Ming politicians

Chapter 474 Battle of the Fortifications

() It is not a big deal to let the vassal king come out to participate in politics, but the difficulties are huge.

Su Tiancheng, who had long thought of reform, established the Zhongxing Academy. Up to now, the views of the Zhongxing Academy have gradually spread in the society. In some places in the south, their influence even exceeds that of Fushe and Donglin Academy. It was Zhang Pu, the leader of Fushe, who took the initiative to join the Zhongxing Academy, which caused a huge impact.

But such influence has not yet penetrated into the imperial court.

In the imperial court, the power of the Donglin Party is still extraordinary. The party struggle is mainly between the Donglin Party and the Zhejiang Party. The Zhongxing Academy has little influence in the imperial court.

Su Tiancheng's inner understanding of the Donglin Party is very bad, especially after crossing, he came into contact with some students and officials of the Donglin Party, and he became even more disgusted.

In Su Tiancheng's view, the Donglin Party was originally a group formed by a small group of unwilling bureaucrats and gentry. This group began to grow slowly by controlling public opinion and influencing the government. success.

The Ming Dynasty's sitting teacher system made the Donglin Party begin to grow rapidly. After passing the imperial examinations, the students of heaven and earth, masters and teachers, naturally worshiped under the name of the chief examiner and became the chief examiner's student. No matter you What was your identity before.It is said that the purpose of the imperial examination is to select talents for the emperor and the court. Unfortunately, this kind of system of sitting on the teacher's seat has changed the students who passed the exam into private talents selected by the bureaucracy.

This move is too ruthless. Just imagine, the student passed the imperial examination, and just entered the court, he was labeled. The teacher who followed you belonged to a certain official group, and all your political opinions must conform to This is the official group's request, otherwise you will be deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors.Your future is closely related to this official group. Such a system will naturally produce political party groups.

Through such means, the Donglin Party grew quietly and began to influence the government on a large scale.

This is a normal situation, and such situations have occurred in all dynasties, but the sad thing is that the Donglin Party has no specific political ideas.Their demands have historically been vague.

Su Tiancheng summed up the demands of the Donglin Party. Their purpose is to limit the imperial power to the greatest extent, and spare no effort to strengthen the power of the official group. The way to grow is to start from the economic aspect. They demand cautious independence.Everyone is required to have incomparably noble sentiments, and everyone is a moral model. Unfortunately, their requirements are castles in the sky, and they cannot be fulfilled at all.

The emperor is not a fool, he can notice this problem.

Powerful emperors, such as Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, used iron and blood methods.Suppress the official group and consolidate the imperial power.

The irony is that when the imperial power was consolidated, the development of society showed a benign trend. When the country became rich and the people strong, and the interests of the official group prevailed, the country began to decline.

It is based on this understanding that Su Tiancheng must consolidate the imperial power.Do what is forbidden.

To achieve this, one must face the entire official group and a class. Therefore, such reforms are not destined to be so simple.

The key person here is Zhu Youjian.

After so many contacts.Su Tiancheng felt that Zhu Youjian was not a foolish king, let alone the tyrants described in the official history, and he was by no means useless.At least Zhu Youjian is very strict with himself.

But Zhu Youjian's shortcomings are also obvious, that is, he is still lacking in the ability to govern the country.

A young man who grew up in a deep palace, experienced the threats of Wei Zhongxian and Keshi, and almost lost his life. He became the throne at the age of 16. He didn't understand the life of the people, and it was even more difficult to accept the system of imperial thinking. Education, Zhu Youjian never had the chance to be emperor. He was only the younger brother of Mingxi Zong Zhu Youxiao. Because Zhu Youxiao was in poor health, he died after seven years in office and had no heirs, so he was able to become emperor.

It is reasonable to describe Zhu Youjian as talented and ambitious.

But Zhu Youjian trusts the talented minister very much. This kind of trust is almost to the point where it cannot be increased. It is a pity that the result of this kind of trust is not what he imagined. The situation of the country is getting worse and worse. After a long time, a young man will inevitably have various problems. It is difficult to trust the minister unconditionally as he did at the beginning, and even when dealing with the government, it is a bit of a child's play.

Su Tiancheng silently made contributions, which made Zhu Youjian start to re-examine his own problems, and began to trust Su Tiancheng unconditionally. This time, Su Tiancheng seized the opportunity to inject vitality into the Ming Dynasty, which was on the verge of collapse, and lay down a new era. Injecting a booster, under such circumstances, Su Tiancheng was about to start taking action, starting to implement his ambition.

The purpose of sending it out is to avoid party disputes, to really make deeds, rely on these achievements, slowly influence the emperor, slowly start to implement many of its own ideas, and slowly start the pace of reform.

