Huang Taiji's face was very ugly.

In the main hall, many civil and military ministers did not speak, even the always arrogant Dorgon, Azig and others were honest and honest. The news from the intelligence network made Huang Taiji feel like an avalanche.

Taking over the burden from his father and Han, Huang Taiji's idea is to unify the Central Plains, because his tribe is the best nation, deep down, Huang Taiji knows that Han culture has incomparable advantages, and there are many systems in the Qing Dynasty They all learned from Daming, but the decline of Daming began in the Wanli period. Seeing that the building was about to collapse, unexpectedly, there have been so many changes in the past few years, all because of a core figure, Su Tiancheng.

Huang Taiji never paid much attention to the rogues of Ming Dynasty. These rogues had no clear goals, and they robbed their homes. They were simply mobs. Even if they could unify the Central Plains, he had no intention of recruiting these rogues. The existence of the Qing Dynasty is of great benefit to the Qing Dynasty.

The 500 people sent to assist were the elite under Zhenghuang's flag. They had experienced hundreds of battles and counted one as ten. Unexpectedly, the entire army of these 500 people was wiped out, and no one escaped. Thinking of this, Huang Taiji shuddered a little. He decided, Su Tiancheng It will be Daqing and his biggest opponent. If Daqing faces any disaster, it must be related to this Su Tiancheng. [

The soldiers had already prepared. According to Huang Taiji's previous idea, when there was a stalemate between the Jiangning camp and the rogues, he would personally lead the army into the customs and approach the Beijing city. This made the Chongzhen emperor in Beijing panic and panic If you ask the local kings to work hard, the Jiangning camp must not have the energy to wipe out the bandits.As for whether the rogues could win, Huang Taiji had no such idea at the beginning of the fight. If the Jiangning battalion was defeated by the rogues, the sun would come out from the west.

Now a decision needs to be made, whether the army will move or not, if it wants to move.In which direction to move, is it to enter the customs to fight, or to enter Mongolia to quell the chaos of the Mongolian tribes.

The Jiangning Camp wiped out [-] bandits in such a short period of time. This amazing record made Huang Taiji feel it.No matter what choice you make, there are risks.

"You all talk about how the army should act."

The ministers of civil and military affairs in the hall are all the elite of the Qing Dynasty, and these people have supported the country of the Qing Dynasty.

"Your Majesty, I think it's better to go straight to Huanglong. Our Eight Banners army will enter from Datong and threaten the capital of Ming Dynasty."

"Your Majesty, my younger brother seconded the proposal. My younger brother has been waiting for such an opportunity to take revenge."

Dorgon and Azig expressed their views successively, and the rest of the civil and military ministers.Basically everyone agrees with this opinion. No matter how you say it, when the [-] troops of the Eight Banners enter the customs, there is no such army in Ming Dynasty that can resist. I'm dying myself.

The mature and prudent Daishan didn't speak.

Fan Wencheng didn't speak either.

Huang Taiji noticed the attitude of Daishan and Fan Wencheng, he would not ask Fan Wencheng to speak.After all, Fan Wencheng is a Hanchen. In front of Dorgon, Azig and others, it is not easy to refute him. Fan Wencheng was once bullied by Dorgon, but nothing happened. Huang Taiji can only comfort Fan Wencheng , it is impossible to severely punish Dorgon.After all, Dorgon is his own brother.

As for saying that Daishan did not speak, it may be because he considered that it was inappropriate to go to the expedition, but he could not think of a reason to refute, so he simply did not speak.Huang Taiji knew his second brother very well.

Huang Taiji did not express his position.

After the crowd dispersed, Dorgon and Azige stayed. Seeing that Huang Taiji did not make a statement, they really wanted to speak again.

Huang Taiji understood what the two of them meant.

"Twelfth brother, fourteenth brother, don't say anything, I know what you mean, the matter is very important, let me think about it for a year, you all go back first."

After Fan Wencheng came in, he was about to salute when Huang Taiji spoke.

"Wen Cheng, this is not above the main hall. You don't need to be too polite. I have said it many times. In private, you don't have to be so cautious. You are my minister of the humerus. You should accept these courtesy. I am not a Beijing city. The Chongzhen in the movie doesn't need so many three worships and nine kowtows."

Huang Taiji said these words to comfort Fan Wencheng on the surface, but Fan Wencheng, who had been by Huang Taiji's side for a long time, understood that Huang Taiji was thinking about something in his heart, otherwise he would not have said so much. [

"Your Majesty, when the servant was above the main hall, he didn't speak a word. In fact, the servant has something to say."

"I know you have something to say, I am very contradictory, the army has long been prepared, but the current situation is really complicated."

"Your Majesty, this servant has thought of this. The army has been preparing for such a long time. If there is no action, it may cause some complaints. However, this servant still wants to say that the army needs to be cautious when going out."

"This is necessary, Wen Cheng, speak out all your thoughts."

