Ming politicians

Chapter 625 The situation in Ningyuan

The Jiliao Governor's Mansion is very magnificent. This mansion was not built for a long time, less than 20 years. In fact, the entire Ningyuan City was built in the second year of Tianqi, and Yuan Chonghuan was specifically responsible for the construction. On Hezu Dashou, it was Sun Chengzong, the chief assistant of the current cabinet, who asked to build a city in Ningyuan.This is an extremely wise decision.

The Governor's Mansion covers an area of ​​more than 1 square meters, nearly [-] mu of land. It is the most conspicuous building in the small Ningyuan City.

However, although the governor's mansion is magnificent, in the eyes of the officials and the common people, it is not so majestic. Yuan Chonghuan, the first governor of Jiliao stationed here, was beheaded by the court, and the charge was treason, and Yuan Chonghuan himself was beheaded. The family members have also been implicated. Since Yuan Chonghuan was killed, this place has been vacant. Later, the Liaodong Economic Strategy will not be stationed in the Governor's Mansion, so as not to overstep and encounter impeachment.

This also reflects from a certain aspect that it is definitely not a good thing to be an official in Liaodong.

Although Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying are well-known, it is impossible for them to fundamentally change this kind of imagination when they come to Liaodong, let alone change the understanding of officials and common people.

In the battle of Daling River in the four years of Chongzhen, the Ming army suffered a disastrous defeat, and the entire Ming army stationed at Daling River was wiped out. Since then, Liaodong has become a place that everyone fears. In just over twenty years, in Liaodong, [-] general officers have been killed in battle, and countless sergeants have been annihilated and surrendered. Daming is completely at a disadvantage in Liaodong. I'm afraid they have already reached the capital.

It was the tenth day of the first lunar month in the 12th year of Chongzhen that Su Tiancheng arrived at Jiliao Governor's Mansion.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, Su Tiancheng set off and had been in the capital for such a long time.It's time for him to take office in Ningyuan.

Yuan Chonghuan built the Jiliao Governor's Mansion in Ningyuan. Ningyuan lived at the center of the Guanning-Jin defense line. The front could command Jinzhou City, which was at the forefront, and the rear could coordinate with Shanhaiguan to form a solid line of defense to encircle the capital.

But the line of defense is dead.People are alive. Although this line of defense is unbreakable, the Ming army can only stick to the inside of the city. The vast land outside the city is a place where the post-gold tartars can move freely. If the post-gold tartars are brave enough, they can go around Pass the Ningjin defense line, and harass around the capital for a while, to be clear.This was possible in the past, and no Ming army dared to face it head-on, and I am afraid they would not dare to do a sneak attack from behind.

The Jiliao Governor's Mansion is not a fixed place. Su Tiancheng governs many places, covering Beizhili, Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong and many places in Liaodong. However, Yuan Chonghuan was full of confidence when he took office. The Jiliao Governor's Mansion was built in Ningyuan City.This is considered the front line, so of course Su Tiancheng will not show weakness.

Su Tiancheng also thought so.It would be a joke to say that the Jiliao Governor's Mansion was built behind Shanhaiguan, or closer to the capital. People are resisting in the front, and you are commanding remotely from the back. You will be at a disadvantage before the war begins.You must know that in a war that relies mainly on cold weapons, it is very important to command from the front, so that you can directly observe the rapidly changing battlefield and make Linji's decisions.

The post-gold assassins in the capital handled it very smoothly.Sergeants who have been fighting for a long time must be fundamentally different from ordinary actors. The thousand soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion who participated in the investigation are all veterans and can be seen at a glance. Therefore, in the following investigation, The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion played a huge role, and the assassins of Houjin were constantly found out. Even the emperor was satisfied with the results of the battle.

Everything in the capital is stable. According to the plan, the emperor had fun with the people and appeared at the temple fair. After seeing the common people, they knelt on the ground, and even the actors on the stage knelt down. Of course, Zhu Youjian There are quite a few people protecting him, Jin Yiwei and Jiang Ningying soldiers are the most important protecting force, don't even think about flying to Zhu Youjian's side.

However, no one can guarantee that there are no Houjin assassins or spies in the capital. In view of this situation, Su Tiancheng left two hundred soldiers to guard the mansion. You must know that his family is full of women, children and children. Those nursing homes are full of flamboyance, but their abilities are really not very good.

When Su Tiancheng left, he didn't inform anyone. He left the capital with [-] soldiers and set off on the road. After leaving the capital, all the soldiers quickened their pace and moved forward quickly, and Su Tiancheng himself was no exception.

The desolate situation along the way hurt Su Tiancheng's heart.

Although it is said that the rogue bandits have been wiped out, the people in the Liaodong area are still afraid of the Houjin Tatars. Without the protection of the city, the people are powerless to protect themselves and can only resign themselves to their fate. The people who suffered the most from the attack were the common people, who suffered heavy losses. After a long time, the common people who had no security had no choice but to choose to flee.

