Ming politicians

Chapter 484 different opinions

()According to Qu Qingze's proposal, the Shaanxi chief envoy Pu Kaiqiang, the inspector envoy Zuo Xiaohu, and the capital commander Tan Zongliang all attended the discussion meeting.

Qu Qingze put forward such a suggestion, and Su Tiancheng was very satisfied. It seems that after working in the local area for a period of time, Qu Qingze has understood a lot of things, the importance of collaboration, and the high value of everyone's efforts. The truth is, the chiefs of the third department still have a lot of power according to their own responsibilities. If they think about confronting the governor all the time during the work process, it will be difficult for Su Tiancheng to do things.

However, Pu Kaiqiang, Zuo Xiaohu and Tan Zongliang attended the meeting, and Su Tiancheng still had some worries. The understanding of these three people must be somewhat fixed. A group of rogues came to provoke, and the three of them might not necessarily believe that the information was true.

As soon as the meeting was held, different opinions emerged.

Hong Chengchou put forward the suggestion of fighting against the rogues in an all-round way and striving to wipe out the [-] rogues led by Gao Yingxiang. Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian and others fully agreed, but Pu Kaiqiang first put forward different opinions.

"My lord, my colleagues, I think this matter needs to be cautious. The situation in Shaanxi is special. Your lord and Jiang Ningying have just arrived here, and they haven't had time to settle down, nor have they fully grasped the situation. The rogues have been in trouble in Shaanxi for many years. They all want to exterminate them, but they have many tricks, especially Gao Yingxiang and Luo Rucai, who are old and cunning, who knows if this is true. No peace, we have been fooled."

Zuo Xiaohu and Tan Zongliang also nodded frequently.

Su Tiancheng didn't speak for a while, he knew that Pu Kaiqiang hadn't finished speaking yet.

"According to my opinion, the Jiangning Camp should settle down first. As for this letter, you don't need to pay attention to it, as long as you take the necessary precautions. We all know that the Jiangning Camp is brave and good at fighting. When it came to Shaanxi, the rogues It must be fearful, not to mention taking the initiative to attack. Being able to avoid it is considered good."

Just after Pu Kaiqiang finished speaking, Tan Zongliang spoke.

Tan Zongliang was the commander of the capital, responsible for commanding the guard troops in Shaanxi, and had some confrontations with the rogues.

"My lord, what Master Pu said is reasonable. The rogues in Shaanxi are too cunning. There have been precedents of surrender before, but they are all expedient measures. The Jiangning camp has just arrived in Shaanxi. It is better to leave it to the defense of the rogues' sneak attack." I'll handle it."

The expression on Hong Chengchou's face changed, although he was still smiling.But the tone of the speech was a bit heavy.

"Lord Pu, Lord Tan, no matter whether the news of the bandits is true or not, it will not do any harm to the Jiangning Camp. The Jiangning Camp came to Shaanxi with two responsibilities. One is to maintain the law and order in Shaanxi. Let the common people live and work in peace and contentment. The second is to exterminate the bandits and maintain the peace of our Ming Dynasty. Now that we have received such information, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng have offered to submit to the imperial court. How can such a good opportunity be missed? Moreover, the leader of the bandits, Gao Yingxiang, is leading the sneak attack this time. , if Gao Yingxiang can be captured alive, it will be a heavy blow to the bandits. It will kill multiple birds with one stone."

Hong Chengchou's prestige is still different. He used to be the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces, and he was the direct superior of Pu Kaiqiang and others. Therefore, it is difficult for the three of them to directly refute his opinion.

Everyone looked at Su Tiancheng, waiting for Su Tiancheng to express his opinion.

"Lord Hong, Lord Pu and Lord Tan have all expressed their opinions, and they all have some reason. Lord Pu and Lord Tan don't know the situation of Jiangning Camp yet, so it is reasonable to make such a suggestion. However, some It would be a pity if Jiang Ningying missed such a good opportunity."

"I don't want to talk about the combat effectiveness of the Jiangning Battalion. Let alone 10 rogues, even if 30 of them go into battle, don't think about getting any advantage. But anyway, Gao Yingxiang still has some courage and strategy. Jiang Ning The battalion has just arrived in Shaanxi, and is still busy with its own resettlement. At this time, the sneak attack strategy really caught the Jiangning camp by surprise, and it is likely to cause some losses. Since Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng want to submit to the imperial court, then the Jiangning camp should make good use of it. With such an opportunity, we will strive to wipe out these [-] bandits."

At this point, Su Tiancheng officially stated that the Jiangning Battalion will make an all-out attack to face the rogues.

Seeing Su Tiancheng's statement, Pu Kaiqiang, Zuo Xiaohu and Tan Zongliang stopped talking.

"This time the opportunity is very good, but we still need to plan carefully. Since Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng are determined to submit to the imperial court, we must create conditions for them. As for Mr. Pu's talk about the scheming bandits, we also need to plan in this regard , thinking of playing tricks in front of the Jiangning battalion, then they are thinking of courting death. Since they want to submit to the imperial court, they must follow the rules of the Jiangning battalion. All those who are unqualified will be sent home, strictly follow the requirements, if they disagree with our suggestion, then they will compete face to face and use their combat power to speak."

