Ming politicians

Chapter 501 The Whereabouts of King Jin

Back home, Su Tiancheng received a hero's welcome.

Having just arrived in Shaanxi Province, they have won such a big victory, and their family members followed suit. To put it bluntly, Su Tiancheng's family members can walk sideways in the capital, especially during this time, many officials have come to the government Come up to visit, congratulate Su Tian for his great achievements. As the head of the family, Zhu Shenxin will of course come forward to receive him.

Women's thoughts are similar, their men are promising, and many people admire them, so they feel very satisfied. Although their identities are different, Zhu Shenxin's thoughts are not much different from those of ordinary women.

Su Tiancheng was not able to stay for a long time, mainly waiting for the imperial decree. This imperial decree is related to the future of Shaanxi Province. He is very important, especially whether the important tasks recommended by himself can be approved by the emperor. This is the most critical .

The imperial court is controlled by literati. This is the actual situation. Scholar-bureaucrats have always looked down on officials who are not from a professional background. These officials are usually ashamed of themselves. Since the Tang Dynasty established the system of imperial examinations to select scholars, this kind of concept has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is definitely not something that Su Tiancheng can solve in a short time. Even if Su Tiancheng, as a traveler, can see through the context of historical development, he will inevitably have to take the imperial examination. , gain power through this form.

During the night's rest, Zhu Shenxin took the initiative to bathe Su Tiancheng, which made Su Tiancheng feel uncomfortable.

After he arrived in Shaanxi, he did not bring his family with him, and Gu Hengbo also went to the capital, because the situation in Shaanxi was complicated, bandits plundered wildly, and there was no guarantee of safety.Therefore, Su Tiancheng made a decision not to bring his family members with him for the time being, and then consider the issue of bringing his family members after the situation in Shaanxi stabilized.

After a while, Su Tiancheng got used to washing by himself.

after passion.Zhu Shenxin curled up in Su Tiancheng's arms.

"Husband, I really want to go to Shaanxi with you, but unfortunately I don't have a chance."

Su Tiancheng patted Zhu Shenxin's bare back and didn't speak. There was nothing he could do about this kind of thing. Zhu Shenxin's status was different. She was supposed to be a hostage when she stayed in the capital.It should be said that now, Su Tiancheng's big family is all in the capital, and he needs to be extra careful when doing things.

Zhu Shenxin was silent for a while, as if hesitating to speak.

"Do you have something to say, something you think of. Just say it."

After a while, Zhu Shenxin finally spoke.

"Husband, my brother has written."

Su Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, and soon understood.

"Oh, that's right. Is it true that the King of Jin is thinking of finding a position as an official, so he writes to you directly, asking me to mediate in the middle. Or ask you to help coordinate."

Zhu Shenxin nodded.

Sun Chengzong, Liu Zongzhou, Huang Daozhou and others are busy. The affairs of the emperor's relatives are not so easy to handle, especially the affairs of these people entering the court as officials.Although the emperor issued an imperial edict, most of the officials still resisted, which created a very bad environment. Even if the emperor's relatives came out to serve as officials of the imperial court, they would have to face many difficulties. In such an environment, they can't do anything well at all, and it's hard for them to hold power.

As far as the emperor's intentions are concerned, they are not necessarily so firm. Everyone is afraid of threats. In the hundreds of years of history of the Ming Dynasty, there have been quite a few incidents of vassal princes rebelling, especially Zhu Di, who relied on the vassal princes in the first place. The identity rebelled, overthrew Emperor Jianwen, and became the emperor himself. Therefore, the subsequent emperors of the Ming Dynasty had a very bad attitude towards the vassal kings.

This depends on the strength of Sun Chengzong and others' operations.

"How did King Jin request it, and what can I do to help?"

Hearing Su Tiancheng say this, Zhu Shenxin was a little surprised, and hugged Su Tiancheng tightly.

"Husband, if you say this, the concubine is satisfied. Husband should not interfere with such things. There are many discussions now. I have heard a lot of concubines as women. If the husband intervenes, I am afraid that the impact will not be great." OK."

"You've heard something."

Su Tiancheng was born in Shaanxi, so he really didn't understand the situation in these aspects.

"My concubine heard that almost all the adults in the court opposed it, thinking that if the vassal king came out to do things, it would definitely affect many things. In some places, the vassal kings were a little self-respecting and wantonly searched for property. Now Let them come out to do things, enter the court, and become officials of the court, and they must be gathered to become a force."

