Ming politicians

Chapter 492 Fatalism

Hong Chengchou held his stomach full of energy. He would never forget the Battle of Yimaguan in Anhua County. It was precisely because of that disastrous defeat that his fame throughout his life was almost ruined. If it weren't for the many contributions he made , and the emperor's gift, maybe he went directly to see the King of Hades.

The situation this time is almost exactly the same, but Hong Chengchou's confidence is quite different. The bravery of the Jiangning Camp is his self-confidence. Out of the tight siege, the killed enemies threw away their helmets and armor. Think of the Jiangning battalion soldiers who showed amazing abilities when facing the ferocious Tartars, and wiped out [-] Tartars. This is an unprecedented record.

It was Sun Chuanting and Bi Maokang who were responsible for the specific offensive tasks. However, Hong Chengchou changed the arrangement slightly, and he decided to personally participate in the fight.

Not only Hong Chengchou, but He Renlong was even more excited.

More than 2 sergeants were beheaded by bandits, and He Renlong was almost devastated. It was an unspeakable fiasco, and it has always been the shadow in He Renlong's heart. Get rid of the inner pressure, this time the opportunity has come.

After all the arrangements were made, He Renlong specifically found Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou, begged bitterly, and even wrote a blood letter, pleading to be a pioneer and lead the soldiers to the forefront. His request was fulfilled, and Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou After deliberation, it was decided that he would lead [-] soldiers as the vanguard of the Jiangning Battalion.

This is not an easy matter. As the guard commander of the second battalion of the infantry battalion, it is almost impossible for He Renlong to become a vanguard officer under normal circumstances.

After the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion set off, Hong Chengchou followed the vanguard all the time.

Artillery Battalion and Shenji Battalion led by Bi Maokang.It was very hard work, and many artillery pieces had to be transported out, because this battle was carried out in a secret state, so I said.All the transportation work is the responsibility of the Jiangning Battalion. It is difficult to speed up the speed only by relying on the Artillery Battalion and the Shenji Battalion. , and even the infantry battalion also transferred soldiers to participate in the transportation work.

The speed of the march is very fast.In this battle, the key to victory lies in the speed of the march. It is necessary to surround the [-] bandits led by Gao Yingxiang at the fastest speed. If the speed is slow, Gao Yingxiang will notice it, and the trouble will be serious.

All soldiers are clear.In this battle, Gao Yingxiang must be captured alive.It is the final victory, otherwise, no matter how many rogues are wiped out, it cannot be regarded as a complete victory.

In order to achieve this goal, Hong Chengchou made special arrangements.

The main task of the Scout Battalion and the Guard Battalion is to capture Gao Yingxiang.Deal with the soldiers around Gao Yingxiang.

Hong Chengchou only left a hundred soldiers around, and all the rest were sent out.

The leader of this special force is Liu Tiehan.

At this time, Liu Tiehan had already returned to the team, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng were there.Qin Rui, the commander of the infantry battalion and guard, replaced him in charge of recruiting and surrendering.

The order in which the army marched was also very clear.

He Renlong led [-] vanguard soldiers and marched at the front, followed by the scout battalion and personal army battalion led by Liu Tiehan, the artillery battalion and the Shenji battalion at the back, the cavalry unit next, and the infantry battalion at the end.

After arriving at the designated location, the Artillery Battalion and the Shenji Battalion first launched an attack. The attack was carried out in the dark. The time when the bandits planned to attack was Yin time. This time was also the time when the Jiangning Battalion launched an attack.

After the artillery attack, He Renlong led the soldiers to attack first, and then Sun Chuanting led the brigade of cavalry to launch a general attack. The infantry battalion was postponed, and after three rounds of charges, they completely defeated the bandits.

Liu Tiehan would not participate in the attack. He led the Scout Battalion and the Shenji Battalion to directly deal with Gao Yingxiang and the [-] soldiers around Gao Yingxiang. Their task was to capture Gao Yingxiang alive at all costs.

Liu Tiehan has always taken on such tasks, and he is already familiar with it.

At midnight, this is the darkest time of the day, and it is also the time when a new day begins.

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng began to get nervous.

Li Wanqing had already left, and according to the schedule, they were about to set off to go to Gao Yingxiang's side. The soldiers outside the tent were already urging them, and it was a critical moment.

According to the schedule, they announced their surrender to the imperial court when they were ugly, but judging from the current situation, they had to be in advance, otherwise, the soldiers sent by Gao Yingxiang sensed that something was wrong, escaped from the barracks, and went to Gao Yingxiang's side to inform , I am afraid that all the arrangements of the Jiangning camp will be in vain.

When Qin Rui entered the tent, Li Yichuan couldn't help it.

"My lord, the situation is urgent, can we act now?"

Qin Rui looked at Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, both of them looked pale, and they were probably worried.

