At Yin time in the early morning of October [-]th, this was the time Gao Yingxiang determined to attack.

Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying entered Xianyang on October [-]th, and they had just taken office. At this time, they must be busy setting up camp and familiarizing themselves with the situation. I am afraid that no one would have thought that the bandits would launch an attack at such a time.

Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou are the most nervous. A series of arrangements have been implemented, and now it depends on the effect.

Only officers above the commander of the Jiangning battalion and guards are qualified to know the core matters, and the requirements of Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou are very clear, and they are not allowed to leak information. The original officials of Shaanxi Province, that is, the top leaders of the third division, know it , in the entire Shaanxi Province, there are very few people who know about this matter.

The matter of dispatching troops and generals of the Jiangning Battalion had started a long time ago, and everything was done in secret.

The surrounding area of ​​the barracks is under martial law, and no one is allowed to approach.

When the troops were transferred, Su Tiancheng went directly to the barracks. After all, he was the commander of the Jiangning battalion, the highest officer. At such a time, he must show up. This is also the support for Hong Chengchou's command of this battle.

Hong Chengchou was once attacked by bandits, and because of that sneak attack, he was almost punished by the court. Since then, it was Sun Chengzong who presided over the extermination of bandits. In this battle, if Gao Yingxiang can be captured alive, the knot in Hong Chengchou's heart can be solved.

This is why Su Tiancheng asked Hong Chengchou to take full responsibility.

All the officers above the guard commander of the Jiangning battalion went to the Chinese army account.

After everyone came in, they found Hong Chengchou sitting in the middle and Su Tiancheng sitting next to him, which also showed that they were the commanders of this battle.It was Hong Chengchou.

All the officers and generals above the guard commander and above of the Jiangning battalion have arrived, which can be described as a crowd.

Commanders Sun Chuanting and Bi Maokang, all commanders Xiong Zijian, Commander of Xiaoqi Battalion and Guard Liu Shiliang, Commander of Jianrui Battalion and Guard Ma Huabiao, Commander of Frontier Battalion and Guard Luo Chang, Commander of the First Battalion of Infantry Battalion and Guard Qin Rui, and Commander of the Infantry Battalion He Renlong, Commander of the Second Battalion, Di Huaixiang, Commander of the Shenji Battalion, Sun Yuankun, Commander of the Personal Battalion, and others all came.

Bi Maokang still concurrently served as the commander of the artillery battalion and guard.Xiong Zijian also served as the commander of the law enforcement battalion and guards.

Liu Tiehan, the Commander of the Scout Battalion and Guards, is on a mission and cannot attend the meeting for the time being.

In addition, Su Pingyang, Su Jun and others participated in this meeting.

Hong Chengchou didn't hesitate, and directly arranged tasks. He pointed to the sand table and began to arrange the tasks one by one. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the sand table, the 5 people led by Gao Yingxiang and Li Wanqing.As well as the 5 people led by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, the positions on the sand table were clearly marked.

"Jiangning Battalion is divided into two armies to fight this time. Liu Shiliang, Ma Huabiao, Luo Chang, He Renlong, and Liu Tiehan will lead their soldiers to exterminate the [-] bandits belonging to Gao Yingxiang and Li Wanqing. Sergeant, all of you must perform your duties without any mistakes. The main task of the Jiangning Battalion this time is to capture Gao Yingxiang alive."

. . . . . .

The battle arrangement lasted for half an hour.Hong Chengchou said in great detail that he was the commander-in-chief, Sun Chuanting and Bi Maokang were in charge of the battle ahead, Sun Chuanting was in charge of destroying Gao Yingxiang's troops, and Bi Maokang was in charge of the rogues who surrendered.

During the meeting, Qu Qingze hurried in.When he arrived at Su Tiancheng's side, he handed Su Tiancheng a letter.

Everyone noticed this action, including Hong Chengchou who arranged specific combat missions, and also looked at Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng quickly opened the letter and read it carefully.

slowly.Su Tiancheng's face changed, and a sneer appeared on his face. He handed the letter he had read to Hong Chengchou directly.

Hong Chengchou quickly read the letter, and the expression on his face also changed.

"My lord, I didn't expect Gao Yingxiang to be so cunning that he was going to throw away Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng."

"The Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, there's nothing unusual about this. Gao Yingxiang's calculations are too precise, but he never imagined that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng have surrendered to the imperial court, and he has no chance to escape."

After saying these words, Su Tiancheng stood up and walked to the front of the sand table.

"Gentlemen, Gao Yingxiang chose the place where he stationed his troops. It leads in all directions. There are official roads and mountain roads. The scout battalion has investigated the terrain of this generation. There are four roads in total. One of the mountain roads does not need to be considered. It is not conducive to the actions of large troops, unless it is The soldiers were defeated and fled. Everyone knows the other three routes. Just now, we have received news that Gao Yingxiang is already deploying his soldiers to station on these three routes. Gao Yingxiang’s orders to the officers below have also changed. It is self-evident what purpose he made such an arrangement by asking officers at all levels to prepare for retreat, hmph, a big battle is imminent.”

