Ming politicians

Chapter 481 Preparation

() Li Yichuan, the sweeping king, and Liu Guoneng, who are in the Fengxiang mansion, have been discussing together for two days. The two have not been able to make a decision, but the resentment in their hearts is on the verge of erupting.

The sky was getting dark, and the day of departure was approaching, and the two of them were about to gather a team and set off.

At this time, both of them felt that many things needed to be understood together, otherwise, this battle would inevitably encounter too many things, even things that were out of control.

Liu Guoneng arrived at Li Yichuan's residence.

After the two sat down, they still didn't say anything. There were wine and food on the table, and Liu Guoneng drank a glass of wine sullenly.

"Brother Liu, you and I are about to set off with the commander-in-chief. In the past two days, we have talked about many things, but we still haven't been able to settle down on specific ideas. Today is a rare opportunity, and we are about to set off soon. If we don't If you can come up with specific opinions, I’m afraid the prospects are not good.”

Liu Guoneng put the wine bowl on the table fiercely.

"Brother Li, even if you don't say it, I'm thinking about it. After such a long time, we have always been in Fengxiang Mansion. The conditions here are not as good as Hanzhong Mansion. Who knows how hard we have suffered? Besides, the rebels stationed in Fengxiang Mansion are you and me, and we have mobilized all of you this time to attack the Jiangning Camp and complete such suicidal missions. Don’t you want to give up Fengxiang Mansion?"

Li Yichuan lowered his head and didn't speak. These are all old sayings.

"Brother Li, I have already discovered that Li Zicheng's thoughts are unusual. In the past few days, I often went to Hanzhong Mansion and had contact with other brothers. Zijinliang, Lao Huihui, and the Eight Great Kings were all beheaded by the court. Killed, the main leaders of the rebel army gradually became fewer, and the brothers who followed them before. The status is basically nothing, and the words don't count, and they have to look at the faces of Li Zicheng and others. Even if it is Luo Rucai, It may not be able to have much effect.”

"That's not necessarily the case. It's not Luo Rucai who is directly responsible at home when the commander-in-chief goes out to conquer."

"Huh. This is called a formation. Who doesn't know that Li Zicheng is the nephew of the commander-in-chief. If the commander-in-chief goes out to fight, Li Zicheng will be responsible for everything. What do the many brotherhoods think? Let me tell you the truth. After this meeting, He Yilong came to me and talked about some things about Li Zicheng, and also talked about his own worries."

This topic was brought up by Liu Guoneng for the first time, and Li Yichuan knew some of the reasons for it.But not so detailed. Liu Guoneng is flexible, likes to meet many brothers, speaks freely, and has a good relationship with everyone. Li Yichuan is silent a lot, and most of the time, he is alone.

"Brother Liu, tell me in detail."

"He Yilong has a lot of opinions on Li Zicheng. It's mainly about the command. Li Zicheng has already revealed his intention. It is not a big deal to integrate all the soldiers of the rebel army into one, just like the army of the imperial court. If the rebel army If we can’t hold each other together, we don’t have much hope.”

"That's right, I feel the same way."

"But there must be something wrong with Li Zicheng's approach. I heard from He Yilong that Li Zicheng intends to exclude many brothers. Except for the obedient ones, the rest will be cleaned up. Moreover, He Yilong also said that this time the troops will be dispatched. Going out to fight, you have your own thoughts. You and I are disobedient people. We are stationed in Fengxiang Mansion, and we are reluctant to go to Hanzhong Mansion for a long time. They are all on the expedition, and it is estimated that after the expedition, they will not be able to return to Fengxiang."

Li Yichuan's complexion changed. He and Liu Guoneng had discussed it many times, but it was the first time Liu Guoneng brought up these words today, and they spoke clearly and logically.The deep meaning contained in these words is very clear.

Li Yichuan had some bad ideas for a long time. He and Liu Guoneng had been moving around Fengxiang Mansion all the time, accepting Gao Yingxiang's remote command. In the early stage, there was nothing, they were very free, and the battle was carried out according to their own ideas, but in recent days Over the past month, their actions have obviously received more interference. Gao Yingxiang has already proposed that the two of them leave Fengxiang Mansion and settle in Hanzhong Mansion at an appropriate time.

It is not a big deal to meet with the big troops. It must be done in order to survive. Otherwise, it will be very dangerous for the Jiangning battalion to enter Shaanxi and stay in Fengxiang Mansion. But Li Yichuan noticed that the big and small leaders who gathered in Hanzhong Mansion , seem to have gradually lost their commanding power, and are under the command of Gao Yingxiang and Li Zicheng, including Luo Rucai, who do not have much actual power. When such a situation arises, Li Yichuan has to be extra careful.

