Ming politicians

Chapter 618 Su Pingyang's Request

Zhu Yousong and Zhang Pu came to visit successively.

Because it was still early, it was impossible for Zhu Shenxuan and others to stay in the capital for a long time. After the emperor summoned them, they were going back to Shaanxi. Su Tiancheng specially set up a banquet for everyone and had a good time.

In mid-October, Su Pingyang and others came to the capital.

After face-to-face, Su Pingyang returned to the mansion.

Although Su Pingyang is already the magistrate of Yan'an Prefecture, in front of Su Tiancheng, he still behaves like a servant. In fact, Su Tiancheng burned the contracts of prostitution of Su Pingyang, Su Jun, Su Ertong and others, and he is now a court official. , but these people still regard themselves as members of the Su family in front of Su Tiancheng. [

When Su Pingyang came to the mansion, he was not a guest. He was originally a servant of the Su family. When he came to the capital, he was going home.

Su Pingyang, Su Jun, Su Ertong and others were able to enter the imperial court as officials entirely because they followed Su Tiancheng under that special environment. It is Su Pingyang, who is mature and prudent. Every time he goes to a place, he is able to act as an agent of government affairs and achieve remarkable results. Even the emperor knows about it, and he is full of praise. He also specifically mentioned that many scholars must pay attention to Su Pingyang studied, his knowledge level is not so high, but he is able to handle government affairs very well and make a place rich.

Because Yan'an Mansion in Shaanxi occupies a special geographical location, there are many merchants who go there to do business. From the perspective of changes in the whole of Shaanxi, Yan'an Mansion is the most prominent and the fastest growing.

In Zhu Shenxuan's plan, he even planned to appoint Su Pingyang as the chief envoy, but this idea was rejected by Su Tiancheng. The role of knowledge cannot be denied. According to Su Pingyang's ability, it is very good to be a prefect Yes, Su Pingyang's ability.At most, it is able to control the land of a family, and continue to go up, no matter it is vision, ability level and knowledge, they can't keep up. Forcibly promoted, it will be a bad thing.

As for Su Jun, the situation is different again.Su Jun is very flexible and has a strong ability to absorb. He has always been out of continuous learning, and he also knows how to learn from each other, so he is always making progress slowly, so to speak.Su Jun's future development will be much stronger than Su Pingyang's.

The situation of Su Ertong is different. Su Ertong is honest and conscientious in doing things, but lacks a holistic vision.It is also difficult to take on big responsibilities, so Su Tiancheng did not dare to arrange Su Ertong to be a supervisor of the magistrate. If it is a county magistrate, because the place is small, Su Ertong is still competent. There are also advantages.He is the best assistant officer. As long as there is a wise supervisor on top, Su Ertong can best play the role of assistant.

It varies from person to person, this is Su Tiancheng's specialty, so it can be said that his confidants can give full play to their talents.This is also the reason why Jiangning County, Henan Prefecture, and even Shaanxi Province have developed rapidly. Jiangning Camp is a better illustration.

It is also impossible for Su Pingyang to stay in the capital for a long time.

For officials such as governors and chief envoys, it is not a big problem to delay for a period of time.The scope of their jurisdiction is large, things are a bit macroscopic, and there are not many specific things involved, but the magistrate is different, he is busy almost every day, and there are too many specific things, let alone the county magistrate. All things must be considered, so the smaller the official, the busier he is, because he has to be busy with specific things.The bigger the official, the easier it seems to be, considering the overall situation.

The time Su Pingyang can stay in the capital is three days.

On the first day, Su Tiancheng patrolled around the mansion, found the housekeeper, asked carefully, and reminded the housekeeper what things need to be paid attention to, what things cannot be ignored, what places are the most important in the arrangements of the servants, and what should be done in the mansion. How to do it well.The next day, Su Pingyang personally demonstrated to some of the servants, telling them how to do well in the house.You know, the Su Mansion is very big, and there are many servants. Su Pingyang came to do these things in person, and even Zhu Shenxin couldn't stand it anymore. He asked Su Pingyang not to do this. No matter how he slept, Su Pingyang would always The magistrate, a fourth-rank official of the imperial court, Su Pingyang said that this is what he should do, and he is familiar with these things, so he should entrust him.

On the third day, Su Pingyang specifically found Su Tiancheng, saying that there was something to report, and Su Pingyang looked very serious, it seemed that it was not a trivial matter.

Letting Su Pingyang, Su Jun, Su Ertong and others stay in Shaanxi is also Su Tiancheng's careful consideration. Zhu Shenxuan is the governor of Shaanxi. Under such circumstances, Su Pingyang and others can actually do things and play their best Their own role, and they are very solid in doing things, they will never be lazy, it is completely reassuring, and the development of things is also like this, Zhu Shenxuan is very satisfied with Su Pingyang and others.

