Ming politicians

Chapter 621 The Prince's Studies

The visits between officials of the Ming Dynasty started from the beginning of the twelfth lunar month. This is somewhat similar to hundreds of years later. Officials don’t have much time to rest. From the beginning until the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, such a long holiday has not appeared for a long time.

Beijing officials are actually very tired, not physically, but mentally. In the capital, at the foot of the emperor, there are too many high-ranking officials and dignitaries. When I see these dignitaries, I think that I must make progress and promotion in order to surpass others. In daily life, you need to constantly find opportunities to visit your superiors, and you need to find reasons all the time so that your superiors don't forget about yourself.

Therefore, when it is really time for Chinese New Year and rest time, all officials need to rest. This year's holiday is a bit long, and some officials with low and middle ranks are even planning to ask for leave. It is rare to have such an opportunity to go back to their hometown.At this time, everyone will not visit each other, and it is much more comfortable at home. However, the Spring Festival is the biggest festival, and it is absolutely impossible not to visit the superiors, so we can only choose the time of the twelfth lunar month.

There are exceptions. During the first month, some officials also go to the superior's mansion to pay New Year's greetings. That is not an ordinary relationship. If you choose this time to go to the superior's house, it seems like a family.

With the arrival of the twelfth lunar month, Su Tiancheng will not have many days in the capital. Before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, he must rush to Ningyuan. A year's plan lies in spring, and spring cannot be delayed, although the situation in Ningyuan is special. [

On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, Xu Eryi came to pay New Year's greetings.

Xu Eryi is Su Tiancheng's teacher, and it is said that he should not pay New Year's greetings to Su Tiancheng, but Su Tiancheng's status is different. The prince Taibao, the governor of Ji Liao, the minister of the Ministry of war, and the imperial envoy of the right capital are already high-ranking officials of the first rank. , This is tantamount to the top existence of the Ming Dynasty, and it is reasonable for Xu Er to come to pay New Year's greetings.

Hearing that Xu Er came to pay New Year's greetings, Su Tiancheng rushed to greet him at the gate of the mansion.He kept saying words that he didn't dare to bother the teacher.

Xu Eryi is still the left servant of the Ministry of War, an official of the third rank, and it may be difficult for him to become a minister in a short period of time.

Su Tiancheng took Xu Eryi directly into the study.

After sitting down, the two chatted for a while, Xu Eryi was very emotional.He said that he had been in the capital for so many years, and this year was the busiest. It had been a long time since he saw such a lively scene.

After saying this, Xu Eryi quickly changed the topic, and directly talked about His Royal Highness.

"After His Royal Highness came back from Sichuan, all the adults in the court felt that His Royal Highness has changed a lot. The emperor has already made a decision. Starting from the first month, His Royal Highness will leave the cabinet to give lectures. This means that His Royal Highness will leave the cabinet. I really didn't think of it. According to the rules of the court, His Royal Highness must wait until he is 14 years old to give lectures in the cabinet."

Prince Lectures, also known as Jingyan, is a special imperial lecture specially designed for the emperor or prince to lecture on scriptures and history. It is taught by the most knowledgeable ministers in the court, bachelors of the Imperial Academy, bachelors of servants, and cabinet ministers. , This is actually the most important way for the emperor to accept Confucianism.

The Ming Dynasty attached great importance to Jingyan.The opening banquet is a grand event of the imperial court, and it is very grand. The ceremony is presided over by the chief assistant of the cabinet, assisted by all the cabinet ministers, the six ministers, the left and right ministers, the left and right imperial envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the deputy imperial envoys.

Since Chongzhen ascended the throne.Due to internal and external difficulties, no one mentioned the matter of Jing Yan. Now that the situation has begun to improve, Jing Yan has naturally been taken seriously by the court ministers.

The prince came out of the cabinet to give lectures.This is indeed a big deal.

As soon as Xu Er mentioned this matter, Su Tiancheng's heart moved.

In the Ming Dynasty, the sutra banquets were usually held three times a month, on the second, twelfth and 22nd day of the lunar new year. It seems that the first time His Royal Highness the Crown Prince gave a lecture must be scheduled on the 22nd of the first lunar month. This indicates that from this time on, The Jingyan will be standardized, and the prince's study must be standardized.

If the Jingyan started, it would be impossible for Zhu Cihong to go to Liaodong in a short time.Otherwise, the ministers of the whole dynasty will impeach His Highness the crown prince's education is the most important thing.

"His Royal Highness is giving lectures in the cabinet. This is a good thing, and it is also a big thing. It's a pity that students can't participate. Teachers must participate."

"Adults have great responsibilities, and it is normal not to be able to participate."

Su Tiancheng's rank is too high, Xu Eryi can't be trusted, this is also the rule in the court.

"Students have been at home for too long. Before the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, they have to rush to Ningyuan, or the students themselves will feel embarrassed." [

"My lord, there is absolutely no need to think this way. The situation in Liaodong is very stable. The post-gold tartars dare not be as rampant as before. The Jiangning battalion is stationed in Jinzhou and Ningyuan, which is a great deterrent to the post-gold tartars."

