Ming politicians

Chapter 480 Internal friction

() It is not that simple to lead a team of 30 people well. Moreover, the practice of the rebel army has also damaged the idea of ​​unified leadership. Gao Yingxiang is deeply aware of this.

When the rebel army was active, it was based on the battalion as a unit, each governed independently, and had no affiliation with each other. There were more than a dozen leaders, large and small. During the peak period, there were even more than 20 leaders. These leaders led their own teams. Opposing the government in various places, killing the rich and helping the poor, because of the needs of the situation, they later united together, especially after the rise of the Jiangning Camp, the activities of the rebels fell into a low tide, and they had to unite to fight for survival, but from the united Since then, there have been constant conflicts with each other. It's no wonder that everyone was the boss in the past, and they kept their word. When they joined together, they had to obey the arrangements of others. Everyone was a little bit unconvinced.

A few years have passed, and since Zijin Liang was beheaded by the court, Gao Yingxiang has become the leader of the rebel army in name, but he has encountered many challenges from all sides, even from his nephew Li Zicheng.

This time, leading troops out to fight and colliding head-on with the Jiangning battalion was also an act of desperation.

Asking other leaders to go out to fight, I am afraid that no one will agree, including Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng, will not agree. Although the idea is good, but the ferocity of the Jiangning camp, everyone knows that such a conquest can achieve the expected results No one is sure about the effect. Besides, if the other leader leads troops to conquer, if he really wins, his status will definitely rise significantly, and his status as the leader will even be threatened.

After so many years of rebellion, Gao Yingxiang has also accumulated a lot of combat experience. The sergeants under him are also the most prominent among all the teams, and their strength is also the strongest.

Of the 30 sergeants, not many actually have combat effectiveness, no more than 10.These people come from all directions, not necessarily all from Shaanxi, and the nearly 20 people who do not have much combat effectiveness, most of them are local.

Because of the need for survival, the rebel army also adopted the method of farming. The army also needs to farm the land and needs to support itself.Going out to plunder, the money and food that can be obtained are getting less and less.

Over the past few years, most of the wealthy gentry and merchants in Shaanxi have moved away, or fled, especially in the Hanzhong and Fengxiang mansions.There were almost no rich people, which also greatly restricted the supplies of the rebel army. For a while, the rebel army also began to collect taxes from the common people.

Li Zicheng's point of view at the meeting is actually very targeted.

Gao Yingxiang has no choice but to make the decision to collect taxes. 30 people have to survive.There are also many family members among them. If these people have no food to eat, the team will collapse soon.

The rebels did not have a fixed base, and they could change places with one shot. On the one hand, they were under pressure from the government, and on the other hand, they needed to survive.Ji fixed in Hanzhong Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion. They didn't occupy the city. Most of the time, they were active in the countryside, backed by mountains, to facilitate maneuvering.

Fortunately, Sun Chengzong was just sticking to the big city, and didn't mean to encircle and suppress it comprehensively.Let the life of Gao Yingxiang and the rebel army be a little more comfortable.

The news of the conquest of the Jiangning camp is top secret and must not be leaked out.Otherwise, he would be looking for death. Those who knew about this matter were the leaders of the various ministries. The meeting held by Gao Yingxiang was very confidential.

But he wanted to go out with one hundred thousand soldiers, and the army was divided into two groups to enter Xi'an Mansion. Lu Dajun concentrated in Huxian County under the jurisdiction of Xi'an Prefecture, and gave the Jiangning battalion a sudden attack.

It is impossible for such a large operation to be silent, and it is very difficult to keep it secret. Fortunately, the rebels are used to mobile operations, so they can naturally think of many ways to hide their whereabouts.

Gao Yingxiang took great pains to mobilize those battalions of sergeants, and there was a lot of controversy at the meeting. In the end, the opinions were unified. The 4 people of Li Wanqing and the 3 people of Li Wanqing, a total of 2 troops.Among them, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's 1 soldiers were all distributed in Fengxiang Mansion, temporarily led by Li Yichuan, and Li Wanqing's 5 soldiers were led by Gao Yingxiang himself.

Therefore, during the conquest of the Jiangning camp, Li Yichuan, Liu Guoneng, Li Wanqing and other leaders all accompanied the army in the conquest.

Gao Yingxiang was aware of the dissatisfaction of Li Yichuan and others. Some leaders once proposed at the meeting that some of the sergeants belonging to each battalion should be selected to form an army of [-], but Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng rejected this suggestion. It's selfish. The leaders of each battalion want to preserve the elite strength. If the sergeants are transferred in this way, maybe most of the team formed will be old, weak, sick and disabled. Let alone attack Jiangning battalion, they can go to Xi'an It's not bad to go to the government.

