Ming politicians

Chapter 493 Fatalism

() The two armies before and after the rogue bandits could not meet for more than five miles. It should be said that everyone knows what is going on.

After a quarter of an hour, the [-] troops led by Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng started to set off. After half an hour, Gao Yingxiang got the news.

The moment Gao Yingxiang heard the news, his body shook.

Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng still set off with the army, and did not come to their side. Besides, the time to launch the attack was arranged at Yinshi, not Choushi. Could it be said that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng's attack time was brought forward.

It doesn't make sense.

Even if Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng had other arrangements, they should report the situation, but they set off suddenly without the slightest reason, without any reason, which was too abnormal.

Gao Yingxiang felt the danger.

The army is in the process of being deployed, and according to the scheduled plan, Chenshi will launch an attack, that is to say, the troops of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng must persist for two hours, no matter how much sacrifice they make, and no matter how heavy the loss is. , The two held back most of the sergeants of the Jiangning battalion, and Gao Yingxiang led the remaining [-] sergeants to launch a general offensive.

According to this arrangement, even if the Jiangning Camp is invincible, there will be some losses, after all, they can't take care of it.

But Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng acted ahead of time.

Gao Yingxiang sat slumped in the tent, various thoughts popping up in his mind.

At this time, Li Wanqing came in.

"Marshal, I just got the news that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng have already started to act, something is wrong."

Gao Yingxiang waved his hand, motioning for Li Wanqing to continue.

"I was with the two just now. They didn't mention the time to attack in advance. At this time, they suddenly changed their decision. Don't you know that this is a fatal thing. The commander has already arranged it. They launched the attack. The time should be Yinshi. It is fifteen miles away from the camp of Jiangning Camp. It will take more than half an hour to arrive. I calculated the time. They arrived at the camp where Jiangning Camp was stationed. At most, it would be three quarters of Choushi. Talked to the two about the arrangements, and they agreed to come to the commander-in-chief."

"Then tell me your prediction."

"Well, I just feel that something is wrong. I can't tell you exactly what happened."

Gao Yingxiang suddenly felt powerless. He was a little uneasy when he changed the deployment earlier.

"What I'm most worried about is that the two of them don't launch an attack according to the arrangement, or they can feign a shot to preserve their own strength."

What Li Wanqing thought of was even more serious than this situation.It's just that he won't say it out, and doubts Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng out of thin air.He won't do it.When drinking with the two of them earlier, he vaguely understood some of the words that were said.

"Marshal, are we going to change the deployment? It's too late, it's too late."

"You said how the deployment should be changed."

"I think the army should be ready to retreat. If something happens to Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, we may not be able to resist the Jiangning battalion."

Gao Yingxiang stood up abruptly, he was not an idiot.

"Please explain clearly why you have such an idea. You, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng were still together just now, did you find something wrong?"

"No, no, I just feel that it is difficult for Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng to win. Besides, there must be a lot of movement when the army is marching. Maybe the Jiangning Battalion has already known the news."

Gao Yingxiang's face had turned livid.

"You mean, Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng are thinking about surrendering, so all our deployments have already been exposed. At this time, if we don't think about retreating, the whole army is in danger of being wiped out..."

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The deafening sound of cannons rang out. At this time, Gao Yingxiang hadn't finished speaking.

Countless shells landed in the camp, and soon there were horses neighing and screaming, some tents were on fire, and some sergeants who had been hit by the shells fell into a pool of blood.

Gao Yingxiang, who rushed out of the tent, saw the panic scene in front of him, and his body shook again.

Everything has been confirmed. Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng must have defected to the imperial court and exposed the sneak attack. Now the situation has turned around. They originally planned to sneak attack Jiangning camp, but unexpectedly they were attacked by Jiangning camp.

Shells kept falling into the camp.

Gao Yingxiang was horrified to find that these shells were different from the ones he had seen before. These shells would bloom unexpectedly. When each shell hit the ground, a large number of soldiers would fall around. There was a scream of pain, and some arms and thighs were blown apart.

Before they had time to prepare for a counterattack, terror began to spread in the camp.

No one has ever seen such shells. The dense shells fell everywhere. The sound of the explosion has stunned everyone, and there are people running around.

The soldiers had already gathered around Gao Yingxiang, and their responsibility was to protect Gao Yingxiang.

Perhaps it was God's will that the shells did not fall around Gao Yingxiang. However, the situation in front of him had already made Gao Yingxiang's eyes turn red. The situation must be controlled, otherwise the entire army would be wiped out.

