Ming politicians

Chapter 495 Fatalism

(Thanks to sdbridge, heavy equipment priest, and Mauser 98k for casting valuable monthly tickets, thank you.)

Gao Yingxiang met the legendary Su Tiancheng for the first time. Looking at the young and a little too much Su Tiancheng, Gao Yingxiang didn't know what happened, but suddenly lost all confidence. His assumption, after meeting Su Tiancheng, must be to curse , if it wasn't for the mutiny of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng, we still don't know what happened.

Su Tiancheng was also paying attention to Gao Yingxiang, the leader of the top rogues, the elder of Li Zicheng, who rebelled in the first year of Chongzhen, which caused the court an enormous headache.

At this moment, Gao Yingxiang no longer has the aura of stalwart, perhaps because he suffered such a huge defeat, one hundred thousand soldiers, but in one night, the entire army was wiped out, including the soldiers who surrendered, facing such a huge blow, no matter who it is, It is impossible to show an attitude of indifference.

Su Tiancheng also made a temporary decision to meet Gao Yingxiang. The good news has been written and sent to the capital urgently. The next situation is predictable. Gao Yingxiang will definitely be escorted to the capital and beheaded by Zhu Youjian , As for the officers and non-commissioned officers under Gao Yingxiang, there are not many left, so it is not worth mentioning.

After a long silence, Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Gao Yingxiang, I have admired your name for a long time, we finally meet."

Gao Yingxiang looked at Su Tiancheng, his eyes were a little blank, he just nodded, he didn't say anything, the defeated general had nothing to say, he had personally experienced the bravery of the Jiangning battalion, but he couldn't imagine, how could this young man in front of him To be able to train such brave soldiers.

"Hehe, it seems that you still don't know why you failed."

Gao Yingxiang was very surprised when Su Tiancheng said this sentence suddenly.In an instant, anger came up, Gao Yingxiang raised his head abruptly, and stared at Su Tiancheng fiercely, his eyes were full of unwillingness and disdain.

"Winner and loser, since it's in the hands of Jiang Ning Ying. I have nothing to say, kill or cut as you like, don't talk so much nonsense..."

There are some other things that Gao Yingxiang really can't say, what will be revenge later, and what must overthrow the Ming Dynasty, in front of Su Tiancheng, he felt that he couldn't believe these words.Perhaps what Zijinliang said was true, the rebel army would eventually be wiped out by Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying.

"Gao Yingxiang, you still haven't realized why you failed. To put it bluntly, even if you occupy the Ming Dynasty, even if you temporarily control the political power, you still cannot succeed. Your own flaws show that Without you, it is impossible to win the final victory."

"Hmph. You won, of course you can say whatever you want."

"Hehe, I, Su Tiancheng, have always been a reasonable person. If I didn't know him, how could I talk nonsense? I said that you will fail in the end. Of course it makes sense."

"Then tell me, I'd like to see what you can say."

"Okay, then you sit down, the banquet is set. Let's drink together."

Gao Yingxiang stretched his muscles and bones. The binding was too tight just now, and the blood flow in his body was not smooth, which made him very uncomfortable. Now he loosened the binding and felt much better.

After swaggeringly sitting down, Gao Yingxiang had a resolute face. He had already failed and was captured. The time left in this world is running out, so it doesn't matter.

Su Tiancheng nodded slightly, Gao Yingxiang's attitude was like a hero of the generation.

He personally poured a glass of wine for Gao Yingxiang, and Su Tiancheng raised his glass.

"Come on, let me toast you a glass of wine. For so many years, you have fought against the imperial court and fought north and south. It is not easy."

"Thank you. You are an official and I am a thief. You toast me and I drink it. I dare not toast you."

Facing Gao Yingxiang's ridicule, Su Tiancheng didn't take it seriously at all. He had already won the victory, so there was no need to put on airs in front of Gao Yingxiang.

After finishing the glass of wine in one gulp, Su Tiancheng spoke slowly.

"Gao Yingxiang, now I want to talk about it in detail, why you can't achieve the ultimate success."

Gao Yingxiang really wanted to hear what Su Tiancheng could say.

"Swallows know the ambitions of great swans. You should know this sentence, and you may admire that understanding. Thinking about how powerful Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were back then, they almost overthrew the rule of the Qin Dynasty, but in the end, they still failed. Thousands of years of history have shown that peasant uprisings have not been able to succeed, although they can be noisy for a while, but the final outcome is the same."

Gao Yingxiang didn't speak, he had never thought about these things, and he didn't expect Su Tiancheng to have researched this aspect.

"Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's uprising was due to the rule of Tyrant Qin. If they did not rebel, they would not be able to survive. In desperation, they raised the banner of rebellion, were invincible, won many victories, and even established a political power. I want to come to you The reasons for the rebellion are similar. If you can’t survive, you can’t eat enough to eat. It’s better to rebel than to starve to death. There is always a way out, and you can always survive. So, I understand your reasons for rebellion. , Empathy, if I get to that point, I can’t eat enough, I can’t support my family, and I can’t solve this problem through my own efforts, I may also be a rebel.”

Gao Yingxiang opened his eyes wide, looked at Su Tiancheng, he couldn't believe it, he thought he had heard wrongly, Su Tiancheng was an official of the imperial court, a third-rank governor of Shaanxi, why would he say such words.

"The imperial court wiped you out many times, but in the end it all fell short. In fact, you know some of the reasons for this. The emperor and the adults in the imperial court always feel ashamed in their hearts. You are the people of Ming Dynasty, because you can't eat enough. Because you can’t support your family and have no choice but to rebel, your starting point is worthy of sympathy, so the imperial court has always adopted mainly appeasement, as long as you are willing to submit to the imperial court, you will always be able to receive preferential treatment.”

"It is precisely because of this attitude that you are dissatisfied and your appetite is getting bigger and bigger. Let me say a very simple sentence. You have rebelled for so many years, do you still want to have enough food? It is impossible. If you accept If the imperial court recruits you, you can get a half-time official and support yourself and your family, and those sergeants who follow you desperately can also be properly settled, but unfortunately you will not do it."

"Through rebellion, you have gained too many benefits and gained a lot of feelings. No one dislikes power. You have experienced the power of power. Therefore, your concepts have undergone fundamental changes. You do not Satisfied with a life of sufficient food and clothing, you need to gain power. If you first rebelled, the purpose was to provide food for the poor people. By now, this purpose has receded, and it is not your main goal. Your main goal, I’m afraid it’s me who thinks of me, and I think I have power.”

"So, you don't accept the imperial court's appeasement, you encounter trouble in the battle, you pretend to surrender, and rebel again in a blink of an eye, the conditions given to you by the imperial court can't be satisfied at all, you want to conquer the country by yourself, you have to be self-righteous, and don't obey any orders , especially you, I am afraid that everyone will follow your command."

"It's not surprising to have such an idea. As I said before, everyone likes power, but ideas belong to ideas, and reality belongs to reality. A person needs to have a bottom line, what things can be done, and what things can't be done , For your ending, I can sum it up in four words, beyond your limits."

Gao Yingxiang looked at Su Tiancheng, lowered his head, and didn't speak. What Su Tiancheng said didn't have any profound reasoning, but what he said was very real, and it went deep into his heart.

"You know how to fight and kill, and occasionally issue some government orders, such as not to harass the people, etc., but do you have a comprehensive policy? Have you ever thought about what you plan to do when you take power? Governing a big country is like cooking. Xiaoxian, you can conquer the world right away, but you can't rule the world right away, you don't fully understand these principles, and you haven't even delved into them."

"What's more, some of you, once you gain power, desperately pursue enjoyment, and completely forget the original oath, why take the world for the common people, in their eyes, the world is won by themselves , is to enjoy, to make up for the sufferings suffered in the past, otherwise this life is too worthless, to put it bluntly, those who hold such thoughts account for the vast majority of your people."

"You don't have a specific program, it's just a general mob who finally gathers together, fights bravely, and after winning, each thinks about prosperity and wealth, and even wants to seize power at the expense of internal strife."

"It's still the same sentence. It's not an outrageous thing to have such a situation. As long as there is a wise leader who educates everyone and tells everyone that they must hold ideals and make real contributions, they cannot imagine In your heart, you must not forget the purpose of the rebellion at the beginning, and slowly change everyone's understanding. If such a situation occurs, I dare say that you will not be easily defeated."

"None of the leaders among you, Wang Jiayin, Zijinliang, including you, has done it. You rely on force to decide who is the leader, and you rely on force to speak. This view of the weak is deeply rooted in your heart. This situation makes your power unstable."

"If it weren't for the famines these years, the difficulties of the court, and the harassment of Hou Jin, you would have been wiped out long ago."

"Governments in various places have indeed failed to do a lot of things well, so you have to rebel. Some officials, fish and meat people, regardless of the life and death of the people, are focused on their own interests, corrupting the government and greatly damaging the morale of the army. Allowing you to plunder for so many years."

"However, if you met me and Jiang Ningying, I'm afraid you will not be so lucky."

"Have you said so much? In fact, what I want to say most is that this ending is your fate. Accept your fate." (To be continued...)

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