Ming politicians

Chapter 619 Wu Xiang Visits

(Thanks to Scarecrow for the valuable monthly ticket, thanks to pppppppppppp for the evaluation vote, and thanks to john01b and Aidu novels for their rewards, thank you.)

Su Tiancheng's life is very leisurely. From September to the Spring Festival, for more than four months in a row, he can stay in the capital, that is, his own home, with many wives. It's not that he didn't have much to do. After Hong Chengchou arrived in Ningyuan, he sent letters to ask for instructions on major matters related to defense. Su Tiancheng was not very familiar with the specific terrain of Liaodong, but he also made corresponding arrangements based on the map. , deployed [-] troops in two places, among which [-] soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion were stationed in Jinzhou, and [-] soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion were stationed in Ningyuan. As for Shanhaiguan, no soldiers were placed for the time being. , Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui father and son are stationed at Shanhaiguan.

It is said that the commander-in-chief stationed in Jinzhou is also a legendary figure, and this person is Zu Dashou.The relationship between Zu Dashou, Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui is also very special. Wu Xiang is Zu Dashou's brother-in-law, and Wu Sangui is Zu Dashou's nephew.

After the defeat of Dalinghe, Zu Dashou was forced to surrender to Houjin, and then returned to Daming, resumed his previous duties, and continued to be stationed in Jinzhou.

Zu Dashou, Wu Xiang, and Wu Sangui are all legendary figures in the late Ming Dynasty, and they are all negative figures. According to the development of history, except for Wu Xiang being killed by Li Zicheng, both Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui surrendered to Houjin. Among them, after Zu Dashou surrendered to Houjin, all living beings did not serve Houjin, and were ridiculed by later generations as carrying two masters. [

Zu Dashou's position at this time is the commander-in-chief, and Wu Sangui is the deputy commander of the forward right battalion, which is equivalent to the deputy commander-in-chief, but he is in charge of the defense of Shanhaiguan.

Because of the rise of the Jiangning Camp, and because Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning Camp to wipe out the bandits, he became the governor of Jiliao.At this time, the court's attention was all focused on Liaodong.

Su Tiancheng is the governor of Jiliao, in charge of all matters in Liaodong. It can be said that all the officials in Liaodong, including those in Jizhou, Tianjin, Dengzhou, and Laizhou.They are all under his jurisdiction. One sentence from him can remove officials from their posts. There is a sentence in the imperial decree that is very clear. Su Tiancheng is acting as the supervisor in Jiliao on behalf of the emperor, so he can act cheaply.The meaning of this sentence is that even a general like Zu Dashou, if he does something wrong, Su Tiancheng can kill them with Shang Fang's sword, and then report.

Su Tiancheng attaches great importance to power, but what he cares more about is how to eliminate the Empress Jin Tartars.How to completely eliminate the Qing Dynasty.

This is very different from the extermination of the rogue bandits. The rogue bandits have no fixed base in the territory of Ming Dynasty. For more than ten years since the rebellion, they have been erratic. They can change places with one shot. In addition, the understanding of the rogue bandits has great limitations. Some leaders are thinking about being able to live a luxurious life.All he sees in his eyes is money and beautiful women, without a clear political goal. Under such circumstances, of course, it can't achieve much success.

The situation in Houjin is different. Huang Taiji is a hero in the area, with extraordinary foresight and insight, after decades of construction.Houjin has sufficient strength, and it is not a short-term thing to completely wipe out the Houjin regime, and don't think about relying entirely on conquest.Able to destroy the Hou Jin regime.

So, Su Tiancheng is not in a hurry, things must be done slowly.

Su Tiancheng also wanted to go to Ningyuan as soon as possible to see the situation of Guan Ningjin's defense line. No matter how the map was drawn, or how Hong Chengchou and others reported it, it was not as detailed as what he had personally seen.

It's a pity that Zhu Shenxin and others just disagree.

The Governor's Mansion of Jiliao is in Ningyuan City, which can be regarded as the front line. It is impossible for Su Tiancheng to take his family with him. Living the life of a widow, under such circumstances, Zhu Shenxin and the others naturally thought that Su Tiancheng would stay at home for more time.

Su Tiancheng also wanted to stay with his family in the capital. Since the palace examination, in his feeling, it had been seven years, and he seemed to have never had a holiday, and he was always busy. Every time he adjusted his official position, he was in a hurry. I couldn't rest for a while, besides, the emperor seemed to have the same intention and asked himself to rest at home for a while.

"Master, there is someone outside who claims to be Wu Xiang, the former general of Shanhaiguan, and is here to visit."

When the housekeeper came to report, Su Tiancheng was reading Hong Chengchou's letter.

Hearing the steward's report, Su Tiancheng became a little curious. Wu Xiang is now at home, seemingly doing nothing. In fact, he and Wu Sangui are in charge of Shanhaiguan's military affairs. During the Battle of Daling River, Wu Xiang led troops to help At that time, because he was afraid of the strength of the Houjin Tartars, he led his troops to flee, which disrupted Zu Dashou's deployment, and caused the entire Ming army guarding the Daling River to be wiped out. He was dismissed, and he himself was thrown into a big prison. A year later, because of the activities of Zu Dashou and Wu Sangui, he returned to his hometown in Shanhaiguan and stayed at home.

