Ming politicians

Chapter 500 For Shaanxi

() Time has entered October, and many things must be arranged.

Su Tiancheng has been in Shaanxi for a month, and apart from exterminating [-] bandits, he has not been able to do anything else. This situation is also due to ignorance of the officials below.

Seeing that Li Zicheng became the leader of the rogues and was elected as Chuang Wang, it was difficult for Su Tiancheng to take any action. Such a situation must not continue.

He has already written three secret documents in a row, like a stone sinking into the sea, without any news. In these three memorials, Su Tiancheng put forward all the suggestions, including the candidate for the chief official of Shaanxi Prefecture, and Su Tiancheng also proposed It is suggested that the chief officer of the Third Department of Shaanxi Province should also be considered for adjustment, and the candidate should be decided by the imperial court.

Su Tiancheng clarified the reasons in detail, why he made such a big adjustment, it was all because the officials at all levels in Shaanxi had a fixed understanding, and it was difficult to improve the relationship between the government and the people in a short period of time. If it continues, fresh blood must be injected to change the appearance of Shaanxi officialdom.

According to Su Tiancheng's arrangement before he took office, as long as Su Tiancheng put forward an opinion, the officials below the magistrate would directly follow his suggestion, but this time, the imperial court did not make an order.

Su Tiancheng's heart sank continuously, he knew that trouble must have appeared, and it was not a small trouble.

After thinking about it again and again, Su Tiancheng wrote down the fourth secret letter and asked to go to Beijing.

Although it will delay a lot of time, there are some things that cannot be solved if you don't come forward.

This time, the emperor's decree came quickly, requiring Su Tiancheng to enter Beijing as soon as possible.

On the eighth day of October, Su Tiancheng entered the stable.

He was eager to see the emperor, but unfortunately, this time, he didn't have the chance to meet the emperor.

It turned out that when the Jiangning battalion entered Shaanxi, they won a great victory and captured the bandit leader Gao Yingxiang alive.The emperor was very happy, and hosted a banquet for Hong Chengchou and his party for the first time, but he was too happy, drinking too much alcohol, which caused physical discomfort. After the diagnosis, the imperial doctor thought that the emperor needed to rest for a while.Don't participate in the morning court for the time being, and it is also restricted to summon the ministers every day.The emperor was not prepared to obey, but unfortunately the empress dowager Zhang Yan and the empress empress all advised the emperor to obey the imperial physician's orders.If it's just the empress empress' advice, the emperor may not obey, but if Zhang Yan speaks, the emperor will not be able to refute.

Zhang Yan is Zhu Youxiao's wife, and she supports Zhu Youjian as the emperor, so what Zhang Yan said.Zhu Youjian still wants to listen.

Su Tiancheng felt that his luck was really bad, and he couldn't understand many things in front of the emperor. However, the emperor entrusted Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and Sun Chengzong, the second assistant of the cabinet, to listen to his explanation.

After entering the Forbidden City, under the leadership of officials from the Ministry of Rites, Su Tiancheng came to the Hall of Tai Chi.

Wen Tiren and Sun Chengzong are already waiting here.

All pleasantries are unnecessary.There are not so many etiquettes anymore. Wen Tiren and Sun Chengzong represent the emperor, and the key point is that Su Tiancheng is required to answer questions. Of course, as representatives of the emperor, the two have great power and can directly deny many of Su Tiancheng's proposals. .

This is the inevitability of the rule of man.All the powers that Su Tiancheng possessed were bestowed by the emperor, no matter what happened before, he still had to listen to the emperor's arrangements and arrangements in the end.

Su Tiancheng just sat down.Wen Tiren asked.

"Master Su, on behalf of the emperor, I and Mr. Sun are asking you some questions. You need to answer these questions truthfully without any concealment."

"Your subordinate must answer truthfully."

Wen Tiren looked at Sun Chengzong.

"Master Sun, then I will ask the question first. If there is anything I didn't ask, please add it to Master Sun."

Sun Chengzong nodded, but said nothing.In fact, Sun Chengzong's qualifications are much stronger than Wen Tiren's, but Wen Tiren is the chief assistant of the cabinet after all, and has been in the cabinet for many years, and his qualifications are also unusual. In the cabinet, Sun Chengzong does not have much qualifications.

"The first question is whether the Jiangning camp can wipe out the bandits within half a year."

"I can't do it in the words of an adult."

"What are your difficulties, or are there any difficulties?"

"The situation in Shaanxi is special. Years of conquest and turmoil have made the people's lives extremely difficult. For some special reasons, the common people support the bandits. Cutting the weeds needs to be eradicated. If the bandits are wiped out on the surface, it won't take long. The rogues will still appear, and besides, the Jiangning camp has just arrived in Shaanxi, and there is no foundation yet. As for the extermination of [-] rogues and the capture of Gao Yingxiang alive, it was Li Yichuan and Liu Guoneng who returned to the imperial court. Prepared, so to be able to achieve such a victory, if you directly deal with the bandits, it will be difficult to replicate this victory."

