Ming politicians

Chapter 615 Special Recommendation

(Thanks to the Scarecrow for casting a valuable monthly ticket, thank you.)

In late September, Qin Liangyu escorted Luo Rucai to the capital, which once again aroused everyone's attention.

Since Li Zicheng was put to death, almost none of the civil and military ministers in the imperial court paid attention to the rogues. Everyone believed that the rogues were basically wiped out. Commanding the envoys of the capital, holding the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, and the governor of the military affairs of the three provinces of Sichuan, Shanxi, and Henan, and completely eradicating the bandits is just a reward, and it may be Su Tiancheng's great move.

Unexpectedly, Qin Liangyu escorted Luo Ru to the capital.

At this time, the civil and military ministers of the imperial court understood that from this day onwards, the bandits who had plagued Ming Dynasty for more than ten years were completely wiped out. [

Su Tiancheng knew the news a long time ago. After Luo Rucai was captured alive, He Renlong reported the news immediately. All the measures were taken according to Su Tiancheng's arrangement. He Renlong led five thousand Jiangning battalion soldiers via Henan, Northern Zhili rushed directly to Ningyuan and Jinzhou, and went directly to Hong Chengchou to return to the team.

This credit must be given to Qin Liangyu.

In Su Tiancheng's view, a female general like Qin Liangyu is indeed not easy. Her husband Ma Qiancheng was killed by the eunuch, and he was obviously wronged. Fighting with soldiers and making great military exploits, such people should be rewarded.

When Su Tiancheng was in charge of the military affairs of the five provinces and wiped out the bandits, Qin Liangyu's military achievements were not very obvious. Most of the rewards given by the emperor were based on his face. , Only in this way can he enter the imperial court in a legitimate way.

This time, when Qin Liangyu came to the capital, the ministers in the court should have nothing to say.

The civil servants and generals of the Ming Dynasty were treated very differently.Su Tiancheng couldn't understand.

Qin Liangyu was conferred the title of General Zhen Guo. This title is not available to ordinary people. It is usually awarded by the imperial court to the royal family. General Zhen Guo is a military officer of the first rank. No real power.Qin Liangyu's real position is still the commander-in-chief of Sichuan. Now he is appointed as the commander of the Sichuan capital, and his power is not very great. He is also subject to the governor of Sichuan and the governor of the military affairs of the three provinces.Think about those governors, how could they buy Qin Liangyu's account.

Su Tiancheng disapproved of this gap between civil and martial arts, but it couldn't be changed in a short period of time.

Qin Liangyu is more than 60 years old, and according to his merits, he should also enter the court.

This is actually a trend, a very important trend.

A general of the Ming Dynasty.No matter how hard you try, your final political status is not very high. This deformed state must be changed. If Qin Liangyu can enter the court, it will be the biggest change that can shock the court.

Qin Liangyu has many special features, the first being a woman.Women are always discriminated against. The second is the chieftain, who belongs to a minority ethnic group and does not belong to the mainstream. The third is the general, who is inferior to civil servants.The fourth is the so-called reckless men, that is, those who have not passed the imperial examinations and are not scholars.

Such a general can enter the court.The shock caused by it was unparalleled.

Su Tiancheng didn't want Qin Liangyu to be awarded the title of Minister of the Ministry of War. These years, the title is useless, and it is equivalent to a reward. For example, Hong Chengchou, who was previously the title of Minister of the Ministry of War, he didn't care at all, but as the commander of the Jiangning Battalion, Hong Chengchou Excited and drunk, he was so happy that he couldn't control himself. Hong Chengchou was born as a scholar, so he was not discriminated against.

There is also a deep-seated problem, which Su Tiancheng has never disclosed.

Among the military generals, many suffered tragic experiences, the most notable being Mao Wenlong. Mao Wenlong was the commander-in-chief of the Zuo Dudu Pingliao, a military officer of the first rank in the Ming Dynasty, who was also beheaded by Yuan Chonghuan with a Shangfang sword, and he was beheaded first and then played. Needless to say, civil servants have always despised military officials. Mao Wenlong was not a scholar. He was born in poverty and got into such a high position. Isn't it a huge irony for scholars, so he must be killed.

This is a very bad understanding among scholars. Su Tiancheng had thought for a long time that it is impossible to change this situation in one step, and he can only do it slowly.

After Qin Liangyu arrived in the capital, he waited in the official post.

Su Tiancheng, worried, went to the official post to visit Qin Liangyu. [

Hearing that Su Tiancheng came to visit, Qin Liangyu hastily went to meet him outside the gate of the official post. She didn't have any credit for being able to capture Luo Rucai alive. Speaking of which, it was Su Tiancheng's credit.

After being polite, the two entered the official post.

After dismissing the visiting officials, Su Tiancheng signaled Wang Dazhi to stay outside and not allow anyone to come in.

