Ming politicians

Chapter 620 Empress Empress' Thanks

Entering December, the capital also began to get busy.

This Spring Festival has a very special meaning for Zhu Youjian. The rogues have finally been wiped out completely. Although there are still many problems in Ming Dynasty, good signs continue to appear. Stabilized the vassal kings, and basically put an end to those things that used to like to cause trouble in the fiefdom. You must know that this is one of the important procedures of the assessment. The vassal king began to restrain himself and his family. In the past, the inner guards and Jin Yiwei often reported the arrogance and bullying of the vassal king, but now there is almost nothing.Secondly, the situation in Shaanxi, Shaanxi, and Henan has begun to improve. These places used to be disaster-prone places and needed support from the imperial court. Now they are self-sufficient and the situation is stable.Finally, there is Liaodong, which has been quiet for two years, which has never been the case before.

With so many happy events, Zhu Youjian seems to have seen that Daming will gradually prosper and become stronger.

Under such circumstances, how can we not celebrate with great fanfare. Of course, Zhu Youjian, who is used to living a poor life, will not spend too much money. He just asks for this Spring Festival, to have fun with the monarch and his ministers, and with the people.

From the first day of the twelfth lunar month, Shuntian Mansion has been busy, and many arrangements have to be made. The governors of Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Sichuan, Shandong and other places are also very smart. They all decided to send special celebration teams to enter the capital for singing and entertainment. , this is what Ying Tianfu wished for, plus the local theater troupe and other teams, this Spring Festival must be very lively. [

Under the support of Ying Tianfu, the atmosphere of the Spring Festival in the capital also became extraordinarily intense.

Zhu Youjian specifically asked the Ministry of Households to allocate some silver taels. During the Spring Festival, starvation is not allowed in the capital, and residents whose lives are unsustainable are not allowed.Ying Tianfu wants to help.

Su Tiancheng was not very impressed with this kind of approach. This kind of approach that treats the symptoms but not the root cause does not make much sense. It is just to whitewash the peace, but he will not say anything, at least Zhu Youjian can consider the poor people.This is very good, and it is not easy to take out money for relief.

The inside of the mansion was also extremely lively, this Spring Festival, because Su Tiancheng was at home, Zhu Shenxin arranged it extra carefully.

Su Tiancheng was still the same as usual.Look at Hong Chengchou's letter.

Qu Qingze and the dark thread sent a lot of information. Through these information, Su Tiancheng knew that Hou Jin hadn't made any moves for the time being, and didn't have many arrangements. Huang Zaisheng from Shenyang, the capital.No valuable information came from either.

According to Su Tiancheng's arrangement, Huang Zaisheng left Shanhaiguan and entered Shenyang, nominally to do business. Of course, Hou Jin also knew Huang Zaisheng's identity.

What Su Tiancheng was most concerned about was the post-gold spies who infiltrated Guan Ningjin's defense line.Huang Zaisheng didn't know this information, and it was impossible to know it. It is estimated that there are not many people in Houjin who know this intelligence network.

"Master, there are people coming from the palace."

Hearing the steward's report, Su Tiancheng quickly stood up.Follow the butler to the gate of the mansion, the people who come from the palace are the eunuchs, these people can't be neglected.

"Master Su. The Empress invites you to go to Qianning Palace."

Su Tiancheng was taken aback, the eunuch spoke very politely, the empress could have issued a decree asking him to enter the palace, but now he said that he was invited to go to Qianning Palace.

This Qianning Palace is where the empress lives, only the emperor can go there casually, since the empress summoned him in the Qianqing Palace, it means that the emperor also knows about it.

"My father-in-law will drink tea later, and I will prepare for it."

The housekeeper took the father-in-law to the lobby to drink tea, and at the same time gave the father-in-law a gold ingot.

Zhu Shenxin checked Su Tiancheng's attire, and didn't feel relieved until he couldn't find any problems.

When entering Qianning Palace, Su Tiancheng heard Zhu Youjian's hearty laughter.

It was the first time Su Tiancheng heard such laughter.

The scene that caught Su Tiancheng's eyes made Su Tiancheng very emotional. Zhu Youjian was sitting with the empress, and Zhu Cihong was standing beside him. There was a smile on the face of the empress, and Zhu Cihong stood beside her, looking very respectful. [

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Su Tiancheng would have found it hard to believe that there was such a warm scene in the Emperor's House.

"Su Aiqing, this is the Qianqing Palace. If the empress wants to see you, there is no need to give a big gift. I am also a guest today, haha..."

Queen Zhou glared at Zhu Youjian and spoke.

"Master Su, I want to thank you for inviting you here today. After the prince came back, he behaved very differently. This is all thanks to Master Su's careful teaching."