The sergeants of Hanzhong Mansion, including those of Fengxiang Mansion, had a very good impression of Li Zicheng. They generally believed that Li Zicheng was a good leader who cared for his subordinates, set an example, and cared for the sergeants.

If Liu Guoneng said such words, Li Yichuan would not continue to pretend to be stupid, because his own interests were involved.

"Brother Liu, what do you think?"

"Brother Li, you and I each have our own thoughts on such a big matter, so why should I say it?"

Li Yichuan stood up, walked to the door, opened the door, looked outside, there was no one there, and the sergeant standing guard was about ten meters away from the door.

After closing the door, Li Yichuan spoke seriously.

"Brother Liu, what you and I are talking about has already involved your and my interests. We don't need to hide it. If you have any ideas, please speak out. If it is feasible, we will do it."

Liu Guoneng also looked very serious.

"Okay, brother Li, let me ask you a question. This time we go out to fight against the Jiangning battalion. Do you think we have a chance of winning, or in other words, will we be completely defeated?"

Li Yichuan shook his head. He had obviously considered this question.

"Brother Liu, I think the purpose of our expedition this time is not to defeat the Jiangning camp. That is impossible. Zijinliang, Lao Huihui, and Zhang Xianzhong have all lost to the Jiangning camp. We want to defeat the Jiangning camp, as if ascend to heaven."

"Well, I also think the same way. Since we have no chance of winning, why do we go on conquests? What is the purpose? Should we fight with the Jiangning camp and come back directly, or fight to the death with the Jiangning camp."

Li Yichuan was stunned. He had never thought about this question.

"Brother Li must have never thought about this matter, but I have thought about it. This time I go out to fight, there is absolutely no chance of victory. If the Jiangning camp is so easy to deal with, I would have lost to the Tartars long ago. Since there is no chance of winning, why are you still fighting?" Going to fight, and you and my sergeants are all dispatched, do you have ulterior motives in doing this?"

Li Yichuan's face turned pale.

"Brother Liu means to borrow a knife to kill someone."

Liu Guoneng nodded, with a sneer on his face.

"Brother Li, to tell you the truth, I have discussed with He Yilong, and I have suspected the motive of this action for a long time. You and I have always been in Fengxiang Mansion. If we are not under the direct leadership of the commander-in-chief, he will rest assured us. Well, besides, there is an obvious contradiction between Li Wanqing and Li Zicheng in Hanzhong Mansion, and He Yilong, so we left before He Yilong said, why not send his sergeant, Let's go out to fight together."

Li Yichuan's face became paler and paler, and he could faintly see blue.

"He Yilong has long sensed that Li Zicheng has the idea of ​​eradicating dissidents, and is planning to bring all the sergeants under his command and implement a unified command. This process must not be easy. This time the opportunity has come, Jiangning Camp When we came to Shaanxi, the rebels were facing a huge threat. At this time, sending troops to contact the Jiangning battalion, regardless of victory or defeat, can boost morale. Such a suggestion will not be opposed by everyone, and there is no way to oppose it."

"To put it bluntly, you and I are all scapegoats, including Li Wanqing. I even think that when we go out to fight this time, we should not think about it. We will be able to return to Fengxiang Mansion, and we will not even have the chance to go to Hanzhong Mansion."

Li Yichuan's face turned livid, and he almost gritted his teeth.

"Brother Liu, since this is the case, then tell me what we should do."

At this time, Liu Guoneng seemed a little hesitant instead, and didn't want to continue talking.

"Brother Liu, I said just now that things have come to this point, so we should not doubt each other. I completely believe what you said. It's just that I just found out about these situations, and I didn't think of them at all. How to deal with it, brother Liu please tell me truthfully, what should I do."

Liu Guoneng's.A smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Li, then I will not be polite. What was the purpose of our rebellion? We didn't want to have enough food and live a good life. After so many years, we struggled hard, but the distance from this The goal seems to be getting farther and farther away, this time, it is even difficult to save our lives, since this is the case, why don't we find another way out by ourselves."

Li Yichuan nodded slightly, he already understood what Liu Guoneng meant.

"Brother Liu, this is difficult. I heard that Mr. Su is very powerful. Will you accept us?"

The change of title shows that Li Yichuan has already thought of surrendering.

Liu Guoneng was finally relieved.

"Brother Li, I don't think it's a big problem. We must seize this opportunity. Lord Su must submit a certificate. This is the best opportunity. We are going to conquer the Jiangning camp. This is top secret news. As long as we report this news to Master Su, and during the battle, we can use some tricks and think of ways to prevent the general from surviving, and we will definitely be appreciated by Master Su."

Li Yichuan stood up again, and walked a few steps back and forth in the room.

Finally, he made up his mind and thumped the table hard.

"Okay, let's do it like this. It's non-toxic and not a husband. Let's go all out."

Next, the two began to discuss specific methods. They must plan carefully to ensure success.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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