"General Qin has made great achievements this time. Congratulations."

"The lower officials don't dare to covet the heavenly merit, it's all thanks to the adults."

Su Tiancheng frowned, he was afraid that Qin Liangyu would have such an understanding, this is not a good thing.

"I don't agree with General Qin's understanding this time. General Qin is in charge of the military affairs of the three provinces and is responsible for exterminating the bandits. Now that Luo Rucai is captured alive and escorted to the capital, this is an indelible credit."

"My lord's love, I appreciate it, but the capture of Luo Rucai and the defeat of others without a fight are all thanks to General He. I know that this is the arrangement of my lord. When I come to the capital this time, I will prepare Report the truth to the emperor."

"General Qin can't have such an understanding, absolutely can't say that."

Qin Liangyu was a little unhappy. She knew what Su Tiancheng was thinking. It was for her own good, but she, who had been upright all her life, didn't want to take such credit.

Seeing Qin Liangyu's complexion, Su Tiancheng smiled and spoke.

"General Qin fought for decades, and went through life and death. Even when General Ma was wronged and died in prison, he was still loyal to the court. I'm not wrong, am I right?"

Qin Liangyu nodded in doubt, what does this have to do with the capture of Luo Rucai?

"General Qin established such a great feat, and even though he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of Sichuan, he has no actual power in his hands. All he can control are white soldiers. If he wants to dispatch other guard troops, he has enough energy to spare. The last time I went to Sichuan, if it wasn't for Shang Fang's sword, General Qin might not be able to mobilize the troops in the guard, what I said is right."

Qin Liangyu nodded, ready to speak, Su Tiancheng waved his hand.

"General Qin is a hero among women. I admire him. He has made such great contributions. He should have received the reward he deserved. But after so many years, this kind of reward has been far away. General Qin may say that, but I don't know how much I am in the Ming Dynasty. What will your military commander think when he sees all of this?"

"My lord, I don't dare to complain when I receive the emperor's grace in the next official life."

"General Qin can say that, but if you stand at the height of the overall situation, you can know the negative impact of such a thing."

Su Tiancheng's expression became a little serious.

"There are clear rewards and punishments. If the army can't do it, such as affecting morale, think about the many officers in the Jiangning Battalion. They were also uneducated when they followed me. But what's the situation now, as a civilian officer, they also serve as commanders and acquaintances of the capital. Commanding things, guarding commanders, what does this mean? This is clear rewards and punishments. Looking at the court, it should also be done in this way, otherwise it will chill many people. I don’t want to deny the status of scholar-bureaucrats. I don't want to shake it, but there is one thing that must be kept in mind, that is, heroes don't ask where they come from, and it's not only scholars who have a future."

Qin Liangyu lowered his head and stopped talking. Su Tiancheng's words touched her sore spot. For so many years, such thoughts have always been kept in her heart, and she can't speak them out or complain, otherwise she can't foothold.

"Today, I can also make it clear that Mr. Sun, the chief assistant of the cabinet, has discussed with me. When the good news about the arrangement of General Qin reached the capital, I put forward my own views. My suggestion is that General Qin be appointed as the capital. The Censor of Zuodu of the Procuratorate.”[

Qin Liangyu stood up in shock, her body swayed a bit, and she assumed the post of Zuodu Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which was a position she couldn't believe.

"My lord, I don't have that kind of ability."

"General Qin is humble. He has fought for decades, experienced many battles, and survived such a difficult environment. It is very natural and competent to serve as the Imperial Envoy of Youdu."

"Well, I don't have such a great contribution. Besides, with my identity, I am afraid that I will not be convinced by the public as the censor of Zuodu."

"There may be some truth in what General Qin said. General Qin's credit for capturing Luo Rucai is real. I have a letter from He Renlong in my hand, which is enough to explain the problem. As for whether it is convincing, General Qin does not have to think so Duo, what is convincing the public, if you say that, at my age, many people would not be used to being appointed as the governor of Ji Liao."

"Well, I didn't mean to comment on my lord. I was still thinking that I could implore the court to send me to Liaodong to fight with my lord."

Su Tiancheng smiled and shook his head.

"General Ma has already gone to Liaodong, and now he is temporarily stationed in Ningyuan. General Qin doesn't have to go in person, but stays in the court. I always feel that if the court can appoint General Qin as the censor of the left capital, it will be a great deal. Shocking, there are quite a few people watching this incident.”

Qin Liangyu cupped his fists to salute Su Tiancheng.

"My lord's far-sightedness cannot be understood by the lower officials. I have an unfeeling request, and I also ask my lord to strictly discipline the dog. Now that I think about it, I used to have some habits, but I still can't do it."

"General Qin, don't worry, all soldiers who enter the Jiangning camp must abide by the military regulations. There is no exception. Even I, after entering the Jiangning camp, must follow the rules." (To be continued. If you like This work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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