Ming politicians

Chapter 485 Plan

() Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's predictions are accurate.

The 5 people they led, as the vanguard, launched the attack first. The specific arrangement has been clarified. The large force is still divided into two groups, and they take action separately. After the reunion in Xingping, Gao Yingxiang has already emphasized that the first wave Offensive is particularly important. It does not seek to kill the Jiangning battalion to the maximum extent, but it must disturb the morale of the Jiangning battalion and create good conditions for the second wave of attacks.

This mission seems to be very simple. The sergeants led by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng will not suffer too many casualties, but everyone knows the bravery of the Jiangning Battalion. The first wave of attack will definitely cause huge casualties. Moreover, after many years of conquest, the Jiangning Camp must be organized in an orderly manner, and will not panic to the point of collapse. Thinking about it this way, the first wave of attack is very dangerous, let alone 5 people, thinking of retreating easily, it is not easy. It's not that simple.

The most important thing is that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng saw a problem in Gao Yingxiang's arrangement. Gao Yingxiang's appetite became bigger, and he seemed to want to wipe out the vitality of the Jiangning camp to the maximum extent.

This is a terrible idea, and it feels a little overwhelmed.

The rebel army has always pursued the strategy of leaving if they can't win. If they have a huge advantage, they can adopt the method of strong attack and hard attack, but there is still no such thing as an approach that knows what can't be done.

Gao Yingxiang asked the two to launch the first wave of attacks. In terms of the tactical arrangement, there were no problems. The most critical attack was the [-] soldiers led by Gao Yingxiang and the [-] soldiers led by Li Wanqing. They wanted real swords and guns and Jiang Ning The battalions are fighting against each other, what else can you say, the first wave of attack is just to disturb the morale of the Jiangning battalion.

It's a pity that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's minds have long since changed.They had another plan, and they put it into practice. Their main task has undergone a clear change, which is to capture Gao Yingxiang alive for their own submission to the imperial court.Such a big gift is enough for them to gain a firm foothold.

The sergeant sent out was absolutely trusted by the two of them, and everything was arranged.

The two waited anxiously for the news, wondering what Su Tiancheng was thinking, and whether he would propose some too harsh conditions.

On the outskirts of Xingning County.

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, who were waiting anxiously, finally met the person sent by Su Tiancheng.

The attack was about to start, and the two of them were like ants on a hot pot.It's too late for Gao Yingxiang's offensive arrangement to be disclosed. If the Jiangning battalion really started fighting, the loss of the two teams would be too great, and their hearts would be very painful.

There were two people who came to contact on behalf of the government. According to the prior agreement, both of them dressed up as refugees and held large celadon bowls in their hands.Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's confidantes directly brought them in front of them.

Li Yichuan's attitude was very low-key.After seeing the two of them, there was a smile on his face.

"Thank you, two adults. I am Li Yichuan, and this is brother Liu Guoneng. We have been waiting for news."

"I'm Liu Tiehan, and this is brother Liu Jingting."

Li Yichuan opened his mouth wide.Unable to speak, Liu Guoneng on the side also changed his expression. They have heard of Liu Tiehan's name many times. He used to be a bandit who was in Henan.By chance, he took refuge in Su Tiancheng, relying on his bravery in battle, he rose to prominence, and now he is the Commander of the Ming Dynasty.

Sending Liu Tiehan to contact them fully demonstrated Su Tiancheng's attitude that he completely believed in them, but there was also a warning in it.

It took a long time for Li Yichuan to speak.

"I have admired you for a long time. Brother Liu and I have heard of General Liu's name a long time ago. This time we are sincerely submitting to the imperial court, and we have no second thoughts. Whatever orders Master Liu and Master Liu have, we will definitely obey them."

"Master Su already knows your thoughts and welcomes you very much. However, since you want to submit to the court, you must show sincerity. We are villains first and then gentlemen. Lord Su believes in you and hopes that you can help Jiang Ning battalion, captured Gao Yingxiang alive, and wiped out the rogue team led by Gao Yingxiang."

Li Yichuan nodded repeatedly.

Liu Guoneng on the side finally spoke.

"Master Liu, Master Liu, Gao Yingxiang has given us a mission, and the attack will start at Yinshi in the latter day. The [-] soldiers led by brother Li and I will attack first. The main purpose is to disturb the morale of the army. The army led by Gao Yingxiang and Li Wanqing Fifty thousand sergeants then launched an attack at the barracks where the Jiangning camp is located, and we are anxious about how to report this situation."

Liu Tiehan looked at Liu Jingting and spoke quickly.

"So that's the case, then what do you think?"

"Brother Li and I want to submit to the imperial court and will never launch an attack. We all know the bravery of the Jiangning camp. Such an approach is tantamount to self-destruction. We will never do it, but we If he can't launch an attack, Gao Yingxiang will be suspicious, and I'm afraid he just retreated."

