Ming politicians

Chapter 477 Privileged Governor

() It has been seven years, and along the way, Su Tiancheng has fully adapted to the life of Daming. His official career has also risen step by step from the grassroots. The provincial examination, general examination and palace examination are very smooth and calm, and he is ranked second in the palace examination. His status gave him a lot of room for movement. At the beginning, he chose to be released, a choice that everyone could not understand, and now it has shown good results. However, at the age of 25, he was appointed as the governor of Shaanxi. Contrary to his expectations.

If you compare it hundreds of years later, you will be the secretary of the provincial party committee. At the age of 25, you should not have such unrealistic ideas in your dreams.

However, after all, the Ming Dynasty was very different from that a few hundred years later, especially in the management system. Generally speaking, the secretary of the provincial party committee a few hundred years later had much greater power.

Although Su Tiancheng is the governor, he is still subject to restrictions on the appointment of officials. Officials below the fifth rank and above the seventh rank must pass the examination of the Ministry of Officials. The fourth rank includes officials above the fourth rank. Take the school examination in person, and all officials above the seventh rank are appointed by imperial decree.

In other words, the power to appoint officials mainly rests with the Ministry of Officials and the cabinet.

It has been like this for hundreds of years, and governors everywhere have long been used to it.

But Su Tiancheng can't get used to it. If he can't grasp the power to appoint and dismiss officials, he can't do things freely, and he will be restricted in many aspects. The governor, at most, was driving people away, and he was timid in the adjustment of officials. As a governor, his focus was to manage the prefects, prefectures, and counties well. If he managed these supervisors well, he would be able to do things well in Shaanxi.

The right to appoint and remove personnel comes first, and only officials are in control.Only then can we do many things, including economic reforms and fine-tuning of land policies.

Hundreds of years later, the special zone existed. It is not impossible to transfer the concept of that time to the Ming Dynasty.Besides, it's up to people to do it, and Su Tiancheng still has a good idea of ​​how to do it.

Zhu Youjian was very surprised that this was the first time that Su Tiancheng asked to see him.Although it is said that Su Tiancheng has made a lot of contributions to the establishment, and even raised the issue of royal family members entering the court to participate in politics, but every time he came to the capital, he was summoned by himself. Su Tiancheng has good qualities and has never Do not take the initiative to curry favor with the powerful.Always do things quietly.

Therefore, after receiving the report, Zhu Youjian immediately asked the eunuchs around him to send Su Tiancheng an audience.

Seeing Su Tiancheng panting slightly and entering the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Youjian had a smile on his face. These days, he finally figured out the meaning of Su Tiancheng's memorial thoroughly.It is suspected that it is to strengthen the imperial power and restrain the power of the ministers. Zhu Youjian doesn't quite understand the internal connection of these things, and no one has explained to him systematically. This time, after careful analysis and speculation, he finally understood something strange.

"Su Aiqing. Why did you come to see me on your own initiative?"

"Your Majesty, I'm asking to see you because of the affairs of Shaanxi Province."

"Oh, I know. Shaanxi Province is facing many difficulties. It is the lair of rogues, and there are still hundreds of thousands of rogues. It must be quite difficult to manage. When you arrive in Shaanxi, don't worry, take it easy. Yes, I will give you five years, if you need money from the court, or food, you can write a memorial."

"I'm not talking about these things."

Zhu Youjian is a little strange, no money, no food, what else do you need.

"Your Majesty, I want policy."

"Oh, that's easy to say, I gave you the Shangfang sword, so you can do things cheaply."

"What I want is not just Shangfang's sword."

"Then tell me, what else do you want?"

"Your Majesty, what I want is special power, or policies. I have three requirements. First, I can appoint and remove officials in Shaanxi, including dismissal. Second, I can implement some policies on my own, including land management. Thirdly, I earnestly hope to gain the trust of the emperor, and during my administration in Shaanxi, I hope to gain the greatest trust from the emperor."

Seeing the surprised look on Zhu Youjian's face, Su Tiancheng hastily continued.

"Your Majesty, what I mean is that Shaanxi Province is still doing things according to the imperial court's will, but I don't want to be constrained too much. Shaanxi has experienced years of turmoil, and the situation is very special. If there is no thunder means, it will be difficult to govern. If the Emperor Given these conditions, I can guarantee that Shaanxi will be well governed within three years."

Zhu Youjian thought for a while, he understood what Su Tiancheng meant, but he wanted to know the deeper reason.

"Su Aiqing, I can agree to your request. It's not too difficult, but I need to know why you made such a request."

"Your Majesty, I need orders and prohibitions to be followed from top to bottom. If the officials are obedient and obedient, and still follow the previous style of doing things, I have no way to manage it. When I was in Jiangning County and Henan Prefecture, the place is not big, and I can practice it. In fact, This approach was a bit difficult in Henan Province, but the emperor approved the minister's memorial, and the magistrates of one prefecture and thirteen counties in Henan Province have similar ideas as the minister, and many things can be done very well. Carry it out, but in Shaanxi Province, such an approach is unlikely to have good results.”

