this memorial, and the reasons are very sufficient. There are also many examples that are quite convincing.

Su Tiancheng has made up his mind that he must gain something when he goes to the capital this time, that is to say, he must ask Zhu Youjian to agree to his suggestion. In fact, as long as Zhu Youjian reads his memorial carefully, he will understand The truth of it.

At the beginning of September, Su Tiancheng came to the capital again. It was not long since he left the capital last time. It happened that both Wang Furong and Liu Rushi were about to give birth. It was beautiful to be able to see the birth of their child in the capital this time.

When he arrived at the official post, before Su Tiancheng had time to rest, the eunuchs from the palace came.

This time, because the matter was so important, Su Tiancheng did not leave to go home, but chose to wait at the official post, thinking that he would have to wait for a few days. You Jian attaches great importance to this memorial of his own, probably because he has read it carefully and has an idea in his heart.

Following the eunuch to the Forbidden City, seeing the eunuch walking directly towards the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Tiancheng murmured in his heart, this conversation is too important, last time he brought it up by himself, please ask Prince Fu's son Zhu Yousong to join the Jiangning Camp , What he got was Zhu Youjian's reprimand. Could it be that this time also had such an ending, and everything can't be too good. If the emperor summoned him to Beijing for reprimand, it means that the situation is a bit serious.

Entering the Hall of Mental Cultivation, it was empty inside, and even the eunuch serving was not seen. Zhu Youjian sat behind the imperial case, and Wang Chengen stood behind him.head down.

This indicated that the conversation was conducted alone, and Zhu Youjian hadn't made the memorial public, otherwise the court would not be so peaceful. You must know that those censors and ministers are not just for nothing.If he came across such an opportunity, he didn't know how he would make a big fuss, and even ask him to cut off Su Tiancheng's head, he would say it.

Zhu Youjian's expression was very serious, and on the imperial case was a memorial that Su Tiancheng was very familiar with.

"The magistrate of Chenhe Province and the commander of the Jiangning battalion all envoy Su Tiancheng to pay homage to the emperor. Long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

"Su Aiqing, there is no need to be too polite. I have read your memorial many times, and what you said is indeed very reasonable. I am a little moved. I send you to the capital. I just want to hear your explanation. Some questions, you answer carefully."

"The minister obeys the order."

Su Tiancheng felt that his back was sweating slightly, and it had entered autumn, the most comfortable season. However, Su Tiancheng still felt a little hot. Today's face-to-face.It's too critical, there can't be any mistakes.

"You know all the lessons I have learned for so many years. I don't want to say more about royal matters. You have the courage to write such a memorial. These are matters that Minister Wu taboos. I didn't expect you to think of them. You This is the second time I brought it up, and the first time it was for Zhu Yousong's affairs. I have reprimanded you unceremoniously, and I want to know what kind of courage you have to bring forward such memorials again and again .”

Su Tiancheng stabilized his mind a little.

"I have already mentioned in the memorial that my heart is selfless and magnanimous. I am afraid that the emperor thinks that I did not tell the truth. I really think so. Everything is for the prosperity of the Ming Dynasty."

Zhu Youjian frowned.

"Su Aiqing, I know that you have something hard to say. I have read this memorial many times, and I feel a bit hesitant to say anything. I am here today, and I just want to hear you tell the truth, which nourishes the heart. In the palace, apart from Zhen, there are princes and fathers, just say what you have to say, don't worry about it."

There is also a reason for Zhu Youjian to say these words. The officials in the imperial court are too powerful. As long as they grasp a little bit of excuses, there will be endless impeachment and quarrels. It seems that their responsibility is like this. It is a pity that those imperial officials The requirements in the matter are too high. According to their impeachment requirements, the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty must be perfect. These officials themselves can't do this. Wouldn't it be too ridiculous to ask the court's Minister Wu to do so? .

However, this kind of atmosphere is very popular in the imperial court.

Zhu Youjian trusted Wen Tiren very much. Over the years, Wen Tiren's chief assistant in the cabinet has done a good job, at least stabilizing the situation in the court, but there are still many officials impeaching Wen Tiren.

From this point of view, Zhu Youjian is not very interested in the Yanguan, but he can't stop the Yanguan's mouth. In that case, I don't know how to talk about him as the emperor.

It was not easy for Su Tiancheng to submit this memorial. Of course, he dared not say a lot of things. It involved the internal affairs of the royal family. If he didn't pay attention, it would be a crime of losing his head.

