Ming politicians

Chapter 612 Putting down the bandits

After being appointed as the governor of Jiliao, Su Tiancheng did not relax his guard against the rogues. There were 5000 soldiers left in the Jiangning Battalion in Sichuan. The main duty of these people was to completely wipe out the rogues. Most likely to rely on, Su Tiancheng understands the principle of beating a dog in the water.

After all the 5000 rogues stationed in Bazhou surrendered, Su Tiancheng and Qin Liangyu discussed and made a decision. He Renlong returned to Sichuan and led the [-] people to wipe out the rogues. Luo Rucai led the [-] rogues already He fled and headed towards Songpanwei, if he left Songpan.Entering Duogan Dusi, things will be difficult to handle.

If this opportunity is missed, no one knows whether Luo Rucai will make a comeback.

After making this arrangement, Su Tiancheng also ordered that the news that Li Zicheng was captured alive and that the entire army of [-] bandits had been annihilated on a large scale in Sichuan should be spread. This is typical political propaganda. The offensive is sometimes more effective than the army's annihilation.

When He Renlong left the capital, Su Tiancheng warned him, don't always think about fighting on the battlefield, but also think about the role that can be played outside the battlefield, such as getting the support of the common people, being able to obtain accurate information, and mastering Luo Rucai's skills. The whereabouts, the movement of the [-] rogues, including any changes in the rogue team, etc., should seize the best opportunity to wipe out the rogues in one fell swoop, and cannot give the rogues a chance to breathe, let alone let Luo Rucai escape. [

Qin Liangyu left the capital together with He Renlong.

Qin Liangyu respects Su Tiancheng very much. Even though Su Tiancheng is younger than her son, this kind of respect is related to age. Qin Liangyu feels that Su Tiancheng occupies a high position and holds great power in his hands. He has made great military exploits before, but in Sichuan.In the imperial court, Qin Liangyu could still feel the contempt. After all, she was a chieftain and a minority. Only with Su Tiancheng, she did not feel it, and she received the greatest support.Especially when integrating the army of the Sichuan Guards, the power even surpassed that of the governor.

This time, he was able to hold the title of minister of the Ministry of War, as the commander of the Sichuan capital, the governor of military affairs in Sichuan, Henan, and Shanxi, and was responsible for the complete extermination of the bandits, which was also due to Su Tiancheng's efforts.For a while, Qin Liangyu also thought about forming another white-armed soldier, but now she has no such idea. Her status has still changed, and she is no longer a chieftain. She is in charge of the three provinces of Sichuan, Henan, and Shanxi. military affairs.Even if the bandits are completely wiped out, I am afraid that they will return to the imperial court and directly enter the Sixth Ministry or the Metropolitan Procuratorate. This may be a miracle of the Ming Dynasty.

It's unimaginable for women to be able to participate in politics. If it wasn't for Su Tiancheng's move, there would be no such possibility.

Before leaving the capital, Qin Liangyu brought a heavy gift.I made a special trip to visit Su Tiancheng's mansion.

What Qin Liangyu brought with her was a white jade that was as tall as a person. It was obtained by accident when she was suppressing rebels in Guizhou. It was prepared as a family heirloom. After several battles, Qin Liangyu sold a lot of things to maintain the expenses of the white soldiers. .Including my own jewelry and dowry jewelry, but this white marble statue has never been touched.

Su Tiancheng did not refuse this precious gift, when it is precious, this white marble.It has not been carved yet, and it is in the original state. That is to say, Su Tiancheng can ask someone to carve it. He has decided that this white marble statue will be made for Zhu Shenxin. Thank you for the housekeeping.

Su Tiancheng and Qin Liangyu discussed the matter of thoroughly eradicating the bandits. The two had the same point of view. Qin Liangyu was also worried that after all the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion had withdrawn from Sichuan, it might not be possible to rely on the guard troops in Sichuan, Henan, and even Shanxi. Suppressing the rogues, if not done well, the rogues will come back again, Qin Liangyu is very grateful to Su Tiancheng for leaving behind five thousand Jiangning battalion soldiers to take charge of completely eradicating the rogues, thinking that he will be sure.

After He Renlong set off, he was very anxious.

He is such a person, he does things in a hurry, and he has many problems in the past, including drinking, pleasure, bad temper, etc. Many bad habits have been fundamentally corrected in Jiangning Camp. There is no way, Jiangning Camp Military discipline is very strict, but the temper of being anxious to do things has always been preserved.

He Renlong specifically reported to Qin Liangyu who set off together. Qin Liangyu is now a minister of the Ministry of War. He Renlong will follow Qin Liangyu's command on the matter of the prime minister's extermination of bandits.

