"Is there anything embarrassing, you might as well say it."

Zhu Shenxuan looked at Su Tiancheng, nodded, and spoke slowly.

"It's not a particularly embarrassing thing. A few days ago, Su Tianhao came to Shaanxi to find me."

Su Tiancheng's expression was a little ugly.

For his family, Su Tiancheng has two attitudes. His wife and children are nothing to say, they love him very much, but for his parents and two elder brothers, Su Tiancheng is not cold. Rogue, let's go home and have a look, the rest of the time he never went back at all, in his heart, there is nothing worth remembering about that home, maybe if he hadn't transmigrated into this pair, the former Su Tiancheng, Maybe it will end in depression. [

The eldest brother Su Tianhao has always been an official in the Palace Chief Shisi, and the little Bapin Ji Shan, even though Zhu Shenxuan has gone to Shaanxi to become an official, but the Palace Chief Shisi has not been revoked, this is also because there are still many The setting of the vassal king and the chief history department is fixed, but after Zhu Shenxuan left, there was nothing to do.

Over the years, Zhu Shenxuan is also slowly thinking of a way. In the past, some capable officials from the Palace Chief Shi Si have come out to be officials. For example, Lan Qiaozheng, Ji Shan, who used to be the eighth rank, is now the fifth rank in Hanzhong. Tongzhi, recently Zhu Shenxuan is also planning to transfer Lan Qiaozheng to Chengxuan Political Envoy Division, as the left counselor of Cong Sipin.

Su Tianhao came to Shaanxi and found Zhu Shenxuan. Needless to say, he also wanted to be an official. The official position of Shi Si Jishan, the chief of the palace, is really too small, and he has no real power at all.

Su Tianhao is a student of the Imperial College, and he is also a standard scholar, but he is not as famous as those candidates who were born in the imperial examination. It is possible to become a county magistrate through a certain relationship.

Su Tianhao and Su Tianran were embarrassed to find Su Tiancheng directly.

Su Tiancheng remembered it very clearly.Father Su Huawen once wrote a letter euphemistically talking about Su Tianhao and Su Tianran's affairs. At that time, Su Tiancheng was in full swing and served as the governor of Shaanxi at a young age. Later, he was the governor of the military affairs of five provinces, including his hometown Shanxi.But Su Tiancheng's reply letter was very clear. Through their own efforts, Su Tianhao and Su Tianran were able to look good in the officialdom, and he would not object. He wanted to take advantage of his aura, and this matter was not negotiable.

In fact, Su Tianhao and Su Tianran were also involved.

Because of Su Tiancheng's relationship.They lived very comfortably in Taiyuan and Pingyang Fucheng, and no one dared to bully them. It can be said that the Su family in Pingyang Fucheng is the most dazzling family. Father Su Huawen's business is very big, and he earns a lot of money every year. The family slowly grew.With more money, Mrs. Wang felt much more comfortable. Anyway, the money was reserved for her two sons.As for Su Tiancheng never coming home, Mrs. Wang didn't care too much, since he was not his own son anyway.

Su Tiancheng still had a little concern for his father, but he didn't think about the rest at all.

As for his father's plan to save some silver taels for himself, Su Tiancheng also directly refused.He doesn't need those silver coins, his own wealth has long surpassed that of his father Su Huawen.

"Oh, brother, what is it for?"

Su Tiancheng's downplaying attitude was within Zhu Shenxuan's expectation, the relationship between Su Tiancheng and his family was not very good, and this matter.Several years ago, Zhu Shenxuan knew about it, and secretly inquired about some details, after knowing the general situation.I really don't understand Wang's attitude, and feel that this woman is a little unreasonable.

Zhu Shenxuan was also very cautious about matters involving Su Tianhao, even if he wanted to help, he had to tell Su Tiancheng, lest it would be a waste of help.

About a few years ago, Zhu Shenxuan once said whether he would find a way to mention Su Tianhao, but Su Tiancheng didn't express his opinion, and Zhu Shenxuan understood, and he no longer cared about Su Tianhao's affairs.

This time, Su Tianhao came to the door, thinking of having such a relationship, and Su Tianhao had been in the Palace Chief Shi Si for a long time, and he had always been Ji Shan of the eighth rank, and had not been promoted, so he also wanted to help solve it. , at least in the Palace Chief History Department, promote the rank.

"Kun Yuan, I mean, I'd better help."

"It seems that the big brother is doing it for the sake of rank, not because I don't want to help."

Su Tiancheng shook his head and stopped talking. There are some things he doesn't want to mention.