"The emperor needs to unify the world. My Qing Dynasty is becoming stronger and stronger. Although the Ming Dynasty shows signs of recovery, it is difficult for a single Su Tiancheng to have a decisive effect. The slave thinks that it is the best choice to temporarily avoid his edge and wait and see. Well, the Ming Dynasty had some bad habits, especially the fact that it was a master of high meritorious service, which is unavoidable for anyone. The Jiangning camp led by Su Tiancheng has made too much credit. The emperor is suspicious, this is not the first time something like this happened in Daming."

"Well, what you said makes sense, but in my opinion, this Su Tiancheng is very young, less than 30 years old, if I keep waiting like this, I'm afraid it's not appropriate."

"The servant thinks that we should adopt a two-pronged strategy. On the one hand, I will make great efforts to raise troops and devote myself to construction. On the other hand, I will try to find a way to separate the relationship between Su Tiancheng and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The servant has specially studied it some time ago. Su Tiancheng likes to do some Changes, these changes involve the interests of many dignitaries, it can be said that the dignitaries of Ming Dynasty have a lot of opinions on Su Tiancheng, and the slaves think that they can make a fuss about these aspects, and the water drops through the stone."

"It's up to you to do this matter, I still say the same thing, don't be afraid to spend money, money can be earned, as long as it can shake Su Tiancheng's position, even if I spend all of my Qing money, it's worth it."

"As for the matter of whether the army will act or not, the slave thinks that it is best not to enter the customs for the time being, and it is best to go deep into the desert and subdue the many tribes in Mongolia again. If the Mongolian tribes are completely chaotic, or many tribes have defected to the Ming Dynasty , is very detrimental to my Qing Dynasty.”

Huang Taiji shook his head.

"Wen Cheng, the truth is so, but it is easier said than done. I have to consider many aspects. I said that the conquest of Mongolia will take a long time, and it is not a short-term thing. If there is any change in Liaodong, I will be beyond my reach. Jiang Ning The battalion has wiped out the rogues, and the morale is booming, if we suddenly go to Liaodong, I will be caught off guard."

"The slaves thought that the Jiangning Battalion would not pose a threat to our Qing Dynasty for the time being. In terms of military strength, our Eight Banners Army of the Qing Dynasty has more than 20 people. After next year, it can reach 30 people. Although the Mongolian Eight Banners are somewhat incomplete, If the emperor recruits, he can still gather more than 40 sergeants, plus the Han army, [-] people are no problem. With so many soldiers and horses, I think Su Tiancheng knows that our Qing Dynasty has worked so hard for so many years and has a solid foundation. The foundation of the situation is not something that Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying can threaten at will."

Huang Taiji nodded frequently.

"Wen Cheng is right. Let me think about it. It seems that it is necessary to go deep into Mongolia."

Soon, Daishan came.

Dai Shan's opinion was basically the same as Fan Wencheng's. He believed that it was inappropriate to enter the customs. The Jiangning camp basically wiped out the rogues, and the morale of the Ming army was high. It must be inappropriate to choose to enter the customs at this time, not to mention encountering Tenacious resistance, if you encounter the Jiangning camp in the territory of Daming, it will be very dangerous.

Comparing the two, it is necessary to enter Mongolia and quell the turmoil in Mongolia.

Dai Shan also proposed not to touch the mutual market in Fort Anning and Jingbian for the time being. The Qing Dynasty can purchase a lot of firearms in the market. These firearms are very precious. If the mutual market is closed, it will be difficult for the Qing Dynasty to Purchasing urgently needed materials, on the other hand, the Mongolian tribes will inevitably be greatly dissatisfied.

Dai Shan proposed that the Qing Dynasty can completely adopt the method of expropriation to obtain benefits from the mutual market. After conquering many tribes in Mongolia again, they are required to pay part of the materials obtained from the mutual market to the Qing Dynasty. can also be supplemented.

Huang Taiji's eyes lit up when he heard this, he never thought that Daishan could come up with such a good suggestion.

During the conversation with Dai Shan, Huang Taiji finally made up his mind and prepared to lead the Eight Banners to conquer Mongolia. As for the affairs of the court, Dai Shan was in charge. Huang Taiji was very relieved of this second brother. Dai Shan did not ambition.

When Fan Wencheng hurried in, Huang Taiji and Dai Shan hadn't finished talking. [

"Your Majesty, there is information from Daming."

Hearing that there was information, Huang Taiji didn't care much, stood up, and took the letter.

After opening the letter, Huang Taiji looked carefully.

Soon, Dai Shan and Fan Wencheng noticed that Huang Taiji's face was pale and his fists were clenched tightly.

After reading it, Huang Taiji let out a long sigh and sat down on the chair.

Daishan and Fan Wencheng looked at each other, not knowing what happened.

"Second brother, Wen Cheng, what I was most worried about finally happened. Su Tiancheng took the post of the governor of Jiliao and led the Jiangning Battalion into Liaodong. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion have already marched towards Liaodong. Is the military region conquering Mongolia?"

The room was deadly quiet, no one spoke.

Su Tiancheng personally led the Jiangning Battalion to station in Liaodong. This will definitely arouse the great attention of the Qing Dynasty. At this time, if the emperor leads an army to conquer Mongolia, what will happen? Entering the Qing Dynasty for conquest will cause catastrophe. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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