Back at the Governor's Yamen, Pu Kaiqiang and Zuo Xiaohu had been waiting here for a long time. As for the commander of the capital, Tan Zongliang, he had already mobilized the sergeants of the guards and rushed to the designated place. Tan Zongliang would never have thought that the sergeants of the guards would not be there this time The role of the military and all the arrangements for combat hardly involved the sergeants of Xi'an Wei.

Pu Kaiqiang and Zuo Xiaohu are full of hope. They have great expectations for the Jiangning Camp. They think that Jiangning Camp's extermination of the bandits is just a matter of hand, and there will be no great difficulties. Not only them, but all levels of Shaanxi Province Officials also feel the same way.

Su Tiancheng sat in the second hall with Pu Kaiqiang and Zuo Xiaohu.

There are also similarities between the Ming Dynasty and the situation hundreds of years later. As far as being an official is concerned, most of the magistrates and magistrates have to personally resolve cases, and they need to care about money and food matters. They can be promoted to governors, but there are few specific matters. There is a lot more, and there is no need to personally try the case, and there is no need to care too much about money and food matters. The relevant policies are issued by the imperial court. Mainly worry about criminal names, and all commanders mainly manage military affairs. From this point of view, the governor does not have many specific matters.

The situation has been the same for thousands of years. Officials in the officialdom mainly manage two things, money and people. These two things are the embodiment of power. As for doing practical things, etc., they all need to have Only when you have power can you be able to do things well, otherwise you have great ability and have no place to display it.

Therefore, the key point of the governor is to manage the officials well, and to do things through the officials. Things that are decided by the chief envoy, the procuratorate, and the commander-in-chief need to be reported to the governor, and can only be implemented after obtaining the consent.

Su Tiancheng came to Shaanxi Province with an imperial decree in mind.He has the power to directly dismiss and appoint officials below the fourth grade, and he only needs to report to the imperial court for record, or wait for the imperial edict of the imperial court. This kind of power is the first time in the Ming Dynasty.Even the imperial envoy cannot have such great power.

Su Tiancheng asked for such power. On the one hand, he wanted to be able to do things in a down-to-earth manner. On the other hand, he wanted to avoid being caught in the middle of the struggle between officials. and temperance, but he is old, if there is an unusual relationship.It is not uncommon to go against the governor.

In fact, this is a very simple truth. The struggle in the officialdom has always been like this. All he sees is power. Su Tiancheng is too young to have any prestige. If he spends energy fighting for power with the head of the third division.It will inevitably affect governance.

"My lord, Xiaguan and Lord Zuo are thinking of getting the good news as soon as possible."

"That's right. My lord, the Jiangning camp is brave and good at fighting, and will definitely be able to wipe out the bandits."

Su Tiancheng smiled, but didn't speak. Pu Kaiqiang and Zuo Xiaohu probably didn't just want to say these words, Jiangning camp to wipe out the bandits.Maybe it's not too difficult, but if I want to govern Shaanxi well and prevent the bandits from appearing again, that is the most important task, and the key things I need to consider.It's not just about exterminating bandits.

Sure enough, Pu Kaiqiang quickly mentioned other thoughts, which were also things that Su Tiancheng had never thought of.

"My lord, Shaanxi has been invaded by rogues for many years. The people in this place are tough, and the government has always been a headache. Because of the harassment of rogues, this place has become a place where officials talk about it. Many rogue people support the rogues. I think about rebellion all the time, so the government has to control the refugees every year, and the officials think that we still need to take decisive measures to completely wipe out the rogues and severely punish the thugs and mobs who support the rogues."

Su Tiancheng looked at Pu Kaiqiang, but still didn't speak.

Over the past few days, Pu Kaiqiang and Zuo Xiaohu have also reported on some situations in Shaanxi. All they said were difficulties, and that Shaanxi could not be governed. There is no one who is right with officials.

The understanding of Pu Kaiqiang and others also made Su Tiancheng understand why the government treats the refugees like that. Perhaps after years of riots, the government in various parts of Shaanxi no longer understands how to do things for the common people. The government and the people have completely opposed each other. It has become a relationship between the enemy and the enemy.

Why most of the peasant uprisings occurred in Shaanxi, apart from the bad environment in this place, or the unruly folk customs, is there no other reason? The understanding of Pu Kaiqiang and others explains the truth very well.

Seeing that Su Tiancheng was silent, Pu Kaiqiang finally made a suggestion.