Such a person who has no job actually thought of visiting himself, the governor of Ji Liao.

Su Tiancheng thought of Wu Sangui.

The relationship between myself and Wu Sangui is pretty good. The few times I met, I even gave each other gifts. I am afraid that Wu Xiang came to visit because of this relationship.

Putting down the letter in his hand, Su Tiancheng asked the housekeeper to bring Wu Xiang to the lobby, and he would go there in a while.

The butler hesitated a bit, and it took him a long time to speak. [

"Master, Wu Xiang brought the gift list, the young one dare not make the decision, I don't know how to deal with it."

"For this matter, you can go to Madam directly, and you don't have to ask me."

Most of the officials who came to visit at home brought gifts. Zhu Shenxin was always in charge of these aspects. Su Tiancheng had his own principles. It was not a big deal to visit each other and bring some gifts. During return visits, bring more presents, which is a normal exchange of gifts. Su Tiancheng is not short of money, and Zhu Shenxin’s identity is different, so he is not very good at money. value.

The steward lowered his head and agreed.

There was no expression on Su Tiancheng's face. In his heart, he felt that the housekeeper was still a bit dull. Although he went home, Zhu Shenxin was still in charge of the family affairs. He would not ask about specific matters. I'm home, and I have come to ask myself for instructions on everything big and small, and I can't stand this trouble.

In the lobby, a man with gray hair and a beard was carefully looking at the calligraphy and paintings on the wall.

Su Tiancheng coughed.

The man turned around hastily, clasped his fists and saluted.

"My lord, Wu Xiang, is here to pay your respects to your lord."

"Master Wu doesn't need to be so polite. I have some connections with Brother Sangui. From this level of relationship, Lord Wu is still my elder."

"Don't dare to dare, Gouzi has always admired adults. Although there are not many opportunities to meet him, when he is at home, he always thinks about adults."

"Sit down and talk."

With just a few words, Su Tiancheng had a general impression in his heart that this Wu Xiang was somewhat proficient in relational studies, and it was no wonder that he was able to survive after causing a catastrophe.

Wu Xiang was a Wu Jinshi during the Tianqi period, and his knowledge was good.

"I came to visit your lord today. First, I have heard about your lord's reputation for a long time. It is a great honor to see you today. Second, I have always wanted to visit you. Nai is stationed at Shanhaiguan. There is no military order, so I dare not leave at will, so I entrust you to my lord." Made a special trip to visit."

"I understand that the Guan Ning Jin line of defense is an important line of defense for my Ming Dynasty in Liaodong, and there must be no negligence. The Shanhaiguan army led by Master Wu and Brother Sangui is called the Guan Ning Army, which also shows that the combat effectiveness is huge. Very good, the Jiangning Battalion was stationed at the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, but never stationed troops at Shanhaiguan, this is what I mean, and I am very relieved to have Master Wu and Brother Sangui guarding here."

A friendly smile appeared on Wu Xiang's face.

"After going back next time, I must urge the dog not to disappoint the trust of the adults."

Soon, the banquet was arranged.

This is a special order from Su Tiancheng. It doesn't mean that Wu Xiang must be entertained. There are quite a few people visiting the mansion. If everyone wants to be entertained, the mansion can open water seats from morning to night. Who needs to be entertained? There is no need to entertain, this is Zhu Shenxin's decision, but sometimes, Su Tiancheng will specifically emphasize it.

Anyway, Wu Xiang is stationed at Shanhaiguan, and he can also represent Wu Sangui. He is now the governor of Jiliao and is in charge of everything in Liaodong. Such entertainment is necessary, at least it can bring closer relationships, instead of relying entirely on official positions Press down on the opponent.

Wu Xiang was flattered and showed a grateful expression.His reputation is indeed not good. In the Battle of Daling River back then, because he was a deserter, the entire Ming army was annihilated to a certain extent, and he received a lot of criticism. For these years, he has been staying in Shanhaiguan. I rarely come to the capital, and I am also afraid of seeing other people's strange eyes. This time I came to visit Su Tiancheng. Although there is a certain relationship between Wu Sangui and Su Tiancheng, Su Tiancheng is at the height of the sun. How can Wu Sangui be compared? There is nothing I can do if I put on airs. [

Unexpectedly, Su Tiancheng's attitude was so easy-going, without any airs.

At this moment, Wu Xiang suddenly felt that it was really a wise choice for Wu Sangui to befriend Su Tiancheng.

While drinking, Su Tiancheng's posture moved Wu Xiang even more.

There were wine glasses and large bowls on the table. Su Tiancheng put the wine glasses aside, picked up the wine bowl, and said at the same time, when Jiangning battalion soldiers drink, they always use bowls to drink. This is the military demeanor .The implication is that Wu Xiang is still the commander-in-chief and a soldier, so naturally he should use wine bowls when drinking.

This made Wu Xiang ecstatic. If he was appreciated by Su Tiancheng, it would be easy for him to return to his post as an official. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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