Su Tiancheng smiled. It seems that those adults in the court still understand very well. They are worried that the feudal king will come out to do things, not for the sake of the emperor. A force is enough to compete with them. The party struggle in the imperial court is already fierce enough. They are relatives of the emperor, and they are instinctively inclined to the emperor. Doesn't this weaken the strength of the scholar-bureaucrats.

Seeing Su Tiancheng smile, Zhu Shenxin also felt a lot more relaxed. She is a woman. Although she grew up in the feudal prince's mansion since she was a child, she still doesn't know much about the affairs in the court. , It was brought up by my husband. If there is any trouble in this matter, then my husband will suffer a loss.

"Husband, I have always been worried."

"There is nothing to worry about. This matter will be implemented soon."

After saying this, Su Tiancheng thought about Zhu Shenxuan's matter. Since Zhu Shenxuan wrote a letter, he must be thinking of entering the court to do things. There must not be many vassal kings or scholars of vassal kings who come out to do things. After all, it is a pilot stage, and it is impossible to arrange large-scale arrangements. It's waiting to be arranged.

"What is King Jin thinking? He is thinking of arranging to do something."

"Husband, otherwise the concubine will bring the letter, and my husband will know after reading it."

"No, you can just say it directly. I can't just read the letter written to you by King Jin."

Zhu Shenxin was a little anxious, thinking that Su Tiancheng was complaining that King Jin didn't write the letter directly, and was about to get up to get the letter, but Su Tiancheng hugged him tightly.

"You think too much. I'm telling the truth. I really don't read the letter that King Jin wrote to you. It's a big deal. It's not good for King Jin to write to me directly. If the adults in the court find out , must be criticized, and it is a good way to express your own requirements through you."

Zhu Shenxin leaned in Su Tiancheng's arms and didn't say anything, but Su Tiancheng felt a chill on his chest, it turned out that Zhu Shenxin's tears were streaming down.

"Hehe, well, don't think so much, we are a family, and of course I have to contribute to Prince Jin's affairs."

After half an hour, Su Tiancheng finally knew what Zhu Shenxuan was thinking.

Zhu Shenxuan really wanted to become an official in the court, but his thoughts were not very sure. He was not sure whether to enter the capital directly or become an official in the local area. Fortunately, he was able to stay in Shanxi, after all, it was his fief, and he had a lot of contacts.

While Zhu Shenxin was speaking, Su Tiancheng's expression became serious, and after Zhu Shenxin finished speaking, he quickly spoke.

"You immediately write back to the King of Jin and tell the King of Jin that you must never think about being an official in Shanxi. You must never have such an idea. The court has always asked to avoid it. I am from Pingyang Prefecture in Shanxi, but I must never go back to Going to Shanxi, this is the rule of the court, and it is also to avoid suspicion. The vassal kings have their own fiefs. They are familiar with the situation in the fiefs, and they want to be officials nearby. I can understand this feeling, but what will the adults of the court think? , Just find any reason, you can impeach, and even say that the purpose of the vassal king is to occupy the mountain as king, or even say that the purpose of the vassal king is to rebel."

Zhu Shenxin's body trembled.

Su Tiancheng's tone softened.

"Okay, don't be nervous. Tomorrow, I will go to see Lord Sun, Lord Liu, and Lord Huang, and report to the three lords. All these requests of the vassal king should be suppressed. Just don't make it public at the court."

After Zhu Shenxin calmed down, Su Tiancheng expressed his thoughts.

"In fact, I have thought about the matter of King Jin. I have already told Mr. Sun. It is estimated that this time, King Jin is the first batch to be directly arranged. I have also thought about the specific location. Don't go to the capital for now. The situation in the capital is too complicated. If you are not careful, you will fall into a battle. After all, King Jin has never been a court official, and he is not familiar with many situations. Judging from the current situation, it is best to go to Shaanxi , do things together with me, so it will be much smoother. The officials in Shaanxi this time will be greatly adjusted. I think that the king of Jin will go to Shaanxi to be the magistrate, and strive to make achievements in a short period of time for himself. Laying a good foundation."

"Husband, in fact, I don't want my brother to come to the capital. It would be great if my brother could come to my husband's side."

"It won't be a big problem. Tomorrow, I will go to Master Sun and explain directly that Shaanxi happens to have a job. In addition, King Jin needs someone to assist him. I think that Lanqiao in Jiangning County can go to King Jin's side." , Su Jun next to me can be arranged next to King Jin, with the assistance of these two people, the problem should not be too big."

Su Tiancheng would never have thought that his suggestion was really adopted, and the later facts showed that he had taken a crucial step. After receiving the support of the feudal lord, he had grown a lot in terms of manpower and financial resources, and also He created brilliance and laid a solid foundation. (To be continued..)

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