Ming politicians

Chapter 497 Infighting

The surrender of Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng to the imperial court caused a huge repercussion among the rogues.

It is not uncommon to submit to the imperial court. It is not a rare thing. Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai have done such a thing, but it is an expedient measure. If you join the imperial court, you will rebel again. Returning to the imperial court is already a trick of the rogues. , often can get huge benefits, and can even bring the dead back to life.

But this time the situation is different, the opponents of the rogues are Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying.

Back then, Zijinliang, Lao Huihui, and Zhang Xianzhong were all defeated by Su Tiancheng, but none of them had the chance to belong to the imperial court, let alone use any tricks to feign surrender. Those who fell into the hands of Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying Almost all the bandit leaders were beheaded, so there was no chance of surrender.

It is impossible for Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng not to know this situation. In front of the brave and invincible Jiangning camp, using the trick of feigning surrender is tantamount to courting death. This also shows that Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng really surrendered to the court.

Fake surrender requires many methods, money, beautiful women, etc., none of which can be lacking, and it needs the cooperation of some generals in the Ming army. Similarly, a flaw could be found here, but when facing the Jiang Ning camp, there was no such opportunity.

The various leaders of the bandits also encountered new problems.

When Gao Yingxiang led an army of [-] to attack the Jiangning camp, Li Zicheng was among the army and began to co-opt many leaders. This kind of co-operation was not as simple as everyone thought. To put it bluntly, he asked everyone to hand over the command, and the reason was very simple. .The rebel army needs a unified command. If hundreds of thousands of troops continue to fight on their own, the ending they will face will definitely be tragic.

After the news of Gao Yingxiang's defeat and capture came, Li Zicheng stepped up his steps and made a strong statement.Rebels need a unified command, and unity is strength.

Luo Rucai also supported Li Zicheng's opinion. This opinion is indeed correct. The rebel army suffered the biggest blow. At the critical moment, they really need to form a group, so that it is possible to resist the Jiangning camp.

However, Luo Rucai's thinking is somewhat different. He believes that under the current situation, the rebel army needs to disperse their actions.It cannot continue to be concentrated in Hanzhong Mansion and becomes the target of Jiangning Camp.

Speaking of which, Luo Rucai's point of view was contradictory. If the rebels dispersed and acted in a unified manner, the idea of ​​a unified command would no longer exist, and they would still fight independently.

There were also many differences among the many leaders, and some people were in favor of a unified command.For the future of the Rebel Army, everyone must be united.Some people disapproved of the unified command, and believed that it is still necessary to go out of Shaanxi. No matter how big the problems are, they should not stay in Shaanxi and wait for death.

The two opinions are at odds, and it is in this process.Li Zicheng started.

Geli eyed He Yilong, who had never had a good relationship with Li Zicheng, and did not obey Li Zicheng's command. He started from scratch and led the rebellion by himself.For so many years, most of the time, I have been fighting alone. Later, I encountered some setbacks in Sichuan, especially after meeting Qin Hongyu, and suffered a disastrous defeat. I had to enter Hanzhong to recuperate.

In He Yilong's view, the main purpose of coming to Hanzhong is to gather strength and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback.

If he obeyed Li Zicheng's unified command, then he would have no command right, and all actions must be subject to Li Zicheng's arrangement. This is tantamount to handing over the team, which is unbearable.

Many of the sergeants led by He Yilong have good combat effectiveness, and they are quite outstanding among the multi-unit units of the rebel army. For this reason, He Yilong is also relatively high-profile in the rebel army.

After Li Wanqing returned to Hanzhong, the rest of the people ignored him. After suffering a disastrous defeat, Li Wanqing was almost devastated. No one cared. At this time, He Yilong began to care.

Li Wanqing has a good relationship with He Yilong.

He Yilong specially set up a banquet and invited Li Wanqing to drink.

During the drinking process, the two naturally wanted to chat, and Li Wanqing also understood that he had lost most of the sergeants. Much bolder, He Yilong was not convinced by Li Zicheng at first, everyone knew what the two of them said after drinking.

Maybe it's because they're used to carelessness, for the next two days, He Yilong and Li Wanqing were together all the time, they didn't notice the strange eyes around them at all, and they didn't pay attention to the situation they were facing.

On this day, after Li Wanqing returned to his residence, he sighed and lamented that he had no more days left.

An officer came in. This officer used to be Li Wanqing's subordinate. Because of his bravery in battle, Li Zicheng later took a fancy to him. He found the reason and dug him up. For this matter, Li Wanqing had a great opinion on Li Zicheng.

The officer's face was very ugly.

