Ming politicians

Chapter 483 Choice

() Thanks to yqt, Empire Setting Sun World, and xiaoyuanmcu for their valuable monthly votes, and thanks to Su people for their evaluation votes, thank you. )

When Wang Dazhi led people into the second hall, Su Tiancheng's expression was unusually serious.

After taking office, he was faced with so many things that he was a little clueless. Appointing and adjusting officials seemed to be a very simple matter. It seemed that decisions could be made with a wave of his hand. In fact, this was not the case at all. Shaanxi Province It governs six prefectures and five prefectures, among which Hanzhong Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion are the areas where the rogues concentrated their activities. Except for the seat of the government office, a few important counties, the rest of the places are almost the scope of the rogue activities, which seems to have opened up in Shaanxi. The base of the bandits.

The footprints of the bandits spread all over Shaanxi. Yan'an Mansion is the place where the bandits made their fortune and originated. The situation is not much better. The rest of the prefectures and counties also have news of bandit activities from time to time. When Sun Chengzong presided over the extermination of the bandits, he restricted the bandits to Shaanxi. Province, such a decision is correct. Unfortunately, the government and officials at all levels in Shaanxi Province failed to seize this opportunity to weaken the strength of the rogues on a large scale. , leading to the continuous expansion of the scale of the rogues, coupled with the antagonism between the government and the common people, to a large extent, helped the rogues.

It is imperative to adjust the officials, but there is a condition in it, the arrogance of the rogues must be suppressed. If the rogues are allowed to plunder, no matter who it is, it will be difficult for them to play a role after they arrive in the prefectures and counties, let alone Su Tiancheng. Not many confidantes, being able to control the prefecture's yamen is considered pretty good. At this time, Su Tiancheng needs an opportunity.

The problem in front of him is that the people in Shaanxi Province live in extreme hardship, which has exceeded Su Tiancheng's imagination.Even in the vicinity of Xianyang County, there are refugees. This shows that the economy of Shaanxi Province is on the verge of collapse. The common people have no food to eat, and the government has no ability to appease them.Or the government didn't think about helping the common people at all.

It seems that the first task is to relieve the people.

However, this kind of relief cannot be decided casually. There are too many refugees to rescue them, and Su Tiancheng cannot provide so much food.It is also impossible to get that much money. You know, there is still more than half a year before the next autumn harvest. If the relief is rolled out in an all-round way, the amount of silver and food consumed may be astronomical.

Thinking about Su Tiancheng who was going to do a big job.Encountered the first problem, a very realistic problem.

Relief must be carried out, and this needs to be closely relied on by the prefectural and county government offices. But when the actual situation is not fully grasped, who can guarantee that the relief food can really go to the mouths of the refugees.

At this time, Wang Dazhi reported the last chapter of the immortal cultivator.Someone asked to see him, and this person acted suspiciously. He said that he had to see the governor before he could say what he wanted to say.

Ordinary people, wanting to see the Governor, is not as simple as talking about it, there are many ordinary people.I have never even seen the county magistrate in my life, let alone the governor, and ordinary people dare not go to see officials at will.They have a kind of heavenly worship and fear for officials, but this person must see the governor.

Su Tiancheng thought too much about going back and didn't want to see this person, but Wang Dazhi's words aroused his curiosity.

Wang Dazhi said that this person's whereabouts were a bit strange. After finding Wang Dazhi, he left a message saying that he was in a certain inn and hoped to see the governor and report something important.

Wang Dazhi, Liu Jingting and others were ordered to wander around the streets and alleys of Xianyang County to check the local situation. Since this person was able to find Wang Dazhi directly, it showed that he had observed carefully.

Thinking of this, Su Tiancheng agreed to meet.

The visitor enters the second hall.

Su Tiancheng's first impression was that this person was unusual. On the surface, he looked like a tiger, but inside his eyes, he was shrewd.

When the visitor saw Su Tiancheng, he immediately knelt down.

"My lord, the Caomin made a special trip to report the situation to your lord under the order of the leader."

Su Tiancheng stood up in shock. According to the leader, there are only rogues in the team. He came to report the military situation just after he took office. Could it be that there is something wrong with the rogues' team.

The Jiangning battalion had just arrived in Xianyang County and was still placed in the military camp outside the city. Hong Chengchou was in charge of all coordination work, so Su Tiancheng had no officers from the Jiangning battalion for the time being.

"What is your identity, and why do you report the situation to the official?"

"According to the leader's order, the Caomin came to report the military situation, and the two leaders were eager to surrender to the court. The Caomin brought letters from the two leaders."

The visitor took out the letter from his pocket. Wang Dazhi took the letter and looked at it carefully. After opening it, he found nothing, and then handed it to Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng took the letter and read it carefully.

