Ming politicians

Chapter 496 Infighting

Gao Yingxiang was captured alive. Of the [-] troops he led, [-] of them surrendered to the imperial court, and the remaining [-] troops were almost wiped out by the Jiangning camp. Few escaped.

After the news spread, Daming was shocked.

Many people did not expect that Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai were the ones who paid the most attention to this news.

Li Wanqing finally returned to Hanzhong with more than 2000 sergeants. Along the way, they were like bereaved dogs. He finally broke through the encirclement and saved his life. Those who followed him back to Hanzhong included his own soldiers and some scattered sergeants.

The defeat this time was not Li Wanqing's responsibility. It can be said that Li Wanqing suffered a great loss. Of the 1000 soldiers he led, there were only more than [-] left, and the entire army was wiped out.

But after returning to Hanzhong, Li Wanqing was surprised to find that everything here was changing.

Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai seem to be in a fierce conflict. 20 soldiers are waiting for the next plan. The Jiangning Camp has become their dream. If they stay put, they will be waiting for death. Who knows Will Jiang Ning Ying take advantage of this victory and start the next fight immediately?

For several days in a row, Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai summoned many leaders to discuss something constantly. Sometimes, they discussed together, and sometimes they called relevant leaders to discuss.

Li Wanqing became the object of exclusion, no one saw him, and no one asked him anything.

It's all so abnormal.

Three days passed, and Li Wanqing finally received the notice that Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng were waiting for him.

After entering the house, Li Wanqing found out.Inside the room were Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng.

The faces of both of them were a little cold, and they didn't mean to greet them at all.

Luo Rucai was the person in charge appointed by Gao Yingxiang, and Li Wanqing did not forget the rules, and saluted Luo Rucai with fists cupped.

Luo Ru nodded and finally spoke.

"General Li, this campaign. You have worked hard."

"Facing such a big failure, I was able to pick up a life, which is not bad, not to mention hard work."

Li Zicheng on one side had a very ugly face, probably after Li Wanqing came in, he saluted Luo Rucai first, and didn't pay special attention to him, and waited until Li Wanqing finished speaking.Li Zicheng finally spoke.

"Brother Li, this disastrous defeat is indeed a great lesson. I don't know how Brother Li escaped. Can you tell me about the process."

In Li Wanqing's heart, there was already anger, and he had been back for three days, and no one asked.No one comforted me, I became a dispensable person.There are no more sergeants under his command. In terms of strength, it is not worth mentioning. Moreover, after suffering such a big failure, it is unexpected that Li Zicheng would say such words, obviously doubting himself.

"I have nothing to say. The surprise attack this time was reversed. We were the ones who attacked the Jiangning camp. Who knew that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng surrendered to the imperial court, and we became the targets of the Jiangning camp's sneak attack. Before the fight started, there would be no Jiangning The battalion was surrounded, and the artillery of the Jiangning battalion was so powerful that we had no room to fight back."

"Oh, why did the commander fall into the hands of Jiang Ningying?"

"How do I know this? After the battle started, the commander was surrounded by personal soldiers. I took my brothers and fought desperately. Finally, I broke through the siege of the Jiangning camp. With 1000 brothers, there are only more than [-] left. .”

"Could it be that you didn't follow the commander-in-chief?"

"After the fight started, the Jiangning Battalion rushed over, and everyone dispersed. Who could take care of so much? Besides, the commander has already issued an order for everyone to break out of the encirclement and meet up in Wugong County."

Li Zicheng was about to say something before Luo Ru spoke.

"We know about these situations. You have suffered heavy losses this time, but the commander-in-chief fell into the hands of the Ming Dynasty, and the losses of the rebel army were even heavier. Only by continuing to fight can we comfort the commander-in-chief."

Li Zicheng always had a tiger face, and when he heard Luo Rucai say this, he couldn't help but speak again.

"General Luo, I just want to get the specific situation of the Jiangning Camp and decide what we should do next. The 20 brothers are waiting for our decision."

Li Wanqing already felt that something was wrong, but at this time, he would not say anything.

"Li Wanqing, according to your opinion, what is Jiangning Camp like? Is it invincible in the world?"

Li Wanqing looked at Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng. He felt that he still had to tell the truth. This involved the lives of more than 20 brothers. Of course, some things cannot be said.

"The Jiangning Battalion is indeed brave. With our current strength, we cannot compete."

"You mean, do we need to leave Shaanxi and avoid the Jiangning camp?"

"That's what it means. Let's jump out of Shaanxi and go to other places to develop, as long as we can avoid the Jiangning camp."

