Arriving at Ningyuan City, a huge city can be seen in the distance.

Su Tiancheng pointed to Ningyuan City, and spoke to Wang Dazhi and others beside him.

"Dazhi, Ningyuan City has a great reputation. If we want to resist the Houjin Tartars here in the future, can we not insult the reputation of this city?"

"My lord, the little one will definitely guard this place with all my might."

Su Tiancheng shook his head helplessly.

"Dazhi, every time you go to a place, you must understand the situation here. This Ningyuan City was built in the third year of Xuande. The city walls are all different. The city walls are very tall, with a height of three feet and two feet, a width of two feet and four feet, and a length of nine thousand six hundred feet. Both Nurhachi and Huang Taiji once led heavy troops to attack Ningyuan City, but they were all defeated. Yuan Chonghuan, the former governor of Jiliao, led soldiers to guard to the death and seriously injured Nurhachi. All the officials and ordinary people in Ming Dynasty know this, no matter how many people How to evaluate Yuan Chonghuan, at least in these two battles, Yuan Chonghuan has fulfilled his duty."

"My lord is stationed in Ningyuan City, and I believe that I will be able to wipe out the Empress Jin Tartars."

"Don't say these sweet words, it's useless. You have also seen the situation along the road. Liaodong has encountered too many wars, and it is now under the shadow of war. The strength of the Houjin Tartars cannot be tolerated. Xiao Wang, if we underestimate the enemy's thinking, we will definitely encounter defeat."

Wang Dazhi was a little surprised, he had never heard Su Tiancheng show weakness.

"My lord, I think that the Jiangning camp once wiped out [-] Tartars, and the Tartars are nothing special."

"You are wrong. Many people have this view. In fact, this is an outrageous view. In the ninth year of Chongzhen, the Jiangning Camp was able to wipe out [-] Tartars, relying on tactics and the contempt of Tartars. Under what conditions. The Tartars entered the customs and went deep into the interior of our Ming Dynasty, and they had no reinforcements, no fixed strongholds, and were unscrupulous in a place close to the capital. Under such circumstances, the Jiangning Camp won victory. This is like It's closing the door and beating the dog. Of course, it's easy to catch, but the situation is different now."

Wang Dazhi looked at Su Tiancheng, but didn't speak.

"The Guan Ning Jin line of defense is regarded as a serious concern by Hou Jin. They have always believed that this place should be their sphere of influence. As long as they break through the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, the capital is about to fall, and it is in this place. Hou Jin also Heavy troops have been invested in Dalinghe City, and there are also post-gold tartars stationed here. The post-gold tartars are familiar with this place and can come and go freely. To a certain extent, this is also their stronghold. So, the situation facing the Jiangning camp It's completely different, and the first thing we have to do is to gain a foothold here."

Wang Dazhi couldn't understand.Could it be that the Jiangning Battalion has entered Jinzhou and Ningyuan, but has not gained a foothold yet?

"My lord, I feel that the Jiangning Battalion has entered the Guan Ningjin defense line and has stabilized."

"The stability of the army does not play a decisive role. The key is the stability of the common people. We must let the common people fully trust our Jiangning camp, feel completely at ease, and be able to cultivate land in Jinzhou, Ningyuan, and Shanhaiguan, and live a peaceful life. Now, the Jiangning Camp can be regarded as gaining a foothold here."

Wang Dazhi's complexion changed. It turned out that this is the foothold. It seems that the task ahead is not easy.

The east gate of Ningyuan City is called Chunhe Gate here.

Hong Chengchou led many officers and stood at the gate of the city to welcome Su Tiancheng and his party.

When Su Tiancheng got off his horse and came to the gate of the city, many officers saluted together.

Su Tiancheng noticed a burly officer, who seemed to be wearing a commander's hood.

"My lord, this is Zu Dashou, the commander-in-chief of Ningyuan."

"The last general, General Ning Yuan, pays his respects to your lord."

After Hong Chengchou's introduction, Zu Dashou knelt down on one knee and gave Su Tiancheng a military salute.

"It turns out to be Zongbing Zu, get up quickly."

Su Tiancheng didn't say much, but Zu Dashou's body was full of stains. In the battle of Daling River, Zu Dashou had no choice but to surrender to Houjin. After looking for opportunities, he returned to Ningyuan and was reinstated. Zu Dashou himself was deeply ashamed of criticizing him.

Ji Liao Governor's Mansion is located in the north of Chunhe Street in Ningyuan City, and it is the most majestic building in Ningyuan City.

Ningyuan City is not big, Su Tiancheng did not ride a horse, after entering the city gate, led by Hong Chengchou and others, he walked slowly towards the Governor's Mansion.

There are not many people in Ningyuan City, which is also caused by the changes in the situation in recent years. During the reign of Tianqi, it was very lively here, with more than [-] soldiers. Now, it has dropped sharply to less than [-] in just over ten years. Yu family.

The governor's mansion has been vacant for a long time. Since Yuan Chonghuan, the imperial court has not appointed Ji Liao as the governor, so no one dares to enter the governor's mansion. Zu Dashou and others are responsible for the usual maintenance.

Walking to the front of the governor's mansion, two huge stone lions appeared in front of them.

Su Tiancheng walked to the stone lion on the left and patted the stone lion.

"Brother, thank you for your hard work. I've been staying here all this time. I'm afraid I'm a little lonely. You don't have to act like this. I'm here to accompany you now."

