Ming politicians

Chapter 487 Jun 1

(Thanks to li, fluttering in depression for casting a valuable monthly ticket, and thanks to john01b for the reward, thank you.)

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng never imagined that they would encounter such an arrangement. It seems that Gao Yingxiang knew something, or there was some rumor that the sergeant was attacking in front, but the two leaders stayed behind, by Gao Yingxiang's side. Such a posture expresses too many meanings.

But at such a critical moment, the two of them cannot behave abnormally.

After returning to the barracks, the two asked the soldiers who followed them to wait outside on the pretext that they had something to arrange.

Gao Yingxiang's decision cannot be changed, unless the two of them decide to start an incident in advance, but such an arrangement is definitely not in line with the arrangement of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying. Both of them remember that Liu Tiehan said that everything is according to the plan The plan was carried out, which also showed that the Jiangning camp had an overall arrangement.

At this moment, the two of them were like ants on a hot pot, not knowing what to do.

It was Li Yichuan who was more awake. He remembered that Liu Tiehan and Liu Jingting were both in the barracks. At such a critical moment, he had to find them quickly and explain the situation. Otherwise, after launching the attack, his soldiers would attack desperately and disrupt the The situation changed, and the situation changed, and the two of them had no chance to submit to the court.

Liu Tiehan and Liu Jingting came in.

Liu Tiehan's eye circles are still a bit dark, and he has not slept all night, running back and forth, it goes without saying that he is hard, the key is that he is highly stressed and cannot relax in the slightest. Come to take care of him, even though it is not far from the barracks, there are a hundred brothers to support him.But in the face of such a large army, danger is needless to say.

Liu Jingting was not much better, he was very cautious when accepting such an important task suddenly, before Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng were summoned by Gao Yingxiang, he was almost always with them.We talked about a lot of things. Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng used to be honest farmers. After they had no other choice, they rebelled. They didn't have too much political ambition. What they thought about was to live a good life. Liu Jingting also came from the bottom. Things are still very familiar.Therefore, chatting with the two of them hit it off very well, which also strengthened Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's determination to submit to the court.

Liu Tiehan came to the barracks at noon, and Liu Jingting exchanged opinions with him. As for Liu Tiehan's proposal, before the start of the battle, he temporarily avoided and left the barracks.Liu Jingting is determined not to do it, as a soldier.How can you leave the barracks, how can you leave the combat post.

After Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng came back, they suddenly asked to see him and Liu Tiehan. Liu Jingting instinctively felt that there was a problem, and it was not a small problem.

"General Liu. Mr. Liu, there is trouble. Just now Gao Yingxiang asked Brother Liu and me to follow him. Don't just fight in the early morning of tomorrow. The soldiers outside have already followed. We are very anxious and don't know what to do That's good."

"That's right, the matter of Brother Li and I surrendering to the imperial court is very secret. We dare not spread the news casually. Except for a few confidantes who know about it, the rest of the people don't know about it. The [-] army is about to launch an attack. Without our help Commander, I don't know what troubles will arise."

Both Liu Tiehan and Liu Jingting's expressions changed.

Soon, Liu Tiehan spoke.

"Can you be sure that your submission to the court has not been exposed?"

The two nodded, indicating that they were never exposed.

"Then what do you think?"

Li Yichuan looked at Liu Guoneng, gritted his teeth and spoke.

"We thought about raising the matter in advance and detaining the soldiers who came with us. It would be too late for Gao Yingxiang to control us, but we don't know if it is appropriate to do so."

Liu Guoneng nodded, he thought the same way.

Liu Tiehan was silent. He didn't dare to say that he was in charge of such an important matter, but the current situation was so critical that a decision had to be made. Otherwise, when Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng came to Gao Yingxiang's side, the situation would be difficult to control, no matter who came It is impossible for two people to have such great influence in commanding operations, and I dare not say that [-] sergeants can put down their weapons and surrender. Besides, if there is news of the surrender of the sergeants ahead, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng will also be in danger.

It is absolutely impossible to allow 5 people to attack. Liu Tiehan knows that Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou's arrangement has focused their energy on the [-] soldiers led by Gao Yingxiang to deal with the [-] soldiers led by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng. Ten thousand sergeants, only ten thousand brothers.

The time of silence was a bit long. At this time, Liu Jingting couldn't get in his mouth. After all, he was not familiar with military arrangements.

After a while, Liu Tiehan raised his head, his eyes were very deep.

Before leaving, Su Tiancheng once told him that the situation is changing rapidly, and anything can happen, one must know how to make a quick decision, as long as it is beneficial to Jiang Ningying, a decision can be made.

