Ming politicians

Chapter 486 An accident occurred

The day of the attack is just around the corner, and the actions along the way are very secretive. One hundred thousand troops came from Hanzhong Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion to Xi'an Mansion, but they were not discovered by the officials and officials. Gao Yingxiang felt that God was helping him .

Regarding the arrangement and concept of this battle, he discussed with Li Zicheng for several days. Li Zicheng fully agreed with such a battle. He also put forward specific opinions on the formation of troops. The most important suggestion is to mobilize Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, who were still in Fengxiang Mansion, participated in this attack.

The 30 army, the ones that really have good combat effectiveness, are about 10 people. The sergeants controlled by Gao Yingxiang have a total of 10 people. The old troops of Zijinliang, Lao Huihui, Zhang Xianzhong and others have all been absorbed by him. Most of the sergeants with combat effectiveness are also under his command. The [-] sergeants brought out this time are not the strongest in combat effectiveness. Gao Yingxiang himself believes that this attack is just a formality. See how many casualties it caused to the Jiangning camp.

The most important purpose of such a campaign is probably to cleanse the rebel army.

For the huge rebel army, government orders must be unified. The Jiangning Battalion came to Shaanxi with a very clear purpose. The rebel army will never wait to die.

After a period of investigation, Gao Yingxiang also discovered a secret, that is, after learning that the Jiangning battalion was coming to Shaanxi, the troops of the imperial courts in various places in Shaanxi generally relaxed. The control of the fortress seems to be waiting for the Jiangning camp to solve all the problems.

This is an opportunity. If the rebels seize this opportunity, they will be able to leave Shaanxi and develop towards Shanxi and Henan.If it is an attack on the Jiangning camp this time.Being able to disrupt all the deployment of the Jiangning Battalion, the rebels took this opportunity to leave Shaanxi and transfer to Shanxi, that is a great victory.

Of course, to achieve this goal.It is necessary to unify the command and resolutely reject those leaders who do not obey the command.

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, who had been active in Fengxiang Mansion, became the first targets to be cleaned up.

Gao Yingxiang also understands that the number of rebels is not the decisive factor. The key point is to have capable soldiers. For example, the Jiangning Battalion originally only had 3 people, but it has repeatedly won victories in battles.Therefore, Gao Yingxiang didn't care much about the loss of some sergeants in this cleanup.

As long as the command can be unified, as long as all the officers and officers in the rebel army obey the command, they will have the opportunity to continue to grow and develop, even if they encounter temporary setbacks.The problem is not too big.

Of course, Gao Yingxiang also has things to worry about.That is Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng. These two have their own characteristics, but they can both replace him as the leader. Li Zicheng is his nephew, his brother who fights tigers, and a father-son soldier in battle.Always rest assured, Luo Rucai is a very intelligent person, and he is insidious and cunning, so he must deal with it seriously.

Messy things go through my mind.This is not a good situation when the war is imminent.

Gao Yingxiang forced himself to calm down and stop thinking about those things. He wanted to urge Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng to launch an attack.

The [-] army is divided into front and rear armies, and the distance between them is only five miles away. The attack will be launched tomorrow. If Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng have other ideas, it is not a good thing.

When the soldiers led Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng into the tent, Gao Yingxiang had a smile on his face.

"General Li, General Liu, the attack is about to start at night. This time, I have worked hard for you. I have prepared a banquet and wish you a great victory. You must remember to stick to it for two hours. From Yinshi to Chenshi, I will lead Brothers, the second wave of attacks will be launched at Chen Shi."

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng pretended to be calm. They had ghosts in their hearts, and their expressions were not very natural.

This situation is very delicate. Gao Yingxiang did not expect that the two would secretly surrender to the imperial court. The expressions of the two were a little weird, and their actions were not very natural. In his opinion, did the two of them have some resentment towards this arrangement? , or discovered something, Liu Guoneng was in constant contact with He Yilong, and the two were sneaky, He Yilong was a little dissatisfied with Li Zicheng, and had some connection with Luo Rucai.

If his prediction is accurate, it means that there is already a restless force among the rebels, and when the opportunity comes, this contradiction will inevitably erupt.

After the three of them sat down, all the soldiers withdrew. Gao Yingxiang personally raised the jug and poured wine for the two of them.

