Qin Liangyu was appointed by the emperor to be the censor of the left capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which indeed aroused huge repercussions. Since the establishment of the Ming Dynasty, all the six ministers and imperial envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were scholars, and no military general had ever served as the imperial envoy This position, not to mention that Qin Liangyu has not passed the imperial examination, and some ministers expressed opposition, but Sun Chengzong, the chief assistant of the cabinet, was very resolute. He believed that Qin Liangyu was loyal to the court and made such great achievements. Being able to capture Luo Rucai alive and wipe out the rogues is enough to prove his ability, this appointment is appropriate.

The debate did not last very long. The left and right imperial envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate were all civil servants of the second rank. The main responsibility is to supervise, impeach and make recommendations. This is a technical job, which requires sufficient knowledge. There is no specific number of positions specified by the censors. The specific government affairs of the procuratorate are still the imperial envoys of the right and left.

Qin Liangyu's appointment as the censor of the left capital of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, to a greater extent, is an element of honor. After all, Qin Liangyu's knowledge is not very high, and he has been fighting outside for many years. He is not very clear about the internal affairs of the court. , In addition, I am getting older, in my 60s, it is impossible to put forward many suggestions, and it is impossible to impeach others in a short period of time, but I have to participate in the morning court every day, which is a kind of torment.

If it is said that Qin Liangyu has been appointed as the Minister of the Six Departments, then there will be a real uproar. The Minister of the Six Departments really needs to act as an agent for government affairs. The Minister is only one person who is responsible for the overall work of the department. , It's gotten better these years, it's a big deal.It is all controlled by the cabinet and made decisions.

Time is fast approaching October. [

Su Tiancheng had a happy event again, Gu Hengbo was pregnant, and Zhu Shenxin was pregnant for the second time.

Gu Hengbo has always been depressed. She has not been pregnant for such a long time, and she is very worried.If the physiological knowledge of this era is pitifully lacking, for a while, Gu Hengbo even wondered if he had contracted a chronic disease because he grew up in a brothel.So much so that she couldn't get pregnant, of course Su Tiancheng knew that such a situation did not exist. When Gu Hengbo married him, he was still a virgin, so there was no problem at all, the reason why he couldn't get pregnant.It may have something to do with the number of intercourse.So, during this time, Su Tiancheng worked very hard.

Having too many wives is also a problem, Su Tiancheng was exhausted.

After the pregnancy was confirmed, Gu Hengbo's mood immediately changed, he was in high spirits all day long, and he paid special attention to doing things.I often consulted about what to pay attention to during pregnancy. It happened that Zhu Shenxin was also pregnant, and Gu Hengbo could get some knowledge about pregnancy. She used to like sweets, and her taste was a bit big. Now she will start to improve and eat less sweets.

Su Tiancheng already has four children.It would be impossible to imagine this in a few hundred years, but in this day and age, it is normal to have many children.If it is less, it will be abnormal. If this trend continues, Su Tiancheng doesn't know how many children he will have. He is still young and can work hard. In addition, he has many wives who are in good health and in a good mood. Yes, I might get pregnant again.

Thinking about the emperor having so many sons and daughters, and being praised by ministers of civil and military affairs, it can be seen that people's concept of childbearing is completely different.

October is a special month. Starting from this month, officials such as governors and chief envoys from all over the country may enter the capital. As long as they are summoned by the emperor, they need to report their work status. This system is originally fixed. , but before the eighth year of Chongzhen, because of the harassment of the rogues and the invasion of the Houjin, Zhu Youjian couldn't care about it at all. Slowly began to stabilize, and this system was not brought up. Especially after Sun Chengzong became the chief assistant of the cabinet, he strongly supported it. This system must be implemented. Sun Chengzong also put forward requests, not only for officials such as governors and chief envoys, Including some prefects, they also need to go to Beijing to report their work.

Zhu Youjian was originally a diligent emperor, so of course he strongly supported it.

Therefore, every year starting from October, all the governors and ministers enter the capital in batches. As for the prefects from various places, they selectively report to Beijing.

This matter will continue until December, and some governors and political envoys will even stay in the capital to celebrate the Spring Festival with the emperor.

At the beginning of October, Zhu Shenxuan came to the capital, accompanied by Zhu Yousong and Zhang Pu, Wu Weiye, the prefect of Xi'an Prefecture, Su Pingyang, the prefect of Yan'an Prefecture, and others also came to the capital later. It is worth noting that Gong Chen Yutai, the magistrate of Changfu, was not summoned, that is to say, Zhu Youjian will not meet Chen Yutai this time.

