Ming politicians

Chapter 491 Temporary Adjustments

(Thanks to jesonshers, 5461+89464 for the reward, thank you.)

Gao Yingxiang felt more and more that something was wrong, and he didn't know where this feeling came from. He had fought for so many years and experienced too many turbulent waves, and he had long ignored life and death.

Although there are still many disunity and contradictions within the rebel army, and some struggles will even pay the price of blood, but Gao Yingxiang always believes that the rebel army will be able to succeed and achieve its own goal, the ultimate goal of struggle, In Gao Yingxiang's view, it is to establish a peasant regime and truly do things for the people.

Regarding Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying, Gao Yingxiang has a very strange view, which is an inexplicable view. Su Tiancheng is welcomed by the common people wherever he goes. Think about the messy Henan Mansion. In just over a year, life was restored, the common people became rich, and the rebels did not dare to go to Henan Mansion.To be honest, if Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying had not built a strong line of defense in Henan Province, the rebels would have rushed out of Shaanxi long ago.

Gao Yingxiang did not have absolute confidence in the sneak attack on the Jiangning Camp. This was very different from the last time when the Ming army led by Hong Chengchou was encircled and wiped out. Gao Yingxiang will never forget the battle in Dufengyang.

But in the middle of this process, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's emotions were a little bit wrong.

Ordinarily, after they knew that they were going to take the lead, they should have shown anger. After all, being cannon fodder is not a good feeling, which heralded a major sacrifice. The [-] soldiers led by the two faced the mighty Jiangning battalion first.No matter what kind of strategy is adopted, major losses cannot be avoided.

The leaders of each battalion of the rebel army rely on the sergeants below. The stronger the fighting power, the greater the right to speak among the rebel army.No one wants their sergeants to make too many sacrifices.

Gao Yingxiang even thought about it. After the sergeant led by him returned to Shaanxi after the disastrous defeat in Zhongdu, he also lacked the right to speak. Will it be where it is today.

The struggle is sure to be brutal.Wang Jiayin, the earliest recognized leader of the rebel army, was also killed by his subordinates when the war was not going well. Later, Zijin Liang summoned the rest of the rebel army and became the new leader of the rebel army.

For so many years, the competition for the leader of the rebel army has never stopped. Everyone believes in strength.Whoever is the strongest will be the leader.

Gao Yingxiang sat quietly in the tent.Waiting for news from Li Wanqing.

The time to attack seemed to be approaching, but Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng hadn't come to him for a long time.

Two officers entered the tent, they were specially sent out by Gao Yingxiang.One of the officers spoke.

"Marshal, the subordinates have already made arrangements."

"Oh, tell me the details."

"The subordinates have arranged the [-] sergeants belonging to General Li Wanqing on the front line. The remaining [-] brothers are arranged on the two wings. If the attack goes well, the brothers will come out from the two wings. Now retreat, quickly retreat to Wugong County to gather."

Gao Yingxiang nodded slightly. In an uncertain battle, one must first think of a way out.

"Well, if the sergeants Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng belong to retreat, how are they going to arrange it?"

"This subordinate has thought about it. Generals Li Yichuan and General Liu Guoneng must lead the sergeants to resist desperately. Once they get entangled with the Jiangning battalion, it is impossible for them to think of retreating in a short period of time. The subordinates arranged for General Li Wanqing's [-] Sergeant, assist Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng to resist the Jiangning battalion, and at the same time meet the retreating sergeant."

Gao Yingxiang frowned slightly. This arrangement was too much. If they returned to Hanzhong, wouldn't Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng want to make a big fuss, including Li Wanqing, who would raise doubts. The [-] soldiers he led did not pay any price. Such a precedent has appeared. When everyone is fighting, they all want to preserve their own strength, how to fight against the imperial army.

"Such an arrangement is inappropriate and needs to be adjusted."

Seeing that Gao Yingxiang's expression was not right, the officer hurriedly made a supplement.

"Commander, my subordinates think that this arrangement is appropriate. A total of [-] troops will face the Jiangning Battalion. If they cannot resist the Jiangning Battalion's attack, the remaining [-] brothers will not be able to change the situation of the battle. It is better to preserve their own strength. , besides, if this time can cause the Jiangning camp to suffer losses, it can also buy time for the brothers to break out of Shaanxi."

Hearing this, Gao Yingxiang stood up.

"Oh, tell me in detail."