"Two brothers, we haven't had a drink like this for a long time. Alas, there have been too many things during this period of time. In addition, you have been active around Fengxiang Mansion. You don't have much time to go to Hanzhong Mansion. The time to get together is natural. It's much less, and the Jiangning camp is about to be crusaded. It must be a fierce battle. The brothers below must have lost a lot. To be honest, I am still a little worried. Zijin Liang, Lao Huihui and Zhang Xianzhong all lost It was lost to the Jiangning camp, so we still need to focus on preserving our own strength in this conquest."

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng didn't understand what it meant. One hundred thousand troops had arrived here, and in less than a day, they were about to start fighting. At such a critical moment, why did Gao Yingxiang say such words? Could it be that Gao Yingxiang had What did you feel, or what did you notice.

Gao Yingxiang raised the wine bowl, and the three drank the first bowl of wine in one go.

"Well, actually, I've been thinking about it all the time. Look, the rebel army has been operating in Shaanxi for more than a year, and the situation has become very difficult. If you can't get out quickly and open up a new stronghold , The ending is hard to predict. You are in Fengxiang Mansion, and you rely on your own supplies most of the time. You must have experienced the difficulties. The rebel army has a total of 30 sergeants. It is too difficult for such a huge team to survive. The family property saved in the past is basically going to be eaten up, and I don't know how to maintain it in the days to come."

Li Yichuan felt that he should open his mouth to say something. Gao Yingxiang seemed to want him to express his opinion.

"Commander, I think that the rebel army has survived for so many years. Now is not the most difficult time, and we must be able to think of a good way. If the commander has any arrangements, just ask, Brother Liu and I will definitely support them."

Gao Yingxiang shook his head and continued to speak.

"It's really hard to be the leader of this rebel army. You have to take care of all the brothers, and you have to worry about everyone's food, clothing, housing and transportation. There are too many problems. If I don't think about the future of the brothers, I really don't want to do it. , I have been in the army for so many years, I don’t know how many storms and waves I have experienced, but some brothers just can’t understand, they always look at the little profit in front of them, I think, if this situation continues, there is no hope for the rebel army.”

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng finally understood the meaning, and their expressions became better. As long as their submission to the court was not exposed, everything would be easy to talk about.Now it is the arrow that has to be launched, and no mistakes can be made.

Next, the two agreed with Gao Yingxiang, no matter what Gao Yingxiang said, both of them agreed, and their attitude became very sincere, even Gao Yingxiang felt strange, they had never seen them so forthright before.

At the end of drinking, Gao Yingxiang finally said the most important thing.

"Two brothers, I have thought about it seriously. The attack tomorrow morning is still very dangerous, and accidents may happen at any time. Now, we can't back down, so we can only bite the bullet and attack. I hope God will bless us and let us achieve Victory, we had a heart-to-heart talk just now, and we talked about many things. I am very happy that the two brothers supported me so much. So, for tomorrow's attack, you should not come to the front line in person, stay by my side, and wait until the brothers The situation has been opened, we will charge together and kill him in a hurry..."

Before Gao Yingxiang finished speaking, the expressions of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng changed.

They never thought of such an arrangement. If both of them stayed with Gao Yingxiang, they would not be able to command the army. What would Su Tiancheng think of the charge, and the Jiang Ning battalion's real swords and guns?

Because the matter of submitting to the imperial court must be kept secret, only a very small number of confidantes know that such a thing must not dare to spread the news on a large scale.

Li Yichuan spoke first.

"Commander, this arrangement is inappropriate. These sergeants have always followed me through life and death. In such a critical battle, I can't take part in the command, but hide behind. I'm afraid the sergeants are feeling uncomfortable. They haven't started fighting yet. It hurt my family's morale, Brother Liu and I led a total of 5 sergeants, if you are not careful, you may collapse."

What Li Yichuan said was very serious. If the 5 people collapsed, there would be no need to attack later. This expedition would be a complete failure.

Liu Guoneng didn't say anything, Li Yichuan said everything he needed to say.

"No, the two brothers are worrying too much. You can arrange for officers to command. You follow me. If something happens, you can handle it easily."

Gao Yingxiang did not send anyone to command, which is already very good.

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng knew that they couldn't refuse.

At this time, Liu Guoneng finally spoke.

"Commander, this is a very important matter. Even if we do it according to the request of the commander, we have to rush back to make arrangements. Otherwise, the officers and sergeants will not know about it, and the event may be ruined."

Gao Yingxiang nodded, the reason Liu Guoneng said was good, the arrangement was necessary.

"That's fine, I'll send a few soldiers to follow you there, make arrangements quickly, and I'll wait for you here." (To be continued...)

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