So, so far, Su Tiancheng is still very satisfied with his arrangement.

"Young master, Su Jun and the dog Su Ertong all have some ideas, including me, we all want to talk to the young master."

"What's the matter, uncle, just say, if you have any difficulties, you can tell me, or you can tell His Royal Highness Jin Wang directly, there is no problem."

Su Pingyang shook his head.

"Master, what we want to talk about is not about Shaanxi. We all did a good job. We didn't cause trouble for the young master, let alone embarrass the young master. However, the young master has been away from Shaanxi for so long, and we all feel uncomfortable. We don't have a backbone by the young master's side, the young master is going to Liaodong soon, the situation there is more complicated, we all thought, continue to follow the young master, the governor's mansion also needs manpower."

"Well, you guys are doing very well in Shaanxi, and it's impossible to always follow me." [

"I thought about it too. Before coming to the capital, Su Jun and Ertong both found me and talked about this matter specifically. I also persuaded them, but after thinking about it, what they said was also reasonable. Flowing soldiers, if His Royal Highness King Jin leaves Shaanxi in the future, and another governor takes office, no one knows what attitude he will have. We are not scholars, and we are in high positions. Some people must question it. I am old. Well, the so-called, after working for a few years, I will come back to the capital and be a housekeeper for the young master, and I will still do my old job, but Su Jun and Er Tong are still young, and it is unrealistic to continue studying at this age , if I can follow the young master's side, I will always feel more at ease in my heart."

Su Tiancheng nodded. What Su Pingyang said was indeed reasonable. When I arrived in Ningyuan and entered the Governor's Mansion, I really needed a large group of people. These people are very important and must be capable. The key is loyalty. The situation in Ningyuan is very complicated. It is said that spies are very rampant, and many things are difficult to keep secret. If there is a problem with the officials of the Governor's Mansion, the loss must be great.

Su Jun needs to exercise and constantly broaden his horizons. With Su Ertong by his side, he can play a greater role. I am completely at ease with them, and I can entrust everything to them.

"What my uncle said is reasonable. I'll think about this matter. However, my uncle is getting old and still working in Shaanxi. If he feels that the pressure is too high, I will tell His Royal Highness King Jin that he will be an official in the capital. As for the question of knowledge, uncle, don't think too much, I'm afraid no one in the capital has the courage to impeach uncle in terms of knowledge."

"I know the kindness of the young master, but I am really tired. Being an official looks very prestigious, but in fact I am too tired. There are too many things to do, and it is too hard. In Jiangning When I was in the county and Henan province, I could barely bear it, but after I arrived in Shaanxi, I felt very difficult. I knew very well that I was so capable. After all, I was a person with little knowledge, and I couldn’t compare with scholars. Yes, look at Mr. Wu in Xi'an Mansion. He speaks and does things in an orderly manner. I also want to do that, but I can't do it. I have never thought about coming to the capital to be an official, and I can't do it. I really want to Come back to be a housekeeper, I am very familiar with this matter."

Su Tiancheng looked at Su Pingyang carefully.

Over the years, he has ignored the feelings of Su Pingyang and others, and he has too many things to do.

Su Pingyang's hair is much grayer, and the wrinkles on his face are obviously more. He looks a lot older, and he is obviously too worried, because he doesn't have enough school hours, so Su Pingyang does things, compared with those scholars, and pays more. The more effort you put in, the harder it is. Under such conditions, how long you can support it is really unclear.

In fact, to Su Pingyang, being an official is not a kind of enjoyment, or a manifestation of value, but a kind of pain. Under such circumstances, it is indeed possible to consider letting Su Pingyang return to the mansion for a good rest.

Otherwise, out of good intentions, Su Tiancheng wanted to make Su Pingyang look good, but in the end Su Pingyang passed away prematurely.

"Uncle is very hardworking. I haven't noticed it all these years. This is my mistake. If my uncle has such an idea, I will support it. During the Chinese New Year, my uncle will personally tell His Royal Highness King Jin and ask for his appointment. I'm also helping to say that uncle is coming back to the capital to take a good rest."

"Master, I know it's not good to do this, and it didn't bring honor to the young master, but I really can't stand it anymore. If I do something wrong or fail to do something well in the position of magistrate, I will lose the young master even more." face."

"Uncle, don't say that. After returning to Shaanxi, you tell Su Jun and Su Ertong to prepare. After the new year, follow me to Ningyuan. I also need manpower there, but you have to warn them. , I can’t say it for the time being, I still have to report to the emperor.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read .)

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