(Thanks to moonhenl and the scarecrow for casting valuable monthly tickets, and thanks to the old monk named Peng Chen for the reward, thank you.)

Knowing that the army led by Li Zicheng suffered a disastrous defeat and the whole army was annihilated, Luo Rucai suddenly felt a special sadness. Although these words came from the people along the way, he believed it. If the army led by Li Zicheng won Victory, the court has long been in chaos.

With more than 2 people, he marched towards Songpanwei. The troubles he encountered along the way far exceeded his expectations. Trying to figure out a way, I didn't expect that after entering Songpanwei, there would be a desert in front of me, and I wouldn't even be able to get out of the desert after walking for a day.

Everywhere is desolate, and it is even doubtful whether this place is suitable for human survival.

Luo Rucai's prestige in the rebel army is very good, and everyone is willing to follow Luo Rucai to do things. There is no doubt about it, but everyone followed the rebellion, and they also have their own little things. To put it bluntly, they also want to live a good life , if it continues to develop according to the current trend, there will be no future at all, and the final fate is to be completely wiped out by the court. [

The news of the disastrous defeat of Chuang Wang Li Zicheng cannot be concealed, and the reason is unknown. This news is being conveyed all over the Ming Dynasty, especially in Sichuan. The ordinary people know it. Li Zicheng led an army of 9 People, and all of them have good combat effectiveness, and they have not been able to defeat the Jiangning battalion. There are more than 2 people in the district. It goes without saying that what will happen.

Although Luo Rucai tried his best to stabilize the army, the decadent mood spread like a plague in the army, and there was no way to stop it.

Luo Rucai had no choice but to postpone his march and set up camp in a place with slightly lush water and grass.

Sergeants have begun to flee.These people left the army by night.

Luo Rucai and many other officers earnestly said that the Songpan terrain is complex, there is no way out for one person to escape, the vast desert, is it possible to go out, unfortunately, such preaching does not have much effect.Luo Rucai had no choice but to be ruthless. If there are still soldiers fleeing, after they are caught, they will be dealt with according to the military law.

More desperate news came.

The [-] soldiers stationed in Bazhou chose to surrender to the court after learning that Li Zicheng was defeated and captured.This time it was a real surrender. They surrendered to Bao Ningwei, completely put down their weapons, and waited for the imperial court's disposal.

This news was a devastating blow to the [-] army.

After entering Songpanwei, there were many sergeants.It has been found that it is impossible to survive here. There is no human habitation on the edge of the desert. It is impossible to compare with places such as Kuizhou. Moreover, some people have also said that the environment in Duogandusi is even more difficult than here.After entering the Duogan Dusi, many people suffered from bleeding, could not breathe, and died miserably.

The idea of ​​surrendering to the imperial court began to spread among the low-level sergeants. These ordinary sergeants did not have a big problem.At least he won't be beheaded, at worst, after a few years of hard work, he will return to his hometown to live an honest life, let alone.The situation in Shaanxi has changed a lot, at least I can barely eat enough.

Luo Rucai and the officer were still struggling.

Before the rebellion, Luo Rucai was so poor that he couldn’t get a wife, and he didn’t eat his last meal, but after the rebellion, this situation has changed a lot. There are many beauties around him, and they have money to spend. Some people listen to what they say, and feel After this change, Luo Ru made up his mind to rebel for the rest of his life.

The idea of ​​overturning the imperial court, or becoming an emperor is unrealistic. Luo Ru has no lofty ideals. Such a comfortable life can be counted day by day, but the current situation is that this comfortable life is about to be lost. up.

Luo Rucai was reluctant. The 2 people in his hands are capital. No matter where he is, if he holds the army in his hands, he will have the right to speak, enjoy privileges, and live a comfortable life. A lot of people live, and the life of the rich and powerful is still good. With this kind of thinking, Luo Rucai insisted on going to Duogan Dusi.

The problem now is that such an idea may not be supported. If a good solution cannot be thought of, the sergeant under him will mutiny or rebel, and he may not know how he died.

Luo Rucai's personal soldiers guarded a large amount of gold and silver treasures, which were looted in Sichuan. When Li Zicheng led an army of [-], he did not take away the treasures, but only took away a lot of food. Now these treasures are all Return to Luo Rucai.