Many officers had rushed towards Gao Yingxiang, and some officers were hit by shells and fell down together with their horses. The surrounding sergeants could not rescue them at all.

I can't take care of all this.

Gao Yingxiang roared out with all his strength.

"All brothers, please calm down and don't be chaotic. After the artillery fire, the Ming army is about to launch an attack. At this time, don't be chaotic. Everyone find a place to hide from the shells..."

The officers soon began to perform their duties.

But the panic of the sergeants continued. They had never seen such artillery, and felt that the end of the world was coming. Every time a shell landed, many brothers fell down. These shells were completely different from before. Even dodging doesn't work, the shells seem to have eyes, and almost everyone around them will be affected.

Some of the officers who directed the crowd to evade were also hit by shells and fell down screaming.

The situation is still getting out of hand.

Li Wanqing, who was always by Gao Yingxiang's side, tried his best to speak.

"Commander, give the order to retreat quickly, this sneak attack is still exposed, we may be surrounded by the Jiangning camp..."

"Nonsense, if we retreat at this time, everything will be in chaos. Everyone will run for their own lives. If the Ming army launches an attack, it will be a massacre. Don't you know such a simple truth..."

"But the artillery fire of the Ming army is too powerful..."

"Persevere, the Ming army can't have so many shells. As long as we wait for the Ming army to launch an attack after a while, we will be desperate..."

Speaking of this, Gao Yingxiang and Li Wanqing thought of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng at the same time. It can be said that they have surrendered to the court and completely leaked the whereabouts of the army. This time the sneak attack was completely reversed.

Up to now, Gao Yingxiang can't curse Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng anymore, and must overcome the immediate difficulties.

After half an hour, the shells finally started to decrease.

Under the command of the officer, the sergeant slowly began to gather.

Although the artillery caused a lot of casualties, it was not enough to completely destroy the team, but the panic caused by the artillery shells had already formed an obvious effect. Looking at the sergeant in front of him, he was still in shock, and it was impossible to have too much fighting power.

"Kill, kill..."

When the sound of horseshoes sounded, Gao Yingxiang's heart began to sink.

The Ming army finally launched an attack, and the timing was perfect. At this time, the sergeant was still in shock and completely lost resistance. He could only break through. It was almost impossible to resist the attack of the Ming army.

"Break out of each other."

Gao Yingxiang gave the order in pain, and if he didn't make a decision, it would be too late.

Gao Yingxiang would not have thought that no matter whether he gave the order or not, the fate of destruction was in sight.

He Renlong charged at the front, his eyes were red, and he looked like he was crazy. The lunatic He from before had returned at this time.

The brutal massacre began.

Facing the rogues who have lost their fighting spirit, He Renlong will not soften his heart. The 5000 soldiers he led desperately began to fight. It is said that there are tens of thousands of rogues, a mere [-] people, and they dare not venture into dangerous places lightly. But now In such a situation, the rogues seemed to have become a bunch of lambs, constantly avoiding the fighting, running for their lives in all directions, and did not have time to resist.

The cavalry led by Sun Chuanting then launched an attack.

When the earth-shattering sound of horseshoes sounded, Gao Yingxiang was already ready to break through. Under the protection of three thousand personal soldiers, he would also run for his life, otherwise he would have no chance.

This was a one-sided massacre. Many rogues became ghosts under the sword before they had time to resist. More rogues quickly put down their weapons, knelt on the ground, and surrendered. However, because the battlefield was too chaotic, some Some of the rogues who surrendered were beheaded, and some were trampled by war horses.

There were screams one after another, and this place has become a hell.

Hong Chengchou was surrounded by a hundred soldiers. He also participated in the fight, but soon felt that it was meaningless. The bandits still lost the confidence to resist, and their morale was completely gone. At this time, don't say that the opponent is 5 50 people, even [-] people, don't mean much anymore.

He stopped fighting, and looked at everything in front of him, feeling very emotional. Up to now, Hong Chengchou still doesn't understand why the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp are so brave, while the opponents of the Jiangning Camp are so weak.

Hong Chengchou's attention began to focus on Gao Yingxiang. What he mainly considered was whether the scout battalion and pro-military battalion led by Liu Tiehan could capture Gao Yingxiang alive.

During the fight, Gao Yingxiang's personal soldiers, the coach who guarded them, had already rushed out desperately. The personal soldiers paid huge casualties, but they finally rushed out.

Although Gao Yingxiang was reluctant, he also knew that if he didn't rush out at this time, he would have no chance later.

It was dark all around, relying on a few torches, Gao Yingxiang, under the guard of his own soldiers, started to run for his life. (to be continued..)

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