Ming politicians

Chapter 624 Must Be Stable

The Forbidden City, the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Youjian's face turned pale, and he turned around. Unexpectedly, in just over an hour, many court officials were attacked, and several of them were seriously injured. This has never happened before. Things, what does Ying Tianfu do for food, and the law and order can't be maintained well, this governor is really impatient to live.

The identity of the assassin is still unclear, but the news came from Jin Yiwei.

The eunuch came in quickly.

"Your Majesty, Lord Sun Chengzong is asking to see you, and Lord Su..." [

"Okay, pass them in quickly."

Seeing that Sun Chengzong, Su Tiancheng and others were safe, Zhu Youjian breathed a sigh of relief. This is his minister of the humerus, and there must be no accidents, otherwise it will be hard to say.

Among the ministers who came in was the governor of Yingtian Mansion.

Seeing Yingtian Fu Yin, Zhu Youjian snorted.

Fu Yin already knew what happened that night, so he knelt down with a plop.

"Your Majesty, the subject is guilty..."

"I still know that you are guilty, but within an hour, so many things have happened, there are assassinations everywhere, what did Ying Tianfu do, and how will I punish you?"

Before Fu Yin could speak, Su Tiancheng stepped forward and spoke.

"Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Zhu Youjian looked at Su Tiancheng, his expression softened a lot.

"Su Aiqing has something to say, just say it."

"The minister was also assassinated. Not far from the temple fair, more than [-] people who assassinated the minister all died. These wax pills were found from their mouths. When the minister was in the capital of Kuizhou, in those bald heads I also found this thing in the mouths of the rogue sergeants. I have investigated and found that these people are Houjin Tartars, so I suspect that these people are assassins sent by Houjin, and these assassins are not people with high martial arts skills. .”

Zhu Youjian was a little nervous, and Hou Jin actually sent an assassin, and they came to the capital.This is not bad.

"What, these Houjin tartars, I really didn't expect that they were going to have fun with the people, but Houjin actually sent out assassins. I must seriously investigate and deal with them."

"Your Majesty, I think that there is no need to be nervous."

Zhu Youjian looked at Su Tiancheng, his face was not very good-looking. Hou Jin sent assassins and they all entered the capital. Such things have not been seriously investigated and dealt with.Could it be that letting the assassins plunder makes everyone in the capital panic.

"Su Aiqing, I still have to investigate and deal with this matter."

"Your majesty, what I mean by this minister is that investigations need to be carried out. You can take it slowly and don't let it go. Don't let the common people know, and don't even let the adults in the court know."

"Why did Su Aiqing say that?"

Sun Chengzong has been telling Su Tiancheng with his eyes that such a big matter, why not investigate and deal with it, even if what Su Tiancheng said is reasonable, such a matter cannot be tolerated, if the capital is full of assassins of the Houjin Tartars.That wouldn't be chaos.

"Your Majesty, I have analyzed it. I am afraid that Hou Jin is thinking about the imperial court's big war. The Emperor can't even enjoy himself with the people."

"Oh. Why does Su Aiqing have such opinions?"

"I have observed that the assassins who assassinate the minister are completely different from the Houjin Tartars who attacked the capital of Kuizhou. These assassins do not have much ability. To be honest, with their ability, I am afraid that if they want to really assassinate Some strong people have difficulty, if Hou Jin wants to assassinate my important officials of Ming Dynasty, he will definitely send the strongest assassins, they should not choose to bloom everywhere, assassinate everywhere in an hour, I think that Hou Jin must have other purposes in doing so. "

"Then tell me, what is the purpose of Hou Jin?"

"I think there are three purposes. The first purpose is to think that my Ming court will go to war and make a public investigation. In this way, the Spring Festival will definitely not be able to pass well. Among the people, it will undoubtedly have a great impact. It caused the common people to fall into panic, and destroyed the peaceful and harmonious situation of our Daming. Besides, the official investigation, time is tight, and it is difficult to cover everything. It will definitely affect a wide range of people. In my eyes, it is a special day, many people, starting from today, really started to celebrate the New Year, if there is a comprehensive investigation, the impact will be huge, and it may even affect Beizhili and other places."

"Second purpose, Hou Jin wanted to divert his own pressure. The emperor is clear that when the ministers wiped out the rogue bandits in Sichuan, Hou Jin hoped that the rogue bandits would win. In this way, my Ming Dynasty will inevitably fall into a two-sided battle. In the midst of the situation, for this reason, the Houjin army even made preparations, waiting for me to enter the customs again when the Ming Dynasty was in chaos. Unfortunately, the emperor was wise and His Royal Highness the prince was brave, and the rogues were completely wiped out. Under such circumstances, The blow to Hou Jin is not small. Their army has already prepared, but unfortunately they have no chance to enter the customs, and they dare not enter the customs. Under such circumstances, those civil and military ministers of Hou Jin must be dissatisfied In order to divert attention, Huang Taiji sent people to assassinate, hoping to cause a sensational impact."

