Ming politicians

Chapter 630 Shanhaiguan

When Zu Dabi and Zu Dale saw Su Tiancheng, they were extremely respectful. This was probably because Zu Dashou had greeted him. For many years, Zu Dashou was the highest commander among Jinzhou and Ningyuan military generals. They are all his subordinates.

Jinzhou is guarded by Sun Chuanting, so Su Tiancheng doesn't need to worry too much. He originally planned to go to Daling River City to take a look, but Zu Dashou strongly opposed it, saying that it was not safe there. idea.

Jinzhou is nearly [-] miles away from Shanhaiguan. Su Tiancheng must have arrived there in just over a day.

Zu Dashou, who followed all the way, had another change of opinion. He never thought that a scholar like Su Tiancheng could endure hardships so fast, without any specialness.

Shanhaiguan is known as the first pass in the world.

Shanhaiguan City, built in the early Ming Dynasty, is one of the important strongholds for defending the capital. The circumference of the city is four kilometers, and the city wall is 14 meters high.

Wu Sangui who is stationed here is even more famous.

When Su Tiancheng and his party arrived at Shanhaiguan, Wu Sangui had already led all the officers and waited outside the city gate.

Just as Su Tiancheng got off his horse, Wu Sangui immediately stepped forward and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"The last general in Shanhaiguan, Wu Sangui, pays his respects to the Master Superintendent."

"Brother Wu, please hurry up, you and I are old acquaintances, there is no need for such a big gift."

Su Tiancheng shook Wu Sangui's hand, nodded and signaled to the rest of the officers.

Wu Sangui's face was flushed, and his body trembled slightly. Su Tiancheng's action gave him enough face.

Shanhaiguan is different from other cities, even Jinzhou and Ningyuan, because it is mainly the garrison.The people could not be seen, because the location here was too important, and the people in the city were the garrison and their families.

When Su Tiancheng entered the city, the sergeants lined up neatly on the street, waiting for Su Tiancheng's review.

The army stationed at Shanhaiguan.Known as the Guan Ning Army, everyone knows about the famous Guan Ning Iron Cavalry. Unfortunately, the real Guan Ning Iron Cavalry was completely lost in the fight with the Hou Jin Tartars, and the founder Yuan Chonghuan also died. It became a wisp of smoke, and later Wu Xiang imitated the former Guanning iron cavalry.Build the army stationed in Shanhaiguan, and won the title of Guanning Army.

It seems that the troops stationed at Shanhaiguan have a good temperament.

However, Su Tiancheng knew that the fighting power of this army was not as amazing as in the legends, and it really reached the level of Guan Ning's iron cavalry back then.Later Jin Tartars were not so arrogant.

Entering the General Military Mansion, everything is ready.

The banquet is set up.It looks very rich.

"Brother Wu, it's hard for me to swallow such a feast. I'm here for the first time today, and it's hard to give up the hospitality. I can't do this in the future."

Although he said it with a smile.But Wu Sangui's body still trembled, he knew that what Su Tiancheng said must be the truth, otherwise Jiang Ningying would not be so brave and good at fighting.

The meal was fast, and Su Tiancheng thought of many things.For several days in a row, he had already formed a preliminary plan in his mind. Many things will be implemented from now on. It is still very good to choose Shanhaiguan for the meeting.

After eating, Wu Sangui accompanied Su Tiancheng to look around the city.

"Brother Wu, you have guarded Shanhaiguan Pass for many years."

"Returning to my lord, the last general has always been waiting at Shanhaiguan, and he has never been anywhere."

"Have you ever thought about leaving Shanhaiguan and going to Jinzhou or Ningyuan?"

"At your command."

Wu Sangui's voice was a little low, and he didn't say it immediately, which showed that he must be extremely surprised in his heart.

Su Tiancheng was able to analyze Wu Sangui's heart. He has been stationed in Shanhaiguan for many years, and he has long regarded this place as his own territory. Outsiders should not think about getting involved. Even if they want to mobilize the army here, they have to see what's going on. .

Su Tiancheng doesn't care so much. This kind of narrow regional thinking, or the mentality of occupying the mountain as king must be broken. The best way is to transfer the defense of the officers, just like the transfer of the commanders of the military regions after hundreds of years. Of course, it is not possible to do so at present, at least after taking down Dalinghe City.

"I am very pleased that you have such an idea. When I came to Liaodong, I was also trembling. The situation here is complicated. After many years of war, the Houjin Tartars are eyeing. However, the emperor dare not live up to the great trust, so Said, I will still have your strong support in the future.”

"The last general dares not to serve his life."

"You can't say that, if you have any requirements, or if you have any difficulties, you can still talk about it in private. Although sometimes you feel unhappy in your heart and need to obey the overall situation, there must be room for you to do things. Vent and confide, otherwise if you hold it in your heart, it will definitely ferment after a long time."

"My lord, I dare not have any thoughts, I really obey the arrangement."

