Ming politicians

Chapter 631 Important Meetings

(Thanks to the hungry mountain lion for voting for the precious monthly ticket, and thanks to john01b for the reward, thank you.)

This was a very large-scale meeting, which caught Zu Dashou, Wu Sangui and others by surprise.

Ordinarily, such a meeting should be held in the Jiliao Governor's Mansion, including the general officers stationed in Datong, Yulin, Ningxia, Dengzhou, Laizhou and other places, all of whom will rush to Ningyuan City, but such an important meeting , but held in Shanhaiguan.

The people who participated in the meeting were all above the third rank, and each of them was a well-known figure with unusual experience. Of course, Su Tiancheng, the supervisor of Ji Liao, presided over the meeting.

What is even more surprising is that the imperial court sent Minister of War Yang Sichang to attend the meeting.

That's what got people's attention.Such a situation can only show that Su Tiancheng's decision to convene this meeting and the decision he was going to make have been reported to the emperor and obtained the emperor's permission.

The meeting was held at the General Military Mansion in Shanhaiguan City, and more than [-] people attended the meeting.

These people, the sergeants under their command, are close to 60, accounting for a quarter of the total military strength of the Ming Dynasty. Of course, this refers to the statistics of the Ministry of War. The army that can really be useful, or the army with a certain combat effectiveness, will never exceed one million, but the Guanning Jin defense line and the strength of Datong, Yulin, Ningxia, Dengzhou, Laizhou and others are really 60. about.

Therefore, this meeting will definitely attract the attention of the imperial court.

On the 12th of the first month of the 25th year of Chongzhen.

Shanhaiguan City was heavily guarded, and there were many sergeants stationed outside the city. The requirements of the meeting were very strict and must be kept secret. If someone leaked the news.The punishment received is not just as simple as being dismissed from office.

The military officers from all over the country have already arrived at Shanhaiguan.

As the host, Wu Sangui is very busy, arranging board and lodging for several days in a row.Although Su Tiancheng's requirements were not high, everyone always had to have enough to eat. Besides, the military officers attending the meeting were all senior members of one party. If there was a problem with the reception, it would be too cost-effective.

At Chen Shi, Su Tiancheng, Yang Sichang, Hong Chengchou, Qin Sande, Xu Eryi and others entered the meeting room.

All the military officers who participated in the meeting had already arrived in the meeting room.Wait here again.

The layout of the meeting room is a bit strange, there is no special rostrum, and it is not in the form of a round table. In the middle of the meeting room, there is a huge sand table, and several maps are hung on the front wall.What is marked is the situation in the entire Liaodong, including Lushun, Liaoyang Mansion, Shenyang and other places occupied by Hou Jin.They are all on the map. These places were formerly ruled by the Ming Dynasty.

There is a lot of space around the sand table, and the side where the map is hung on the wall is also free.

The placement of the chairs.They lean around the sand table, and on each chair, there is a note with a person's name written on it.

After Su Tiancheng and others came in, everyone stood up.

Su Tiancheng asked Yang Sichang to go ahead.After all, Yang Sichang represented the emperor and the imperial court, Yang Sichang did not agree, and walked into the meeting room with Su Tiancheng side by side.

"My colleagues, it is very important to convene this meeting today. The emperor specially sent Mr. Yang to guide you. You are all familiar with Mr. Yang. I will not introduce more. The rest of the officials, everyone knows each other. No need to introduce, Lord Yang's participation in this meeting is enough to show that the emperor attaches great importance to it."

"This meeting mainly discusses what to do in Liaodong, Datong, Ningxia, Dengzhou, Laizhou, Tianjin and other places this year, and what must be done well. I thought for a long time, and took out a memorial. Please ask the emperor to agree to convene this meeting, before the meeting, I have a request and put it forward again."

"Everything discussed in today's meeting is classified as top secret and must not be leaked out. You must not tell your parents, and you must not tell your wives and children. If the matters discussed at today's meeting are leaked out, the Governor's Office will definitely investigate to the end. This official puts villains first and then gentlemen, and clearly tells everyone that if the news is leaked, they will be charged with treason."

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, the room was very quiet, and no one spoke.

When entering the meeting room, everyone knew that it was unusual. There were three floors inside and three floors outside, and the guards were extremely tight. When entering the meeting room, no weapons were allowed, let alone paper, pens, inkstones.

"Master Yang, please say a few words first."

Yang Sichang nodded and stood up.

"Your majesty asked me to say a few words. You all know that the majesty has entrusted Mr. Su with the responsibility of taking full responsibility for the affairs of Ji and Liao. It has been determined by Master Su, if someone dares to violate it, Master Su can make a decision by Linji, kill first and play later."