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly, expressing his approval.

"Your Majesty, the situation in Shaanxi Province is special. When I get there, I will definitely use some extraordinary means. The resistance I will encounter is also conceivable. As long as the interests of the powerful and powerful are touched, they will inevitably form a group. There is nothing to worry about, but these dignitaries are not necessarily active in Shaanxi Province. They may come to the capital, find the ministers of the court, and speak ill of the ministers. Under such circumstances, the ministers need to gain the trust of the emperor, otherwise, many ministers Ideas can be put into practice.”

Zhu Youjian didn't speak for a long time.

In his opinion, Su Tiancheng's request may be excessive. If it is discussed in the court meeting, such a request must be legally passed. The power of the officials and the cabinet is restricted. In Shaanxi, Su Tiancheng's The authority is the greatest, surpassing the Ministry of Officials and the Cabinet. Zhu Youjian would not even think about it if he were someone else, and immediately vetoed it. However, when Su Tiancheng proposed, Zhu Youjian would not refuse.

Zhu Youjian had the simplest understanding that everything Su Tiancheng did was for the court, for the Ming Dynasty, and even for himself, the emperor.

"Okay, I can agree to you, but I have agreed to your request, shouldn't you also give me a clear word?"

"Your Majesty, I have gone to Shaanxi. I don't want the preferential policies of the court. I will pay taxes as usual. I promise two things. The first thing is to wipe out the rogues in Shaanxi within two years. The second thing is to do it in three years." Within a short period of time, let the people in Shaanxi Province be self-sufficient, and there will be no refugees in Shaanxi."

Zhu Youjian stood up abruptly.

"Okay, okay, this is the best promise I've ever heard, and only Su Aiqing dares to make such a statement, and I can't be too harsh. You can't be stingy when you take office in Shaanxi Province. I agree to your request and return I will give you 100 million taels of silver, and when you arrive in Shaanxi Province, you can do whatever you want, and I will be your backing."

"Your Majesty is so sympathetic to my ministers. I will do my best to do a good job in the affairs of Shaanxi Province. I will report the affairs of Shaanxi Province to the Emperor at all times. I still implore the Emperor. Don't believe what other people say. Three people will become tigers. If the Emperor is worried It's not easy for me to do things in Shaanxi."

Zhu Youjian was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"Su Aiqing, only you can question me like this in front of me. I know about these three people becoming tigers, but you also need to know that over the years, many people have said in front of me. I didn't even listen to you, so I said, don't worry about it, just do things."

Su Tiancheng knelt down to thank him, but he still had some murmurs in his heart. He still knew something about the situation in the court. Zhu Youjian also hesitated and doubted, but he got the help of Wang Chengen, Dong Chang and others.

Unsurprisingly, when Zhu Youjian talked about giving Su Tiancheng privileges to govern Shaanxi Province at the court meeting, many ministers have always opposed it, thinking that this is against the rules, and even Yu Shihe said it out, which is equivalent to Rebellion is absolutely impossible. If the governor of Shaanxi acts alone and does not listen to the imperial court's command, then it's okay. Other provinces do the same, and the imperial court can control what matters.

Zhu Youjian's attitude was very firm. He asked many ministers unceremoniously. The ministers of the DPRK and China knew what was going on in Shaanxi. Who could guarantee that the rogues would be wiped out within two years, and within three years? To solve the problem of refugees in Shaanxi Province, so that there will be no more refugees in Shaanxi Province, you can also get such privileges, otherwise don't open your mouth to object.

After Zhu Youjian's words were spoken, there were crows and sparrows in the hall. No one thought that Su Tiancheng would dare to make such a statement. Let alone Shaanxi, the conditions are far better than Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, and even Beizhili. , No one dares to make such a statement. It is easy to say, but it is not easy to do.

Su Tiancheng participated in this court meeting, but he didn't say a word.

When Wang Chengen read out the imperial edict, Su Tiancheng knelt down and listened silently, but still did not speak.

The eyes of many ministers were complicated. They watched Su Tiancheng take over the imperial decree and monk Fang Baojian, which indicated that Su Tiancheng would have the final say in the future of Shaanxi Province. No wonder Lu Shanji was the governor of the four provinces. arranged.

There are also some ministers who are waiting to see the jokes. What Su Tiancheng has done has already exceeded their ability to bear. However, Su Tiancheng has built too many meritorious deeds and gained the trust of the emperor. Temporarily impeaching him, it will only take two years , it will be over soon, when the time comes, Su Tiancheng will not be able to wipe out the rogues, he will just wait for everyone's impeachment.To be continued. , welcome to the starting point (qidian votes for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. mqidian read.)

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