Ming politicians

Chapter 475 Battle of the Fortifications

() (Thanks to john01b and Immortal Star for their rewards, thank you.

In his spare time, Su Tiancheng was able to go home and reunite with his family.

The mansion of the Su family has long been the attention of the officials in the capital. Su Tiancheng has made such a great contribution, and it will be a matter of time before he is promoted. Naturally, there are quite a few officials who come to make friends. Fortunately, Su Tiancheng does not belong to any Although his mentors Xu Eryi, Fu Youliang and Weng Tongzhang belonged to different groups, Su Tiancheng has never been able to brand it. This is also because Su Tiancheng is too outstanding, and no one dares to say that he has complete control Su Tiancheng.

When Su Tiancheng was at home, he stayed at home, waiting for his child's arrival. <Ping, I’m a bit spoiled. After Su Tiancheng came home, he still had strict requirements on his son and daughter, and he talked about this with Zhu Shenxin and Chunping more than once, that is, he must be strict. Three years old Look at the young, look at the old at the age of seven, children must be strictly educated.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

The eunuch finally arrived at the mansion, this time, he informed Su Tiancheng to go directly to the official post.

Su Tiancheng knew that Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou had arrived in the capital, and his task was to persuade the three of them. You must know that the three of them might not necessarily agree with letting the children of the royal family come out to do things.

When they came to the inn, the eunuch didn't go in, but went back to the palace when he reached the door.

Entering the room, Su Tiancheng saw that Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, and Huang Daozhou were talking eloquently, with smiles on their faces. The three of them once worked together to run the Zhongxing Academy well. Later, Sun Chengzong was in charge of exterminating the bandits, and Liu Zongzhou followed Henan Prefecture, founded Zhongxing Academy.Huang Daozhou stayed in Jiangning County and continued to consolidate the Zhongxing Academy. Speaking of which, the three of them hadn't been reunited for more than a year.

"The younger generation pays homage to your lords."

Seeing Su Tiancheng coming in, the three of them stopped talking, but they didn't stand up to greet him, as if they lacked the intimacy they had before.

Su Tiancheng noticed.There is a letter on the table, which is exactly the scripture I wrote. It seems that Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou have all read this scripture, and their attitudes must be against it, otherwise such a situation would not have happened.

Su Tiancheng secretly sighed.Ordinarily, Sun Chengzong and others founded the Zhongxing Academy, and their ideological understanding has been somewhat different, but after seeing this memorial, they still hold opposing opinions, which shows that this matter is being promoted.How difficult is it.

"Kun Yuan, you are here. The old man, Mr. Liu, and Mr. Huang just arrived in the capital. The father-in-law in the palace sent this memorial. The old man is discussing with the two adults. We did not expect that you actually proposed such a memorial, old man. I also know. The purpose of your coming here, since you’re here, let’s talk about it openly, the key is to talk about what you think and why you made such a suggestion.”

Just after Sun Chengzong finished speaking, Liu Zongzhou also spoke.

"Kun Yuan. You should know that vassal kings are forbidden to participate in politics. This is a rule established by the late emperor and cannot be broken. In the history of the Ming Dynasty for more than 300 years, the chaos of vassal kings is vivid. It is precisely because of these reasons that Only the imperial court has the rule that vassal kings cannot participate in politics, you should know it, but I don’t know why you made such a suggestion.”

Huang Daozhou nodded slightly, but did not speak, it seems that the opinions are also unanimous.

Su Tiancheng didn't speak immediately. He knew that Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou must have read the memorial carefully and had some thoughts. He needed to clear up what kind of views Sun Chengzong and others had.

Sure enough, Liu Zongzhou spoke again.

"Kun Yuan, we've read your memorial carefully, and it's very reasonable. It's not the same thing. That's why we want to hear your thoughts. You have outstanding knowledge and extraordinary talents. We know that we will not decide on a matter lightly. The reason for proposing such a memorial must have been considered for a long time. It has been several years since Zhongxing Institute was established, and our understanding is different from before. As long as you It makes sense, and we can still accept it.”

With a smile on Su Tiancheng's face, he understood the attitude of Sun Chengzong and others, and he felt that things had hope.

"This junior has really thought about it for a long time in writing this memorial. It can be said that this junior thought of this matter before he decided to establish Zhongxing Academy."

Sun Chengzong and the others were very surprised. They felt more and more that Su Tiancheng's thoughts were far-reaching. After reading the memorial, what Su Tiancheng said was indeed reasonable, and the examples were sufficient.

"My lords are worried about the vassal king's rebellion. This is the actual situation, but it's not a big deal. As long as the system is in place and the customer service is good, today I'm at the inn, so I'll just say it straight."