Just after Liu Guoneng finished speaking, Li Yichuan continued to speak.

"What we mean is that we want to take advantage of the opportunity of the attack and directly submit to the imperial court. When the time comes, we will order the sergeants to lay down their weapons and not allow them to launch an attack."

Liu Jingting, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"Can you guarantee that your actions have not been suspected by Gao Yingxiang?"

The two looked at Liu Jingting and shook their heads at the same time.

"Brother Liu and I are very cautious, we will never arouse Gao Yingxiang's suspicion."

"If Gao Yingxiang has doubts, how are you going to deal with it?"

"This, we haven't thought about it carefully yet."

The conversation was short, but ended in a quarter of an hour.

Liu Tiehan finally made an arrangement and asked Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng to proceed according to the original arrangement and not to show any flaws. The most critical issue was to keep the [-] soldiers under him stable and not to mutiny. The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. If a sergeant mutinied and caused a large-scale mopping up, the Jiangning Battalion might not be able to control that much.

The meaning of these words is actually to remind Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng not to be overly confident. After all, they are [-] sergeants, and it is not clear whether they are united in one mind. They must strictly examine the officers under them.

Besides, it is rare for 5 people to charge at the same time. In such a large-scale scene, if you don't pay attention, anything can happen.

At dawn, Liu Tiehan finally returned. As for Liu Jingting, he stayed by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's side.

Hong Chengchou almost stayed up all night.

It is said that he has experienced many battles, and he would not be too excited about such a battle, but this time he is facing Gao Yingxiang, the leader of the rogues, if he can capture Gao Yingxiang alive, it will be tantamount to a major victory. It can fundamentally attack the arrogance of the rogues, so he has been thinking about all the deployments of the battle.

He took Liu Tiehan with him without delay, and rushed directly to the Governor's Yamen.

Su Tiancheng, Hong Chengchou and others listened to the situation in detail.

"It seems that there is no need to doubt Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's submission to the imperial court."

Hong Chengchou nodded.

"My lord, the Jiangning Battalion is divided into two parts. The 1 people are mainly responsible for guarding the 4 sergeants under Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng. The other [-] people will attack at midnight and set up an ambush to destroy the soldiers led by Gao Yingxiang. From Li Yichuan According to what Liu Guoneng said, it echoes our original guess. The scout battalion has already investigated the terrain outside Xianyang City. A mountain depression twelve miles away from here is an ideal place to set up an ambush. At present, we still need the help of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng. It is to let all the army pass through the col, and the timing must be accurate."

As Hong Chengchou said, he pointed to the sand table in the middle of the room, which was made overnight.

Su Tiancheng looked at the sand table carefully and nodded.

"Okay, this kind of arrangement is good. The problem that needs to be paid attention to here is mainly to prevent Gao Yingxiang from finding out about Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's submission to the imperial court. A [-] army is not a small number. Anything can happen. So, the Jiangning Camp In addition, the [-] soldiers who besieged and suppressed Gao Yingxiang must keep in mind the main task, capture Gao Yingxiang alive, and don’t kill all the rogues who put down their weapons, they are different from the Tartars.”

Liu Tiehan had no time to rest, and was about to set off again.

Su Tiancheng looked at Liu Tiehan, and spoke word by word.

"Tiehan, you are by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's side. You must pay attention to your own safety. If you find that the situation is wrong, focus on protecting your own life and don't think about other things. You and Liu Jingting must be extra careful. Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng wanted to submit to the imperial court, but they have so many soldiers under their command, anything could happen."

"My lord, there is nothing wrong with my subordinates, but Brother Liu has no strength to restrain a chicken. This subordinate suggests that Brother Liu should come back now so that my subordinates can also concentrate."

"I know this. Since the arrangement is like this, there should be no changes. There are many soldiers around Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng. I don't worry about their safety. The key is you and Liu Jingting. You have been in the scout camp for many years. Adapt to the situation, so you have to pay attention to the situation all the time, and try your best to protect Liu Jingting's safety. In terms of negotiation, Liu Jingting has an advantage over you."

Hong Chengchou did not leave the governor's office immediately.

After Liu Tiehan left, Hong Chengchou spoke.

"My lord, this battle is very important. In my opinion, my lord should directly participate in the command."

"Lord Hong, don't make any changes to the things that have already been decided. I will be at the governor's office, waiting for good news from you and Jiang Ningying."

Hong Chengchou bowed his fists to Su Tiancheng.

"My lord, I will do my best to capture Gao Yingxiang alive in this battle. If I can't complete the mission, I will plead guilty to my lord and the court."

"Lord Hong, don't be so nervous. It's not a big deal if you don't capture Gao Yingxiang alive. Since the Jiangning camp has come to Shaanxi, the bandits will eventually be wiped out." (To be continued...)

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