"The subordinates thought that the Jiangning Battalion came to Shaanxi. On the surface, it was very unfavorable to the rebel army. In fact, it was not the case. The Jiangning Battalion came to Shaanxi Province to deal with our rebel army. The Ming army in other places naturally had to relax their vigilance. In their view, the Jiangning Battalion is enough to deal with our rebel army. Under such circumstances, the rebel army took advantage of the situation to go out of Shaanxi and develop in Shanxi, Henan, and Sichuan. The rebel army and the imperial army have fought many times, and there is no fear. , Maybe in this way, the Rebel Army can further develop and grow."

Gao Yingxiang turned his head and stared at the officer. He knew that this officer would never have so much foresight.

"Tell me, who reminded you of these understandings."

The officer froze for a moment, lowered his head, obviously not wanting to say anything.

Gao Yingxiang's face became grim.

"If you don't want to say it, don't be by my side."

"Marshal, my subordinates say, my subordinates say."

Gao Yingxiang looked at the officer, waiting for the officer to reveal the person behind it, but in fact he had a vague guess.

"These are what General Li Zicheng said. Before his subordinates followed the commander-in-chief, General Li specifically mentioned these things to his subordinates. He asked his subordinates to fight hard and protect the safety of the commander-in-chief."

Gao Yingxiang looked very ugly.

"Li Zicheng also said something, you say it all."

"General Li also said that it is impossible to keep [-]% confidential when a [-]-strong army sneaks into the Jiangning camp. Although the Jiangning camp has just arrived in Shaanxi, for a brave and skilled army, it will never let down its vigilance. , Maybe on the eve of the war, the Jiangning Battalion will have prepared and made relevant deployments. If such a situation occurs, everything will become unpredictable, so General Li warned his subordinates to ensure the safety of the general. "

A smile appeared on Gao Yingxiang's face, and he quickly raised his head and laughed loudly.

"It turned out to be like this. Did Li Zicheng arrange everything before the army set off, let Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng attack in the front, let Li Wanqing's [-] sergeants block the Jiangning battalion, and let the remaining [-] sergeants do well?" Prepare to retreat, and even when retreating, I will be at the forefront."

The officer bowed his head and fell silent.

Gao Yingxiang's face turned livid. On the surface, this arrangement was for him, Gao Yingxiang. In fact, it was not the case. If he ordered his brothers to fight like this, after returning to Hanzhong, what influence would he have, and let his brothers be cannon fodder? , but he ran away without even thinking of winning.

Gao Yingxiang felt the bone-chilling cold. If all the [-] soldiers under his command thought like this, then the fight would have been a complete failure before it even started.

"Tell me, has such an arrangement been passed down?"

The officer nodded without speaking.

Gao Yingxiang suddenly felt hopeless. This kind of despair came from inside the rebel army. Li Zicheng had a clear grasp of all his whereabouts. Li Zicheng even knew what arrangements he would make, and he made the arrangements in advance. What this means does not need to be explained.

"Asshole, call the officers immediately and come to my tent."

The officer realized that Gao Yingxiang might have to make adjustments, and regardless of Gao Yingxiang's temper, he quickly spoke up.

"Commander, everything has been arranged properly. The battle is about to start. It's too late to adjust the deployment at this time, and it will affect the morale of the brothers."

"Needless to say, summon the officers immediately. I know what to do. You don't need to say more. From now on, I will personally direct this sneak attack."

When all the officers entered the tent, they felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The tent is not big, it is difficult to accommodate so many people.

Gao Yingxiang asked all the officers to get out of the tent, and he went out too.

"Brothers, this sneak attack on the Jiangning camp is related to the life and death of the rebel army. Therefore, in this battle, we must do our best. There are some problems with the arrangement just now. We cannot destroy our prestige and increase the morale of the enemy. . .”

Gao Yingxiang began to make a new arrangement. This time, he basically arranged his 5000 sergeants on the front line, leaving [-] people behind. As for Li Wanqing's [-] sergeants, he arranged them in the middle.

Such an arrangement completely overturned the previous arrangement. All the officers felt incredible, but no one raised any objections. Gao Yingxiang's expression said everything.

The changes that Gao Yingxiang made were not only unexpected by the officers of the Rebel Army, but also by Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying. Gao Yingxiang gave up the idea of ​​fleeing and retreating, and placed all the sergeants on the front line .

Such a change showed Gao Yingxiang's determination and dissatisfaction with Li Zicheng.

Everything has changed, which also adds uncertain factors to the subsequent fight.

As for the arrangement of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, Gao Yingxiang didn't pursue it in particular. The previous arrangement was obviously to send Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng to their deaths. They couldn't be that stupid, and it was predictable.

Temporarily changing the deployment, there are many things that need to be done, Gao Yingxiang began to arrange it himself, he left the tent, rode to the battalions to inspect, and supervised the implementation of all arrangements. (To be continued..)

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