Re-establishing the Jiliao Governor's Office has become the most important task.

The situation in the Liaodong area is different. In the past, when the war was tense, the agencies overlapped. For example, the Liaodong Governor and the Liaodong Economic Strategy can both mobilize the army. If the two disagree, it is very wrong. This situation reached its climax during the reign of Tianqi. In the first year of Tianqi, Liaodong governor Wang Huazhen and Liaodong economic strategist Xiong Tingbi disagreed and fought on their own. As a result, the Ming army was defeated in Liaodong and retreated to Shanhaiguan. land, all lost.

Later, the imperial court also established the governor of Jiliao, whose functions were similar to those of Liaodong Jinglue.

As for the governor of Liaodong, he is the highest leader who commands the war in Liaodong and manages the people's livelihood in Liaodong.

These positions, because almost all the officials who served were unlucky, and the imperial court did not continue to appoint them. Zhang Fengyi and Lu Xiangsheng both served as the Liaodong economic strategy for a short time. After Su Tiancheng became the governor of Jiliao, he once asked not to appoint What are the positions of governor of Jiliao, Liaodong economic strategy, and governor of Liaodong? The affairs of Jiliao are under the command of the governor of Jiliao. [

Only when the government comes out can it be ordered and prohibited, and only then will we know how to do it.

But in this way, Su Tiancheng needs more manpower.

The governor of Jiliao is not only in charge of military affairs, but also the people's livelihood, and people's livelihood is very important, so the governor's office of Jiliao needs a lot of officials.

In the imperial court, there were so few officials who were willing to go to Liaodong that they could be ignored. Su Tiancheng didn't think about using the officials in the capital either. , is not a good thing.

The setting of officials in the Governor's Mansion also fully reflects the characteristics of the combination of military and people's livelihood.

Below the supervisor, there are governors and colleagues, and the governor's affairs.Judgment officer, experience, governor and history, etc., in name, the chief officer of the governor's office, Ji Liao military, actually also manages people's livelihood, so it is said.Officials in the governor's office are also responsible for people's livelihood matters.

The biggest difference in the Governor's Mansion is that it is not subject to the control of the Ministry of War and can decide the promotion and dismissal of officers within its jurisdiction.

The allocation of officials in the Governor's Mansion has always been a headache for Su Tiancheng.

Several people have been confirmed, namely Su Jun, Su Ertong, Lan Qiaozheng, Deng Hui and so on.These people are all working in Shaanxi. This time, Su Tiancheng has sent a memorial to transfer them to work in Liaodong. These people are all the imperial envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, serving as the judges of the fifth rank.The focus of these people's work is on people's livelihood.

As for the commander-in-chief and acquaintance, it is Hong Chengchou.

As for the commander-in-chief, there are two candidates, Lu Xiangsheng, the commander of the Yulin Camp, and Zhang Fengyi, the commander-in-chief of Datong. Both of them are in charge of border defense, and they are also under the direct leadership of Su Tiancheng.

Su Tiancheng also needed a most important assistant.

This assistant must be able to manage the daily work of the Governor's Office.Su Tiancheng does not necessarily stay in the Governor's Mansion all the time. He needs to go to Shanhaiguan, Jinzhou, Dalinghe City and other places to inspect, and even to Datong, Ningxia, Dengzhou, Laizhou and other places. When leaving Ningyuan , someone must preside over the affairs, this person is very critical.

With this assistant, Su Tiancheng can get rid of complicated daily affairs.Concentrate and think strategically.

There are many specific things in the Governor's Mansion, and I don't have that much energy.

This person must be a civil servant and be familiar with the military, and his ability cannot be lacking.Things in Liaodong are very complicated and require ability to coordinate and command.

After thinking about it, the best candidate Su Tiancheng thought of was his mentor, Xu Eryi, the left servant of the Ministry of War.

The 12th day of the first month of the [-]th year of Chongzhen.

The decree came down. [

Hong Chengchou served as the Minister of the Ministry of War and the commander of the Jiangning Camp, and concurrently served as the governor and Tongzhi. Xu Eryi served as the left servant of the Ministry of War and the right deputy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. As the commander of the capital, he also served as the governor of the capital, and Zhang Fengyi, as the Minister of the Ministry of War and the commander-in-chief of Datong, also served as the governor of the capital.

Su Jun, Su Ertong, Lan Qiaozheng, and Deng Hui served as the imperial envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and concurrently served as judges.

Liu Jingting's appointment experience, Xu Jili's appointment as governor, and Gu Xingsong's appointment as Dian Shi are all officials of the seventh rank.

Xu Jili is Liu Rushi's cousin, and Gu Xingsong is Gu Hengbo's elder brother. This is also because Liu Rushi's family and Gu Hengbo's family have contacted the two. Thinking about Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo's marriage to Su Tiancheng, they have prominent identities. Living in the capital, no one dared to tell what happened to them in the past, so the family members came to the door, and it was Zhu Shenxin who made the decision. Among the two families, they named a capable young man to follow Su Tiancheng to do things.

