Ming politicians

Chapter 499 Disagreement Emerges

(Thanks to the hungry mountain lion, the dog who loves to take mice, and 13915212858 for casting valuable monthly tickets, and thanking the hungry mountain lion for casting valuable evaluation votes. Thank you. I wish all readers a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.)

A letter came from the capital, and this letter came very quickly. Hong Chengchou went to the capital, but within half a month, the imperial decree has not yet come down, and not many people care about the imperial decree. It's just that Gao Yingxiang, the leader of the rogues, was captured alive, which is worth celebrating.

No one noticed that Su Tiancheng didn't show up all day, staying in the third hall of the governor's yamen.

The third hall is already a private place, which is where Su Tiancheng's family lives. Generally speaking, unless it is a very secret matter, no one will be invited to the third hall. The other floor also explains that, Anything that needs to be handled in the third hall is a big deal.

Su Tiancheng had just arrived in Shaanxi Province, less than a month before and after, so it should be impossible for him to encounter major events.

Officials at all levels in Shaanxi are still immersed in joy. The Jiangning Battalion came to Shaanxi, and within a few days, they wiped out [-] rogues. If this trend continues, it will take only a few months for the rogues to was wiped out.

Those who can notice these details are those subordinates who have followed Su Tiancheng for a long time.

At this moment, Su Pingyang, Su Jun, Su Ertong, Wang Dazhi, Qu Qingze, Deng Hui, Sun Siming, Lu Taibing, Liu Jingting, Yue Gaofeng and others were sitting on the side, looking at Su Tiancheng, but no one spoke. , I don't know what it is, if there is no major event, Su Tiancheng will not be so cautious.

The days of silence are difficult, but fortunately everyone has adapted.At this time, Su Tiancheng must be thinking about some important decision. Those present are already Su Tiancheng's most trusted confidantes. Liu Jingting and Yue Gaofeng here have gained Su Tiancheng's trust through their own efforts.He became Su Tiancheng's most trusted subordinate.

After half an hour passed, Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Everyone, you may not have imagined that this letter was jointly written by Lord Sun Chengzong, Lord Liu Zongzhou, and Lord Huang Daozhou. If there were no major events, the three adults would not easily write the letter together."

No one spoke, and everyone felt more and more that something big must have happened.

"I once wrote a letter to Mr. Sun. I reported all my ideas. You all know the current situation in Shaanxi Province. During this period of time, you went to various places to investigate and learned a lot of actual conditions. It should be said that here The situation is even worse than we expected. Years of wars, rebellion by bandits, and indifference from the government have formed a vicious circle. Our responsibilities are extraordinary, and we need to make great efforts to reverse the current disadvantage."

"Except for Deng Hui. None of you are from majors, but I believe that you are more capable of acting as government affairs than those scholars with majors. So, in my plan, you are prepared to take on heavy responsibilities. Maybe someone He would say, I, Su Tiancheng, do cronyism, I don’t care about these things, as long as Shaanxi can be built well, as long as the people here can live a good life, as long as the rogues can be wiped out completely, and the soil where the rogues are born, the rest of the comments are all indifferent.”

"But now, we're in trouble."

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, he handed the letter to Deng Hui.

"Deng Hui, read it aloud, everyone knows what the three adults said in the letter."

Deng Hui took the letter and read it carefully.

At the beginning, there were whispered discussions in the room, but gradually, there was no sound in the room, and everyone stopped talking. No wonder Su Tiancheng thought for so long, it turned out that something was really in trouble.

After Deng Hui finished reading, Qu Qingze was the first to speak. He discussed many things with Su Tiancheng for a long time. In his mind, he already had a preliminary idea about the development of Shaanxi, but the letters from the three adults completely broke the If Su Tiancheng's plan is implemented according to this requirement, it is impossible for Shaanxi Province to have a fundamental improvement in a short period of time, and after a long time, the Jiangning Camp will also be affected, and it is even difficult to raise enough military pay.

"My lord, the imperial court doesn't understand the situation in Shaanxi. It's impossible to ask us to wipe out the bandits within three months. They don't know that the people in Shaanxi have reached their limit. If they continue to start The Jiangning battalion will encounter a lot of trouble during the battle."

Su Tiancheng nodded, and then spoke.

"That's true, but the most troublesome thing is not this matter. We can explain the matter of exterminating the bandits. If we can't do it, we can't do it. Empty promises are useless. I believe the emperor is clear about it. The key is the cabinet. I know that there is no big problem in Shaanxi, and the situation has fundamentally improved. The Ministry of Officials can send many officials to Shaanxi. What does this mean? Before I took office in Shaanxi, there was clearly an imperial edict from the emperor. I have the sword of Shangfang in my hand, and I can decide many matters in Shaanxi by myself. Now, the cabinet is thinking about taking back this power, and thinking that I will do things according to their requirements. If this is really the case, Shaanxi has no hope at all. .”

