(Thanks to the Scarecrow for casting a valuable monthly ticket, thank you.)

Zu Dashou's feelings about Su Tiancheng's appointment as the governor of Ji Liao cannot be explained clearly.

A long time ago, he had heard of Su Tiancheng, from his nephew Wu Sangui. At that time, Su Tiancheng was a role model in the palace examination. He did not stay in the capital, did not enter the Imperial Academy, and chose to be released. Tian Cheng is not simple, he is admirable at a young age, and has a faint demeanor of a general. Zu Dashou dismisses it. Although the court is full of gentlemen and martial arts, Zu Dashou has always regarded himself very highly, not in the Daling River. He was defeated and surrendered to Houjin, but no one has seen the hardships he has put in fighting against Houjin for so many years.

Later, Su Tiancheng founded the Jiangning Camp by himself, and within a few years, the great power shocked Daming. At this time, Zu Dashou began to pay attention to Su Tiancheng, but he always felt that Su Tiancheng was young, perhaps because of the bravery of the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp As for the rebellious bandits, Zu Dashou never took notice of them. He remembered very clearly that Cao Wenzhao once led the cavalry, and the bandits who fought lost their helmets and armor. Those bandits were purely mobs. It cannot be compared with the post-Golden Eight Banners soldiers.

The biggest shock came from the Jiangning Battalion's extermination of 3 bandits. In the ninth year of Chongzhen, Zu Dashou, who had to stick to the Guanning Jin line of defense, was not able to participate. At that time, news came that Houjin Azige led [-] bandits. The large army entered the customs from the Xifengkou area, and plundered the land of Gyeonggi. The Ming army fled, and did not dare to contact, let alone fight. Only the Jiangning battalion led by Su Tiancheng fought face to face with the rogues, and beat Aji Ge was defeated and lost [-] people. Zu Dashou couldn't believe it at all. He only reported it to the imperial court. [

From this time on.Zu Dashou completely changed his opinion, and asked Wu Sangui several times about Su Tiancheng's detailed situation.

After that, Zu Dashou paid special attention to everything about Su Tiancheng.

When Su Tiancheng arrived in Shaanxi, he led the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to go deep into the Hetao area and defeated the Xibe and Daur tribes.The mutual market was carried out in Anning Fort and Jingbian, and at the same time, the guards in Shaanxi were greatly reduced, which completely disrupted the situation of the Mongolian tribes and greatly reduced the rule of Hou Jin in Mongolia.

From this moment on, Zu Dashou understood that Su Tiancheng was making arrangements.The direct opponent of the layout is Houjin.

Su Tiancheng's age is not as young as Wu Sangui's, what kind of young man is this.

When the news came that Su Tiancheng, governor of the military affairs of the five provinces, wiped out the bandits and captured Li Zicheng alive, Zu Dashou knew that Su Tiancheng was coming to Liaodong soon.According to the prestige of Su Tiancheng's military achievements, he must be the governor of Ji Liao.

Therefore, when the Jiliao Governor's Mansion was being renovated, Zu Dashou personally supervised the formation.

It is better to be famous than to meet each other. The Jiangning Camp stationed in Jinzhou and Ningyuan gave Zu Dashou real hope.

It is not complicated to see whether an army has a strong battle. The first time I saw the Jiangning camp, Zu Dashou fought for most of his life.There was actually a shudder, which was caused by the strong aura of Jiangning battalion soldiers, which far surpassed the aura of the Houjin Eight Banners Army.

This is an iron-blooded division.

From then on, Zu Dashou wanted to see Su Tiancheng even more, because he had a lot to say because of the urgency of waiting.He even instructed Wu Xiang to visit the capital first.

Seeing Su Tiancheng today, Zu Dashou felt warm and moist.

There was no aggressive aura on Su Tiancheng's body, but it gave people a feeling.It is a low-key revealing determination, which is a rare breath, a temperament that can't be learned even if you want to learn it.

When Su Tiancheng saw him, he didn't mean to belittle him. Zu Dashou could feel it. The difference in status between him and Su Tiancheng was too great. It can be said that compared with Yuan Chonghuan back then, Su Tiancheng now has more Greater power, you must know that Su Tiancheng not only has the sword of Shangfang, but also can act cheaply and act arbitrarily. This means that Su Tiancheng can handle all matters in Liaodong, Jizhou, Shandong and other places according to his own ideas.

Although there was only a short sentence, Zu Dashou was completely relieved. He felt that Su Tiancheng would definitely be able to create miracles as the governor of Jiliao and guard Liaodong.

In Zu Dashou's heart, he was very indignant about Yuan Chonghuan being killed. He was not a scholar, he had always been in Ningyuan, and he joined the army when he was young. Guan Ningjin's line of defense was effective, and they were all named generals by the imperial court, especially his younger brother Zu Dabi, who was called the second lunatic of Zu, who was desperate to fight.

Zu Dashou believed that his family's performance in the battle was still good, because during the Tianqi period, Zu Dashou made great achievements in resisting the attack of the Houjin Tartars in Ningyuan twice, so he was promoted to the commander-in-chief by Yuan Chonghuan, the right servant of the Ministry of War and the governor of Liaodong at that time. In his opinion, Yuan Chonghuan was capable of fighting, much better than many civil servants in the imperial court, but such a person was not honored by the imperial court and was killed abruptly.

