() Shaanxi is a place where rogues are rampant. Su Tiancheng would not dare to do private visits in a micro-service. If he meets rogues and dies before he leaves his school, it will not be worthwhile. Let alone changing history, his family will be in trouble .

Before leaving the stable, Wang Furong and Liu Rushi finally gave birth to their children, both mother and child were safe, both of them gave birth to boys, Su Tiancheng felt a little helpless, in fact he likes his daughter, the daughter is the caring little padded jacket of his parents.

Su Tiancheng was at home, so Xiao's name was given away. Wang Furong's son was named Su Mingxiao, and Liu Rushi's son was named Su Mingxiong.

Su Tiancheng already had three sons and one daughter. He couldn't help but think of the scene of the ancients with wives and concubines in groups. It seems that he will also face such a situation in the end. Fortunately, his family is in a good position, and neither his wife nor children will suffer.

Time passed quickly, and Su Tiancheng was finally about to leave.

This time, he could not go back to Henan Province, but took the post directly to Shaanxi Province via Shanxi.

Zhang Pu has been appointed as the magistrate of Henan Prefecture, Sun Sizong has been appointed as the Tongzhi of Henan Prefecture, Lu Taibo has been appointed as the general judge of Henan Prefecture, Liu Zhongji has been appointed as the magistrate of Shanzhou Prefecture, Qu Qingze, Su Pingyang, Su Jun, Sun Siming, Lu Taibo, Deng Hui They all followed Su Tiancheng to Shaanxi Province. As for the county magistrates in Henan Province, the Ministry of Officials had already issued an edict and was fully equipped.

Henan Mansion is already a good place. Everyone wants to be an official. Anyway, in that place, the official money is quite a lot, and the family can live a good life.

Su Tiancheng was most assured of such an arrangement by the Henan Mansion. This place could completely become the logistics base for him and the Jiang Ning Camp.

More than 5 Jiangning battalion soldiers all set off. Hong Chengchou led 4 soldiers to Beizhili and waited for Su Tiancheng outside the stables. The remaining [-] soldiers were stationed at the border between Shanxi and Shaanxi.Waiting for Su Tiancheng.

It can be said that Su Tiancheng's appointment this time has a great momentum.

When Hong Chengchou and Qu Qingze arrived at Su Tiancheng's mansion, they knew everything that happened in the stable. The purpose of Hong Chengchou's visit to the stable was very simple, to welcome Su Tiancheng to take office in Shaanxi Province.Qu Qingze's task is not that simple.

After the meeting, Su Tiancheng didn't say much, just exchanged a few simple greetings, he was already ready.

Hong Chengchou told Su Tiancheng that all the family members of the Henan Mansion set out with the Jiangning battalion army, and everything was arranged.

When resting at night.Qu Qingze entered the study.

Su Tiancheng has been waiting for him for a long time.

"Old Qu, thank you for your hard work this time."

"My lord, this is what a subordinate official should do. There is no hard work. These are the information reported from the dark thread, and they are all about the situation of officials at all levels in Shaanxi Province."

"Well, how did Song Sijun and Wan Chenggui arrange it?"

"The lower officials have already followed your lord's request. After talking with them, Boss Song followed directly to Shaanxi. Boss Wan will go to Shaanxi Province later."

"Okay, these things, you should be more careful, I want to hear your opinion, my thoughts after arriving in Shaanxi. I still want you to do things in the local area, don't enter the Jiangning camp, and I plan to let you serve as the magistrate of Xi'an Prefecture .”

Qu Qingze was startled, and the expression on his face was somewhat unpredictable.

"My lord, I still want to go back to Jiangning Camp."

"I know this, but the status of Xi'an Prefecture is very important. It needs powerful officials to control it. This position is none other than you. You still do things locally. When you were in Shanzhou, you did a good job. We have accumulated a lot of experience, and the situation in Shaanxi is much more complicated than that in Henan Province, and at this time, we have to control officials at all levels."

Su Tiancheng paused for a moment.

"Old Qu, there must be a reason why there are so many rogues in Shaanxi Province. The famine is one aspect, but it may be even worse. I really can't believe the officials in that place. We don't have enough manpower. The rogues in Shaanxi Province It is still rampant, Jiangning Camp can wipe out the rogues, even if it is very good, but the extermination of the rogues is only one aspect, the key task is to let the common people live and work in peace, otherwise the rogues will still appear."

Qu Qingze lowered his head and stopped talking. He has always been in Jinyiwei. After following Su Tiancheng, he was also in Jiangning Camp. After he arrived in Henan Mansion, he went to Shanzhou to serve as the magistrate. He missed several fights in Jiangning Camp. It's a bit regretful, but what Su Tiancheng said is the truth. Shaanxi is a province after all, and it is a province with a very special situation. Looking at the officials in the court, no one is willing to go to Shaanxi. Su Tiancheng took office, but he was actually framed. Roasting on the fire, the task is very heavy, and the responsibility is different from ordinary ones. At such a time, he really has to bear some responsibility for doing his best for Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng didn't speak either, waiting for Qu Qingze to express his opinion.

