Because the emperor supports the entertainment activities during the Spring Festival this year, it is said that the temple fair outside the Donghua Gate in the capital started early.

The temple fairs in the capital city are actually folk markets. There are many kinds of goods on the temple fairs. The precious ones include gold, jade, silk and satin; Birds, flowers and plants, as well as windmills, doughnuts, flowers, diabolo and other local specialty department stores are complete.

Temple fairs are even more places of entertainment. The theaters and teahouses in the capital are expensive and not something ordinary people can enjoy. However, there are row upon row of stalls on the temple fairs, and there are hundreds of plays, acrobatics, martial arts, folk arts, games, and dramas. , folk artists perform on stage and perform their unique skills, and ordinary people can enjoy it with little or no money.

During the Wanli period, Zhang Juzheng, the chief minister of the cabinet, once wrote a poem about the grand occasion of the temple fair: the forbidden city is long and wide, the lights of nine gates and thousands of households, the flowers are timid, the spring is cold and the fire is blooming, the horses are rushing, the fog is rising, and the strings are in abundance. Beside the road, where do tourists not meet each other, the lace "dew" washes the carved saddles and wets them, and the wind returns to the mountains with the fragrance of pearls and emerald greens.

The temple fair and the lantern festival are integrated, the temple fair during the day, and the lantern festival at night. [

This year's situation is even more unusual. The imperial court has allocated money, and the theater troupes performing at the temple fair can get paid without having to consider the cost of food and drink. Therefore, the temple fair is unprecedentedly lively.

The Spring Festival temple fair usually lasts for one month, from the twentieth of the twelfth lunar month to around the twentieth of the first lunar month, but this year's temple fair took longer, starting from the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, the temple fair began to be lively.

Temple fairs are also a place for officials to have fun together. Officials will bring their families to visit temple fairs and lantern festivals to experience the excitement.

From the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, opera troupes from Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, and Sichuan began to enter the capital, and Ying Tianfu made special arrangements.The designated inn, the board and lodging is very cheap, and the government provides a certain subsidy. As for the opera troupe in the capital, they can directly receive the subsidy, and the treatment is better than that of the opera troupe in other places.

The participation of these troupes made the temple fair outside Donghuamen unprecedentedly lively.It has become the most prosperous place in the capital.

Merchants of course want to seize this opportunity, all kinds of transactions are carried out here, the goods here are complete, and everything can be bought within a short distance, food, clothing, and use.Everything you need.

The temple fair outside Donghuamen lasted for two miles when it was the busiest, but this time, the sheds of the temple fair stretched for more than four miles, more than doubled in size.

The happiest ones are of course the common people.The whole family went to the temple fair, and the hard work and unhappiness of a year gradually dissipated in this lively scene.

Zhu Shenxin had already made preparations, waiting for Su Tiancheng to lead his family to the temple fair.

Even Gu Hengbo, who was very careful about the baby in his stomach, decided to go to the temple fair. The attraction of the temple fair is huge, no matter it is ordinary people.Or dignitaries, all want to see.

Su Tiancheng must be taking his family to the temple fair.

He had heard of the temple fairs in the capital many times, but he had no chance to go and see them. During these years, he spent the Spring Festival outside and couldn't accompany his family.This opportunity is very good.

The 24th of the twelfth lunar month.

This day is the New Year's Eve, and every household has to be cleaned. On this day, all the gods went to the Jade Emperor.House cleaning, without any taboos.

The sanitation of the Su residence has been cleaned up long ago, and when the time comes, the whole family is ready and waiting to go to the temple fair.

Su Tiancheng was wearing a brocade silk padded jacket and a round cotton cap. He looked like a rich man. He really wanted to look ordinary, but the possibility was slim. He had been in a high position for a long time, and he wore a The temperament is completely different, and the majesty revealed faintly seems to be an important person with authority.

Going to the temple fair is not enough for Su Tiancheng to bring Zhu Shenxin and others. Every wife has special servants to serve her, and her two sons and two daughters have special servants around her. Tian Cheng's status is different, the governor of Ji Liao, a first-rank member of the imperial court, safety is also very important, Wang Dazhi led a hundred soldiers, surrounded by plain clothes, to protect the safety of Su Tiancheng and his family.

With such a huge team, Su Tiancheng just shook his head, going out in a mighty way.

Zhu Shenxin is in charge of arranging everything, but don't underestimate Zhu Shenxin. Although she was born in the royal family, after marrying Su Tiancheng, she has fully demonstrated her ability to manage the big family in an orderly manner. [

Not long after going out, Su Tiancheng was so tired that he was out of breath.

Su Mingyue is riding on his shoulders, this is riding a horse, Su Mingyue is in his arms, always wants him to hug, no one will accept it.

Su Ming is almost four years old, and he eats well on weekdays. He is white and fat, and Su Ming can't find out where he is. He will be three years old soon, and he is not light. The two little guys are holding Su Tiancheng, happily. Laughing, moving around, not honest.