Gradually, Su Tiancheng's face turned a little pale. The opportunity he had been thinking about all along, could it have arrived just like this, could it be that God really cared for him so much.

Soon, Su Tiancheng's expression returned to normal.

"Okay, you stand up and speak, and explain in detail what you need to say."

"Yes, my lord."

The visitor stood up and began to speak.

In the process of telling, not only Su Tiancheng, but even Wang Dazhi felt surprised. The visitor talked about the internal situation of the rogues in detail, focusing on the struggle for power within the rogues. Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, because of different Satisfied with the internal strife, but at the same time fearful of Jiang Ning Ying, unwilling to become a pawn at the mercy of others, so he took refuge in the imperial court.

The reason is compelling.

Gao Yingxiang convened a meeting of many leaders to discuss the matter of attacking the Jiangning camp. It is undoubtedly very wise to make such a decision. If the Jiangning camp is caught off guard and encounters an attack, it will definitely suffer some losses in this unfamiliar place.

Su Tiancheng broke out in a cold sweat.

The Jiangning camp has been very smooth these years. Whether it is against the rogues or the Tartars, they have won brilliant victories. It can be said that in Su Tiancheng's mind, he never thought that the rogues would take the initiative to attack the Jiangning camp, but Gao Yingxiang did it. Out of such a decision super ambiguous full read.

Su Tiancheng couldn't help thinking that when Hong Chengchou presided over the extermination of the bandits, the sergeant led by He Renlong encountered the plot of the bandits to encircle Wei and save Zhao, and suffered the heaviest loss.

An hour later, the person who explained everything clearly was taken out by Wang Dazhi.

Su Tiancheng fell into contemplation. His time is running out. According to what the visitor said, two days later, 10 bandits will launch an attack on the Jiangning Battalion. The visitor is not very clear about the specific deployment of this attack. Clearly, but the rogues have already set off for a few days, and they have been traveling day and night all the way, dispersing their actions, planning to concentrate in Xingping, and attack the Jiangning camp with lightning speed. Regardless of the outcome, the Jiangning camp will encounter to loss.

Only a quarter of an hour later, Wang Dazhi rode to the barracks.

Soon, Hong Chengchou, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian and others rushed to the governor's office.

Qu Qingze, who was in the governor's office, also came to the second hall.

The Jiangning Battalion is in the process of being resettled. After all, there are more than 5 sergeants. Fortunately, the family members of the sergeants have not followed this time. Because the situation in Shaanxi is complicated, the family members coming may cause some danger. But even so, the resettlement will take a few days , The barracks need to be refurbished, life needs to be implemented, there are too many specific things.

At this time, Su Tiancheng summoned everyone to the governor's office.

Su Tiancheng looked at the crowd and spoke slowly.

"Everyone, I got the news that there are 10 bandits, and they will attack the Jiangning camp in the next day."

After saying these words, everyone's faces changed. This was something they never thought of. Every time the rogues and Jiang Ning Ying fought, the losses were heavy. It should be said that they were very afraid of Jiang Ning Ying, but this Once, he actually thought of taking the initiative to attack, taking advantage of Jiang Ningying's unstable foothold.

Hong Chengchou's reactions were all strong, and he has learned a painful lesson.

"My lord, the bandits are too rampant. This time, we must teach them a lesson."

Su Tiancheng took out the letter and handed it to Hong Chengchou.

"This time it was the leader Gao Yingxiang who led the bandits to attack. In addition, there were Li Yichuan, Liu Guoneng and others. The specific situation was provided by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng. They wanted to join the imperial court. The team led by the two had 5 people. The two were willing to capture Gao Yingxiang alive during the battle, and the reason why the two wanted to join the imperial court was mainly due to the internal conflicts among the rogues, because of the power of the Jiangning camp, they were unwilling to be cannon fodder, so they thought about surrendering."

Hong Chengchou had finished reading the letter, and handed the letter to Sun Chuanting beside him.

As soon as Su Tiancheng finished speaking, he spoke.

"I think this situation is credible. I know something about the power struggle among the rogues. Internal friction often occurs among them. Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng will not lie. Besides, they have no need to lie. I personally think that this It is a very good opportunity, if Gao Yingxiang can be captured alive, it will be a great blow to the rogues in Shaanxi."

The rest nodded.

"Okay, the rogues wanted to attack the Jiangning camp, so they told them to come and go. The person who came to report the letter is still in the Yamen. Master Hong, I will hand it over to you. Within today, I will learn more about the situation and make a corresponding response. Deployment, the deployment must be detailed, tight internally and loose externally, and no news can be leaked, and everyone should also consider, since Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng have defected to the imperial court, what they need to do will allow us to use the minimum cost to obtain the greatest victory."

Su Tiancheng stood up.

"For an hour, everyone should think about it and see what should be done. After an hour, we will still gather here to determine the final idea." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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