"My lord, I suggest that the common people in Shaanxi Province should be strictly controlled. When necessary, they can adopt the method of sitting together. If someone in the family joins the ranks of rogues, the whole family will punish them and ruthlessly kill the troublemakers and mobs. Arrogance, adults don’t know, sometimes bandits attack towns, and some people even open the city gates, leading to the brutal killing of officials. Hu, I have to leave."

Zuo Xiaohu also nodded frequently, and after Pu Kaiqiang finished speaking, he opened his mouth to add.

"My lord, I'm deeply moved by what Mr. Pu said about the criminal name of the next official. The refugees and the mob, they hate the gentry and the wealthy, and what they think of is robbery and plunder. , As a result, the city was breached, the government house was burned, and the officials were beheaded. The lower officials have reviewed many cases, and they are deeply angry."

Su Tiancheng's expression gradually became serious.

It cannot be said that what Pu Kaiqiang and Zuo Xiaohu said was unreasonable, but they ignored the most basic situation, that is, what did the government and officials do, that is, what did they do for the common people? , are called the parents of a place. They are regarded as parents by the common people. It is a joke to say that they are the public servants of the common people. If you can't survive, the officials will know how to pamper you even if you don't pay attention to them, and even exploit the people. Under such circumstances, it is strange that the people don't rebel.

The bandits rebelled and rebelled, which caused huge losses to Shaanxi. The loss of merchants, the large tracts of land left uncultivated, and the impact of drought have turned Shaanxi into a depressed place second only to Liaodong. This situation is still going on. It continued to spread. Some time ago, because of Sun Chengzong's policy of restricting rogues, most of the rogues were concentrated in Shaanxi, which made the situation in Shaanxi even worse. Along the way, Su Tiancheng has discovered that there are refugees everywhere. In the villages and towns beside the road, there are hardly many people in sight.

Not to mention Fuzhou County, even Xianyang County, this place should be the most lively and prosperous place in Shaanxi, but Su Tiancheng didn't feel it, it was far inferior to Jiangning County, nor Luoyang County.

There are not many pedestrians on the street, and the business of many shops, inns, and restaurants is not very good.

Song Sijun paid great attention to these situations. He observed for two days, and when he talked with Su Tiancheng, he made it clear that if he wanted to manage Shaanxi well, it would take a lot of energy and more time.

Su Tiancheng was not in a hurry about all this. Since he came to Shaanxi, he had to face such a situation. He did not come here to enjoy the blessings. He was also fully prepared for the difficulties he faced.

However, the opinions of Pu Kaiqiang, Zuo Xiaohu and others made him feel that the pressure he was facing was extraordinary.

All policies and measures need to be implemented and promoted by the government and officials. However, the understanding of officials at all levels has long been fixed. They think that the common people are troublemakers and mobs, and they have no good views on the government and officials. , This view has lasted for many years. The relationship between the officials and the people has long been incompatible. To put it bluntly, some extreme officials wished to kill all the people.

This is the huge obstacle Su Tiancheng faces.

It is not a matter of a day or two to change one's thinking. In a short period of time, it is impossible to change the views of officials. If you want to implement a policy of loving the people, you can only use coercive means. That is to say, the class you are facing first, It is the government and officials at all levels.

This sounds too absurd, but it is the real situation that Su Tiancheng is facing.

The idea of ​​official standard is very strong. After so many years, Su Tiancheng has fully felt it. He wants to say that the government and the people should be integrated. Not to mention that the officials will not accept such a view, the common people will also not accept it, especially the officials at all levels. , are all scholars after the imperial examination, and are regarded as Wenqu stars descending from the sky. The common people are generally in awe, and the strict hierarchy is generally accepted by the officials and the people.

Therefore, many things will not work if the set of management methods adopted hundreds of years later.

This required more efforts from Su Tiancheng.

Shaanxi Province also has an unusual representative significance. If this place is managed well, it will undoubtedly set an example for the Ming Dynasty. If places like Shaanxi can be built well, let alone other places.

Looking at Pu Kaiqiang and Zuo Xiaohu in front of him, Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Master Pu, Lord Zuo, my thoughts are a little different from yours. Although the current situation in Shaanxi is directly related to the rebellion of the rogues, and even has something to do with some ordinary people who rebelled, we still need to Think about it, how should the officials do things, whether they treat the common people as scourges, or really care about the sufferings of Laobai? Tang Taizong said that water can carry a boat and overturn it. If it is a government official, it is completely against the common people Get up, I don’t know what we can do, I don’t know whose parent officials we are.” (To be continued..)

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