The steps of the discussion have now turned to the next step, which is how to face the sneak attacking bandits.

This time there are still different opinions.

In Hong Chengchou's opinion, to suppress this group of sneak attacking rogues, the main force is the cavalry, assisted by the artillery battalion and the Shenji battalion. Hong Chengchou knows the power of the artillery battalion, but he believes that the rogues are very mobile, and they will run away if they can't win. , Under such circumstances, it is necessary to give full play to the role of the Jiangning battalion cavalry, so that the rogues can escape.

In Bi Maokang's opinion, the Artillery Battalion and the Shenji Battalion should take the lead. After inflicting the biggest blow on the rogues, the cavalry and infantry would then launch an attack. This would hit the morale of the rogues and minimize casualties.

Everyone's opinions are inconsistent, but most of them agree with Bi Maokang's opinion.

Everyone has seen and experienced the power of the Artillery Battalion and the Shenji Battalion in several consecutive battles, especially in the battle against the Tartars. Everyone still remembers the great power of the Artillery Battalion.

Su Tiancheng's thoughts changed.

It is said that launching an attack with artillery first can achieve the best results and can indeed reduce casualties. This time the situation is a bit special. Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng expressed their submission to the imperial court. They led 10 sergeants. Open your eyes, the sergeants led by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng must be at the forefront. Under such circumstances, the attack of the artillery battalion will hit the sergeants led by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, while the sergeants led by Gao Yingxiang will not suffer much loss. , Besides, with [-] people, it will take a long time to kill [-] pigs.

The cavalry of the Jiangning Battalion have extraordinary combat effectiveness, especially after several confrontations with the rogues, the cavalry has become even more fierce. If the cavalry is the main force, directly beheading the rogues will make the rogues feel fear and fear. Suppressing the bandits will have unexpected effects.

"In my opinion, this time the extermination of the rogues will mainly focus on the Xiaoqi Battalion, the Scout Battalion, the Jianrui Battalion, and the Vanguard Battalion. As for the Artillery Battalion and the Shenji Battalion, Master Hong has already mentioned A specific combat plan has come out. This plan is feasible, but there is one thing to be aware of. It would be best if the [-] sergeants led by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng can form a separate formation. Yes, but if they are in a mixed formation, they must turn around and strike, otherwise, we have no way to distinguish them, and we can only attack them together."

The specific combat plan has basically been determined.

At this time, Pu Kaiqiang couldn't bear it anymore, and finally spoke.

"My lord, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng are willing to submit to the imperial court, but they have [-] soldiers in their hands. If they surrender on the surface, but take advantage of the battle to attack suddenly, what will they do?"

Su Tiancheng looked at Pu Kai and forced a smile.

"Master Pu is very good. Among Master Hong's tactical arrangements, there is still one thing that has not been mentioned, and that is the arrangement of the sergeants in the guard station. 5 people are not a small number. It is true that we must take good care of them. This is the guard. It is the responsibility of the sergeants to exterminate the rogues, which is the task of all levels of government and officials in Shaanxi Province. This is a very good opportunity. The Jiangning Battalion has just arrived in Shaanxi, and it has encountered such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It must not be missed. Xianyang County Inspection The sergeants of the division, including the sergeants of Xi'an Wei, all participated in this battle as a reserve team."

In the process of speaking, Su Tiancheng found that Tan Zongliang's expression was not very good. It's no wonder that the sergeants of Xi'an Wei and Xianyang Inspection Department all served as the reserve team, and their main duty was to take care of the sergeants who surrendered. what effect.

Su Tiancheng would never allow the soldiers from Shaanxi to participate in this battle. He didn't trust these soldiers, and he didn't know how powerful these soldiers were.

Such an arrangement is necessary, even though it hurt Tan Zongliang's face.

An hour later, all the arrangements were clarified.

Hong Chengchou was directly responsible for the command of this battle. Su Tiancheng sat in the governor's office and waited for news. Pu Kaiqiang and Zuo Xiaohu followed Su Tiancheng and waited for news in the governor's office. Tan Zongliang assisted Hong Chengchou.

After all the arrangements were over, it was already dark.

The battle was imminent, and Su Tiancheng seemed very calm. The reason why he didn't go directly to the battlefield was because he thought that in the future, he would not be able to participate in every battle of the Jiangning Battalion. Hong Chengchou's ability is very strong, and he commanded too much In the next battle, it is not a big problem to face the rogues. Besides, Su Tiancheng still has a lot of things to consider, including how Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng will deal with them and how to arrange them. His previous point of view is that he will never treat the leader of the rogues lightly. .

Appropriate acceptance of individual leaders of the rogues can also disintegrate the morale of the rogue army.To be continued. , welcome to the starting point (qidian votes for recommendations, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. mqidian read.)

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