Ming politicians

Chapter 476 Start

() On September [-]th, the emperor issued an imperial edict, which shocked the imperial court.

Sun Chengzong was appointed as a scholar of Huadian University, appointed as a junior teacher, entered the cabinet, and became the second assistant of the cabinet, Liu Zongzhou was appointed as the censor of Zuodu, and was appointed as the prince Taibao, Huang Daozhou was appointed as the imperial envoy of the right capital, and was appointed as the prince's Taibao. With the assistance of the clan's mansion, Lu Shanji was awarded the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, the governor of Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, and Sichuan provinces, and was responsible for the extermination of the bandits.

This is an imperial decree that can't be concealed by thunder. The minister of court and military affairs already knows that the children of the royal family are about to enter the court as officials, and the emperor has completely changed the previous policy.

This decree has two meanings.

Apart from the fact that the children of the royal family will enter the imperial court, there is another meaning. The imperial court is preparing to launch a final siege against the bandits. The Jiangning battalion entered Shaanxi. Su Tiancheng was appointed as the governor of Shaanxi. Lu Shanji was not in charge of military affairs in Shaanxi. The Jiangning battalion will shoulder the important task of exterminating the bandits.

Discussions in the court are inevitable.

Facing such explosive news, the shock in the imperial court was extraordinary.

But this time, Zhu Youjian was very tough. Whether it was the censor or the memorial to the matter, he would not release it. Even in the early court, he clearly requested that all ministers of military affairs should not discuss without authorization.

Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou already knew their tasks. When they returned to the court, they were immediately given such an important task. One can imagine their feelings, especially Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou, who directly entered the high-level and were appointed as princes Less insurance, such a responsibility, is extraordinary.

Therefore, at the court meeting, the three made a clear statement.Support the decision made by the emperor, and must complete the task.

The prestige of the three people is extraordinary. Some of the ministers in the court have lost their way and don't know how to launch an attack. For many years, the ministers in the court.They were all able to publicly refute the emperor's decision, but this time, they couldn't find a breakthrough, and the emperor made it very clear that if someone made a decision secretly, after finding out.Never forgive.

The shock of the imperial decree was heard not only in the capital, but also in the feudal lords everywhere.

Such news is extraordinary for the feudal lord.

For many years, the life of the vassal king has no meaning, and he has been supported by the court.Just like raising pigs, eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating, even if there is a big deal, there is no place to display it. They are stared at by Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and they dare not act rashly. They have no political status at all. The target of the minister's bullying.

The prince and the son of the prince.It is a decisive change that they can enter the court as officials. From this moment on, their political status has completely changed. This also shows that they are the children of the royal family, and their status is noble.

Kings everywhere.The shock received was huge.

Many vassal kings immediately summoned their family members after learning about this incident.Bathing and burning incense, worshiping the emperor and ancestors, the farsighted vassal king put forward strict requirements on the children of the family.

Jin Wang Zhu Shenxuan first wrote down the memorial, which was presented to the court. The memorial was to praise the emperor, and at the same time, he showed that he was willing to make the greatest contribution to the revitalization of the Ming Dynasty. Then the memorial was presented by King Fu and his son Zhu Yousong.

After the imperial decree was issued, Su Tiancheng was about to leave the capital and rush to Shaanxi Province.

He was only 25 years old. At such an age, he served as the governor of Shaanxi and became a high-ranking official of the third rank. This was the only situation in the Ming Dynasty, and it was also the greatest manifestation of the emperor's absolute trust and his own ability.

The rest time is only ten days. On September 25th, Su Tiancheng will set off for Shaanxi Province. During these ten days, Su Tiancheng still has too many things to do.

The first thing, he needs to make suggestions to Sun Chengzong and others. Among the first batch of appointed vassal kings and vassal princes and brothers, Jin Wang Zhu Shenxuan and Fu Wang Shizi Zhu Yousong cannot be missing.

The imperial decree clarifies that Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou are responsible for the arrangement of the royal family members. In fact, Su Tiancheng is also involved. Now, the court ministers and all walks of life know that this "rebellious" suggestion was made by Su Tiancheng. In other words, the real responsibility lies on Su Tiancheng's head.

Su Tiancheng knew that Sun Chengzong and the others definitely wanted to find him.

Su Tiancheng didn't wait long.

On September [-]th, he came to the Forbidden City.

Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, and Huang Daozhou were all in Huadian. Except for the three, there was no one else in the hall. It seemed that they had undergone special preparations. You must know that the three of them were very busy. After the imperial edict was issued, the people who came to visit, There was a long queue, and these people were mainly people from the clan mansion, with unusual identities.

Sun Chengzong is an official of the first rank, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou are both officials of the second rank, and Su Tiancheng is an official of the third rank. In front of the three of them, he is a subordinate. Therefore, etiquette is indispensable. This is the Forbidden City. Hua Dian is a place for official business and a place where etiquette is required.

