Ming politicians

Chapter 494 Fatalism

() As early as when the artillery battalion started to attack, Liu Tiehan made all the preparations. He led the five thousand scout battalion and the soldiers of the personal battalion, gearing up for it. The only task was to capture Gao Yingxiang alive.

When He Renlong and Sun Chuanting launched an attack, Liu Tiehan led all the soldiers and was still on standby. He was always paying attention to Gao Yingxiang and the soldiers around Gao Yingxiang. During the fight, Gao Yingxiang's soldiers showed a certain fighting power , under heavy siege, he was able to protect Gao Yingxiang and break out of the encirclement.

Around the battlefield, countless torches illuminated the surroundings brightly, but after protruding from the encirclement, the surroundings began to darken, and it was not very clear to see.

This point just became Liu Tiehan's advantage.

During the training of the scout battalion and the personal battalion, there was a special training, that is, the training of eyesight, how to see the path clearly and find the target in the dark, now it comes in handy.

Although it was dark all around, everyone was ready. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, first of all, of course, it was necessary to shoot bows and arrows, so as to kill the soldiers around Gao Yingxiang to the greatest extent.

Slowly, Gao Yingxiang came over with his own soldiers, and there were some soldiers standing out from the encirclement beside him.

These people are the elite forces of the rogues. They were able to break out of the siege of the Jiangning camp, which shows that their basic qualities are good. If these people escape, it will really be a big trouble.

Liu Tiehan thought of Su Tiancheng's words, these people are like fire seeds, if they cannot be wiped out completely, it is tantamount to letting the tiger go back to the mountain, they will soon be able to organize a team and form a new wave of bandits.

The principle of capturing the thief before capturing the king has penetrated into the hearts of the soldiers of the scout battalion and the personal battalion.

Seeing that Gao Yingxiang and others entered the encirclement circle set up by the scout battalion and the personal army battalion.

Liu Tiehan raised his hand.Made a signal to shoot an arrow.

Protruding out of the encirclement, paid heavy casualties, there were less than 2000 soldiers left around Gao Yingxiang, and more than 1000 people were killed in the artillery fire and fighting.This is a very heavy loss. You must know that most of these soldiers followed him and fought together since the beginning of the rebellion. Although they have experienced countless fights, they have long been used to the days of licking blood with knife edge , these people are his most elite troops.To put it bluntly, no matter how many soldiers were lost, Gao Yingxiang might not be so distressed, but Gao Yingxiang couldn't bear the loss of more than [-] soldiers.

It was embarrassing to escape, Gao Yingxiang's face was always ashen.

Everyone was very careful and did not dare to relax in the slightest. Gao Yingxiang also felt strange.Ordinarily, the Jiangning camp would not just set up a line of defense, there would be people ambushing around.But after running wildly for a while, I didn't find any encirclement.

Gao Yingxiang planned to stop and tidy up the team.

He took the reins, and soon the procession stopped.

"Brothers, this time we encountered the schemes of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng. They defected to the imperial court and betrayed us. We must take revenge if we have the opportunity in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, a soldier beside him let out a scream.He fell off his horse and went.

Soon, swishing bows and arrows shot over, people fell down one after another, and many personal soldiers quickly surrounded Gao Yingxiang.

Gao Yingxiang's face turned pale. He knew that he had entered the encirclement of the Jiangning camp, and the worries he had been worrying for a long time finally appeared. At this moment, Gao Yingxiang had an ominous premonition that he might be doomed today.

The personal soldiers were still very qualified, and immediately raised their shields to deal with the incoming bows and arrows. However, what they didn't expect was that the bows and arrows were so dense that humans could resist them, but war horses could not.

In just a few minutes, many war horses had already fallen.

"Brothers, fight hard, let's rush out..."

With a livid face, Gao Yingxiang issued an order. At this time, the only way to survive is to work hard.

As soon as his words were spoken, torches lit up all around, and in an instant, the surroundings were illuminated.

This is a small valley where the surrounding mountains are not high enough for horses to rush up. Unfortunately, the surrounding peaks are covered by the Ming army. Under the light of the torches, the red clothes they wear are so conspicuous.

"Gao Yingxiang, I am Liu Tiehan, Commander of the Jiangning Battalion Scout and Battalion Guards. You are surrounded. If you put down your weapons and surrender, your soldiers will survive..."

"Hahahaha...Fart, I, Gao Yingxiang, would rather live standing up than kneeling down, asking me to surrender and dreaming..."

Liu Tiehan sighed and raised the steel knife in his hand.

The soldiers of the scout battalion and the pro-barracks had long been waiting for Liu Tiehan's order.

Everyone rushed towards Gao Yingxiang and the others.

This is an overwhelming momentum. Just when the Ming army launched a charge, Gao Yingxiang already felt that there is no chance to escape today. After so many years of fighting, what kind of army has never been seen before, but the Jiangning camp in front of him is reflected. It was the first time he really felt the momentum.

