() When he first entered Shaanxi, he faced many things. However, what Su Tiancheng thought of was mainly the living conditions of ordinary people in Shaanxi Province.most

Along the way, he didn't bother the prefectures and counties, and went straight on his way. It is October, and the autumn harvest is not long. It is said that the people should have food to eat. The most difficult time of the year is usually in the first few months of the year. At that time, what he saw along the way still shocked him a little.

A large number of refugees wandered on the official road. When they saw the large army coming, these refugees panicked and couldn't escape in time. From time to time, there were crying sounds. The refugees were all sallow and emaciated.

Su Tiancheng asked the reason. He never imagined that the reason for these refugees was directly related to him. It turned out that because of his appointment, the officials and officials at all levels in Shaanxi were terrified and desperately fulfilled the task of taxation and exploited the people. He was afraid that he would be dismissed from his post, because Su Tiancheng had the right to directly appoint officials, and Shaanxi had encountered some famines in recent years, coupled with bandits and raids, the common people were unable to complete the task of paying taxes, so shortly after the autumn harvest, a large number of people were born The refugees, the able-bodied refugees, went directly to Hanzhong Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion, and went directly to join the bandits.

The old, weak, sick, disabled, women and children left behind can only wander on the official road.

Some people also suggested to go directly to Henan Mansion. I heard that the people there lived a good life and no one died of starvation. The government and officials cared about the common people.

It's a pity that the governments at all levels in Shaanxi still haven't let these refugees go. They don't allow the refugees to enter the city. Inspection departments from all over the country check the refugees on the official roads all the time. Some soldiers even insulted and raped women and killed youths. Zhuang, searched the only property of the refugees, causing complaints.Most of the refugees are farmers who stay at home, and they don't know which direction the Henan government should go.Even if you know, it is impossible to pass the level after level.

Su Tiancheng's face turned pale with anger.

He did not expect that he would receive such a big gift just after entering Shaanxi Province.

This is a problem that he cannot avoid, and it is also a problem that cannot be avoided.

What made Su Tiancheng feel strange was that even though the refugees along the way said with one voice, the governments all over the place were setting up checkpoints to intercept them.Moreover, they were all set up on the official road, but Su Tiancheng did not meet them, saw no one, and did not see officials greet them on the official road. A large army of 5 people is very large.It is impossible for the governments of various places not to know.

Of course, this is also the first rumor that Su Tiancheng let out. He doesn't like the way of attracting people and sending them away. Officials at all levels are forbidden to accompany the marching army and go to Shaanxi Province to be qualified. of.Besides, ordinary people may not know that he came to Shaanxi, and it is impossible to know him.

The shortest route is passing through Anyi City in Pingyang Prefecture, Shanxi Province, and directly entering the territory under the jurisdiction of Xi'an Prefecture, Shaanxi Province. This road will pass through Tongguan.This is a famous pass, and it is also a pass that Sun Chengzong once focused on defending.

But Su Tiancheng chose to enter the territory under the jurisdiction of Yan'an Mansion from Daning, from Yan'an Mansion to Xi'an Mansion.

This place of Yan'an Mansion was very famous in Shaanxi Province, and it was also well-known in the Ming Dynasty. There were several groups of rogues here. Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, and Li Zicheng were all from Yan'an Mansion.Zhang Xianzhong also started the incident here. To put it bluntly, Yan'an Mansion gave birth to the birth of rogues.Judging from the actual situation today, the main leader of the bandits.Basically, they all belong to Yan'an Prefecture.

If he can have a preliminary impression of this place, Su Tiancheng is confident that he can analyze the personalities of Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng and others, and with the help of his own historical knowledge, he can wipe out the bandits in the shortest time.

It's a pity that it was Loess Gaopo who greeted Su Tiancheng.

Whether it was in the previous life or in this life, it was the first time for Su Tiancheng to see the high loess slope. The autumn harvest season had passed, and the cultivated land on the high loess slope looked so chilling. When he saw it suddenly, he couldn't believe it. Food can also grow on the land.

Su Tiancheng's deepest impression was the lack of water in Yan'an Mansion. In some villages he passed by, the people he saw almost had sweat stains on their faces. Traces could also be seen on the clothes they were wearing, and the smell could be smelled from a long distance away. .

For a moment, Su Tiancheng expressed his understanding to Gao Yingxiang and the others, but this kind of thought was only fleeting. They belonged to different classes, and it was impossible for them to merge with each other. The minds of Gao Yingxiang and the others had undergone a complete change. A peaceful life will never be satisfied.

All the way through Ganquan, Yanzhou, Luochuan, Zhongbu, and Yijun, on October [-]th, a large army entered Tongguan County under the jurisdiction of Xi'an Prefecture, and Su Tiancheng's heart became heavier and heavier.