"Looking at the several vassal rebellions in my Ming Dynasty, it is thought-provoking. The younger generation concluded why these rebellions occurred and why the court was in turmoil. In the final analysis, there are various reasons, but because of these things , involves a lot of taboos, and Minister Wu dare not discuss it in private, so that when people conclude, they always put the board on the rebellious vassal king, so they adopted the most stupid method to prohibit the vassal king from participating in politics."

"The summary of this aspect, the younger generation has already mentioned it in the memorial, and the adults have also seen it. The younger generation does not want to repeat it, but just wants to emphasize one point. Not all vassal kings want to rebel. Among them, there are quite a few Talented people still want to make contributions to the court and the country.”

"The most important reason for the younger generation to suggest that the vassal prince come out to do things is to change the current court structure."

"In front of the three adults, this junior will not hide much, and the words he speaks may be very fierce. The junior's thoughts are also the starting point for the adults to understand the junior."

"Since the Wanli period, the situation of our Ming Dynasty has been deteriorating day by day, and we have not regained the glory of the past. There are various reasons for this, but party struggle is an inevitable problem, and it is the most important problem. What the younger generation said The party struggle that I think is not just a simple struggle for power and profit, but also contains this deep meaning, which is to limit the imperial power."

"Imperial power and ministerial power are always in opposition. These are two aspects that cannot be reconciled. The three adults should understand the truth of it after so many years in the Zhongxing Academy. According to the conclusion of the younger generation, the imperial power is stable and the ministerial power is assisted. When the country is in a rising state, the country is rich and the people are strong, the imperial power is weakened, and the ministers' power is strong, the country is in chaos, the people are in distress, and they encounter foreign invasion."

"Don't talk about the dynasty, just talk about the eye-catching Tang Dynasty, the rule of Zhenguan, just talk about the period when the imperial power was highly consolidated. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the imperial power was completely lost, which led to the demise of the dynasty."

"The prosperity of the dynasty cannot be simply summarized in one or two aspects. Historians have made many conclusions. For example, the Shendu proposed by Mr. Liu is a solution. By improving the overall quality of the ruler , come to be a good agent of government affairs, the younger generation is based on this idea, and first proposed that the vassal king and the vassal prince's younger brother participate in politics to change the current situation."

"The purpose of the younger generation's proposal to establish Zhongxing Academy is to weaken the role of Fushe and Donglin Academy. This is because the younger generation thinks that the purpose of the establishment of Fushe and Donglin Academy may be good in the early days, but they developed later. , has become the source of party disputes, has no specific political views, blindly restricts imperial power, and even takes pride in arguing with the emperor."

"The juniors especially find it incomprehensible that later on, the emperor's basic necessities of life are monitored by the ministers all the time. If the emperor eats better, or accepts a concubine, there will always be ministers who will come out to object. Asking the emperor to be pure-hearted and indifferent, and to worry about the affairs of the family and the country. Could it be that these ministers themselves do not accept concubines, eat well, or dress well? Could it be that, as important ministers in the court, they pay attention to the emperor's basic necessities? Is it quality work?"

"Through their own observations, the younger generation believes that the power of the ministers has reached the point where it cannot be lost. For this reason, the party struggle in the court has become more and more fierce. The direction of the party struggle has long been turned to control talents. Before entering the imperial court, the talented people became the talents of a certain group. With the strong protection of the group, the interests of the gentry, rich households and court officials were guaranteed to the greatest extent, and all of them were rich and ostentatious. .”

"Under such circumstances, what happened? The country is poor, and the people live in dire straits. Since the first year of Chongzhen, so many years have passed, and the facts have fully proved this point."

"If your lords can't understand, then your lords will always pay attention to the actions of the younger generation and the situation of Jiangning County and Henan Prefecture."

"The younger generation mobilized the interests of the gentry and wealthy households and asked them to make contributions. The younger generation changed the structure of taxation and rested with the people. Everything they did was to limit the power of the bureaucracy."

"The support the juniors get is extraordinary. In Jiangning County and Henan Province, there is extraordinary support. In addition, these two places are not big, so the juniors have not encountered many difficulties. But if you think about it in my Daming It may be extremely difficult to push away the provincial capitals, states and counties."

"But if we don't do these things, it will be difficult for our Ming Dynasty to revitalize. There are Tartars outside and bandits making trouble inside. Under such a critical situation, if we, Ming, don't want to change, what the consequences will be, needless to say."

"The younger generation thinks a lot, but they have to do things step by step. The first thing is to let the vassal kings participate in the administration of state affairs, enter the court as officials, and let them make their own contributions to the development of the Ming Dynasty. Of course, they enter the court. It will have a huge impact on party disputes, and in this regard, the younger generation does not want to talk empty words, let the facts speak for themselves.”

The room was very quiet. Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou were all thinking carefully about what Su Tiancheng said. Liu Zongzhou picked up the letter and read it carefully again. Combined with what Su Tiancheng said, he read the memorial again. I saw the deep meaning contained in it.To be continued. , welcome to the starting point (qidian votes for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. mqidian read.)

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