Luo Rucai thought about relying on these treasures to win people's hearts, but the treasures distributed to the [-] army can't be considered a lot, and all of them are divided, what should I do? There is something to rely on.

It has to be said that Luo Rucai was originally from a peasant background, and it is normal to have a small-scale peasant consciousness.

This hesitation lasted for three to five days. [

Luo Ru didn't notice that these three to five days were fatal.

Some of his officers were also shaken.

Some officers began to contact the sergeants and discuss in secret. Under such circumstances, if Luo Rucai and some officers could be captured and wanted to surrender to the court, they might be rewarded and live a stable life.

Most of the rebel sergeants used to be peasants, or sergeants in some guards. They didn’t have so much ambition. What they thought of was to be able to eat enough. The advantage was the enjoyment of being an official. They can easily change their minds when they are able to hold on, and even face life-threatening situations.

What the rebel army lacks most is the military spirit.

An army without a purpose, although it may win in a short period of time, can collapse very quickly. The common pursuit brings everyone together and can burst out with great strength, because everyone has a clear purpose, for this ideal Struggle, but once the goal cannot be achieved, everyone's thinking will change.

Throughout the ages, the army has been like this, even the Jiangning Battalion is no exception.

The exception is the commander-in-chief of the army. If the commander-in-chief has a clear goal and appeal, and pays attention to the ideological work of the sergeants, so that everyone can enjoy the fruits of victory, and can give everyone encouragement and cohesion when they are at a low point, such an army, It is bound to become stronger and stronger, otherwise, it will be a mob.

At this point, how can Luo Ru do any ideological work, and he can't come up with a favorable or powerful statement.

Luo Rucai's prestige among the army is still good.

He soon knew about the actions of a small number of officers who intended to rebel.

Internal strife broke out in the rebel army. When Luo Rucai's personal soldiers went to capture these people, they encountered resistance. Soon, this kind of fighting and fighting spread. Those who supported and those who opposed each fought for their own sake. It was hard to tell which was better, and it was only when Luo Ru came forward in person that he suppressed this fight.

After the fight, the number of people counted was less than 5000.

One cannibalism, the loss of more than 5000 people, this is what Luo Ru did not expect.

Luo Ru stayed up all night on the night when the internal strife was quelled.

Although the internal strife was suppressed this time, the sergeant's thinking was completely confused, and the next internal strife might appear soon, that is to say, his life, Luo Rucai, was in danger all the time.

It was the first time Luo Rucai encountered such a situation in the ten years since the rebellion. Even in the first year of Chongzhen, the situation was better than it is now. More than 100 rebel troops, large and small, made the court have the heart, but now Looking at the territory of the Ming Dynasty, the remaining rebels are the people led by him.This also means that he has become the only target of the court.

At this time, Luo Ru had to think of his own way out.

There are three roads ahead, the first road is to lead the army to surrender to the court, but this road, I can't see hope, the court will not spare me, as can be seen from the many beheaded leaders in front, The imperial court will not show mercy to leaders, especially important leaders.

The second way is to lead the army to move forward. After entering the Duogandusi, see what way out. The Duogandusi is a rather special place. , it was abandoned. Because of the rise of the Mongolian tribe, this huge place has become the territory of the Mongolian tribe. In fact, the Duogandu Division is not a place controlled by the Ming Dynasty. After entering the Duogandu Division, you can avoid the Ming Dynasty. The army is chasing and killing, but it may have to face the brave Mongolian tribes. Besides, it is still unknown whether the sergeants can adapt to the nomadic life.

The third way is to flee with the money, take some of the soldiers, and live a wealthy and secluded life. Jiang Ningying is so powerful, so many intelligences know that there may be no place for him to survive in the huge Ming Dynasty.

Thinking of these, Luo Ru felt the end of the road. [

For two consecutive days, Luo Rucai was drunk, didn't ask anything, didn't say anything, everyone was waiting for what the army should do in the future.

The personal soldiers reported, and some of the sergeants became restless. At this time, Luo Rucai became sober, but after sobering, Luo Rucai's personality suddenly changed. He showed no mercy to the sergeants who were preparing for internal strife, and began to cleanse their minds in the team. Pure people, such a move made the army even more unstable.

By the beginning of September, the 1 troops led by Luo Rucai had not yet left Songpanwei, but the remaining sergeants were less than [-], and their morale was generally low. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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