"The emperor said so, and the subject is bold."

Su Tiancheng sorted out his emotions again, and talked freely.

"Your Majesty, the main purpose of writing this memorial is to consolidate the imperial power and to make the emperor's will be carried out more quickly. The reason for this has already been explained in detail in the memorial."

"The emperor still remembers the story in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Cao Cao was about to attack Soochow. The ministers of Soochow suggested surrendering, but Sun Quan could not surrender. After the ministers surrendered, they could still be reused and enjoy the glory and wealth, but Sun Quan couldn't do it. Encountering bad luck, this story actually shows that the goals of the emperor and the ministers are inconsistent."

"The minister did not mean to slander Minister Wu by saying this."

"Su Aiqing, in your memorial, this issue was mentioned emphatically. I want to hear your truth. If you have anything to say, I will tell you everything."

"Your Majesty, if this minister speaks out, I implore the Emperor to think carefully and not to be influenced by the opinions expressed by the minister. If these opinions expressed by the minister affect the stability of the court, the minister will be a sinner through the ages."

Zhu Youjian nodded and didn't speak. From Su Tiancheng's memorial, he had already discovered the problem. Although Su Tiancheng didn't express it clearly, there were some things that he didn't think about, or he didn't find the reason.

"I believe that the biggest problem in the imperial court is party struggle. This is mainly manifested in two aspects. It has formed a chronic disease that is difficult to eliminate. If we can't think of a good way, the revitalization of our Ming Dynasty will be nothing but empty talk."

"The first aspect is that party struggles have led to the formation of bureaucratic groups. Military officials in the imperial court have transformed into a bureaucratic landlord class. They are officials, landlords, and merchants. They use their power to annex land, conceal their properties, and escape. Taxation, blindly asking for, not dedicating, they seek huge commercial profits, directly control smuggling, resulting in a sharp decline in the government's fiscal revenue, they even began to control the army, for their own benefit, in their eyes, the country's Interests and personal interests are reversed, for their own interests, they don't care about the poverty of the country."

"Secondly, party struggles have caused the official group to begin to fight against the imperial power. Although officials cannot be hereditary, most of the family members of officials can directly enter the bureaucratic ranks. Even if they cannot pass the imperial examinations, they can also enter through the Imperial College and other forms. When it comes to the bureaucracy, they slowly begin to control the government through the form of family and clan. The more clan children who enter the court, the more their interests can be guaranteed. The most obvious examples are the sea ban and salt tax. It can directly increase the revenue of the imperial court, but they are opposed to it. What the ministers did in Jiangning County is to open the sea ban, levy salt tax, and prohibit the spread of private salt."

"I have married Zhu Shenxin, the head of the county, and I am a member of the royal family, so I have been thinking about this issue all the time. Why do many speech officials in the court, including many ministers, do not hesitate to be flogged or even beheaded? The court debated with the emperor. If they were said to be selfless and loyal, the ministers would not believe it. They did so and gained the best reputation. The emperor could not and did not dare to punish them based on etiquette. There are endless debates about small things, and some people even use this form to prevent the implementation of policies that are contrary to their own interests. If this situation continues, national interests will inevitably suffer losses.”

"I have always believed that everyone has selfish ideas. I said that the minister's idea is that if you become an official in the court, you can at least support your family and let your family have a decent status. If this is not enough, what do you do with empty talk Come out and contribute, that's too fake and not convincing."

"The minister suggested that the vassal king should come out to be an official and hold power. In fact, it has been analyzed for a long time. The status and identity of the vassal king are different. No matter how much they think, they must at least safeguard the interests of the royal family. In this regard, they Heguan's thinking is different, after all, they know who owns the world, and if the emperor uses them well, he will definitely get good results."

A smile appeared on Zhu Youjian's face.

"Su Aiqing, you have finally told the truth. The memorial is secretive. I really dare not write these words. I think what you said is very reasonable. It seems that the imperial family members are not always harmful when they become officials. of."

There was also a smile on Su Tiancheng's face. There was already a layer of meaning hidden in his point of view. As the emperor, he just needs to be decisive. When it comes to major issues, once he is sure, don't hesitate, and don't take it into consideration. Despite Minister Wu's opposition, reform always comes at a price.

The conversation that followed went much smoother. Su Tiancheng shared all his knowledge, and even Zhu Youjian discussed some specific matters.

Wang Chengen kept his head down all the time, and occasionally looked up at Su Tiancheng with deep eyes.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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