"Master Su is wise and wise. I don't want to say more. You are all clear about the illustrious military exploits established by the Jiangning Battalion. There is no need to repeat them. Now, Liaodong has become the biggest worry for my Ming Dynasty. The later gold is always coveted. The court is not peaceful. This situation has lasted for more than 20 years and cannot continue.”

"Master Su's appointment as the governor of Jiliao is to completely solve many problems existing in Liaodong and the border. You must obey the command and act in unison. If someone violates the law and is punished, don't say I didn't say hello in advance. Now Liaodong and All matters at the border are subject to Master Su's decision-making, and the Ministry of War is not allowed to interfere without authorization. Therefore, I believe that if you have any problems with each other in the past, you have to expose them. From now on, you must unite as one and obey the overall situation... "

After Yang Sichang finished speaking, Su Tiancheng stood up again without being polite, and asked Xu Eryi to start analyzing the current situation on behalf of the Governor's Office.

The analysis of the situation this time is different from the past. Xu Eryi first analyzed the situation in Liaodong and the border, and clearly pointed out that, except for the situation in Ningxia and Yulin, it is still satisfactory. The situation is not very good. Of course, there are special reasons for the current situation, but military officers at all levels have unshirkable responsibilities. The officers are afraid of field battles with the Houjin Tartars, and the sergeants are even more afraid. , living in dire straits, many people were looted to Houjin, their relatives were separated and tortured.

This situation must change. The Governor's Mansion does not require an immediate change, but within three years, there must be a fundamental change. Otherwise, officials above the garrison commander and above will be directly held accountable.

Defending the home and the country is the primary duty of the military. No matter how powerful the opponent is, you must first have self-confidence.

Xu Eryi's speech lasted for an hour, during which he pointed to the sand table or the map and made a lot of specific analysis. Instead of sitting in place, everyone gathered around the sand table, or looked up at the map, nodding frequently .

Xu Eryi's speech was actually assigning a task, but this task is too arduous. If it can be done well in three years, it will be very good.Think about it, the situation accumulated over the past 20 years, if you want to solve it in three years, it is definitely not as simple as talking about it, it will take too much effort.

The next thing made everyone feel the real severity.

On behalf of the Governor's Office, Hong Chengchou proposed a request for a detailed investigation of the number of sergeants. All the troops under the jurisdiction of the Jiliao Governor's Office should re-report the number of sergeants within one month, which is an accurate number. Today's about 60 sergeants It's not very accurate, and no one can guarantee it. After one month, the Governor's Office will immediately verify the number after getting the accurate number. Wherever there is a false report of the number of sergeants, no matter what the reason is, the commander-in-chief will be dismissed on the spot, and then hold accountable.

Hong Chengchou unceremoniously pointed out that since he is a soldier at the border, first of all he must put an end to many incidents, so that he can bring out good soldiers. The soldiers below all look at the officers. If the officers enjoy the privileges, If you do some disgraceful things, don't expect the sergeant to fight with your life. Of course, if someone thinks that this is unbearable, they can immediately apply for transfer from the border. If you apply for an application, you must do things according to the requirements of the Governor's Office.

Su Tiancheng made the last speech.

His speech focused on one aspect, which is the issue of obedience. Military orders are overwhelming. In a place like the border, if you say that you are fighting independently and cannot cooperate effectively, you will end up in a mess. The opponent is the Golden Banners Army. Doubtful, bluntly speaking, there is a big gap between Da Ming's army, whether it is in terms of tactics or personal ability. Under the current situation, to make up for this gap lies in mutual cooperation. Once a certain There is a danger in the place, and everyone has to help.

After walking to the front of the sand table, Su Tiancheng put forward specific requirements one by one.

Taking the two points of Ningxia and Jinzhou as the yardstick, if the reinforcements from Ningxia want to rush to Jinzhou, they must arrive in four days. The time limit is one day. Of course, this kind of transfer must be an order issued by the Governor's Office.

Su Tiancheng also mentioned the issue of military pay, which is the most concerned issue for everyone. The past supervisors, governors, Liaodong economic strategy, and Liaodong governor have not been able to solve it well. Su Tiancheng promises that according to the current requirements for military pay, After the total number of sergeants is determined, the payment is in place, and the horses are required to run well and eat good grass.

Of course, Su Tiancheng also left a trail, that is, the adjustment of military pay is still under the control of the Governor's Office. As for how to adjust, the Governor's Office will have corresponding explanations and plans.

During the meeting, everyone was very quiet. In fact, this was a heart-warming meeting, or a meeting where Su Tiancheng put forward requirements and standardized behavior after he took office. There are still some aspects that he has not brought up for the time being, such as Issues such as military-civilian relations, these things are not appropriate to raise at present, and they will not be able to be done below. It is better not to mention them for the time being, and to wait until the military is disbanded, and then make a request. (to be continued..)

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