"I don't dare. This is because His Highness the Crown Prince is smart. I have learned a lot from His Highness the Crown Prince. When I was in Kuizhou Prefecture, His Highness the Crown Prince was not afraid of danger, regardless of his own safety, and refused to leave. I was deeply moved, and everyone agreed." He was infected, so he was able to resist the crazy attack of [-] bandits with more than [-] soldiers, and achieved great victories later."

"Su Aiqing has said that the prince is still young. I used to be busy with court affairs and rarely cared about the prince's affairs. Since the prince came back from Sichuan, he has surprised me many times. Su Aiqing read this article, and I think it is really good. At such an age, it is impossible to be able to write such an article without enough tempering."

Su Tiancheng carefully read the article written by Zhu Ci, and was pleasantly surprised.

It turned out that the article written by Zhu Ci focused on people's livelihood, which is the point that Su Tiancheng has always insisted on. The people's wealth can make the country strong. Only when the people are rich can the government be rich and the country be strong. Although this article, from a theoretical point of view, still seems a little naive, and some take it for granted, such as the king's gift can make the people rich, etc., but Zhu Ci has such an idea, which is very precious.

The principle that the people are more important than the emperor is light, and many emperors shouted this, but they didn't think so in their hearts.

"His Royal Highness's article made me feel a lot. In the whole world, is it the land of the king, the shore of the land, and the ministers of the king? This is all thanks to the teachings of the emperor and the empress. His Royal Highness has such a kind heart." Mind, why worry that my Ming Dynasty is not rich and powerful, why worry that my Ming people are not rich."

The smile on Zhu Youjian's face became even bigger.

"Su Aiqing, I am very pleased. I have never been so happy since I became the throne. The queen said today that I should thank you very much. I agree very much, but I don't know what kind of reward the queen can give. There are too few rewards, it seems that I am petty, but I don't know what rewards the queen will have."

Zhu Youjian was actually in the mood to make a joke. If you say that he is not very old, he was enthroned at the age of 16, and now he is only 28 years old. Probably at the beginning of his enthronement, he has encountered too many things, and he does not know what happiness is.

Empress Zhou looked at Zhu Ci, her eyes were full of love.

"Lord Su, the emperor has always asked for frugality, and I will take the lead in doing it. The crown prince has made such remarkable progress. I must thank you. I can't give you any decent gifts. This gift is too clear. It really hurt the emperor's face."

"Your Majesty, Empress, Your Highness, the Crown Prince, I dare not have such thoughts. Your Highness the Crown Prince is indeed smart and wise, and this subject is far beyond my reach. When it comes to rewards, I dare not ask for anything extravagant."

When the eunuch came in with the tray, Su Tiancheng didn't know what to say.

In fact, the rewards given by the emperor and the empress do not have much meaning. After returning home, these things dare not be traded, unless the emperor and the empress reward gold, silver and jewelry directly, but these things are too vulgar, and generally would not Yes, other things, after taking them back, can only be honestly enshrined, for fear of being damaged.

"Lord Su, this jade ruyi was given to me by the emperor when I married the emperor. I have kept it carefully for so many years, and I will reward it to you today."

Su Tiancheng could only kneel down.

"I dare not accept such a precious gift from the empress."

"Hehe, Su Aiqing, this kind of gift is just right. I have always wanted to reward you with something. Today, I will follow the light. The jade ruyi bestowed by the empress empress also carries my meaning. This jade ruyi , it was also given to me by the late emperor, and it is a tribute from Persia.”[

While holding the plate, sweat dripped from Su Tiancheng's forehead.

The value of this jade ruyi is not very high, but its significance is extraordinary. To put it bluntly, this is the token of love between the emperor and the empress. Now it is rewarded to me. Needless to say, the gift is that I got this gift , After returning home, it must be enshrined properly, and there must be no damage.

It can be said that this jade ruyi represents the glory of the emperor. It is needless to say what the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty would think when they learned that the emperor and the empress's promises were all rewarded to themselves.

Su Tiancheng always thought that the emperor and empress might talk about the prince's next move, that is to say, after he went to Ningyuan, would the prince follow him? In fact, Su Tiancheng did not agree with such an arrangement. The confrontation is protracted, and it is not something that will happen for a while. If the prince follows for a long time, it will definitely affect his studies.

Fortunately, neither the emperor nor the queen empress mentioned it.

After returning home, when Zhu Shenxin saw the jade ruyi, the color on her face changed. Su Tiancheng was a little surprised, and asked why, Zhu Shenxin was stunned for a long time before she opened her mouth to say that the emperor had not been enthroned before. , the situation is very difficult, for fear of being hurt by Wei Zhongxian and the Ke family, at that time, the empress even cooked the food herself to prevent someone from poisoning. This jade ruyi was specially given by the emperor to thank the empress at that time Yes, most of the royal family members knew about this matter, and it was unexpected that the emperor and empress would reward Su Tiancheng with this jade ruyi.

Hearing this story, Su Tiancheng blinked his eyes, isn't this gift too great? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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