Su Pingyang is older, and he is much more prudent in thinking about issues.

"My lord, I feel that the purpose of this letter written by Lord Sun, Lord Liu, and Lord Huang seems to be to remind you to pay attention to the situation. This is also to ask you to deal with it, and you must win the support of the emperor. "

The rest of the people did not speak, even Liu Jingting and Yue Gaofeng could not speak. They were completely unfamiliar with the affairs in the officialdom and had no right to speak.

"There is such a layer of meaning in it, but what I am more worried about is that the cabinet has formed a unified opinion. Mr. Sun focuses on matters related to the royal relatives, and it is impossible to care about this aspect, including Mr. Liu and Mr. Huang. It is impossible to care about it, and it is impossible to put forward any opinions. Even if they want to make suggestions, they will ask for my opinions in advance. Therefore, this letter told me a very clear message, and put forward this opinion Yes, it must be Mr. Wen, the chief assistant of the cabinet."

The room became even quieter. Wen Tiren made such an opinion, what does it mean? Everyone understands the meaning. Things in the officialdom are too complicated, and the principle of shooting the top bird does not need to be explained.

"My lord, this is too disgraceful. My lord and Jiang Ningying have made such great contributions. Those adults in the court know how to be jealous, pick their bones, and be so suspicious. They still think about how your lord does things. ah."

Su Tiancheng stood up, walked a few steps, and let out a long sigh.

"There are some things that I didn't think of. In fact, sometimes we should think more deeply. Jiang Ningying's bravery has become the consensus of the court. As long as Jiang Ningying comes forward, everything can be done well, no matter what kind of opponent we meet. , it’s nothing to worry about, since the Jiangning battalion is so brave, it must be in the shortest time to wipe out the bandits when they come to Shaanxi. So many difficulties facing Shaanxi are nothing, and they can handle it completely. Look at the request I made, isn't it going to provoke a lot of suspicion?"

"Determining the candidates for officials below the magistrate without going through the Ministry of Officials and the Cabinet is tantamount to completely depriving the Ministry of Officials and the Cabinet of their power. If other provinces continue to follow this trend, then the Ministry of Officials and the Cabinet will really be empty. Yes, their losses are too great to bear."

Qu Qingze couldn't bear it anymore.

"My lord, why didn't the officials and the cabinet put forward their opinions at the beginning, but now that I think about raising them, wouldn't it be crossing the river and tearing down the bridge?"

"The reason they didn't bring it up at the beginning was because they knew that years of famine and turmoil in Shaanxi were on the verge of collapse. 30 rogues gathered here. Who knows what will happen next. The situation is different now. The Jiangning Camp has just After arriving in Shaanxi, we wiped out [-] bandits, captured Gao Yingxiang alive, and the cabinet’s opinion changed, thinking that I, Su Tiancheng, can solve the problem in Shaanxi very well, so they are about to change their strategy.”

Everyone understands the meaning of Su Tiancheng's words. When appointing officials, the imperial court pays attention to their background. Unless they are from Jinshi, don't think about becoming an official in the imperial court. At the beginning, Su Tiancheng promoted many people. Serving as the county magistrate has already shocked the court. Now, Su Tiancheng is going to step up his actions. Some people in the court object.

What everyone is most worried about is not the opinions of the cabinet. If the emperor also supports the opinions of the cabinet, it will be difficult to handle.

Officials appointed by the Ministry of Officials must be difficult to lead when they come to Shaanxi. These scholars with academic backgrounds are marked with their backgrounds. They all have teachers behind them and belong to various groups. What they care about is the interests of their own groups. Few people If he could follow Su Tiancheng wholeheartedly, even if Su Tiancheng had expended all his energy to win over these people, all of Su Tiancheng's thoughts would be wasted with a mere order from the official department.

It would be impossible to do a good job in Shaanxi without people. Unfortunately, few of Su Tiancheng's confidantes came from majors.

"Deng Hui, what do you think?"

"My lord, I feel that my lord still has to find a way. To be honest, my lord is completely thinking about appointing officials from prefectures and counties in Shaanxi. It is very unlikely. Under such circumstances, my lord can take a step back and let some Scholars with academic backgrounds come to Shaanxi, and we also recommend some candidates.”

Su Tiancheng nodded.

"I think so too. Since Lord Sun, Lord Liu, and Lord Huang have jointly written this letter, some things may have already been settled, and the emperor has made up his mind. If you bite the bullet and fight for it, the effect may not be good. , we must think of other ways.”

After saying this, Su Tiancheng returned to his seat.

"Sun Siming, Lu Taibing, Lu Taibo, the three of you, you still need to get in touch with your lords more to understand some situations. Sometimes, doing things dullly may not necessarily get good results." (To be continued. .)

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