Of course, Zu Dashou also knew something about the struggles within the imperial court, but he didn't care about those things, and he couldn't reach that level, so he could just guard Jinzhou and Ningyuan with peace of mind.

"The last general pays his respects to your lord." [

"General Zu, you don't have to be polite, sit down and talk."

Zu Dashou was also bold, Su Tiancheng told him to sit down, and he sat down, this is the demeanor of a soldier, but Zu Dashou did not expect that Su Tiancheng sent someone to call him before he had time to watch the situation in the backyard of the Governor's Mansion.

"Zu Jiangjun is a native of Ningyuan. He must be very familiar with the situation here. Can you briefly introduce it?"

"As ordered, the general is indeed a native of Ningyuan, a rough man, his family is here, and the family is also here. The general grew up here since he was a child, and he is familiar with every plant and tree here. The general thinks that Jinzhou, Ningyuan Shanhaiguan and Shanhaiguan are the horns of each other, guarding the capital. If Hou Jin wants to harass me, Daming, he cannot avoid the Guan Ning Jin line of defense. A few times ago, Hou Jin chose to enter the customs from Mongolia and avoided the Guan Ning Jin line of defense. There is nothing they can do about the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, and they have to worry about the troops of the Guan Ning Jin line of defense all the time, the imperial court has deployed heavy troops on the Guan Ning Jin line of defense, if they attack front and back, Hou Jin will inevitably suffer from the enemy, and the guards will be difficult to take care of."

"Well, it makes sense. I also feel that the Guanning Jin line of defense is very important. Since the Wanli period, Liaodong has gradually become the focus of the imperial court. I hate the harassment of the Empress Jin Tartars all the time, which makes my Ming Dynasty restless. And the situation It's getting worse and worse. If things go on like this, it's definitely not going to work. I'm under a lot of pressure to be the governor of Ji Liao. I have to rely on General Zu. I know that General Zu came from a prominent family. Cousin Zu Dale and younger brother Zu Da Bi served in the army and is now stationed in Jinzhou, Zu Dabi has the nickname Zu Er Crazy, and He Renlong in the Jiangning camp is nicknamed He Crazy, it seems that the ancestors are indeed talented generals."

"The last general dare not, and the last general bears a stain on him. All these years, he has always looked good to others. Although he was forced to do so at the beginning, he is really ashamed that the last general failed to serve the country with his death."

"Hehe, I don't need to mention the past. The battle of the Daling River, the situation at that time, I also know that it has reached the point of cannibalism, and General Zu is also a helpless move. Under such circumstances, you can feign surrender and return Go to Jinzhou to strengthen our defenses and repel the attack of the Golden Tatars, which is very good."

Zu Dashou was dumbfounded. How old was Su Tiancheng in front of him? In just a few words, he told the tragic situation of the Daling River battle. How could he know so clearly? Su Tiancheng's hobby of Daling River battle is not as good as that of the weak crown How could I know these things when I was still studying at home.

"My lord's literary and military strategy, I will admire you so much in the end. From now on, I will follow my lord and listen to my teachings."

"General Zu said that he is not a scholar. Why does he speak so politely? Although I am a scholar, I know the rules in the army. I don't welcome those polite ways of eating meat and drinking in big bowls."

Zu Dashou blushed a little. Su Tiancheng's criticism was euphemistic. He had been in the officialdom for a long time, and he had learned a lot of flattery. The former Yuan Chonghuan liked to hear these words. Unexpectedly, this young supervisor , not interested in this set.

"The end general knows that he is wrong, and the end general has a ruthless request, so please allow it."

"Let's hear it."

"The final general thought that the Jinzhou defense line of Guan Ning would take Jinzhou as the front, Ningyuan as the center, and Shanhaiguan as the backing. In fact, the most forward place should be in Dalinghe City. Unfortunately, it was lost that year. If we want to completely stabilize Guan Ning The Jin defense line poses a threat to Houjin, and we must take back Dalinghe City. The general has played, but unfortunately there is no response. The general begged for permission from the adults.

"I just took office, General Zu is so eager, I see, this matter is put aside for the time being, don't worry, I will make a decision after I understand the situation in detail."

Seeing that Zu Dashou was somewhat disappointed, Su Tiancheng smiled slightly.

"Since the Wanli period, my Ming Dynasty has been in a defensive position all the time in Liaodong. This situation has continued for many years, so that many soldiers have gotten used to it. Many elite soldiers of our Ming Dynasty stationed in Liaodong are even stronger than the capital camp. , Under such circumstances, do we need to change our understanding? I see that in Ningyuan City, during the reign of Tianqi, there were more than [-] military and civilian households, but now there are less than [-] households. What does this situation mean? Need to think about it, the current focus, we don't care about the gains and losses of a city and a pool for the time being, we need to boost the morale of the army and the people, there is nothing terrible about the post-Gold Tartars, the soldiers come to cover the water and the earth, the terrible thing is that we are used to being afraid So much so that I didn’t dare to do anything. I’ve been huddled in the city for many years, unable to protect the people, unable to guard the safety of our Ming territory, and let the people down on us. This is the core of the problem.” (Unfinished to be continued...)

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