"General Li, General Liu, I think it is feasible for you to consider the matter in advance. Doing so can ensure your safety to the greatest extent and reduce losses to the greatest extent. It's just that you have to hold your breath for the time being. Now you are far away from those who launch an attack. Time, there are still nearly ten hours, you can bargain with Gao Yingxiang, say that you rushed to his side an hour before the attack, the reason is easy to say, after all, it is the sergeant you have commanded for a long time, with you by your side, the morale must be high It’s different, the longer the delay, the better.”

"During this period, you have to make all the arrangements, including how the army will act. My suggestion, you can consider, publicly expressing your submission to the imperial court, and expressing your submission to the imperial court an hour before the start of the attack. Gao Yingxiang must have no choice but to do so. How did I deal with you?"

"Gao Yingxiang may be suspicious, or he may adopt some other means, but according to my observation, he will never come to your barracks, so you always occupy a favorable position."

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's eyes lit up. It's not that they didn't have such an idea, but they just considered the arrangement of Jiangning Camp, so they couldn't say it out. They didn't expect Liu Tiehan to say that.

The two murmured for more than a minute, and Li Yichuan spoke up, saying that everything would follow Liu Tiehan's arrangement, and an hour before the start of the attack, he said he would submit to the court.

As for the issue of delaying time, they can still say the reasons for this. If they want to come, Gao Yingxiang will not be too persuasive. Anyway, the two of them stay in the barracks and don't go anywhere. The soldiers sent by Gao Yingxiang, before the incident, be seized.

After arranging everything, Liu Tiehan told Liu Jingting to be extra careful. Now that the situation has changed, Liu Jingting urged Liu Tiehan to leave quickly and go back to Xianyang to report the situation.

After Liu Tiehan reported the situation, Su Tiancheng remained silent for a long time.

Hong Chengchou and the others on the side all looked at Su Tiancheng. Although such a change would have some impact, it would not cause any fatal losses.

"Lord Hong, everyone, in this expedition, Gao Yingxiang must be captured alive. Liu Tiehan's arrangement is very reasonable, so as to avoid losses to the greatest extent. My personal suggestion is that the Jiangning Camp should speed up the action. It was originally scheduled to start at midnight. , Now it needs to be an hour earlier, 4 horses surrounded Gao Yingxiang's team at the fastest speed, the previous plan to lure Gao Yingxiang's team into the ambush circle must be changed."

Hong Chengchou nodded, such a change is necessary and correct.

"In addition, after Liu Tiehan saw Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, he told them that [-] soldiers would set up camp on the spot, lay down their weapons on the spot, and wait for reorganization. They must ensure overall stability and stabilize the situation."

"Tiehan, thank you for your hard work. This time, you did a good job."

After saying these words, Su Tiancheng stood up, and he was about to make the most important decision.

"The situation has changed, and all our arrangements have also changed. First, the strategy of luring an ambush has changed to a strategy of encircling and attacking. Secondly, the work of taking over [-] soldiers from Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng also needs to be carried out in advance. What I mean is, at Haishi tonight, [-] soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion formally took over the [-] rogues who surrendered. In the end, it was originally decided that sergeants from the Xianyang Inspection Department and Xi’an Wei would take over the rogues, but this has been temporarily postponed.”

"This is my opinion, Mr. Hong, what do you think?"

Hong Chengchou was the commander-in-chief of this operation, and the opinions he expressed were decisive opinions.

"I think your lord's arrangement is appropriate. According to your lord's arrangement, the Jiangning Camp quickly made deployments."

Only Hong Chengchou, Bi Maokang and Liu Tiehan were left in the room.

"The action is about to start. This time the fight is different from the past. This is the first fight since the Jiangning Battalion entered Shaanxi, and our opponent is Gao Yingxiang, the leader of the bandits, so we must win. Just now Tie Han talked about Gao Yingxiang's arrangement, I think Gao Yingxiang still has some ability, so we can't underestimate, and take advantage of this favorable opportunity to hit the rogues hard."

"Lord Hong, you must pay attention to your own safety when you lead the soldiers into battle. As the saying goes, you can win a thousand miles away by planning a strategy. Although the style of the Jiangning Camp is different, you should try not to be on the front line."

"Master Bi, you are in charge of the surrender of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng to the imperial court. There are [-] bandits and there are a lot of people. There will always be some unexpected situations. I think the handling must be decisive. First of all, the safety of the Jiangning battalion soldiers must be ensured."

"Liu Tiehan, you are familiar with all the situation. After Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng start to surrender to the imperial court, you will follow Mr. Bi and make good suggestions."

"This time, I am still in the governor's office, waiting for your good news."

Hong Chengchou clasped his fists in front of Su Tiancheng on behalf of everyone.

"Don't worry, my lord, I'll wait for the news at the governor's office." (To be continued...)

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