When the conditions are ripe, Su Tiancheng will not wait any longer, even though he is only the magistrate of Henan Prefecture.

During the conversation in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Youjian expressed his worries without hesitation. He was afraid that the dynasty would be turbulent, that he would not be able to control the situation, that the official groups would rise up to resist, and that the gentry and wealthy households would not support him. Speaking these words in front of him also shows that Zhu Youjian is really a little afraid.

Su Tiancheng gave Zhu Youjian the greatest confidence, and he made a detailed analysis.

The continuation of the Ming Dynasty is firstly to control the army, and secondly to control the lifeline of the economy. As long as these two aspects are grasped, there is no need to worry too much. The purpose of letting the royal family's children come out to do things is to disperse the power of the official group. Don't worry, at least the Jiangning Camp and the Datong Frontier Army fully support the emperor. The five provincial armies controlled by Sun Chengzong are also loyal to the emperor. The taxation of Jiangning County has initially solved the problem of the imperial court's lack of money. These two aspects, currently They are all relying on, so there is no need to worry about some ministers making trouble, involving reform matters, it is best to use gentle means, and don't be afraid at critical moments, killing a few people is no big deal.

After Zhu Youjian and Su Tiancheng analyzed the current situation, they finally made a decision to adopt Su Tiancheng's suggestion to loosen the feudal princes and let them come out to do things.

During the discussion, Su Tiancheng also mentioned the issue of eunuchs.

Although Su Tiancheng received the greatest support from Wang Chengen, he was also outspoken when it came to the issue of eunuchs. Su Tiancheng had a somewhat different understanding from other ministers. He did not object to the emperor granting eunuchs certain powers, but the key was to control the eunuchs. The eunuch's power cannot be made to do whatever he wants. To a certain extent, the eunuch is the embodiment of the emperor, expressing his wishes on behalf of the emperor at all times. The power of the eunuch is completely given by the emperor, which is different from Minister Wu. .

Su Tiancheng expressed his own understanding, but what he didn't expect was that Zhu Youjian was going to ask him to be in charge of enabling the feudal prince or the son of the feudal prince to enter the court to do things, and Su Tiancheng immediately expressed his opposition.

Regardless of Zhu Youjian's ugly look, Su Tiancheng explained again.

It is a big deal for the vassal king and his children to come out to do things and become officials in the court, and they will inevitably encounter strong opposition. It can suppress the voices of opposition to the greatest extent, and, with the implementation of this matter, there are some follow-up things to be done. Sometimes, the minister who presides over this matter is likely to encounter many sieges, or even fight alone.

Su Tiancheng did not shirk his own responsibilities, as long as the emperor issued an order, he would fully support him, no matter what kind of situation he encountered, he would not be afraid, if someone objected, or even threatened to make trouble, Jiang Ningying was not a vegetarian.

The person Su Tiancheng recommended was Sun Chengzong.

As for presiding over the extermination of the bandits, Lu Shanji could be in charge. For these years, Lu Shanji had been following Sun Chengzong, and he already knew the habits of the bandits and how to wipe out the bandits.

Zhu Youjian identified Sun Chengzong almost without thinking.

Sun Chengzong's qualifications are almost unmatched in the imperial court. He was the teacher of the first emperor and ranked among the three princes. He made great contributions in the fight against the Tartars and bandits, and recommended and promoted a large number of officials.

Sun Chengzong is getting older, already in his 70s, and it seems inappropriate to continue to run around on the battlefield. It is very appropriate to come to the capital to preside over the affairs of the vassal king and the vassal prince's younger brothers.

Of course, Sun Chengzong will encounter many problems, including the opposition of the ministers in the court and the doubts from all parties. After hearing the news, the vassal king will definitely try his best to meet Sun Chengzong. Everyone wants to arrange things for themselves, but the implementation In the early days, we must be cautious. There must be not many feudal princes and their sons who can enter the court to do things. As for the matter of the feudal princes and younger brothers taking the imperial examination, it is a matter of course.

After discussing and deciding on all the matters, Su Tiancheng raised the request again.

Mr. Sun Chengzong is old, and it is difficult to preside over this matter by himself. It is best to have several assistants. Su Tiancheng recommended Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou to assist Sun Chengzong.

Hearing Su Tiancheng put forward this suggestion, Zhu Youjian, who has always been serious, showed a comfortable smile. How could he not understand that if Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou agreed to this matter, many ministers in the court, Even thinking about fierce opposition has little effect. Sun Chengzong has great qualifications and influence among the military ministers. Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou are both great Confucian scholars, and their influence among students is also extraordinary.

The decree was issued soon.

Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou were called to enter the capital.

Of course, when they arrived in the capital, the first thing they saw was not the emperor, but Su Tiancheng.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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