Su Tiancheng didn't say a word. All the ministers in the whole court had the same opinion, including the emperor.

For a long time, the emperor has never mentioned the matter of exterminating the Houjin Tartars. Probably in his consciousness, he also thinks that such a possibility is unlikely. Invincible, this kind of thinking is still very popular in Daming. Even if Su Tiancheng and Jiangning Ying have the idea of ​​exterminating the post-Golden Tatars, it cannot be formed in a short time. Therefore, as long as Jiangning Ying is stationed in Guanning Jin Along the line of defense, border security matters, everyone is satisfied.

Such short-sighted behavior is common.

This was also a difficult problem for Su Tiancheng, which meant that the imperial court's attitude towards the Liaodong war was complicated, and if there was a slight setback, it must be the voice of opposition from the full court, who did not agree to take the initiative to launch an attack.

The officials in Jiliao Governor's Mansion basically haven't been assigned yet, Xu Er has always been a few candidates for Su Tiancheng, and Su Tiancheng has written down all of them.

At the time of its heyday, the number of officials in Jiliao Governor's Mansion could reach several hundred. However, over the years, the post of Jiliao Governor's Mansion has no continuity. Therefore, the officials in the Governor's Mansion are also temporarily formed. Without the appointment of the governor of Ji Liao, there are basically no officials in the governor's mansion.

After Xu Er left, Su Tiancheng quickly made preparations to pay New Year's greetings to Sun Chengzong.

Sun Chengzong is the chief assistant of the cabinet. Although it is said that his hometown is in Baoding, which is not far from the capital, it is unlikely that he will return to his hometown. In addition, most of Sun Chengzong's family members moved to the capital from Jiangning and Baoding counties. It is necessary to go back. When the children and grandchildren celebrate the New Year, it is enough to go back and offer incense to the ancestors.

Sun Chengzong's mansion is not far from Su Tiancheng's mansion, but only a few streets away.

Sun Chengzong had just returned home and took Su Tiancheng directly to the study. As for Zhu Shenxin, he was accompanied by his wife.

"The teacher is very tiring, you still need to pay more attention to your body."

"Hey, I'm really tired. I'm getting older and my physical strength is not as good as before, but I can't slack off. By the way, the emperor has made a decision. His Highness the Crown Prince will leave the pavilion to give lectures on the 22nd of the first month. Do you know about it?"

"The younger generation just heard that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince came out of the cabinet to give lectures. This is a good thing."

"The old man's thoughts are different. It is best for His Royal Highness to go to Liaodong with you. This time His Royal Highness came back from Sichuan, and the old man finally understood that the Sutra Banquet is indeed necessary, but if you can get in touch with reality and learn in practice, Things are much better."

"The junior's thinking is different from the teacher's thinking."

"Oh, what do you think? Could it be that Bu agrees with His Royal Highness to go to Liaodong?"

"The younger generation feels that there is no need for this at the moment. After the younger generation goes to Liaodong, they will face many things. Many things need to be done step by step. Don't be too anxious. Haste makes waste. This process may take a year or two. years, or even three to five years."

Sun Chengzong's face became a little serious.

"Kun Yuan, I know what you think. You think that you can completely wipe out the Empress Jin Tartars. I support you. I think that all the civil and military ministers who have been to Liaodong have this idea. How can you allow others to lie on the side of the couch?" Snoring, the Houjin Tartars are the biggest threat to my Ming Dynasty in the end. If they can't be completely wiped out, they will eventually threaten my Ming Dynasty. Best."

"This junior has also thought about this issue. When I go to Liaodong, my biggest goal is to wipe out the Empress Jin Tartars. However, I won't express this idea for the time being. If I say this goal, I'm afraid it will cause an uproar."

"Did Kun Yuan think of Yuan Chonghuan? When Yuan Chonghuan was appointed as the governor of Jiliao, he once boasted that he went to Haikou, pacified Liaodong in five years, and issued a military order. At that time, the old man felt that this was impossible. Sure enough, the capital of Houjin came to the capital. This matter has a great influence on the court. Even though the old man is the chief assistant of the cabinet, he dare not speak lightly about the extermination of the Houjin Tartars. This kind of promise is not easy able to say it.”[

Su Tiancheng nodded.

"However, Kun Yuan, the old man believes in you. As long as it is something you make up your mind to do, you will definitely be able to do it. Two years ago, you made a promise to wipe out the bandits. The situation was very critical, but you led the Jiangning Battalion and wiped out [-] Hou Jin Tartars in one fell swoop. It was this battle that made the Hou Jin Tartars much more honest. Two years have passed. Don't dare to step over the thunder pool."

"Teacher, the juniors are actually very nervous. The Houjin Eight Banners are different from rogues."

"The old man is clear, but the old man feels that you have already made the layout in advance. The change of the Mongolian tribe is the most important move, followed by the mutual market between Anningbao and Jingbian, and the establishment of Yulinying. They were all chess pieces laid out in advance. I didn’t see it at the time, but now it’s finally clear.” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest Motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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