Faced with the conflict among the rebels, Gao Yingxiang also thought about whether he should have a unified understanding and tell everyone the truth of death. If everyone thinks about themselves, the time of extinction is not far away, but he always finds it difficult to make up his mind. The rebel army was able to win a few big victories, so there is no big problem in such a unified understanding.

In this regard, Li Zicheng is more ruthless than him. Gao Yingxiang once revealed such worries to Li Zicheng. Li Zicheng's suggestion is very straightforward. For unconvinced leaders, it is completely possible to launch a cleansing operation. The understanding of the army must be unified, and there can only be one leader. Otherwise, it is impossible to form a strong combat force.

Gao Yingxiang also came up with the same idea. No matter what the result of the conquest of Jiangning camp this time, after returning, he would start to clean up the team.

It's almost time to go.

Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning Camp set off from the capital and Henan Mansion, time waits for no one, and the Jiangning Camp must take advantage of the unsteady foothold to launch a surprise attack in order to be successful.

The night before departure, Li Zicheng came.

Gao Yingxiang knew that Li Zicheng must have something important to do when he came here at this time, so he spoke directly without any fuss.

"Zicheng, what's the matter?"

"Uncle, there is some instability in the rebel army, I am very worried."

"Oh, then tell me what's going on."

"The morale of many leaders in this conquest of the Jiangning camp was not very high. It was clearly requested at the meeting that no discussion of this matter was allowed, so as not to leak the secret. However, some people still discussed it in private, mainly for the soldiers who were transferred. expressed dissatisfaction with the situation.”

Gao Yingxiang's expression became serious. For the past few days, he has been concerned about the situation of the expedition, but he really didn't notice it. This is also a big mistake. If the soldiers who go out to conquer have their own minds, why do they fight? ah.

"It was mainly Li Wanqing's discussion. At the same time, He Yilong also meant to agree. The two of them mainly discussed their dissatisfaction with the transfer of sergeants this time. Needless to say, Li Wanqing has transferred 1 of his sergeants. , there are only a few thousand people left, and as for He Yilong, there are quite a few sergeants under his command, and because he has not been able to be transferred, he even suspects that this expedition is a disguised way to plunder property."

Gao Yingxiang's expression began to turn cold.

"Zicheng, do you know any other discussions?"

"I heard some, but it's not very accurate. It's mainly Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's. The sergeants they belong to have all been transferred, and I'm still a little dissatisfied."

"It's normal for the sergeant to be dissatisfied with being transferred. There's no need to talk about this matter. Besides, are there other theories and ideas?"

Li Zicheng paused for a moment.

"There are indeed other theories. I have heard vaguely that some leaders think that Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying have come to Shaanxi Province. This time the conquest is asking for trouble. It is better to find a way earlier and surrender to the court. Don't do it. The so-called struggle has cost the lives of the sergeants in vain, and such rumors seem to have appeared among the sergeants."

A smile appeared on Gao Yingxiang's face, such a smile was uglier than crying.

"Sure enough, it was within my expectations. It seems that this time the conquest is a matter of life and death. It must be successful, otherwise the team of the rebel army is likely to collapse. Zicheng, it seems that your proposal a few days ago is That's right, the rebel army must unify their thinking, and there are always some unfavorable remarks and discussions, which greatly affect the morale of the army."

"Okay, according to uncle's opinion, when will this matter be handled?"

Gao Yingxiang pondered for a while, and finally made up his mind.

"I took the sergeant to fight. After setting off, you can take action. You must keep it secret. At the same time, you must remember that you are all your own brothers. When you act, you still have to consider the specific situation and not be too violent. gone."

Li Zicheng nodded without much expression on his face.

"You are directly responsible for this matter. At the last meeting, I had already entrusted Luo Rucai to take care of the family affairs. Therefore, when you are doing things, when necessary, ask Luo Rucai for advice. Stability is the first priority. Yes, we must not mess up the team because of the unification of thinking."

"Uncle, don't worry, I will handle it properly."

Gao Yingxiang would never have imagined that Li Zicheng had such an idea a long time ago. Through some special means, he would purge dissidents and achieve the goal of completely controlling the army. There are too many leaders in the rebel army, and they are doing their own thing. If this situation continues, it will eventually be Not much to hope for.

As for seeking Luo Rucai's opinion, of course Li Zicheng would not do so. In this way, what kind of clean-up is he? It was planned, and now the opportunity finally came, which also benefited from Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying's entry into Shaanxi Province.To be continued. , welcome to the starting point (qidian votes for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. mqidian read.)

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