The two armies collided and made a loud noise.

Facing the Jiangning battalion soldiers rushing over, the personal soldiers were unable to resist, and were broken through the front line in an instant.

What kind of army is this? Gao Yingxiang felt the bone-chilling cold.

The personal soldiers he led were able to resist even when facing the most elite army of the Ming Dynasty, even when the situation was the most unfavorable, they were able to charge. Unable to block it, it was quickly dispersed by the opponent.

Even if the personal soldiers have experienced the previous fights and caused heavy losses, their quality is still there.

Gao Yingxiang's confidence was shaken. He thought that the soldiers would be able to resist and protect him, but now it seems that it is unlikely.

The soldiers around him have already started to urge him.

"Marshal, you retreat quickly, we will resist..."

Liu Tiehan rushed over with 100 of the most elite people.

People kept falling under Liu Tiehan's steel knife. After the 100 people charged, they rushed towards Gao Yingxiang as if they were in no one's land.

Watching the brothers fall down one by one, Gao Yingxiang's eyes turned red.

He pushed away the soldiers around him, raised the steel knife, and rushed towards Liu Tiehan and others. . .

Half an hour passed.

Gao Yingxiang had already forgotten the time, the soldiers around him kept falling down, and the number of them became less and less. Of course, the soldiers also dealt a blow to the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion. Some soldiers, even if they fell, desperately held Against the opponent, in an attempt to die together.

Liu Tiehan was also surprised.

He originally thought that Gao Yingxiang would be captured alive after a round of charging, but unexpectedly, the soldiers around Gao Yingxiang suddenly burst out with huge energy and started to fight back, which indeed caused trouble for many brothers, and the fight began to show a stalemate The state, but this time, lasted no more than a few minutes.

There were only about 3000 people around Gao Yingxiang, including the rogues who broke out. Su Tiancheng led five thousand soldiers. In terms of numbers, he had an absolute advantage. Moreover, the soldiers led by Gao Yingxiang suffered too many blows. The charge, and the rain of arrows just now, the ability is greatly reduced, and it is impossible to last for a long time.

During this process, Liu Tiehan also adjusted his strategy and decided to kill the soldiers and sergeants around Gao Yingxiang first.

Gradually, there were fewer and fewer sergeants around Gao Yingxiang.

Liu Tiehan's eyes also revealed an expression of admiration. Although there was no possibility of surviving, none of Gao Yingxiang's personal soldiers escaped or surrendered. They all fought bloody battles to the end. Such qualities are not easy. Think about the army of the Ming Dynasty, except for the Jiangning battalion, the rest of the army cannot do it.

On the battlefield, it is impossible to be merciful. Since the opponent does not surrender, the only option is to kill them all.

Gao Yingxiang became a man of blood, with the blood of his brother and the blood of the Jiangning battalion sergeant.

He beheaded two sergeants from the Jiangning Battalion.

Gao Yingxiang had already discovered that the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion did not kill him. They obviously wanted to capture him alive. Therefore, Gao Yingxiang didn't protect him at all, but attacked desperately. This method actually worked.

It's a pity that his physical strength is also limited, and the support around him is getting less and less, and his confidence has also suffered a major blow.

Soon there were hardly any sergeants around.

In less than an hour, almost all the personal soldiers and the sergeants who stood out from the encirclement were beheaded.

Gao Yingxiang was a little crazy. He couldn't accept the fact that what kind of army was the Jiangning Battalion? , but facing the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion, why did they lose so badly.

Gao Yingxiang didn't know that he was facing the same elites from the Jiangning Battalion, the Scout Battalion and the Personal Battalion.

Liu Tiehan finally met Gao Yingxiang face to face.

Gao Yingxiang's hair was loose, and he looked horrible.

Liu Tiehan didn't care so much, the brothers he led had lost a lot, now, Gao Yingxiang had to be captured alive, and Gao Yingxiang was captured, and he was done.

Soon, the five soldiers of the scout battalion stretched out their spears and stabbed at the horse Gao Yingxiang was riding at the same time.

Amidst the continuous screams, Gao Yingxiang's horse fell to the ground, and Gao Yingxiang also rolled to the ground.

Before Gao Yingxiang could react, Liu Tiehan dismounted and held Gao Yingxiang down, and the soldiers around him held down Gao Yingxiang's hands and feet.

Gao Yingxiang let out a roar, and struggled desperately, but it was of no use.

The surroundings slowly fell silent, and suddenly thunder came from the sky.

The downpour came down quickly, as if it wanted to wash away the blood on the ground.

Gao Yingxiang was tied up, he looked up at the sky, and shouted a few words in grief and indignation.

"God, you're unfair, why, why..."

Liu Tiehan looked at Gao Yingxiang, opened his mouth, and said nothing. He remembered that he had many similarities with Gao Yingxiang in front of him. (To be continued..)

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