It is a supreme honor to serve as the governor of Jiliao. Su Tiancheng has always been outside the court and did not do anything in the court. Unless he is a cabinet minister, even if he is a minister of six books, he is usually in the post of Liaodong economic strategy, but Su Tiancheng directly served as the governor of Ji Liao, and had the power to act cheaply, directly representing the emperor, which shows Zhu Youjian's high trust.

Of course, there is Su Tiancheng's wisdom in it, the main thing is to put the prince in front and give a lot of credit to the prince. This can not only ensure that all his ideas are realized, but also divert the danger of the high-achieving master.

It took Su Tiancheng a lot of physical strength and energy to wipe out the bandits, so he wanted to take a good rest at home, and with the holiday granted by the emperor, he would have two months.

The office residence of Governor Ji Liao is in Ningyuan.

Ningyuan is outside Shanhaiguan, and it is one of the important locations of the Guanning Jin defense line. This line of defense was built under the leadership of Sun Chengzong. It was specially designed to resist Houjin. The entire line of defense was backed by Shanhaiguan, with Ningyuan as the backbone and Jinzhou as the vanguard. In response to each other, several fortresses were built as joint defense strongholds. The Guanning Jin defense line is divided into two sections, the north and the south. At the beginning, it passes through Songshan and Jinzhou, focusing on Daling River. [

This line of defense is very strong and has played a very important role in resisting the invasion of Houjin.

Ningyuan is about [-] miles away from the capital, and it takes about three days for a fast horse.

Although he hasn't gone to Ningyuan to officially take office, Su Tiancheng has already read the maps of the Liaodong area in detail. It should be said that he has read these maps for many years. After crossing, one of his biggest goals is to completely annihilate Hou Jin. Maintain the rule of the Ming Dynasty and carry out a series of improvements at the same time.Let the Ming Dynasty still become the boss of the world.

Sun Chengzong's original intention to build the Guanning Jin line of defense was very good, but unfortunately, with the several battles between the Ming Dynasty and the Hou Jin, the Ming army had already retreated into several important towns in the Guanning Jin line of defense, especially in the After Chongzhen's four-year battle of Dalinghe, the Ming army was defeated.Losing the Daling River, they had already tried their best to hold on to the Guanningjin line of defense. They could only hide in the town, relying on the dangerous terrain and the constantly strengthening city wall to resist Houjin's attack.

Although it is very honorable to be the governor of Ji Liao, it is also full of danger.Yuan Chonghuan, the former governor of Jiliao, had a different head and was beheaded by Zhu Youjian. The fate of the previous Liaodong strategists was not very good.Most of them are defeated.Therefore, this enviable position is also feared by the civil and military ministers in the imperial court, and no one wants to be assigned to Liaodong.

The battle between the Ming Dynasty and the Houjin Dynasty began in the Wanli period. The real turning point was the battle of Saerhu.From then on, the Ming Dynasty switched from strategic offense to defense, and later Jin switched from strategic defense to offense. The overall situation began to reverse. The subsequent battle of Daling River hurt the vitality of the Ming Dynasty and made the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty extremely fearful. Later Golden Tartars.This situation has been going on for many years.

In the ninth year of Chongzhen, Su Tiancheng led the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to enter the Jingqin King, and defeated the Houjin Tartars who entered the pass.The annihilation of more than [-] Tartars shocked the entire Ming Dynasty. Since this battle, Houjin began to shrink its defenses, and the Guan Ningjin area was in peace. It has been two years since then.

Many things happened during this period. When Su Tiancheng was the governor of Shaanxi, he led an army deep into the Hetao area and defeated the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe. Hostages, Ming Dynasty set up mutual markets in Anningbao and Jingbian, and traded with Mongolian tribes. The measures of mutual markets made Xibe tribes and Daur tribes stronger, causing chaos on the grassland. Under the instructions, they began to attack the Xibe tribe and the Daur tribe. Unfortunately, relying on the Ming Dynasty behind them, the two tribes defeated many attacks and faintly became the leader of the Mongolian tribe.

Hou Jin's interests suffered serious losses.

Fortunately, the focus of the Ming Dynasty has not yet been concentrated on the grasslands, and eliminating the bandits has become the most important task.

Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning Battalion to wipe out the rogues, so he was going to leave Liaodong naturally.

Therefore, this appointment, in the imperial court, seemed to be very peaceful, and the civil and military ministers took it for granted. Except for Su Tiancheng, no one could hold this position.No one was jealous of the emperor bestowing such great power on Su Tiancheng, after all, going to Liaodong was no joke.

Everyone took it for granted, but some people were unhappy.