Li Wanqing looked at the officer, but he didn't take the initiative to speak. When he was in a bad mood, when he saw this man, he would feel disgusted in his heart, let alone speak up.

"General Li, I'm here to tell you, get out of here quickly, or it will be too late."

Li Wanqing stood up in shock, not knowing why the other party said that.

"You, what are you talking about? Why should I leave?"

"You usually treat me well, so I'm here to tell you. I won't explain the specific situation. Tonight, you must find an opportunity to leave here, otherwise something big will happen. "

What else did Li Wanqing want to ask, but the officer had already turned around and left without any explanation or extra words.

When Li Wanqing chased after him, the surrounding area was very quiet, and no one could be seen.

Back in the house again, Li Wanqing fell into deep thought.

After about a quarter of an hour, Li Wanqing's expression changed, and he vaguely thought of something.

Li Wanqing opened the door again to see that there was no one else outside. After closing the door, he began to pack his things. The other things don’t matter. The key is to pack the gold, silver and treasures. At this time, it must be too late to inform his family. Besides, the family members are under the supervision of Li Zicheng and others.

Soon, Li Wanqing finished packing.

There are two packages in total, not big.

After getting on the horse, Li Wanqing looked around with a look of concern in his eyes. Soon, his eyes changed, and he looked a little cold.

After Li Wanqing rode his horse and left, several people appeared around the house, and one of them was Li Zicheng.

The incident of Li Wanqing's escape was made public an hour later.

With the publicity of Li Wanqing's defection, Ge Liyan He Yilong was the first to be captured.

Among the rebels, there was a rumor quickly revealed that Li Wanqing had defected to the imperial court a long time ago. At the time when the commander-in-chief was captured alive by the Ming army, Li Wanqing was indispensable. The reason why he returned to Hanzhong Mansion was to assassinate Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng At the same time, Li Wanqing also had accomplices among the rebels. After returning to find the accomplices, they started a joint incident. Unexpectedly, Li Wanqing's plan was discovered by the soldiers around him.

In a panic, Li Wanqing fled to the Jiangning camp.

This incident caused an uproar, and He Yilong, who was the first to be caught, naturally became Li Wanqing's accomplice.

Some leaders didn't believe this statement, but most of the sergeants believed it. Everyone scolded Li Wanqing and He Yilong, thinking that what they did was even more extreme than Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng.

He Yilong's face was pale, his tongue had been cut and he couldn't speak.

Li Zicheng looked at He Yilong with no expression in his eyes. He Yilong was about to be beheaded a long time ago, but Li Zicheng had something to say, so He Yilong was escorted here.

"He Yilong, don't look at me like this. I thought we were brothers back then, and we were all reluctant to get into this situation. For the future of the rebel army, I have to borrow your head. You go all the way. Every year during Qingming, I will go to your grave."

He Yilong's eyes turned red, but unfortunately he couldn't speak, he could only stare at Li Zicheng, which seemed to say, even if I go underground, I won't let you go, Li Zicheng.

He Yilong was killed, and his unit fell under Li Zicheng's command.

This move caused a great shock, and for a while, the leader of the rebel army was a little panicked.

The second person to be caught was Ma Jinzhong, the reincarnated king.

But within a day, Ma Jinzhong was also beheaded, with the same name, in a delusional attempt to join the Ming Dynasty and betray the interests of all his brothers. The sergeant Ma Jinzhong belonged to was also recruited by Li Zicheng.

Some bosses finally came to their senses and wanted to leave Hanzhong, but there was no chance.

Guotian Xinghui Dengxiang was the first to find Li Zicheng, expressed his decision, handed over the command without hesitation, and incorporated all the sergeants under him into Li Zicheng's team.

This move has already shown everything.

As for whether He Yilong, Ma Jinzhong and others really secretly submitted to the imperial court, or even whether Li Wanqing submitted to the imperial court, no one will pursue it, and it is impossible to pursue it.

The rest of the leaders, despite their reluctance, could only hand over their command.

There was such a change in the rebel army, no one could have imagined that not long after Gao Yingxiang was defeated and captured, the command of the rebel army was quickly unified, and many leaders, who used to lead troops alone, handed over the army this time. He was also under house arrest in a disguised form, and was closely guarded by Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai's personal soldiers, so he could not contact the soldiers he belonged to.

But a bigger crisis appeared immediately.

The many leaders of the rebel army and the ownership of the soldiers under their jurisdiction were scattered in the hands of Luo Rucai and Li Zicheng, but the rebel army only needed one leader, and one mountain could not accommodate two tigers. From this point of view, the two finally met to see who should lead the rebel army.

The many leaders who handed over the command were a little gloating. They eagerly wanted to know who between Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai would be able to obtain the final command. (to be continued..)

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