Su Tiancheng is still aware of the situation in Shaanxi. After Zhu Shenxuan took office, he continued to implement the previous policies, giving preferential treatment to farmers, limiting the privileges of gentry and wealthy households, vigorously developing commerce and trade, improving the status of merchants, encouraging merchants to hire farmers, and increasing the number of farmers. income, reduce agricultural taxes, except for the taxes stipulated by the imperial court, not to increase the burden on farmers, and at the same time greatly adjust the commercial and trade taxes. After the implementation of these policies, Shaanxi began to develop rapidly, even faster than when Su Tiancheng was in power.

The two places Su Tiancheng was more worried about were Xi'an Mansion and Gongchang Mansion.

The actual situation differed from Su Tiancheng's concerns, mainly Wu Weiye, the magistrate of Xi'an Prefecture, fully supported these policies proposed by Zhu Shenxuan, personally supervised the implementation, and punished and impeached those who failed to implement them.But there is still some gap in the Gongchang Mansion, Chen Yutai still insists on his own point of view, Zhu Shenxuan, considering the influence and the short time he has been in office, only criticized Chen Yutai, but did not impeach him for the time being.

But a year has passed, and Zhu Shenxuan's patience is limited. This time the emperor did not summon Chen Yutai, which has already explained the problem.

According to Sun Chengzong's suggestion, most of the magistrates summoned by the emperor were suggested by the governor. This is also a kind of affirmation and support for the governor's power.

On October [-]th, after the emperor summoned him, Zhu Shenxuan specially came to visit Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng knew that Zhu Shenxuan would come, so he waited at home specially. Zhu Shenxin, who hadn't seen his elder brother for a long time, was also very happy, so he went to the kitchen to make arrangements in person, and a small yard was specially cleaned up in the mansion for the Zhu Shenxuan lived there.

Su Tiancheng quickly brought Zhu Shenxuan into the study. [

The two talked about some things in Shaanxi, which were already known. Zhu Shenxuan made a request. The expenses of Shaanxi's prefectures and counties have increased, especially the treatment of officials, which is obviously a bit low. Shaanxi's taxes are originally On the low side, commerce and trade have just begun to develop. Except for a few places such as Xi'an, Hanzhong, and Yan'an, which are good, the rest of the prefectures still have gaps, which requires the unified coordination of the province.

What Zhu Shenxuan meant was whether it is possible to take [-]% more profits from the mutual market and give it to Shaanxi Province.

Su Tiancheng agreed without hesitation.

The Jiangning Camp is no longer particularly dependent on the income from the mutual market. Song Sijun's business is doing very well. Not only the Mongolian tribes and Houjin, but also the alien tribes farther away have begun to purchase arms, and they are generous. Don't talk about the price, the purpose is to ask for arms.

Song Sijun's business, the greatest control lies in the medicine, these are the achievements of Jiang Ningying, and Bi Maokang and others have worked hard to develop them day and night. It is impossible for others to imitate them, and they lack such technology.

Relying on the profits from the arms business, the Jiangning camp has more than enough expenses. To be honest, Su Tiancheng has a lot of personal income. Every year, Song Sijun will find ways to send tens of thousands of taels of gold to the mansion in the capital. It was directly handed over to Zhu Shenxin for the expenses of Su Tiancheng's family. Everyone knew that if Su Tiancheng had so many wives, if they relied on their salary to maintain them, they might not be able to afford food.

The income from the mutual market, except for the account opening department and the Ministry of War, left about 500 taels of silver. The silver was divided according to the ratio. Jiangning took [-]%, Shaanxi took [-]%, and the remaining [-]% was reserved for Exchange expenses.

After Zhu Shen's request, Shaanxi took 250% and Jiangningying took [-]%. That is to say, the silver obtained by Shaanxi from the mutual market reached [-] million taels.

These silver can do too many things.

Although Su Tiancheng agreed, he also made a request. Shaanxi's natural conditions are a bit harsh, and it has always been called a land of poor mountains and rivers. Such a place is prone to troublesome people, so there are so many rogues, but Zhu Shen is responsible. Governor, with such a large amount of extra income, we have to consider a lot of construction, such as renovating farmland, official roads, etc., you can take your time, don't send all the money, besides, with the business With the development of Shaanxi, the income of Shaanxi will increase more and more. Taxes must be collected from the people and used by the people. This is the real development.

Of course, Zhu Shen agreed to such a request. He already understood the truth that Su Tiancheng said before, that is, the principle of a virtuous circle. Only when the people are rich can the government be able to become rich. Things are not easy to manage.

After talking about the Shaanxi matter, Zhu Shen had a troubled look on his face.

Su Tiancheng was very surprised. The development of Shaanxi was so good, and the emperor also praised him a lot. Seeing Zhu Shen set an example for the royal family, this is a good thing, so there is no embarrassment. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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