Su Tiancheng respectfully saluted Jishou.

"Master Su, Lord Guan, Lord Liu, and Lord Huang invited you here today because they have something to discuss with you."

"My lord, please tell me, I must know if I can't say enough."

"Okay, the first question is how to implement the title of the royal family's children when they enter the court."

"The lower officials think that they already have titles and don't need to continue to implement them."

"The second question is that the children of the royal family have a special status. If they become officials in the court, how should they be treated when they meet superior officials or colleagues."

"The lower officials think that the dignity of the royal family is still there. When the royal family becomes an official, they mainly need to deal with administrative affairs. In terms of acting government affairs, they must also obey the opinions of their superiors and do things in accordance with the imperial edict and the imperial decree of the emperor. In the middle of daily contact, superiors and colleagues still have to consider their status as royal children."

"How do the clan's children take the imperial examinations."

"Except for the prince's son, all the other clan members need to take the imperial examination before they can enter the court as officials."

"Okay, the most critical question is that vassal kings have their own fiefdoms. If they become officials, whether to be officials in their own fiefdoms or in a different place."

"The best way to deal with the specific situation is to be an official in a different place. According to the opinion of the lower officials, this fief policy should also be abolished. The vassal king can be in the capital as much as possible, and there is no need to entrust him to various places, which is not convenient for coordination and management. .”

Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, and Huang Daozhou looked very serious. They did not expect that Su Tiancheng's answer would be so straightforward. If the fiefdom of the vassal was cancelled, it would actually deprive the vassal of some power in disguise. The vassal left If the fiefdom is lost, or the fiefdom no longer exists, the privileges of the fiefdom will naturally be cancelled. Letting the vassal king live in the capital, on the surface, is to take care of the vassal king, but in fact it is a measure of surveillance. Moreover, the vassal kings of various places have merged a lot of land. If they leave the fief and go to the capital, they cannot manage these lands and can only sell them.

Sun Chengzong nodded first. Su Tiancheng thought carefully and thought of all the details. Since the vassal king and the vassal prince's brothers can serve as officials in the court, there is no need for them to stay in the place. The land with the greatest wealth accumulated by the vassal king will naturally be sold. , which played a vital role in alleviating the annexation of land, allowing many farmers and tenants to have land to cultivate, and increasing the income of the imperial court.

Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou also understood the truth.

After half an hour, Sun Chengzong changed the subject.

"Master Su, you have put forward such a suggestion. The official, Lord Liu, and Lord Huang will have to suffer. The official heard that some vassal kings have submitted memorials and begged to come to Beijing. Everyone knows the purpose of their coming to Beijing." Yes, at this time, you are going to take office in Shaanxi. If it weren't for the special situation in Shaanxi, the official would really keep you in the capital. The official knows that you must have someone recommending you. Come out King Jin and Prince Fu, Are there any other candidates to recommend?"

Su Tiancheng smiled. Apart from Zhu Shenxuan and Zhu Yousong, he really has no other candidates for recommendation. He is going to Shaanxi soon. There are only two feudal princes in Shaanxi. , the other is Zhu Changhao, the king of Rui whose land is in Hanzhong Prefecture. He is not familiar with these two vassal kings, and he does not know them at all. Afterwards, they will definitely get strong support from the vassal kings. These vassal kings are not stupid. They know that if they make friends with themselves, their children are likely to directly enter the court as officials.

"My lord, I have no other candidates for recommendation. I have contacted King Jin and Prince Fu's sons, and I am indeed capable. Although it is said that King Jin and the official have an unusual relationship, the official does not shy away from external referrals." Enmity, the principle of not avoiding relatives during internal promotion, as long as one is capable, the subordinate officials will recommend it without hesitation."

When he left the Forbidden City, Su Tiancheng's thoughts had already shifted to Shaanxi.

There were too many vassal kings in the Ming Dynasty, and this is what the vassal kings do. If they eat and sleep, they will naturally have more wives, and they will have more children. After hundreds of years, it has formed There is a huge team. It is really difficult to arrange for Sun Chengzong and others. There are only so many positions. Fortunately, in Su Tiancheng's memorial, he has already proposed that no matter who it is, when entering the court to do things, they must Starting from the bottom, except for the vassal kings, the rest of the children, when making arrangements, can consider arranging positions such as magistrates, or even positions such as county magistrates and masters.

Zhu Youjian agreed to such a suggestion, so in terms of arranging personnel, Sun Chengzong and others have a lot of room for maneuver. As for the quality of the place, that is not a question that Su Tiancheng needs to think about.To be continued. , welcome to the starting point (qidian votes for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. mqidian read.)

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