Instead, Zhu Shenxuan relaxed his mind. [

"Kun Yuan, I'm not talking about you, family matters, we still need to take care of them. Everyone knows that one person can ascend to heaven alone, and even many officials from the Palace Chief Shi Si have come to me one after another over the years. , At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, there were a lot of people who came here. Thinking of the friendship in the past, if I can help, I will try my best to help. Su Tianhao is your eldest brother, and his character is not very bad. I also asked about the situation , these years in the Palace Chief Shisi, there is nothing to do, and you can still control yourself and not cause trouble. In such a situation, if you ignore it, others may really want to gossip. People also want to talk about your parents, thinking that they must have done something wrong, as the saying goes, family ugliness should not be publicized."

"I know what you said is right, but I always feel a little uncomfortable."

"It's one thing to be uncomfortable, but it's another thing to help. Some things, even if you know you're uncomfortable, you still have to do it. Now your status is much higher than mine. Prince Taibao, Ji Liao Supervisor, Military Department Shangshu, Zuodu Censor, his responsibilities are no less than that of cabinet ministers, so the weight of words is naturally different, you still have to think about Su Tianhao's matter."

Su Tiancheng thought of the many contacts he had with Su Tianhao. Su Tianhao was much stronger than Su Tianhao.

"Then what do you think about, how do you plan to arrange Su Tianhao?"

"I thought about promoting Su Tianhao to be the county magistrate, or to inherit the experience of the minister of politics and envoys. After so many years as an eighth-rank official, it's time for him to be promoted. In fact, I wanted to ask for your opinion a long time ago, and I thought about saying in the letter These things are not very appropriate, so I just waited for this opportunity to come to the capital to talk about it."

"Okay, let's handle it according to your opinion. I still don't want to interfere in this matter, but I have one thing to say. You can't handle the matter of the second brother Su Tianran. No matter what it is Don't help me, I'm hungry for this second brother, he is useless at all, if he really becomes a county magistrate, it may cause a catastrophe for the family."

Speaking of the matter here, Su Tiancheng suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, has the emperor asked you about Zhu Yousong?"

"I asked. I also feel strange. It is said that Zhu Yousong has already come to the capital. If there is any situation, the emperor can ask it himself, don't ask me."

Su Tiancheng nodded.

"Zhu Yousong may be about to move. Don't spread this matter for the time being. The news I got is that Zhu Yousong is very likely to be the governor of Shanxi."

Zhu Shen was greatly surprised. In his opinion, Zhu Yousong is now the procurator of Shaanxi. Even if he is promoted, the next step is to be the chief envoy, and then he may be the governor. Unexpectedly, Zhu Yousong can skip this step and be promoted directly. Governor of Shanxi.

"At present, it is only possible, and the news may not be accurate. Since the emperor asked you about the situation, it is very possible. I have already seen that the emperor wants to appoint some of the emperor's relatives. This is also because you are in Shaanxi. It is very good, and the emperor is very relieved."

"Kun Yuan, speaking of it, it's all thanks to you. Zhu Yousong and I often chat, and when we talk about this matter, we still can't believe it. I always wonder if it will change again someday."

Su Tiancheng shook his head, his eyes were very determined.

"Such a situation will not happen. The emperor has already figured it out. The facts show that there are great benefits for the royal family members to come out to do things. The key is that the emperor can control it well."

During the meal, Zhu Shenxin accompanied her, her brother came, there was nothing to be shy about, Zhu Shen came to visit, of course he brought gifts, especially for his nephews, he brought enough gifts, According to the attributes of each nephew, a corresponding animal model was cast in gold, with a height of about ten centimeters.

Seeing these gifts, Su Tiancheng couldn't laugh or cry. He remembered a joke, saying that there was a county magistrate celebrating his birthday, and his subordinates tried their best to give him a gold-cast mouse. As a result, the magistrate was not satisfied and told many subordinates that next month he would The wife is born, and the wife is born in the year of the Ox.

Su Tiancheng recognized the truth of what Zhu Shen said, but he actually thought more about it. It is reasonable to say that family affairs, state affairs, and world affairs are all concerned.

There has been such a saying in the Book of Rites for a long time: After the object is in order, you will know it; if you know it, you will be sincere; .

Of course, it is not enough to completely understand family affairs according to the ancients. Some pedantic ideas must be discarded, but there is a basic truth, that is, if you can’t manage the family well, you can’t talk about governing the country well. [

Su Tiancheng can't get rid of his father and two elder brothers. This is an undeniable fact. Although he doesn't have a cold for the Wang family at all, even to the point where he doesn't know each other until he dies, it is impossible for him to get rid of his blood relationship with Su Tianhao and Su Tianran. , the two are his elder brothers, if something big is said, people will naturally think of him, then many scholars will have a reason to impeach, you, Su Tiancheng, can't even manage your own family, and talk about it Why act as an agent for government affairs.

This is a troublesome question, and it is also a question that Su Tiancheng can't avoid. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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