After entering Shanhaiguan, along the way, Su Tiancheng hardly saw many ordinary people. Some dilapidated villages and towns along the road, black stains on the houses, told people that there had been massacres here.The people I met occasionally were also trembling. When they heard the sound of horseshoes, their bodies would tremble. Some people even squatted down at that time, as if they were being slaughtered.

This is the greatest irony to the Ming army.

The army was unable to protect the common people. A large number of places in the Liaodong area were barren, and the common people were afraid to engage in agricultural production. If this situation continued, Su Tiancheng would not have enough confidence to fight the decisive battle with the Hou Jin.

Su Tiancheng didn't enter Shanhaiguan, but made a detour. He wanted to see how Huang Taiji personally commanded the army back then, how they bypassed the Guan Ningjin defense line and drove straight in. Why there were so many military forts along the way, but no one came out to fight.

What made Su Tiancheng feel angry was that there were quite a few military forts along the road, and the sergeants inside did not respond when they saw the passing team. It was probably the military uniforms worn by Su Tiancheng and others, which belonged to the military uniforms of the Ming Dynasty sergeants. Excuse me, if you are a late Jin Tartar, wearing the costume of a Ming soldier, wouldn't you be able to get away with it?

Near Ningyuan, the situation is much better, and there are more people on the road, because it is during the Spring Festival, and the people's faces are smiling, and they look relaxed. Su Tiancheng knows that this is because the Jiangning Battalion has entered Jinzhou and Ningyuan Well, the common people know the name of the Jiangning Camp, and feel that the Jiangning Camp is here to protect them, and the later Jin tartars dare not come to harass them easily.

Wang Dazhi called some common people, and Su Tiancheng briefly asked about the situation.

It turns out that the Ningyuan area was not peaceful before. Even after nine years of Chongzhen, the Houjin Tatars suffered a disastrous defeat when they entered the customs, but they did not forget the harassment in the Ningjin area of ​​Guan. The Tartars would not attack the city, but the people outside the city It’s not polite. The most lacking thing in Houjin is the population. They go to Jinzhou and Ningyuan from time to time to plunder the population. It’s just that no one reports these small things, or after the report, no one will pay attention. , so everyone was surprised that the Liaodong area was very peaceful.

Few people have paid much attention to the suffering of ordinary people.

This situation has been greatly improved after the Jiangning Battalion entered Jinzhou and Ningyuan.

Hong Chengchou led the Jiangning battalion soldiers to station in Liaodong, and stationed in Jinzhou and Ningyuan respectively. The second ambush killed hundreds of Hou Jin Tartars. Hou Jin Huang Taiji personally ordered that without a military order, it is not allowed to launch an attack on the Ningjin area of ​​Daming Guan.

The common people in the vicinity felt deeply. Some even saw the soldiers of the Jiangning camp beheading the Hou Jin Tartars. They had never seen that kind of momentum before. killed.

Those who feel more secure are the military households. Most of the frontier troops on the Guanning Jin Line are military households. They guard the border with their families and rely on farming for their livelihood. It is very common to garrison here. In the military castles along the road, there are sergeants and their families.

Since October of the [-]th year of Chongzhen, Jinzhou and Ningyuan began to be truly peaceful.

Houjin stopped attacking and retreated to the area of ​​Daling River. It is embarrassing to say that Daling River City was built at the suggestion of Sun Chengzong. During the construction process, Huang Taiji discovered that Daling River City was a huge threat to Houjin. He personally led the army to attack Dalinghe City. The Dalinghe City under construction was not completed, and the Battle of Dalinghe broke out.

Today, this Daling River City is completely controlled by Houjin and has become a stronghold. Houjin relies on Dalinghe City, and often poses a threat to the Guanning Jin defense line, causing tens of thousands of Ming troops to hide in the city. Dare to move.

Time passed slowly, and the common people began to believe in the Jiangning Camp. They found that the Jiangning Camp was really different. Instead of guarding in the city, they had to leave the city every day and practice far away from the city. Patrol, once the enemy is found, it will be reported as quickly as possible, and the army will come to encircle and suppress.

Peace and tranquility are the most precious things along the Guanning Jin Line of Defense.

The common people have lacked these things for so long that it feels unreal.

Su Tiancheng, who asked about the situation clearly, shook his head again and again, it seemed that his task was really heavy.

Yuan Chonghuan once boasted that he went to Haikou to pacify Liaodong in five years, but he did not dare to say such big words. The so-called pacification of Liaodong means destroying the Houjin regime, completely surrendering Huang Taiji, and even capturing Huang Taiji alive. Wan Dajun, brave and good at fighting, can be wiped out casually. Such things must not be rushed. We can only take our time and use a multi-pronged approach to gradually weaken Houjin's strength. When the opportunity is ripe, , really started a decisive battle with Hou Jin. (To be continued..)

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