Apart from his son and daughter, those who can ride on Su Tiancheng's head should not be considered.

Although he felt very tired, Su Tiancheng still gritted his teeth and persisted. It was rare for him to be with his son and daughter for a year.

Su Mingjuan and Su Minghui, who were more than one year old, also wanted to climb up. Su Tiancheng really had no choice but to pick up the four little guys. Fortunately, Wang Furong and Liu Rushi followed closely to comfort Su Mingjuan and Su Minghui.

Zhu Shenxin is very smart, knowing that if Su Tiancheng hugs Su Ming and Su Ming all the time, Wang Furong and Liu Rushi must feel a little uncomfortable, although they can't speak, so, in the middle of the journey, let Su Ming and Su Ming two After the little guy came down for a while, the two little guys, Su Mingjuan and Su Minghui, went up.

This made Su Tiancheng even more miserable. He had no time to rest and always had to hold the child.

Wang Dazhi walked beside him, and he could only stare blankly. He couldn't help with such matters. They were all Su Tiancheng's family members, and Su Mingjuan was his niece. Hair, he can only look at.

Su Tiancheng originally wanted to go outside the Donghua Gate, but then he couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to sit in the carriage that had been prepared long ago.

After more than an hour, the brigade arrived at the temple fair.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Su Tiancheng's eyes straightened.

There are too many people at the temple fair, and you can’t see the end at a glance. The sound of gongs and drums, the sound of hawking, and the sound of singing complement each other. There are smiling people everywhere, and more children are scurrying around, holding candied haws in their hands, Or hold a face person.

This kind of scene made Su Tiancheng very emotional. Before time travelling, he also vaguely remembered this kind of scene. It was when he was very young. When it was the Spring Festival, he could wear new clothes, eat good food, and play like crazy.

Seeing such a lively scene, Su Ming and Su Ming's attention immediately began to shift, including Su Mingjuan and Su Minghui, no longer asked Su Tiancheng to hug them.It is impossible for children to play together with adults. Their interests are completely different, so the large group of people soon separated.

Su Tiancheng brought Wang Dazhi and ten other soldiers around the temple fair. He mainly wanted to see the situation of the temple fair and feel the lively atmosphere. Zhu Shenxin and others had to accompany the children Yes, Gu Hengbo who is pregnant also likes children very much. Gu Hengbo once heard from Zhu Shenxin that when she was pregnant, she should get in touch with children more, and the children born in the future must be very beautiful and smart.

Most of the personal soldiers are there to protect Zhu Shenxin and others. Every wife of Su Tiancheng is surrounded by more than a dozen personal soldiers. These personal soldiers are the top soldiers in the Jiangning battalion. No matter what kind of situation you face, you can handle it properly.

After walking for a mile, Su Tiancheng's attention was completely attracted by the temple fair. The troupes were almost one after another, including Shanxi's Puju Opera, Jinju Opera, Beilu Bangzi, Shangdang Bangzi, Sichuan Opera, Northern Sichuan Lantern Opera, The Great Puppet Show in Northern Sichuan, Qin Opera in Shaanxi, Henan Opera in Henan, Lv Opera in Shandong, etc. Of course, the most popular of them is Peking Opera, which is also the favorite drama of the people in Beijing.

Wang Dazhi beside him began to show nervousness, and many soldiers who followed Su Tiancheng also felt the same way.

Su Tiancheng was very strange. There were many people coming and going in the temple fair, and not many people knew him. Besides, with his attire, ordinary people would not cause trouble.

"Dazhi, what happened?"

"Adults, little ones feel as if someone is following them." [

Su Tiancheng shook his head.

"Today is the 24th of the twelfth lunar month. Little New Year's Eve, don't think too much. It is necessary to strengthen your guard, and don't be suspicious. There are so many people in the temple fair, and everyone is walking around. Who will notice us? Let's talk about it." It is normal for some children to follow and beg for some copper coins."

Wang Dazhi smiled in front of him.

"My lord, this is what the little one felt. It's just that I haven't found a specific goal yet. Just feel free to play, my lord. The little one will pay attention to everything."

Su Tiancheng wanted to continue to say something, but seeing Wang Dazhi whispering to several soldiers, he knew that it would be useless to talk too much. Wang Dazhi and others accompanied him out. Their task was not to visit the temple fair, but to protect The safety of themselves and their families, their minds are not on the temple fair.

Thinking of these, Su Tiancheng was not ready to say anything.

At noon, Su Tiancheng felt hungry by himself, so he found a stall to sit down, and ate a bowl of chaos. After eating the hot chaos, he felt warm.

Su Tiancheng wandered around very slowly. He would stop in front of each troupe and watch the actors on the stage seriously perform. Although he said he was not very familiar with or interested in opera, he watched them seriously , the following is not bursts of applause bursting out, it is also a very comfortable thing. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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