After a while, Qu Qingze finally spoke.

"My lord, I will obey the arrangement. However, after the extermination of the rogues, the Jiangning camp must go to Jizhou and Liaodong. At that time, the subordinate must return to the Jiangning camp."

"That's not a problem, hehe, I'd have thought of it even if you didn't say it. Anyway, it's that kind of fate. According to my prediction, it would be pretty good to be able to stay in Shaanxi Province for three years."

After Qu Qingze left, Su Tiancheng began to carefully read the materials provided by the dark thread, and for a full hour, when he rested, it was already midnight.

September 26th.

Su Tiancheng left the stable under the thousands of exhortations from Zhu Shenxin and others, his four children were still sound asleep, Su Tiancheng did not disturb them.

Ten thousand soldiers from the Jiangning battalion were waiting outside the stables.

When he walked out of the city gate and saw the familiar soldiers, Su Tiancheng's mood was extraordinarily heroic.

All along, he has been constantly meeting challenges. After the palace examination, he voluntarily asked to be released to Jiangning County, which is under the jurisdiction of Yingtian Mansion, which greatly changed the appearance of Jiangning County. Bosi completely changed the way merchants operate, and then went to Henan Prefecture, and moved all the practices of Jiangning County, the effect is also very good, and the situation in Henan Prefecture has also undergone fundamental changes.

Now, I am going to Shaanxi Province.

In terms of reality, Shaanxi was one of the poorest provinces in the Ming Dynasty, and the people here generally did not trust the government and generally hated the officials. On the contrary, so many years have passed, the imperial court has been suppressing the bandits, and many ordinary people in Shaanxi are also suffering from the pain of losing their families to varying degrees.

The Jiangning Battalion stationed in Shaanxi Province will definitely cause a sensation. The fear of the Jiangning Battalion is obvious to the rogues. After several confrontations with the rogues, especially this time when they wiped out 30 Tartars, the prestige of the Jiangning Battalion has spread all over the world. From Su Tiancheng's understanding, it doesn't take much time for the Jiangning camp to wipe out the rogues by force, no matter whether the rogues are 50 or [-], they are nothing in front of the Jiangning camp.

But Su Tiancheng went to Shaanxi Province to serve as the governor, not only with the task of exterminating bandits in the military, but more importantly, in terms of people's livelihood, so that the common people have food and can live and work in peace and contentment.

To a certain extent, the issue of people's livelihood is even more important than the military affairs of exterminating the bandits.

The common people in Shaanxi, if they were not forced to have no choice, who would want to rebel? Through these years, Su Tiancheng has come into contact with many common people. Speaking of common people, their understanding is very simple, and it can even be described as honest and honest. , They don't have too much extravagance, they can bear the poverty of life, they are accustomed to the richness of officials, they worship the government, and they believe in the government and officials from the bottom of their hearts.

But several years of disasters have left them without food, and they are struggling on the verge of starvation. However, the governments in various places are indifferent, some officials have water in their heads, and even reject the refugees. They stayed around the city, did not take out food relief, and when they could bear it, they rebelled.

After so many years, Shaanxi Province has become poorer due to continuous wars.

From this situation, after Su Tiancheng arrived in Shaanxi, people's livelihood came first.

In the shortest period of time, the common people in Shaanxi can have food to eat, the base is stable, and the rogues will lose their support. Some people will leave the team of rogues and go home to live a stable life.

Using these methods, first strike the rogues, let the rogues slowly lose the soil for survival, and when the time is right, launch a fatal blow to the rogues and wipe out the rogues from the root. This is the best way, and it can also be avoided to the greatest extent. Casualties of Jiangning battalion soldiers.

So many years have passed, Su Tiancheng still has some thoughts. Look at Hou Jin, who worked hard to develop himself, and then look at the Ming Dynasty, internal and external difficulties, tortured and exhausted. Comparing the two, you don't need to fight to know who wins and who loses .

The most important opponent of the Jiangning battalion was the Tartars.

The team is a bit huge, but the speed of travel is very fast.

After walking ten miles away, Su Tiancheng saw Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou.

"Master Su, the old man, Lord Liu, and Lord Huang are here to see you off and practice for you. The old man is waiting for your good news in the stable. The old man believes that when you arrive in Shaanxi Province, you will be able to wipe out the bandits and let the people in Shaanxi Province live a better life." Rizi."

"The junior will definitely try his best."

"Hehe, the old man knows that you never like to talk big, and you have always been low-key. This time you went to Shaanxi Province to take office, and when you saw this formation, you seemed very high-profile. Some adults in the court thought it was unbelievable. Glad, it seems that you already know when to make a high profile, don't worry, the old man, Lord Liu, and Lord Huang are your backing, we are in the stables, and we are always paying attention to the situation in Shaanxi."

"Lord Lu, the old man has also written to you. He will do his best to help you with the matter of exterminating the bandits. The old man knows that to eradicate the bandits, you still have to rely on the Jiangning camp."

Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou didn't speak, but their eyes said everything.

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