These unhappy people are mainly Su Tiancheng's family members, including Zhu Shenxin, Chunping, Wang Furong, Liu Rushi, and Gu Hengbo. After so many years, Su Tiancheng is always running around outside, always in the first place of fighting. On the first line, even if all of this is as it should be, but after exterminating the bandits and making such a huge contribution, no matter what, Su Tiancheng should stay in the capital, so that the family can be reunited, everyone will sooner or later You can see Su Tiancheng and feel the care of your husband. Unexpectedly, just after the extermination of the bandits, Su Tiancheng took over the post of Supervisor of Ji Liao before returning to the capital.

This is not a joke. Fighting against the Houjin Tartars, everyone knows that it is not a short-term thing, it may last for many years, the conflict between the Houjin and the Ming Dynasty, from the 44th year of Wanli, when Nurhachi established the Houjin, the separatist regime Liaodong began and lasted for more than 20 years. During these 20 years, Hou Jin developed rapidly, and the Ming army seemed unable to resist.

Su Tiancheng is indeed brave, leading the Jiangning battalion, almost invincible, but after all, the number of soldiers in the Jiangning battalion is limited. Today, the number of Eight Banners soldiers in Houjin has reached 20. Including the Mongolian Eight Banners and Han soldiers, the total force may exceed There are 30 people. Facing such an army, if you want to win, it will be a matter of years of the monkey.

Ever since they got married, Zhu Shenxin and the others had very little time to accompany Su Tiancheng. Su Tiancheng had always been an official outsider. Although he was very young, he was a bit old. Special, always thinking of being able to reunite with Su Tiancheng and live a peaceful life together.

When Su Tiancheng was at home, Zhu Shenxin always emphasized that although the mansion was very lively and there were many people visiting every day, it was still a fly in the ointment. The people who made the decisions were all women, and there were no men. This meant that Su Tiancheng, the head of the household, still had to take care of the family affairs, at least he had to stay at home for some more time.

Zhu Shenxin believed that as long as Su Tiancheng made a request, there would definitely be no problem staying in the capital. [

Su Tiancheng understands the thoughts of Zhu Shenxin and others. In fact, he also wants to stay in the capital and be with his family. Moreover, his wives are all peerless beauties. Who wouldn't envy him? , most of the time, you still have to live a bachelor's life. Of course, if you want to continue looking for women, according to his status, there is no problem at all. You can find as many as you want. young.

It is impossible to stay at home, Su Tiancheng can only comfort Zhu Shenxin and others as much as possible.

He is not in a hurry to go to Ningyuan to take up the post. It is already September. It is best to spend the Spring Festival at home. Now that he goes to Ningyuan, he can’t do anything. Jinzhou, in a short period of time, the Houjin would not dare to launch an attack, and Su Tiancheng even wrote a letter to Lu Xiangsheng, the commander of the Yulin Camp, asking Lu Xiangsheng to pay attention to the border gates in Datong and Ningxia, and to prevent the Houjin from making any moves. It is said that within this year, the border of the Ming Dynasty will be stable, and nothing will happen.

The complete extermination of the rogues in Sichuan is also a matter of great concern to Su Tiancheng, and the rogues must not be revived. This is a big taboo, even though what Luo Rucai meant was to lead some of the rogues directly into Duogandusi, thinking of going to the plateau As a slave owner, Su Tiancheng will not tolerate such a thing happening. If he is negligent, maybe one day, Luo Ru will become stronger again, return to Sichuan or Shaanxi, and start "chaos" again, which will require a lot of energy from the court.

Su Tiancheng's next strategic plan is to completely eliminate the Qing regime. This is a grand plan that requires the greatest energy, and may have time to take care of other things. This requires the internal stability of the Ming Dynasty, and the improvement of the army that was previously thought Everything needs to be put aside for the time being. The experience of Shaanxi, in Daming Guang, needs to be completely stabilized after Liaodong.

During this period, Su Tiancheng had a lot of contact with Sun Chengzong. He didn't need to go to court, and he didn't have many specific tasks. He was in a state of leisure. In this state, he could think about many things. As the chief assistant of the cabinet, Sun Chengzong He is very familiar with Daming's situation, and Sun Chengzong's qualifications are extraordinary, and his insight is even more unique.

The two discussed a lot of points of view. From Sun Chengzong's words, Su Tiancheng realized that Sun Chengzong was very anxious, probably because he was too old and unable to do what he wanted. He hoped that Su Tiancheng could stabilize the situation in Liaodong as soon as possible and return to the capital. , served as the chief assistant of the cabinet, and carried out a thorough reform of the Ming Dynasty.

This is one of Su Tiancheng's plans. Su Tiancheng is very clear that according to the strength of the Ming Dynasty, it is still in the leading position in the world. How to consolidate this leading position, how to exploit the wealth of other countries, and how to further strengthen the strength of the Ming Dynasty, It is the ultimate goal to make the Ming Dynasty at its peak and completely surpass the superpower that will be hundreds of years later. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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