What He Renlong meant was that I should go faster and get to Sichuan earlier to completely wipe out the last bandit led by Luo Rucai. Qin Liangyu can take his time in the back and don't worry. Unexpectedly, Qin Liangyu disagreed, saying that he has no problem and can catch up Follow He Renlong quickly back to Sichuan.

The reason why He Renlong was so anxious was because he knew that the army of the Jiangning battalion had already been transferred to Liaodong.

All fools know what to do in Liaodong, and that is to fight the Houjin Tartars. This is comparable to fighting the bandits. The rogues could not be wiped out completely, and he couldn't leave Sichuan. Maybe the time would be delayed, and the chance to fight the Houjin Tartars would be delayed.

With such thoughts in mind, He Renlong was of course anxious, wishing he could chase after Luo Rucai, wipe them out immediately, and head to Liaodong immediately.

The remaining [-] soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were all stationed in Bazhou.

Although the [-] bandits surrendered to the soldiers of the Baoning Guards, it was the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion who actually controlled the situation.

When Liu Shiliang and Luo Chang made the decision to lead the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion out of Bazhou, the commander of the Baoning Guard who was stationed here was so frightened that he did not dare to sleep, nor did he dare to call the soldiers to attack, and stayed in the city of Bazhou. At that time, the Commander of the Guards didn't know what was going on outside, and the mighty Jiang Ning Battalion had left. His sergeants still had a lot of difficulties in defeating the bandits on their own.

A few days later, when the news came that the Jiangning Battalion had won a complete victory, wiped out [-] bandits, and Li Zicheng, the leader of the gangsters, the commander of the guards knew everything. [

The 4000 bandits who were still in Bazhou surrendered. The commander of the guards was a little at a loss. His first sergeant was only more than 1 people. He didn't know how to control the [-] people who surrendered. Only then did his heart calm down.

At this time, the commander of the guards understood that the area of ​​Kuizhou, Baoning, Long'an, and Tongzhou had completely settled down, and there would be no more harassment from bandits.

Qin Liangyu went directly to Chengdu, and she had to go there to take up the post. As for the matter of completely exterminating the bandits, she discussed in detail with He Renlong along the way, including the situation of Songpanwei. These people are very familiar with the terrain of Songpanwei and are also natives of Songpan.

After He Renlong arrived in Bazhou, he immediately received the information.

According to the intelligence, the rogues led by Luo Rucai had internal strife. Now the morale is low, the number of sergeants has dropped sharply, and there are less than [-] soldiers. They basically have no fighting spirit. Chased towards the army.

After reading the information and studying the terrain for a whole night, the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion set off.

Even if Luo Rucai fled to Duogandusi, He Renlong would chase after him. The grassland tribes respected Jiang Ningying very much, and they would not dare to cause trouble easily. Therefore, entering the Duogandusi to hunt down, although there is a certain danger , but generally speaking, the problem is not too big. The grassland tribes basically know that the exchange market can get a lot of food, salt and ironware. These are the necessities of life. The exchange market is directly controlled by Jiangning Ying. , I am afraid that they will not be able to get these materials, and they will not be able to trade them, and no one will cut off their own money.

The marching speed of the Jiangning battalion was very fast.

Strictly speaking, there is no infantry battalion in the Jiangning Battalion anymore. Through the mutual market, the Jiangning Battalion has replenished a large number of war horses, and it is still replenishing continuously. People are all riding horses, the only difference is that these soldiers can fight on horses, and can also fight against opponents on land.

He Renlong was completely convinced by Jiangning Camp's training methods.

Five thousand soldiers followed the route pointed out by the intelligence. At this time, He Renlong also admired Su Tiancheng's strength. Even though he was thousands of miles away, he was still able to grasp the whereabouts of the bandits. This is a skill, and it can save a lot trouble.

Everywhere he went, when passing through the county, someone would send information about the situation of the bandits led by Luo Rucai. When he arrived at Huangyang Pass in Long'an Mansion, He Renlong basically understood Luo Rucai's embarrassing situation.

Huangyangguan is the junction of Longan Mansion and Songpanwei. After leaving Huangyangguan, you will enter Songpanwei.

The route Luo Rucai chose was basically a straight line. After entering Songpanwei from Huangyang Pass, he went through Hyoid, Songpan and other places and went straight to Hongyuan. Wait, the road is very difficult to walk. Most of the local guides that Luo Rucai invited have fled. The army is infighting, who is not afraid, so a lot of time was wasted.

He Renlong secretly rejoiced that Luo Rucai was still in Songpan and hadn't entered the Duo Gandu Division, so it was always more convenient to fight. As for the news that the morale of the rogues was low and there were less than [-] people, he would not News, there is a thought of underestimating the enemy, which is very dangerous. Even if the opponent does not have much combat power, he still has to use his best to deal with it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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