There are many problems. It should be said that the situation in Yan'an Mansion is not the worst. According to Su Tiancheng's knowledge, the worst are Pingliang Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion. Yan'an Mansion is already in such a situation, so don't worry about it. Talk about Pingliang Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion.

He remembered Sun Chengzong's words that the conditions in Shaanxi Province were not bad. During the Wanli and Tianqi years, the people here could barely have enough food and clothing, but the ensuing natural disasters and the riots of the rogues made Shaanxi a place that began to fall into a trap. In the vicious cycle, the government and officials have changed their views on the common people, and all the common people have become the source of the troops of the rogues, resulting in the deterioration of the relationship between the government and the common people. Officials at all levels do not think of how to improve the lives of the common people , not to care about agricultural production, but to think about how to suppress refugees and how to reduce the number of refugees.

This situation has lasted for a long time, starting from the first year of Chongzhen, until now.

Officials in the imperial court were most afraid of going to Liaodong, followed by going to Shaanxi.

Su Tiancheng sighed secretly. According to his fate, after staying in Henan Mansion for a period of time, his next step would probably be to go to Liaodong. He wanted to go to places that people were afraid to go, and he couldn't object.

Tongguan County is close to the official road.

What Su Tiancheng saw along the road was similar. Many people lived in cave dwellings. This is also a characteristic of the northwest region. Hundreds of years later, this kind of situation will still exist.

The governor's office is located in Xianyang County under the jurisdiction of Xi'an Prefecture.

The large army marched very fast. Although they helped some common people along the way, they did not solve the root problem. The refugees were still wandering on the official road. Su Tiancheng thought about it carefully. Although he is the governor of Shaanxi Province, he has not really taken office yet. , Issuing some orders hastily may cause unnecessary trouble for himself. The most important thing is that he doesn't know much about the situation of the government at all levels in Shaanxi Province. The information sent by the dark line cannot be so specific.

Outside the county seat of Tongguan County.

From a long distance, Su Tiancheng saw the dark crowd.

It can't be refugees, and refugees are not allowed to approach the county seat.

Liu Tiehan, who was going to explore the road ahead, soon came to report.

"My lord, all the officials from Shaanxi Province's government envoy Si Yamen, the procuratorial envoy Si Yamen, the commanding envoy Si Yamen, Xi'an Fu Yamen, Xianyang County Yamen, and Tongguan County Yamen have all come to Tongguan County. Greeting adults."

With so many officials coming to greet him, it was impossible for Su Tiancheng to lose his temper.

Although he was a little uncomfortable inside, he still smiled.

The leader is Pu Kaiqiang, the governor of Shaanxi Province. The former governor has already left Shaanxi for the capital. Therefore, in today's Shaanxi Province, Pu Kaiqiang is in charge of the overall work for the time being.

Announcing the Political Envoy Division, the Procuratorial Envoy Division, and the Commanding Envoy Division, known as the Three Divisions, together constitute the provincial government agencies, responsible for administration, justice, and military respectively, of which the political envoy has the greatest power.

The birth of the governor has a short history, and it is also a unique product of the Ming Dynasty. The meaning of the governor is to lead the emperor to tour the world and appease the army and the people. In the early days, it was only a temporary position. The powers of the third chief executive, the third division, have been significantly weakened.

In the Wanli period, the governor had become the decision-maker of a province, and the chief of the three divisions had been reduced to a clerk. Everything had to be done according to the requirements of the governor. However, there were also political envoys with strong backgrounds who dared to confront the governor. of.

When Su Tiancheng became the governor of Shaanxi Province, he had to consider taking care of the emotions of many officials in Shaanxi Province. However, he had the privilege granted by the emperor to appoint and remove officials below the prefect of Shaanxi Province on his own. The commander of the Jiangning Battalion is indeed very powerful.

However, Su Tiancheng still cannot adjust the main officers of the third department at will. These people are directly under the control of the emperor and the cabinet.

The meetings are all old routines, nothing special, the meeting between officials is very cordial, everyone has a smile on their face, although the meaning of each smile is different.

Looking at the smiling faces, Su Tiancheng's heart was a little complicated. In a short time, he was going to make a move. At least the prefect and the prefect had to be adjusted on a large scale. They had to be replaced by his confidants, otherwise he would be in Shaanxi , do things according to the law, and the officials in Shaanxi Province have been facing the rogues for a long time, and their inner thoughts have been fixed. Complete the work requested by Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng was even more aware that if he planned to go to war in Shaanxi, it would definitely cause large-scale fluctuations. This was unavoidable. If he wanted to change the situation in Shaanxi Province, he would have to face such fluctuations. However, how could he think of a good way? Finding a suitable opportunity deserves careful consideration.

On October [-]th, Su Tiancheng and his party finally arrived in Xianyang County.

From this day on, he was truly in office.To be continued. , welcome to the starting point (qidian votes for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. mqidian read.)

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