Ming politicians

Chapter 488 Fighting wits and courage

Gao Yingxiang is not an idiot. He asked Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng to stay by his side just in case. The purge among the rebels is imperative and cannot be delayed. Seeing that the Jiangning Battalion is stationed in Shaanxi Province, the purpose is to wipe out the rebels. At the critical moment, there must be a unified command, and the 30 troops will have a way out. Thinking of the various disputes in the past, the losses caused to the rebel army are already heavy enough. Besides, the leaders of the rebel army, big and small, have taken many measures to submit to the court. .

Liu Guoneng had too much contact with He Yilong, and He Yilong was the first person Li Zicheng determined to be purged.

Gao Yingxiang also tried to control the [-] soldiers under the jurisdiction of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, but he needed a reason to do so. Without any reason, it could only lead to internal strife in the rebel army. Besides, the various ministries of the rebel army had different ideas and still needed to unify their thinking.

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng agreed to the request so readily, but Gao Yingxiang was a little caught off guard. He thought that the two of them would find various reasons, but Gao Yingxiang would not relax before the matter was implemented.

The soldiers came to report soon, saying that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng had made a request. An hour before the army attacked, the two were ordered to go to Gao Yingxiang's side. At this time, it is better to wait in the barracks. There was commotion. During this period of time, many officers came in and out. It might be that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng were arranging something.

Gao Yingxiang felt a little bad, and he even thought of going to the barracks himself.

The request of the two is not too much, for the stability of the sergeant, for the smooth development of the attack, but they are reluctant to come to his side for a long time, if this is the time, what arrangements should be made.It is impossible for him to know.

Gao Yingxiang couldn't help regretting that he should have left Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng behind.

Li Wanqing entered the room.

The [-] sergeants he led had good combat effectiveness. This time they followed Gao Yingxiang to attack the Jiangning camp, and losses were inevitable, although he was a little unwilling in his heart.But Gao Yingxiang dispatched [-] sergeants, and his own sergeants were just following the battle, not undertaking the main combat mission. Besides, the [-] sergeants led by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng were the first to harass the Jiangning battalion. With such a premise, he It's hard to say anything.

Only [-] sergeants are among the [-] troops.The proportion was too small, and Li Wanqing could only follow Gao Yingxiang's arrangement.

"Brother Li, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng came here just now. We discussed it. I think about letting Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng stay with us to avoid unnecessary danger. What do you think?"

Li Wanqing was taken aback.I don't know why Gao Yingxiang made such an arrangement, it was in the middle of the previous battle.It had never appeared before, he spoke without thinking.

"Marshal, I don't think it is very suitable. Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng will lead the army to charge in person, and the effect will definitely be better."

"What you said makes sense, but the bravery of the Jiangning camp. We all know that if Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng are in any danger, our sneak attack this time will not be worth the candle. I am considering their comfort. Keep the brothers Ladies and gentlemen, if the sergeant is lost, we can find a way to recruit, but if the leader is lost, our strength will become weaker and weaker."

Li Wanqing nodded.

"What the commander-in-chief said is also true. If Brother Li and Brother Liu have any problems during the attack, it is really hard to say. The commander-in-chief can ask them not to charge on the front line, but to command the sergeants as much as possible. That's fine. .”

Gao Yingxiang had a smile on his face, but he thought of it in his heart. No wonder Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng made such a decision and were reluctant to come to him for a long time. From what Li Wanqing said, he found the answer. Inside, the generals still regard it as their own, and no one else is allowed to intervene. This situation is normal, but among the rebels, under the current situation, this situation is already the biggest obstacle to the growth and development of the rebels. .

"Brother Li, if you say that, it may not be effective. Think about it, brothers are born and die, and every time they fight, they always charge forward. They have long been used to it. They are still the same as before. After all, they have not directly contacted the Jiangning camp. In case of such a situation, we are beyond our reach. So, I think, let Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng follow us. As for the mission of sneak attacking the Jiangning camp , they can entrust the command of the most trusted officer."

"The commander-in-chief is right. I don't know what Brother Li and Brother Liu are thinking."

"They agreed, but after returning to the barracks, they made a request, saying that they would come to our side an hour before the attack. The attack is about to start. If there is any change, it is difficult to grasp."