"Once Gao Yingxiang's army realizes that the situation is wrong, they will randomly divide into three groups to escape. At that time, it is impossible for us to know the details of which army Gao Yingxiang will follow. Gao Yingxiang's doing this is also reminding us that he does not know how to use real swords. Those with real guns will fight against the Jiangning camp, and if the wind is not right, they will run away."

"Lord Hong, in my opinion, the arrangement this time must be changed. The most important task of the Jiangning Battalion is to capture Gao Yingxiang alive. As for the effective force to wipe out the bandits, I think it can be placed in the second place."

Hong Chengchou nodded.

"I also thought about it. In this way, the role of the artillery battalion must be brought into play. First, deal the biggest blow to the rogue bandits and disturb their morale. Since Gao Yingxiang made such an arrangement, it has actually hit the morale of the army. The situation has changed. , our deployment will also change accordingly.”

After pondering for a while, Hong Chengchou spoke again.

"The Artillery Battalion participated in the attack on Gao Yingxiang's troops. Sun Chuanting was in charge of directing the Xiaoqi Battalion, Jianrui Battalion, Vanguard Battalion and Infantry Battalion to launch the attack. Bi Maokang was in charge of commanding the Artillery Battalion. Soldiers, take over Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's [-] surrendered sergeants."

. . . . . .

After Hong Chengchou finished making arrangements, Su Tiancheng remained silent.

Hong Chengchou's arrangement was still based on eliminating the rogues' vital forces, and he did not deliberately capture Gao Yingxiang, but Su Tiancheng's idea was different. This time, some rogues could be let go, but Gao Yingxiang must be captured alive, and Gao Yingxiang cannot be allowed to escape. However, if Gao Yingxiang had escaped, this battle could not be regarded as a victory.

"Does your lord have other considerations?"

Facing the crowd, Su Tiancheng spoke slowly.

"Master Hong's arrangement, I think it is feasible, there is no problem, but I would like to add that all the scout battalion led by Liu Tiehan, including the pro-military battalion led by Sun Yuankun, has a total of 5000 people. These 5000 people do not need to participate in the specific In this battle, your mission is to capture Gao Yingxiang alive, don't indulge in killing the enemy, and remember your own mission."

"Xiong Zijian, you are in charge of taking over the [-] rogues who surrendered. After contacting Liu Tiehan, order him to lead the soldiers of the scout battalion to the battlefield immediately. Sun Chuanting and Bi Maokang, who are in charge of the specific command, you must keep an eye on Gao Yingxiang at all times. , grasp Gao Yingxiang's whereabouts."

5000 people from the Jiangning Battalion arrested Gao Yingxiang. This can be said to be the highest standard arrangement. Everyone knows the combat capabilities of the scout battalion and the pro-barracks battalion. Among them, everyone's understanding of the rogues is general, at least they do not regard the rogues as the most powerful The opponent, psychologically, somewhat despises the rogues.

Although everyone didn't speak, they didn't show too many expressions on their faces.

Su Tiancheng understood everyone's thoughts.

"Brothers, I have said long ago that we can despise the rogues strategically, but we must pay attention to the rogues tactically. The lion fights the rabbit with all our strength. We must not take it lightly. We must not let Gao Yingxiang escape. So to be able to persevere until now, to be able to make a comeback after encountering setbacks, in fact, it means that the leaders and leaders among them have played the most critical role, and under this premise, we want to catch the thief and the king."

"Gao Yingxiang has always been one of the most important leaders of the rogues. He has rebelled for so many years. Although the rogues under him may not necessarily have tenacious fighting power, he calls himself King Chuang, and now he leads 30 rogues. This force is huge, and it cannot be wiped out overnight."

"The more opportunities appear in front of us, the more we need to be cautious. One wrong step, one wrong step, and when the opportunity comes, we must capture Ao Youxiang alive. Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, and Li Zicheng are all from Yan'an Prefecture. The situation in Shaanxi is familiar, but we are not necessarily familiar with it. We have just arrived here and are still in the stage of familiarizing ourselves with the situation, so I suggest to arrange a scout battalion and a pro-barracks battalion to be responsible for capturing Gao Yingxiang, just for insurance."

After explaining, Su Tiancheng looked at Hong Chengchou.

"Lord Hong, this battle is under your command. I'm just offering a suggestion. You are the one who gives the battle orders, and the specific formation of troops is also based on your opinions."

The tasks are all arranged, and the next step is to act.

Hong Chengchou will follow the army, and Su Tiancheng will return to the governor's office.

"Lord Hong, I'm at the governor's office, waiting for good news from you and Jiang Ningying."

"My lord, don't worry, Gao Yingxiang must be captured alive this time."

Fifty thousand soldiers stood neatly in the barracks. Following Hong Chengchou's order to set off, everyone started to act. Because of the need to keep it secret, the artillery battalion also set off with the large troops, and because of the change in the combat order, the artillery The Battalion and the Shenji Battalion have become the main force of the attack, so the operation this time is not easy.

Su Tiancheng silently watched the many soldiers set off. He believed that he had seized this opportunity. Once the Jiangning Battalion won the battle and captured Gao Yingxiang alive, he would have to make many adjustments. (To be continued..)

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