A smile appeared on Luo Rucai's face, but Li Zicheng's expression became more gloomy.

"Li Wanqing, although the Jiangning battalion is brave, it was possible to achieve such a big victory only by relying on the surrender of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng and mastering the whereabouts of the army. If you had prepared in advance and fought face to face with the Jiangning battalion, it might not be such a big deal. Loss, even if you encounter a sneak attack and siege from the Jiangning camp, don't you break out with two thousand brothers?"

Li Wanqing looked at Li Zicheng and felt surprised. Could it be that Li Zicheng still wanted to persist in Shaanxi.

"Zicheng, I think it's better to make a decision early. The army should leave Shaanxi as soon as possible. It's best to go to Shanxi. We are very familiar with Shanxi."

Li Zicheng shook his head.

"This is not a good way. The 20 brothers are not going to leave at will. In Shaanxi, we can get the support of the people. At least in terms of food and grass, we are temporarily guaranteed. If we leave here and enter Shanxi or Sichuan, we will face The army of the Ming Dynasty needs to raise food and grass, and the army has just suffered a defeat. There is a lot of fear in the hearts of the brothers. At this time, stability is the most important thing, and we can't move around, otherwise we will be really in danger."

"I don't think so. We have encountered many things in the past. Do you still remember the battle in Chexiangxia? Under such difficult conditions, we still can't get back together. I think we have to avoid the edge of the Jiangning battalion. 20 Brother Wan, you can divide them into several teams and spread them out..."

"It is absolutely impossible to divide the troops, so that it is easy to be defeated individually."

Before Luo Rucai could finish his words, Li Zicheng spoke up. It seemed that he didn't want the army to disperse, and he had to keep it as a whole.

Li Wanqing suddenly thought of something, and his body trembled slightly.

The smile on Luo Rucai's face also disappeared.

"Zicheng, since you see it this way, I think it's better to gather a lot of brothers and discuss it together to see if we should form a group or divide our troops."

"No, at this time, when morale is low, you and I must make a decision to decide the future actions of the army. Many brothers can't think so far away. Moreover, at this time, the command authority must be unified."

Luo Rucai stood up abruptly, saw that Li Wanqing was still in the room, shook his head, and sat down.

"Li Wanqing, you go to rest first, Zicheng and I still have something to discuss."

When Li Wanqing walked out of the house, he suddenly envied Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng in his heart. The two surrendered to the court without suffering any losses. At that time, there was a conflict between Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng. The commander-in-chief Gao Yingxiang was captured by the Jiangning camp. There was no hope of surviving. The leader of the rebel army was either Luo Rucai or Li Zicheng. There might be a huge conflict between the two .

This is not a good situation. From what he said just now, Li Wanqing understood what Luo Rucai meant, that the 20 troops should be dispersed, break through separately, and go to Shanxi and Sichuan to gather strength. Li Zicheng meant that the 20 troops should not be dispersed. Huddle into a group, and must unify the command, you can't fight on your own, so as not to be eaten by the group.

After careful consideration, Li Wanqing felt that Li Zicheng's thinking was more mature, and the more he was like this, the more he could not be dispersed. If the fighting power, which was not strong in the first place, was dispersed, it might really be hopeless.

But Li Zicheng's unified command power is not a simple matter. There are so many leaders in a 20 army. Asking these leaders to hand over the command power is not as simple as what they say.

Li Wanqing has only a thousand people under his command, so he is no longer a power. Maybe he is no longer in the eyes of Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai.

Li Wanqing finally understood why he was left out in the cold. More and more, Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng were already in command of the army, and they didn't care about him at all.

Li Wanqing really wanted to chat with some leaders, but after three days passed, he hardly saw anyone, and no one came to visit him to express comfort. It seems that something must have happened among the rebels, even though it was only a few days time.

The relationship between him and Li Zicheng was not very good in the first place. Seeing that Li Zicheng was slowly gaining the support of many sergeants, at this time, if he knew what he was interested in, he might have a way to survive if he quickly joined Li Zicheng. Otherwise, he didn't know what would happen in the future.

But in his heart, Li Wanqing has a better impression of Luo Rucai. Although Luo Rucai is scheming and doesn't know what to think, Luo Rucai is still good to his brothers. Following Luo Rucai, he still has some power personally.

Faintly, Li Wanqing felt that Luo Rucai might not be able to defeat Li Zicheng, whether it was in terms of personal influence or the army he controlled, Li Zicheng had a great advantage.

Could it be that the only way out is to follow the example of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng? (to be continued..)

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