"The third purpose is to cause chaos in my court. My Ming Dynasty is peaceful and peaceful. The emperor allowed all places to come to Beijing to celebrate this time. He formed a theater troupe alone, or formed other troupes, and entered the capital. If the minister's prediction is good, Houjin is seriously preparing. Perhaps in the process of investigation, local governments may also be involved. If a large-scale investigation is carried out, it may A lot of officials were involved, which made many adults feel uneasy."

"That's why I think that an investigation can be launched, but it should be investigated secretly and discussed on a case-by-case basis. It is enough to target those post-gold tartars. The emperor is still enjoying the fun with the people, and strengthening the guard is enough to deal with it."

"I think that the governor of the Yingtian Mansion doesn't have much responsibility. After Jin has made sufficient preparations, it is impossible for the governor to know in advance."

Sun Chengzong and the others turned pale with shock. The assassins sent by Hou Jin appeared in the capital. At this time, if the emperor is still enjoying the fun with the people, what should be done if there is a problem? Who will be responsible.

Not caring much, Sun Chengzong spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think that what Lord Su said is reasonable. The court does not need a large-scale investigation, and secretly strengthened its guard, which is enough to deal with it. It is true that Ying Tian Fu Yin does not have much responsibility. Such things cannot be expected in advance. Yes, but the matter of the emperor having fun with the people still needs to be considered. The matter has not yet been investigated. It is not known how many Houjin assassins there are in the capital. If someone specifically targets the emperor, the ministers will be held accountable. "

Su Tiancheng looked at Sun Chengzong, and it was difficult to say anything. In fact, at such a time, the emperor needs to show courage, so as to completely smash Houjin's conspiracy. The assassins entering the capital can be big or small. With these assassins, they want to disrupt The situation in the capital should be said to be a fool's dream, but if the court cares too much about this matter, it will be hard to say.

It should be said that Empress Jinhuang Taiji grasped the thoughts of the ministers of the Ming Dynasty and concluded that the capital would fall into chaos.

In fact, Sun Chengzong thinks about it carefully, if the emperor can't have fun with the people, the impact will be the greatest. There is no need for publicity, and the common people will definitely guess what happened. At that time, the Tartars hiding in the capital will use the opportunity to spread rumors , It will definitely cause chaos, this kind of trend must be stopped.

Divorce is bloodless, it can destroy the unity of the court, make people panic, and it will also form a deformed desire for power. The court is not monolithic, nor is it so peaceful. If a large-scale investigation is carried out, Dongchang Neiwei and Jinyiwei Show off your skills and make a bloodbath, this is the biggest internal friction.

After Sun Chengzong finished speaking, Su Tiancheng did not lower his head, but raised his head to look at Zhu Youjian. At this moment, Zhu Youjian also looked at him, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Okay, needless to say, I have decided, and I still want to have fun with the people. If Hou Jin's little trick, it will make me back down. What face do I have? I believe in your love, investigate Tianfu should still be responsible for the matter. According to the principles Sun Aiqing and Su Aiqing said, it must not spread or cause turmoil. The investigation must be conducted in secret. However, starting today, if any major incidents continue to occur, I will not will be forgiven."

After leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the Governor of Yingtian Mansion greeted Sun Chengzong and Su Tiancheng with fists together, expressing his gratitude.

Su Tiancheng sighed softly. The burden of the governor of Yingtian is very heavy. It is impossible to be perfect when launching an investigation. In order to ensure the safety of the capital and the safety of the Spring Festival, some methods must be used, otherwise the governor Your lord's official title can no longer be kept, it is impossible for Su Tiancheng to ask the governor to put the people first.

"My lord, the investigation this time is not easy. The emperor's requirements are very high. If you don't pay attention, if something happens and the emperor blames you, I can't do anything about it." [

"Your Excellency, please teach me."

Fu Yin saluted Sun Chengzong again and again, remembering that his head was sweating. This task is indeed not easy.

"I can't think of a good solution. I haven't been in touch with military affairs for many years. You should ask Mr. Su for help in this matter."

Fu Yin hurriedly saluted Su Tiancheng.

"My lord, save the officer."

"I don't have a good solution, but it's really not easy at this time. This is also a suggestion I made before the emperor. Naturally, I can't resign. Let's do it. There are a thousand soldiers in the Jiangning camp stationed in Beijing In the camp, I transferred all of them to the capital to help you investigate, these soldiers have very good abilities, and they are familiar with the Houjin Tartars, with their help, I believe the investigation will be much faster."

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord, I will go to the Beijing camp to pick you up in person, and I will go tonight." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest Motivation. Mobile phone users please go to read.)

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