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Passing through Shanxi and about to enter Shaanxi Province, Su Tiancheng finally joined forces with the Jiangning Battalion.

Su Tiancheng's mood was complicated, he went to a backward place to take up the post, shouldering heavy responsibilities, he had no leisure time.

Compared with Luoyang, Xi'an has a great reputation. It is the metropolis with the longest capital history and the most dynasties in Chinese history. Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang and other dynasties all established their capitals in Xi'an. These dynasties , It was also a glorious moment of Chinese civilization. The Records of the Historian described Xi'an as a golden city thousands of miles away and a land of abundance, which explained the prosperity and importance of Xi'an from one aspect.

Such a place, after hundreds of years, is on the brink of poverty, and the reason is intriguing.

Su Tiancheng's appointment as the governor of Shaanxi Province caused a great sensation.

Needless to say, there was a commotion among the imperial court. The key was in Shaanxi Province, which aroused commotion from all sides.

When the Di Bao arrived at Xi'an Mansion in Shaanxi Province, the news spread quickly. In just a few days, almost all the prefectures and counties under the jurisdiction of Shaanxi knew about the news. This was a very rare situation in the Ming Dynasty when information was very backward. .

Su Tiancheng arrived in Shaanxi to serve as the governor, and the Jiangning battalion was stationed in Shaanxi. Everyone knows what all this indicates.

It was the rogues in Shaanxi that first aroused alarm.

The rogues are mainly concentrated in Hanzhong Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion. Their leaders are clearly defined. They claim to have 30 troops. For more than a year, it has slowly become silent. Because of the difficult situation, the rogues must form a group.

Zhang Xianzhong led the army to leave Shaanxi and enter Shanxi, but was blocked by the Jiangning battalion.As a result, the entire army was wiped out, and Zhang Xianzhong was captured alive, taken to the stables and beheaded. This incident had a huge impact among the rogues.The Jiangning Battalion entered North Zhili to fight against the Tartars. Gao Yingxiang thought it was time to boost morale.Order the army to attack, and prepare to take advantage of this opportunity to expand the space for activities again. Unexpectedly, Sun Chengzong led the army to firmly defend the passes everywhere, and did not fight them head-on.This made Gao Yingxiang very distressed.

News came from Northern Zhili that the Jiangning Battalion had wiped out [-] Tartars and firmly guarded the stables. This news made Gao Yingxiang and the others even more anxious and felt that they had room for movement.Constantly being compressed.

In the ranks of rogues, the number of people who advocated surrender gradually began to increase. Faced with this situation, after discussing with Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng and others, Gao Yingxiang did not take a coercive attitude, but moved with emotion and reason. It stabilized the team and did not lead to a collapse.

Gao Yingxiang was able to stabilize the situation.It has a great relationship with all levels of government and officials in Shaanxi Province.

Over the years, because of the rampant rogue bandits in Shaanxi, the government and officials have long formed a fixed understanding that they regard the common people as scourges. In their eyes, any farmer is a potential development target of rogue bandits.The attitude of the government and officials towards the common people was bad, which also led to the long-term confrontation between the common people and the government.

The folk song circulating in Shaanxi also explains Gao Yingxiang's status very well, "Looking forward to the king of Chuang. Welcome the king of Chuang. When the king of Chuang comes, he will not pay food." Welcome King Chuang, all the disciplines, big and small, are happy."

Gao Yingxiang's ability to persevere has a lot to do with this situation.

But when Su Tiancheng came to Shaanxi, this persistence faced another crisis.

After careful consideration, with the support of Li Zicheng and others, Gao Yingxiang made up his mind and adopted the method of continuing confrontation. Even if Su Tiancheng came to Shaanxi, there is nothing to be afraid of. The key lies in persistence. The Jiangning camp is indeed powerful Su Tiancheng is brave and good at fighting, and Su Tiancheng also has unusual things, but Gao Yingxiang has been raising troops for many years, and has received the support of the people in Shaanxi. The understanding of all levels of government and officials in Shaanxi will not change.

Gao Yingxiang even thought that maybe Su Tiancheng could do well in Jiangning County and Henan Prefecture, but when he came to Shaanxi Province, he would hit a wall and fall under his feet.

Under the leadership of this kind of thinking, Gao Yingxiang summoned the leaders of the rogues, big and small, and held a crucial meeting.

Such meetings were held twice, in the fourth and seventh years of Chongzhen respectively, one in Pingyang, Shanxi, and the other in Xingyang, Henan. The momentum is gone.

Zijinliang, Lao Huihui, Zhang Xianzhong and others were killed by the Jiangning battalion one after another. These important leaders had an unusual influence among the rebels. However, they encountered the Jiangning battalion one after another, and the results were the same.

At such a critical moment, the purpose of holding such a meeting again is to unify thoughts.

Among the army, there is a lot of fear for the Jiangning battalion. This is a very unfavorable situation and must be reversed. Otherwise, after Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning battalion arrive in Shaanxi, the team will collapse on its own.

Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng are naturally the leaders, and the rest are King Saodi, Ge Liyan, Zuo Jin Wang, Guo Tian Xing, Chuang Ta Tian, ​​She Ta Tian, ​​Ge Li Yan, Zuo Jin Wang, Zhi Shi Wang, Zheng Shi Wang, Man Man Tianxing, Hunshiwan, Changed King, etc., all basically became the foil.

Gao Yingxiang would never have imagined that this meeting would make Li Zicheng a big hit.

After the opening remarks, the atmosphere was very depressing. In any case, Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ning Ying entered Shaanxi, and it has become a fact. What is the purpose of Jiang Ning Ying entering Shaanxi, there is no need to say. , Surrender as soon as possible, no matter what the court does, at least he can live in peace and stability.

Gao Yingxiang was unable to speak impassioned words, and it was Li Zicheng's turn to speak.

Li Zicheng stood up, looked at the crowd, cupped his fists and opened his mouth.

"Brothers, the entry of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying into Shaanxi is indeed not good news for us. We must admit and face such a thing. Some brothers, because of this incident, thought of surrendering and surrendering It is also understandable for the imperial court to accept the recruitment."

"However, the purpose of our meeting today is to dispel such thoughts."

"Perhaps some brothers think that I am arrogant. How can the rebel army resist the Jiangning battalion? But I have a different opinion. Su Tiancheng is also a human being. The Jiangning battalion has only been established for a few years. Even if they have extraordinary combat power, our rebel army also has great strength." own advantages, at least in Shaanxi Province."

"We are used to fighting on the move. When the time is divided and when the time is combined, the ghosts and ghosts appear and disappear. Look at the army of the imperial court. Although the number is very large, there are not small contradictions between the commander-in-chief of the Ming army and the generals. They all want to preserve their own strength. , and their military discipline is corrupt, the army does not have much combat effectiveness at all, which is why our rebel army has been able to persist for so many years."

"The Jiangning battalion is indeed powerful, but they only have 5 people, and our rebel army has 30 people. As long as we are united, are we still afraid of the Jiangning battalion?"

"I have some suggestions, and I hope you brothers can agree. From today onwards, our rebel army must have strict discipline. During each battle, the sergeants are not allowed to collect gold and silver. All the items captured must be returned to the public. During the process of marching, it is not allowed to live in civilian houses, and it is not allowed to harass the people. All soldiers bring their own tents to camp. In daily life, soldiers are not allowed to damage crops. If there is any violation, they will be severely punished. We must insist on fairness transactions to safeguard the interests of farmers."

"We must strictly abide by the law. We must not kill people indiscriminately, and we must not rape women. I have always believed that killing a person is like killing my father, and sexualizing a person is like sexualizing my mother."

"As long as we can persist in discipline, we will be able to persist. There is nothing to fear from Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying."

. . . . . .

Li Zicheng's words caused a great shock, everyone listened very carefully, and the expressions on their faces were also different.

Gao Yingxiang's mood is very complicated. Li Zicheng is his nephew. He has been with him for many years, and he has shown extraordinary talents. His influence has become huge day by day. He once surpassed Zhang Xianzhong and others. Zhang Xianzhong left Shaanxi and entered Shanxi. Li Zicheng has a lot to do with him. Today, the rebel army is in a state of confusion. Li Zicheng has come out again and put forward a series of political ideas. His prestige among the rebel army has increased. If this continues, he, the leader of the rebel army, will Sooner or later, the status is also shaken.

The effect of the meeting was very good, because Li Zicheng's words inspired everyone's fighting spirit.

Finally, something important was discussed.

Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning Battalion had just arrived in Shaanxi Province, and their foothold was not stable. Taking advantage of this time, it was particularly important to launch an unexpected attack to dispel the limelight of the Jiangning Battalion and boost the morale of the rebel army.

The attack this time is very important and can be said to have decisive significance.

Gao Yingxiang had thought about it a long time ago, and he personally led this attack.

As soon as Gao Yingxiang made a suggestion, everyone started a heated discussion. Everyone believed that this attack was necessary and must be carried out, but no one volunteered.

After everyone finished discussing, Gao Yingxiang spoke with a serious expression.

"I personally led the army for this attack. Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning battalion had just arrived in Shaanxi Province. They would never have thought that we would take the initiative to attack. In the past few years, the fight between the rebel army and the Jiangning battalion has been very bad. This time the situation must be reversed, all ministries must mobilize elite soldiers and strong generals, the Jiangning Battalion has 5 people, we will dispatch 10 people this time, and win a big battle."

After saying this evil word, Gao Yingxiang looked at Luo Rucai.

"Brother Luo, after I leave the Hanzhong Mansion, I ask you to be responsible for all matters. You must assist General Luo and manage the rebel army well."

Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng didn't speak, and they nodded to show that they understood. However, the atmosphere in the venue was a bit subtle. Among the rebels, Luo Rucai's prestige was not as high as Li Zicheng's. Normally, Gao Yingxiang led the troops to fight, and Li Zicheng should be in charge of all matters. Yes, I didn't expect Gao Yingxiang to make such an arrangement.

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