Li Wanqing stopped talking. He thought that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's decision was not wrong. It would be considered pretty good if they could agree to be with Gao Yingxiang. Well, the leaders of the two leaders were not in the army. If there was any deviation during the attack, wouldn't the whole army collapse.

Li Wanqing also thought of other possibilities. With Gao Yingxiang's arrangement, he obviously didn't trust the brothers. When a big battle was imminent, the commander would stay behind.

Seeing that Li Wanqing was silent, the smile on Gao Yingxiang's face slowly disappeared.

"Brother Li, we have been in the army for so many years. Everyone has gone through the rain of guns and arrows. It is hard to survive until now. Seeing that the Jiangning Battalion has entered Shaanxi, even some of our brothers are very pessimistic. They think that the rebel army has no future. It is precisely because of this that I decided to launch a sneak attack when the Jiangning Camp just arrived in Shaanxi. The purpose is to dispel the doubts in the hearts of the brothers. Heels, start attacking us on a large scale, and the situation will be even worse at that time."

"I've always been thinking that under the current situation, we need a unified command and a clear goal. Only by working together can we deal with the Jiangning battalion. If we are afraid, who is not afraid? We have always It was a rebellion, and if you were caught, you would lose your head, but we still chose to do this, so we have to persevere."

Li Wanqing felt that he had to speak something.

"The commander-in-chief's decision is correct. I fully agree and support it. The battle is imminent, and the commander-in-chief should think more about it. Outsiders say that the Jiangning battalion is so brave. I don't think so. We have 5 soldiers, and the Jiangning battalion only has [-]. Even if it is not possible to achieve a great victory, it will not be defeated."

"You're right. As long as we can organize well, the Jiangning Battalion has just arrived in Shaanxi Province and is not familiar with the situation here, and is in the process of settling in. If we launch an attack at this time, we will definitely win."

Gao Yingxiang stood up and walked to Li Wanqing's side.

"Brother Li, I would like to invite you to visit Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, tell them what I said, and ask them to organize well and come to my side as soon as possible, so that I can feel relieved. "

Li Wanqing immediately stood up.

"The commander-in-chief ordered me to do my best."

After Li Wanqing left, the smile on Gao Yingxiang's face disappeared completely, and his expression became a little cold.

Two soldiers entered the house.

"You quickly return to Hanzhong Mansion and tell Li Zicheng to control the families of Li Yichuan, Liu Guoneng and Li Wanqing immediately, and the speed must be fast."

After the two soldiers left, the other two soldiers entered the house.

"Follow Li Wanqing, pay attention to the performance of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, and report back immediately if you find anything unusual."

After the soldiers left, officers continued to enter the house.

When these officers left, expressions of astonishment appeared on their faces. They didn't understand why the commander-in-chief made such an arrangement. He had prepared a retreat route before the attack started.

After everything was arranged properly, Gao Yingxiang spoke to himself.

"I hope this sneak attack will be effective."

When Li Wanqing came to the barracks, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng were very surprised. They did not expect that Gao Yingxiang would send Li Wanqing here. This is not the case, it seems that Gao Yingxiang is still a little suspicious.

The two set up a banquet for Li Wanqing.

While drinking, Li Wanqing said what Gao Yingxiang meant, but the two hesitated and didn't answer positively.

Perhaps because he judged others by himself, Li Wanqing did not force them to express their views.

In his opinion, all the family members and friends of the leader are in Hanzhong Mansion and Fengxiang Mansion. Unless they don't want to care about their own family members and are planning to rebel, everyone is taboo. He never thought that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng would meet He went all out to rebel. Of course, from another perspective, he thinks that Gao Yingxiang's arrangement is inappropriate, even inappropriate. He is not completely ignorant of some movements among the rebels, and some signs are already very clear. .

After eating, it was only about four hours before the sneak attack. According to Gao Yingxiang's arrangement, Li Wanqing stayed in the barracks temporarily, and planned to go back with Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng at the same time.

As for the soldiers who followed, pay close attention to everything.

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng seem calm on the surface, but inside they are turbulent. They still have things to do. The arrangement made it very difficult for them to operate. Besides, if Li Wanqing was caught, it was very likely to startle the snake. Who knows how many soldiers followed Li Wanqing to the barracks. (to be continued..)

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