"Understood, the second question, the most important thing in Shaanxi today is to wipe out the bandits. The bandits have plundered for many years and have become a serious problem for the imperial court. The emperor has always hoped that the Jiangning camp can make great achievements. Why do you know that first? It is still necessary to solve the problems of people's livelihood, is there any contradiction between solving the problems of people's livelihood and eradicating bandits at the same time?"

Su Tiancheng was taken aback for a moment, this question is somewhat interesting.

"Returning to my lord, it is possible to balance the two, but it will take a certain amount of time. The current situation in Shaanxi Province, the lower official uses an inappropriate description, like a dying patient. He was about to starve to death, and the first thing the next official had to do was to feed the patient and prevent the patient from starving to death, and then he would consider the treatment of the disease. It will get better, this principle applies to the problems faced by Shaanxi Province, it is the same principle, the lower officials first need to solve the people's livelihood problems, and only after the overall situation is stabilized can they be freed up to concentrate on destroying the bandits."

"How long will this take?"

"At least one year, as many as two years."

"The third question is that the imperial court has gathered a large number of talents through the imperial examination. If Shaanxi Province needs to adjust its officials, hoping to create a new trend in the officialdom, it can recruit elite officials from all over the country. According to the custom of our ancestors, why Master Su thought of using the people around him, most of these people have not passed the imperial examination, could it be that the talents selected by the imperial court through the imperial examination are not as good as the people around Master Su?"

There was no expression on Su Tiancheng's face.

"Returning to my lord, this matter has been carefully considered by the lower official. The lower official has always believed that talents come in many ways. If Shaanxi wants to develop and change the previous situation, it must use talents in an eclectic manner. Among the many candidates proposed, it is true that many of them did not pass the imperial examinations, and they were not Jinshi candidates, but they had real talents and learning. , can change the situation in Henan Province. The situation in Shaanxi Province has many similarities with Henan Province, and the situation is even worse. The lower officials need people with practical experience to be the chief officials of prefectures and counties, so I recommend Many officials who failed the imperial examinations."

"Is there any other reason, such as why you use the people around you?"

Su Tiancheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The officials are honest and honest. It is necessary to use the people around you, even the confidantes. The situation in Shaanxi is different. It is necessary to ensure the unity of government orders and never allow any violations. Otherwise, in a short time, the It is difficult to change the status quo. It is precisely because of this that Xiaguan recommends people around him. These people have been with Xiaguan for many years, and they are familiar with each other and know the style of Xiaguan. Many times, we are familiar with each other and know what needs to be done. If you can use these officials, it will be easier to do a lot of things."

"Didn't Mr. Su think that doing so would cause some gossip, and even lead to unnecessary doubts, leading to the impeachment of many officials in the court?"

"Xiaguan has thought about these things, but since Xiaguan has arrived in Shaanxi, everything needs to proceed from the actual situation in Shaanxi. Everything is for Shaanxi. If you think too much in the process of doing things, you will have countless problems. If you don’t have any scruples, then you can’t do things. I would like to add that when I decided to go to Shaanxi, I was in the mood of hard work, and I didn’t care about many discussions and evaluations. Three years later, let's see how the situation is, the next official isn't even going to make an excuse."

Wen Tiren frowned slightly, but a smile appeared on Sun Chengzong's face.

The problem continued, Su Tiancheng's mood calmed down a lot.

Although many problems are still very sharp, but he has come out of his inner thoughts, almost without any reservations, inside the stables, it is really complicated, and someone is even going to label him a rebel, this is really a big deal It's a joke, if he, Su Tiancheng, wanted to rebel, he would spare no effort to wipe out the rogues and the Tartars. As long as he did nothing and waited for the rise of the rogues and Tartars, all problems would be solved.

In addition, there is no reason to worry about crimes, such situations have always existed, Su Tiancheng had to be careful.

Fortunately, the current situation has changed. In the cabinet, Sun Chengzong has become Su Tiancheng's biggest reliance. Judging from the current situation, Liu Zongzhou and Huang Daozhou are likely to enter the cabinet in the near future. At that time, Su Tiancheng's Days will be easier.

The questioning lasted for an hour and a half.

After the questioning was over, a smile finally appeared on Wen Tiren's face. Su Tiancheng was not very clear about what was contained in this smile, but he was very clear that he could not openly fall out with Wen Tiren. He had already become the governor of Shaanxi Province. It aroused Wen Tiren's attention. Wen Tiren's thoughts must be different from before. County magistrates and magistrates are nothing in Wen Tiren's eyes, but the governor is a great official in Xinjiang. Wen Tiren must attach great importance to it.

However, between myself and Wen Tiren, many ideas are inconsistent. A person who travels through time must have a longer-term vision than people in ancient times.

At this time, the conflicts that will erupt will definitely come out. (To be continued. You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets.

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