Hong Chengchou and others were familiar with Su Tiancheng, so they didn't take it seriously, but Zu Dashou and other military officers were very surprised when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that the well-known Su Tiancheng was so easy-going.

The Governor's Mansion was also built according to the government's specifications and is divided into three halls.

The lobby is the core of the Governor's Mansion, and it is also where Su Tiancheng works. On the west side of the lobby is the Zhaomo Office, which is responsible for printing documents. The orders sent by Su Tiancheng are sent to various places in Jiliao through the rapid printing here. On the east side is the curtain hall, where the staff work.There are offices of the six departments on both sides. The offices of the Li Ke, Hu Ke and Li Ke are located next to the curtain hall, and the offices of the military, criminal and engineering departments are located next to the Zhaomosuo. The officials of the sixth division are Those sent directly by the imperial court to assist the supervisor in handling affairs.

The second hall is mainly a place for discussion, including the main hall, the meeting hall, the signing room and the east and west wing rooms. The governor's affairs are discussed here, and the officials of the governor's mansion also work here.

The third hall is mainly the place where Su Tiancheng lived, including two parts, including the garden and the Dianjiang terrace.

After all, the governor is mainly military, so the construction of the governor's mansion focuses on military aspects, such as the commanding platform in the third hall, which is the best explanation.

Of course, there are prison cells and many houses in the supervisor's mansion, where prisoners are held, and many officials also live in the supervisor's house, which is convenient for management.

After Su Tiancheng entered the Governor's Mansion, he walked around the whole mansion.

The mansion was cleaned very cleanly, but there were no office staff for the time being, including the prison cells, which were all empty. This also revealed a message from the side, that is, the officials' taboo towards the Governor's Mansion of Ji Liao.

When Yuan Chonghuan was beheaded, he was charged with serious crimes, such as collaborating with the enemy and plotting treason.

The types of death penalty in the Ming Dynasty mainly include beheading, strangling, beheading, owl head, abandoning the market, car cracking, Lingchi, etc. Among them, Lingchi is the most serious, and it is called a thousand cuts, unless it is a heinous crime or the emperor particularly hates it. Ling Chi's punishment is only used for people. For example, the eunuch Liu Jin was executed by Ling Chi.

Killing belongs to the type of car cracking, and it is the most severe punishment in the car cracking, which means that the head and limbs must be chopped off.

Scholars in the Ming Dynasty had an unusual status. Under normal circumstances, they could not be punished as a doctor. Yuan Chonghuan was a scholar, and even a high-ranking official of the imperial court. It was really rare to be killed.

Because Yuan Chonghuan was killed, the governor's residence in Jiliao was cast a shadow. This governor's residence was directly built by Yuan Chonghuan. Unexpectedly, the first governor who lived in it was killed by Zong.

Therefore, some people think that the feng shui of this place is not good, and it must be haunted by evil spirits.

After Yuan Chonghuan was killed, the officials of the Governor's Mansion left one after another. The formerly bustling Governor's Mansion seemed very lonely. The soldiers and civilians in Ningyuan City avoided this place. Under normal circumstances, even if they made a detour, they would not After passing through here, in the ninth year of Chongzhen, the Governor's Mansion was a little dilapidated. At that time, Zu Dashou and other military officers had begged the court to allocate money to repair the Governor's Mansion, but they were not approved.

In August of the 11th year of Chongzhen, the imperial court suddenly allocated silver and asked Zu Dashou and others to repair the Governor's Mansion.

At that time, rumors appeared, and everyone predicted that Su Tiancheng, the governor of the military affairs of the five provinces, would definitely be appointed as the governor of Jiliao, so the emperor would specially allocate money to repair the governor's mansion of Jiliao.

The repair time is not long.

Su Tiancheng looked at the huge Governor's Mansion, and was very moved. The controversial Yuan Chonghuan once lived here, but he and Yuan Chonghuan had no intersection. When he traveled to the Ming Dynasty, Yuan Chonghuan had died long ago, but anyway, When Yuan Chonghuan was stationed in Ningyuan, Nurhachi and Huang Taiji were both defeated in Ningyuan City by resisting Houjin's attack twice. This is the actual situation. From this aspect, Yuan Chonghuan still has credit.

Of course, when Su Tiancheng came to Ningyuan and stationed in the Jiliao Governor's Mansion, it was not just as simple as defending the Guan Ningjin line of defense. If he wanted to guard this place to prevent the later Jin Tartars from entering the customs and harassing him, Su Tiancheng didn't have to be the Jiliao. The governor of Liao.

Later Jin was extremely troubled by the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, almost helpless. Daming also relied on this line of defense to defend the capital. After entering the pass several times, the Houjin Tatars chose to enter the pass from Mongolia, Datong, and Ningxia. For one thing, the distance was long and supplies were difficult. If the Ming army was not too weak, the supplies of the Later Jin Tartars could be replenished in the territory of Daming, and the Tartars would not have dared to enter the pass.

There are many things in his mind, Su Tiancheng is more aware that when he came to Liaodong, many people were watching, hoping that he could deal a heavy blow to Houjin in the shortest possible time and make Guan Ningjin's defense line even stronger Well, this kind of wish is good. Since Su Tiancheng has been appointed as the governor of Jiliao, he also wants to fight. It is definitely not possible to stay in Jinzhou, Ningyuan, Shanhaiguan and other cities all the time. (To be continued..)

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