"Okay, I came all the way from Jinzhou, and I saw a lot of forts and strongholds. The entire Guanningjin line of defense looks solid, and Hou Jin can't break through, but have you ever thought about it? After so many years, why Hou Jin is here?" On the premise of not breaking through the Guan Ningjin defense line, it is still possible to swagger into the customs and plunder, causing heavy losses to the people in the pass. Defending the capital, if the capital and the Gyeonggi area are attacked by the Houjin Tartars, it will be our mistake, and in such a situation, it will be our dereliction of duty."

This time, Wu Sangui didn't dare to continue being a bitch.

"Your Excellency, what you mean is that the general will fight out and attack the Golden Tartars?"

Su Tiancheng smiled and shook his head.

"Sooner or later, this day will come, but it is not now. It is not very difficult to achieve the goal I just mentioned. This requires us to build the Guan Ningjin line of defense. What does it mean to be built? It means that the people here can Living and working in peace and contentment can become a natural line of defense for my Ming Dynasty. The post-Gold Tartars dare not take a step further. There are almost no people on the road. Such a situation is definitely not acceptable."

Wu Sangui was a little confused, did Su Tiancheng ask everyone to go out to farm?

"My lord, the end will be dull."

Wu Sangui is honest, in front of Su Tiancheng, he feels ashamed of himself, he is the second place in the palace examination, he founded the Jiangning camp, he has both civil and military skills, and he has reached the extreme.

"Hehe, think about it, how the common people can live and work in peace and contentment is only possible when they are not harmed. For example, if the common people are farming outside Shanhaiguan, does he want to think that if the later Jin Tartars come Not only is there no food, but people have also been looted. Under such circumstances, how can we live and work in peace and contentment? The goal we need to achieve is that the common people can farm and live with peace of mind. The most important thing is that there is a Ming army that can protect them and kill all the post-gold tartars who dare to invade."

Wu Sangui's face turned red.

"The last general understands that this is all because of the last general's incompetence, not being able to protect the people."

"I can't say that there is no responsibility, but you don't have much responsibility. Now, this is my responsibility. If I can't do this, I, the governor of Ji Liao, will be unqualified. I will always guard the city. If I don't dare to fight with the Houjin Tartars, I'm not a shrinking turtle."

Wu Sangui's face turned even redder, and he felt a little uncomfortable all over.

Su Tiancheng secretly laughed, what he wanted was this kind of effect, this Wu Sangui had deep thoughts and lofty aspirations, otherwise in history, he wouldn't have rebelled twice and finally proclaimed himself emperor. , Some ideas are not allowed, and there is no need to show off small credits.

"Okay, brother Wu, don't think so much, think about everything on yourself, I don't dare to say anything in the future, by the way, your father went to the capital last time, and now he must be back, no I know how your body is, I will take a look at it some time, you and I are like brothers, and your father is also my elder."

"Don't dare. My father was very grateful for your hospitality after he came back last time. I still can't forget it to this day. My lord is busy with military affairs, so my father didn't dare to disturb you."

"Hehe, no matter how busy you are, you have to go and have a look. I think now is the right time. Let's go and have a look together, otherwise we will be busy tomorrow or the day after."

Wu Sangui regained his composure and hurriedly led the way.

The place where Wu Xiang lives is actually next to the General Military Mansion. Wu Xiang used to live in the General Military Mansion, but was dismissed later, so it is not easy to continue to live in the General Military Mansion.

Seeing Su Tiancheng coming, Wu Xiang rushed out to greet him, walked outside the gate of the mansion, and saluted Su Tiancheng with cupped fists.

There are still many family members in Shanhaiguan, and there are many people who saw this scene.

Zu Dashou, who followed Su Tiancheng, also admired him very much. He did not expect that Su Tiancheng could honor the corporals. Wu Sangui was just the general soldier of Shanhaiguan.

In the evening, Su Tiancheng and his party all rested.

Wu Xiang spoke to Wu Sangui with a serious face.

"Uncle, I can see that Mr. Su is really not easy. Just now Zu Dashou said that Mr. Su rushed here from Jinzhou in one day, which is nearly four hundred miles away. There are several civil servants who can bear it. Jiang Ning Although the battalion was not stationed in Shanhaiguan, according to the news from Jinzhou and Ningyuan, since the Jiangning battalion entered, the Tartars did not dare to come and harass them. Huang Taiji of Houjin personally ordered that no attack be allowed. Let me tell you, Mr. Su’s Whatever you say, you have to listen to it. Don't look at Mr. Su's gentleness. He is really determined to do things. I am afraid that he is better than anyone else. Sometimes, the emperor may be difficult to protect. There are tens of thousands of rogues, all of whom are killed. The Jiangning battalion was killed, and Liaodong will subside in a few years. You follow Mr. Su and work hard, make more contributions, and don't worry about the future." (To be continued...)

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