Su Tiancheng couldn't object to Zhu Shenxin's decision, so he had to arrange the two of them by his side, to see how capable they were, and to consider whether to go to other places to be officials in the future. He is a Gong student, and he can be regarded as a scholar. Such an arrangement will not cause much controversy.

As for the staffing of other officials in the Governor's Mansion, Su Tiancheng would not think so much. These specific matters will be left to Xu Eryi, who is about to take office, to consider.

On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, Xu Eryi and others took office.

Su Pingyang also successfully retired, returned to the capital, and began to be the housekeeper of the Su Mansion with peace of mind.

When Xu Eryi and others arrived in Ningyuan, Su Tiancheng specially arranged a banquet to welcome them, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Eryi pays great attention to rules. Although he is Su Tiancheng's teacher, he is now Su Tiancheng's direct subordinate, and his etiquette is still in place. Xu Eryi has this temper, and Su Tiancheng has no choice but to accept it.

Su Tiancheng was very forthright. During the meal, he announced that Xu Eryi would be responsible for all the affairs of the Governor's Mansion, that is to say, Xu Eryi had the final say on daily matters.

After the meal, the astonished Xu Eryi hadn't understood yet. Su Tiancheng said frankly that he would not care about the specific matters in the Governor's Mansion, including the staffing of many officials. Please consider these aspects carefully. Two days later , I am about to leave Ningyuan and go to Jinzhou and Shanhaiguan to see the situation.

Su Tiancheng didn't forget either, he focused on the issues of people's livelihood. The barren situation in Liaodong is worrying. This situation must be changed. In fact, the land here is still fertile, but because of years of war, people dared to cultivate it. This situation is distressing, but it will not happen overnight to change this situation.

Xu Eryi had the same feeling, thinking that if the problems of people's livelihood could not be solved, it would be difficult for Liaodong to stabilize.

Su Tiancheng finally told the truth, if he can't solve the problems of people's livelihood in Liaodong and solve the problem of Houjin, from the very beginning, he must make Liaodong rich and have enough confidence before he can finally consider eliminating the Houjin regime Of course, in order for the common people in Liaodong to farm and live peacefully, the problem of Dalinghe City must be resolved, so that the Guanning Jin line of defense is complete, and Houjin dare not covet here easily.

Hearing Su Tiancheng's words, Xu Eryi was very excited, and said with a pat on his chest that he would take care of everything properly.

Su Tiancheng still cared about the situation of Xu Jili and Gu Xingsong.

The identities of these two people are different. If they don't know self-control, occupy special identities, and act recklessly, everyone will be hard to say, including Xu Eryi, they will look at their own face, and at most they will reprimand them. As for Su Jun, Su Ertong and the others, Su Tiancheng was not worried at all. These people were diligent in their work and had good minds. They must be exemplary in obeying orders.

Su Tiancheng met Xu Jili and Gu Xingsong in the back garden.

Considering the feelings of Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo, Su Tiancheng still paid attention to what he said.

Liu Rushi was sold to a famous prostitute Xu Fu as an adopted daughter when she was young, and she didn't know her real background. Xu Jili was Xu Fu's nephew, and also Liu Rushi's cousin. As for Gu Xingsong, he was Gu Hengbo's own brother.

Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo must have agreed to the two becoming officials, and they also had such thoughts. Women have vanity. When their situation is better, they can help their families. The people around them are definitely envious Yes, when Xu Jili and Gu Xingsong entered the imperial court, they were seventh-rank officials. This kind of thing would soon spread. One day, Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo went back to their natal family, and they were received with high standards. [

After a simple conversation, Su Tiancheng was satisfied.

Both of them are rather reserved. This is the first time they have met Su Tiancheng. This legendary brother-in-law has already been in full bloom in his hometown. If it weren't for the constant nagging of neighbors, they would be ashamed to go to the capital to look for him. Unexpectedly I found the capital, entered and found an official hat and an official uniform.

Both of them have relatively cautious personalities, and they belong to the kind of people who don't like to cause trouble. This is also a habit developed by studying, but they are not familiar with official affairs, let alone doing things. The governor and the classic history, there are many things, and they are very specific. They need to deal with all kinds of people, and there is no time to rest.

Considering these, Su Tiancheng said a lot, mainly to tell the two of them to be diligent in doing things, and if they don't understand, just ask for instructions. If you feel inconvenient, you can directly ask Mr. Xu, and don't make decisions without authorization, let alone accept local officials. Gifts from military officers must not be greedy for money, if the silver taels are not enough, just tell yourself.

After preparing everything, Su Tiancheng will leave Ningyuan.

He remembered what Zu Dashou said. In fact, his idea was to take back Daling River City in the shortest possible time. As the first line of defense, Daling River City played an extremely important role. The terrain there was special. It is easy to defend but difficult to attack. In the original battle of Daling River, after Jinfa attacked and adopted siege tactics, the Ming army defending the city collapsed, and only then did they win. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile phone users, please go to read.)

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