"You two, I'm here to inform you that the time of the incident is just around midnight, but everything needs to be kept secret. All the soldiers sent by Gao Yingxiang must be captured, and no one can be missed. After doing all this , all sergeants, according to our arrangement, enter the designated location, lay down their weapons, and wait for the reorganization."

Both Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng breathed a sigh of relief, and finally received clear instructions.

"One thing I must emphasize is that the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion have surrounded the [-] sergeants to prevent any accidents. If someone has evil intentions and thinks about causing trouble, we will not be polite. This is also a last resort. Arrangements, too many people, no one can guarantee that everything will go well.”

The two nodded again and again without a word of complaint.

Liu Jingting also entered the tent.

Li Yichuan and all the officers under Liu Guoneng also entered the tent.

The two thousand personal soldiers under the two men had already been prepared, waiting for orders from Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng.

Li Yichuan looked at Liu Guoneng and nodded.

Liu Guoneng walked out of the tent and gave orders to the soldiers.

The people who were smiling with the soldiers sent by Gao Yingxiang just now turned their backs on each other, several of them dealt with each other, and quickly captured all 30 people sent by Gao Yingxiang.

Liu Guoneng watched all this coldly, and after all 30 people were caught, he made a beheading gesture.

Just outside the tent, 30 people were beheaded. For a while, the surrounding area was filled with the smell of blood.

Li Yichuan also walked out of the tent.

The soldiers held torches in their hands, illuminating the surroundings brightly.

All the officers also came out. However, they were quickly guarded by the soldiers, and they were asked to bring out the weapons they carried with them. Everyone turned pale. They didn't know why this happened. They hadn't started fighting yet. Cannibalism started.

"Brothers, Brother Liu and I have already discussed that we will lead all the brothers to submit to the imperial court. From this moment on, we will all obey the orders of General Qin and Lord Liu, and everyone will do as required."

Hundreds of officers were at a loss, they had no idea what was going on.

"Li Yichuan, Liu Guoneng, you are not fucking human, the commander treats you well, why are you doing this..."

Soon, several people began to yell and curse. These people obviously put life and death aside.

Liu Guoneng's face was ashen, and he was about to give an order, but the result was nothing more than one, kill these people.

Qin Rui had already walked to the front and spoke coldly.

"I am Qin Rui, Commander of the First Battalion Guard of the Jiangning Infantry Battalion. I am here to accept the matter of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's submission to the imperial court under the order of Lord Su. Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng have made a wise choice. In order to prevent you from becoming cannon fodder, tell me the truth You, if it weren’t for the wise choices of the two of you, tonight would be the anniversary of your death. I don’t want to say more about the purpose of Jiang Ningying’s coming to Shaanxi, let alone the 5 of you, plus the 5 of Gao Yingxiang and Li Wanqing, The Jiangning Camp won't care, you all know what happened to Zijinliang, Lao Huihui, Zhang Xianzhong and others, even the mighty Tartars will be wiped out in front of the Jiangning Camp."

The surrounding area was very quiet. What Qin Rui said was the actual situation, and no one could refute it.

"Master Su mainly considers that you are forced to do so, so if you are a rebel, you will know how to turn back when you go astray. There is nothing good about it, so I agree with you to submit to the imperial court. If anyone feels unconvinced and has failed Lord Su's expectations, don't blame Jiang Ningying for being rude. "

"Someone just couldn't figure it out and said something rude. I can understand these. After all, the matter is so important. I can't accept such news for a while. However, now that all the situations have been clarified, if anyone else speaks nonsense , disturb the morale of the army, then don’t blame me for being rude.”

"This is your chance. I hope there will be no accidents. Otherwise, Jiang Ningying will not be lenient. Even though Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng have decided to submit to the court, after all, there are 5 people in the team. The team is huge and cannot be messed up."

"Now, I'm starting to issue orders."

"Li Yichuan, order the [-] soldiers under your command to assemble in a quarter of an hour and prepare to go."

"Liu Guoneng, order your [-] soldiers to assemble in a quarter of an hour and prepare to go."

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng cupped their fists and accepted the order.

Qin Rui had already made the arrangements. Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng had to be responsible for the deployment this time, so that they could guarantee the greatest possible absence of accidents. As for the safety of the two, there would be no problem with personal guards. .

As for the more than 100 officers, they have not had time to screen them, and it is impossible to be responsible, and all of them must be guarded.

Under such circumstances, the [-] sergeants are basically in a state of leaderless, even if they want to make trouble, it is impossible to become a climate. This is the best arrangement.

In the blink of an eye, everyone had assembled, and under Qin Rui's order, they started to set off.

Many sergeants faintly felt that something was wrong, but they didn't know what happened. Anyway, it was the order issued by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, so they just followed it. (To be continued..)

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